S-FM 319: ILLUMINΔTI (Ladder) 9p

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    Cool S-FM 319: ILLUMINΔTI (Ladder) 9p

    ILLUMINΔTI (Ladder)
    Created by: MattZeD
    For 9 players

    Link to setup

    RP: This was once a quiet little town. One day, the local mafia decided that it was time to seize control. Or did they? One of you suspects something far more sinister is afoot. It is up to you and your fellow townsfolk to find and eliminate the true threat.
    I have the Setup RNGed and Rerolled.
    2/8 A - 1/8 B - 1/8 C - 2/8 D - 1/8 E - 1/8 F
    If Setups C-E-F The Hidden Illuminati will be 1/4 Citizen - 1/4 Doctor - 1/4 Sheriff - 1/4 Escort
    If setups A-B-D-E-F Hidden Town Will have Max of up to 4 Cits. C Max of 3 Cits. A-F will have Max 1 Sheriff Max 2 Doctors, Escorts, Vigilante Each. The ratio of Cits to be rolled in is 75% Meaning The list will have 3 Vigilante, 3 Escorts, 3 Doctors, 3 Sheriffs, 36 Cits. The top 3 or 4 or 5 depending on setup will be in the setup. I will use the First RNG unless any of the above does not apply then and only then will I random again. I know this info is not required. I am providing this info because before RNG I requested the Help from MattZed on Balancing his setup. By giving you this info MattZed will not have any extra info you all do not have access to if you read this.
    Host Reserves this Color Cyan

    Possible Setups:
    Setup A Setup B Setup C Setup D Setup E Setup F
    Godfather Godfather (Illuminati) Godfather Godfather Godfather (Illuminati) Godfather
    Consigliere Consigliere Consigliere (Illuminati) Consigliere Consigliere Consigliere (Illuminati)
    Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist Conspiracy Theorist
    Mason Mason (Illuminati) Hidden Illuminati Mayor Mayor (Illuminati) Mayor (Illuminati)
    Mason Mason (Illuminati) Mason (Illuminati) Hidden Town Hidden Illuminati Hidden Illuminati
    Hidden Town Hidden Town Mason Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town
    Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town
    Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town
    Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town Hidden Town
    The Hidden Town cannot be Masons or Mayor.
    The Hidden Illuminati can be one of Citizen, Sheriff, Doctor, or Escort.

    1. Dark Magician
    2. MattZed
    3. Frinckles
    4. yzb25
    5. Martin GG99
    6. Auwt
    7. Marshmallow Marshall
    8. Renegade
    9. Mesk 514

    1. Stealthbomber16
    2. Bakermir
    3. Oberon
    4. Helz

    Obs will not be listed here and will not get an invite until all slots are filled. Game will start After Simple Basic Redemption is Over.
    Last edited by Mike; December 17th, 2020 at 07:13 AM.
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