Anyone else have anxiety issues

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  1. ISO #1

    Anyone else have anxiety issues

    For me its really bad. I worry constantly about what people think of me and sometimes I just release all that anger that gets bottled up and go ‘nope, I’m not giving another fuck again’. The weird thing is sometimes I dont feel anxious. Idk. Maybe its like a cyclical thing or hormonal.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    I had something similar. Still have, but I learned how to take it under control.

    At fault is, entirely, your Amygdala. (Quick example study)

    What is Amygdala?
    Your brain is always in either "rest and digest" or "fight or flight" mode. Amygdala is, among other things, the one putting us in "fight or flight".
    What's funny is that the more active Amygdala becomes, the less active the Neo Cortex (the thinking/rational part) becomes. They can't work both equally hard at the same time.

    As far as science is concerned, the activity of the Amygdala is directly linked to breathing (and perhaps focus to some extent).
    From what I heard, some (regular people) sources say Nasal breathing prevents it while other (doctor) says slow breathing is the key.
    Idk, but searching for it now seems the regular person was correct?

    Either way, what worked for me was really slowing down my breathing (through the nose) while also taking just slightly longer inhales through stomach breathing and while exhaling letting out that stress and anxiety.

    Google Amygdala Hijack for more info perhaps.

    Now my brain at least doesn't torture me for endless hours at a time and I can live my life just a little bit, and I'm thankful for that.

    Btw, wim hof breathing (if breath hold is long enough) does make a hormonal reset in the brain. Very chill feeling afterwards.

    Also, in few hours I will take my first ice swim for the sheer purpose of keeping my breathing calm throughout stress. (What's funny about cold exposure is that you yourself want more and more. One day you're enjoying a nice naked walk in the forest, but soon you're willingly jumping in a lake in winter)
    Last edited by OzyWho; December 16th, 2020 at 10:20 PM.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    I think everyone is anxious to some extent, it's just that some people pretend not to be because "it doesn't look good". As long as it doesn't plague your life, I'd say it just means you're an human being? It happens to me too, but I just talk myself out of it most of the time.

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Also, in few hours I will take my first ice swim for the sheer purpose of keeping my breathing calm throughout stress. (What's funny about cold exposure is that you yourself want more and more. One day you're enjoying a nice naked walk in the forest, but soon you're willingly jumping in a lake in winter)
    That's taking "keeping your head cold" to a next level...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    That's taking "keeping your head cold" to a next level...
    Tbh, after you do some cold exposure - your body has cravings for more. Similarly to how your legs would crave standing up if you were sitting for an excess amount of hours. Except it's your skin that craves for some cold. (at least for me)

    Spoiler : In my todays case though, the fucking lake had invisible ice. :( :

    Drive to the sea I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Anxiety is healthy. We even teach etch-other to be anxious. Think back when you were a kid and your parents/teachers had to keep telling you to look both ways before you cross the road so you don't get turned into road kill by a 2000 pound chunk of metal. Its also hard wired into our brain. It just takes one time touching a hot stove and getting burned and for the rest of your life you will have some level of anxiety when your hands are close to a hot stove that keeps you aware of the danger.

    This is engaged by something in our brain called the Limbic system. One of the issues is that its said to be a 'perfect memory.' So if you were called to the front of your class as a kid and socially embarrassed, although it doesn't really matter we process information relatively and in your short existence that could have been the worst social experience you have ever had so you could have 'anxiety issues' with public speaking for the rest of your life. In PTSD one of the big issues is that if you were driving down a road in Iraq and a pile of trash on the side of the road turned out to be a bomb and blew you up for the rest of your life your anxiety will be hard triggered by driving down a road and seeing a pile of trash, even though its insane to assume that driving down the highway to work in America there is a bomb on the road.

    I think the underlying issue is how we look at and address these problems as a society. In PTSD the prominent treatment right now is called 'prolonged exposure therapy' which basically boils down to incrementally exposing yourself to shit that triggers your anxiety to teach your brain its not a threat. This is even kind of reflected in education structure with just about every formal degree requiring some form of speech class. By forcing yourself into uncomfortable situations you can teach your mind that your past experiences are not a real threat to you now.

    But in our society were going the other way. We are treating it like its a disorder to be medicated and people should change their behavior around that person so as to not trigger their anxiety. Instead of being exposed to the things that make us uncomfortable so that we can grow as people to deal with anxiety we are allowing that discomfort to rule our lives. People displace feelings of discomfort into emotions like anger because they are more comfortable dealing with those emotions and it provides an illusion of control.

    I figure if you have anxiety be grateful. Its how your mind forces that insane thing that is your consciousness to act in your bodies self preservation interest. Even though its not comfortable its something that keeps us alive and something that we can grow past if we are willing to deal with discomfort instead of running away from it.
    Last edited by Helz; December 17th, 2020 at 03:49 AM.
    Intellectual growth comes from discussions, not arguments. If you are unwilling to change your position and hear the other persons side you are closed minded and wasting your time.
    If you can not clearly explain what the other sides reasoning is you can not disagree with their position because you do not understand it.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    I also do, but I also don't know the extent to which my anxiety is something greater than the norm because as MM said ppl are incentivized to hide it. Over time, you'll find methods for restraining your anxiety like writing your feelings down, controlling your breathing etc.

    The other ppl thing is something that seems to improve with age, I find. But what Helz said is right. Exposure is key. Literally go and talk to random ppl. Just go and sit with random ppl at uni in the cafeteria or the library or wherever and start up forced, awkward conversation. Male and female (you're not trying to get laid :P). Sometimes it'll go okay, sometimes you'll be cringing for hours afterwards and cry yourself to sleep, but if you keep doing it... well I'm not going to pretend you'll get good at it but you'll reach some state of nirvana w.r.t. your own awkward cringe. And you'll meet some interesting characters. Keep in mind other ppl usually don't give that much of a shit as long as you make a genuine effort not to be an ass and don't like, get pushy with keeping them around. Sometimes, they will also be socially awkward and do everything they can to escape the situation, which will lead to the worst / most based of all your social interactions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Blinkstorteddd02 View Post
    naz, he's claiming to have been at your house last night and infected you. I know u were drunk but PLEASE try as hard as you can to remember... That burning you felt the next morning when you went pee was from me, not him.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    I just realized that the discussion is about the sort of anxiety that prohibits you from doing stuff. The sort of anxiety you get before putting yourself in a stressful situation.

    It took me a while to realize that because it's been some time since I last felt it.
    Which is where most people end up eventually? Yes / No ?
    I mean, people can't push themselves out of their bubble forever and eventually they will end up in a place when there's nothing of interest outside of it. Can't imagine a 60-70 year old being interested in trying out much new things, unless it's perhaps some BDSM stuff.
    My previous post was about getting yourself out of that "fight or flight" mode during or after the stressful situation.

    For me, the sort of anxiety that this discussion is about is incredibly relevant when attempting to go into a cold shower or ice bath. You wouldn't even believe how much more magnified the effect of the cold becomes by fear. Huge difference. Difference between thinking "that was nothing / I enjoyed that" and "that was the worst physical pain I've ever felt" afterwards. (btw, I can guarantee you won't get into an ice bath if you're afraid of it)
    I can only imagine that is true in all aspects of life. Like if you're anxious about going to a party or a club - don't bother going because you're already in the wrong frame of mind to enjoy yourself.
    Last edited by OzyWho; December 17th, 2020 at 10:31 PM.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I just realized that the discussion is about the sort of anxiety that prohibits you from doing stuff. The sort of anxiety you get before putting yourself in a stressful situation.

    It took me a while to realize that because it's been some time since I last felt it.
    Which is where most people end up eventually? Yes / No ?
    I mean, people can't push themselves out of their bubble forever and eventually they will end up in a place when there's nothing of interest outside of it. Can't imagine a 60-70 year old being interested in trying out much new things, unless it's perhaps some BDSM stuff.
    My previous post was about getting yourself out of that "fight or flight" mode during or after the stressful situation.

    For me, the sort of anxiety that this discussion is about is incredibly relevant when attempting to go into a cold shower or ice bath. You wouldn't even believe how much more magnified the effect of the cold becomes by fear. Huge difference. Difference between thinking "that was nothing / I enjoyed that" and "that was the worst physical pain I've ever felt" afterwards. (btw, I can guarantee you won't get into an ice bath if you're afraid of it)
    I can only imagine that is true in all aspects of life. Like if you're anxious about going to a party or a club - don't bother going because you're already in the wrong frame of mind to enjoy yourself.
    Knowledge is an endless quest that starts at the very moment you are interested in it and that never stops (unless you brain dies or something...) It's pretty unlikely you'll get bored or that you won't find new things even when you're 60-70 unless you're either really dumb or have embraced the entirety of possible knowledge, which hasn't happened yet as far as I'm aware.

    And I think most of the time, such anxiety is caused by something you have to do, not like going to a party or a club.
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; December 17th, 2020 at 10:43 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    One thing I discovered pretty late is how big of a deal hydration is. Some may scoff at this but I will say if you’re not drinking at least 64oz of water a day, then dehydration might be a big part of the like, slumps where you’re feeling down and don’t want to do anything but not sure why. Anyway I’ve learned if I start to feel that way to force myself to go glug some water and it hasn’t failed me yet.
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    One thing I discovered pretty late is how big of a deal hydration is. Some may scoff at this but I will say if you’re not drinking at least 64oz of water a day, then dehydration might be a big part of the like, slumps where you’re feeling down and don’t want to do anything but not sure why. Anyway I’ve learned if I start to feel that way to force myself to go glug some water and it hasn’t failed me yet.
    A quick Google confirms this:

    Being dehydrated throws off the delicate dopamine and serotonin balances in the brain, natural chemicals that can increase/affect depression and anxiety. One of the fastest and easiest ways to improve your mood is by drinking a glass (or two!) of water. Getting hydrated can quite literally calm your nerves.

    This is actually pretty cool, thank you for the info.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    I probably used to be an anxious person, but not so much lately. I've got good tips and tricks if you want to PM me. It's about internalizing rational thoughts and coming to the realization that your anxieties aren't an innate part of your consciousness and rather a part of your learned behaviours and mental filters that you can train yourself to ignore.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    I ran into an article talking about what I talked in my first post, and I thought it worth sharing:

    But instead of saying "Amygdala", "rest and digest" and "fight or flight" - they say "Body", "Calming Response" and "Emergency Response".
    Instead of saying "Stomach Breathing" they say "Abdominal Breathing".

    Side note:
    Breathing is fun. I love me some pranayama breathing sessions.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I ran into an article talking about what I talked in my first post, and I thought it worth sharing:

    But instead of saying "Amygdala", "rest and digest" and "fight or flight" - they say "Body", "Calming Response" and "Emergency Response".
    Instead of saying "Stomach Breathing" they say "Abdominal Breathing".

    Side note:
    Breathing is fun. I love me some pranayama breathing sessions.
    latvia is a poor country that nobody cares about. almost as bad as Romania

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    One thing I discovered pretty late is how big of a deal hydration is. Some may scoff at this but I will say if you’re not drinking at least 64oz of water a day, then dehydration might be a big part of the like, slumps where you’re feeling down and don’t want to do anything but not sure why. Anyway I’ve learned if I start to feel that way to force myself to go glug some water and it hasn’t failed me yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    A quick Google confirms this:

    This is actually pretty cool, thank you for the info.
    This is extremely dumb, but because some random people on Sc2 Mafia talked about it, I actually drank some water when I happened not to want to do something for no particular reason other than "laziness", and even though I had little faith in it, IT WORKED XD

    Thanks a lot for giving this info I haven't even taken the time to verify in any way other than, uh, experimental science!
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by melanmack View Post
    It's such a pain. I understand you perfectly. I had exactly the same situation. Everything will get better, I assure you, the main thing is not to worry more than necessary. Because otherwise you will only make it worse!
    alright over under on how long it takes for him to add the advertising link to this message?
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Bro, I recommend reading books like "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" by Mark Manson to help with anxiety issues. Also, hugs help with the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin like this photo I have of the admins hugging IRL.

    tl;dr: most people only care about themselves. They don't think of you unless you've either accomplished something amazing or you fucked up really badly.

    What I can help you is a way to passively generate up to $5000 per month at home and to be your own boss with flexible hours. But you'll have to attend a session in your region and use my referral code for a 10% signup bonus. Are you interested?
    Last edited by HentaiManOfPeace; July 12th, 2021 at 07:36 PM.

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    alright over under on how long it takes for him to add the advertising link to this message?
    I understand you perfectly. I had anxiety too. That's is, until I won millions of dollars on this gambling site! Now I'm too rich to have anxiety! Because that's how that works!1
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    I dunno I feel like if you *actually* wanted to do something else then you’d just do it. Like I think there’s just a disconnect between what you really want to do and what you tell yourself you want to do
    In a sense I disagree with the 1st sentence because, imho, we're not always aware of what you said in the 2nd sentence.

    In my personal recent experience, what I'm interested in or want / what triggers me or angers me / what doesn't - it all changed noticably, what feels like more towards 'authentic to myself' direction, - after I meditated daily for some time.

    I wanna believe that Ceko's appearant change has happened due to my suggestion to him/her.
    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I hope you don't mind if I mention an overused corny cliche here, but what you're describing is kinda one of the things that meditation is good for. Though technically it's not meditation if you do it for any other reason than meditation itself.
    Quote Originally Posted by theoneceko View Post
    i was just getting depressed again, and this was the comment i needed. thank you. i hope it makes me feel better.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    I dunno I feel like if you *actually* wanted to do something else then you’d just do it. Like I think there’s just a disconnect between what you really want to do and what you tell yourself you want to do
    Good point, but I doubt all someone wants to do is play video games all day, especially if they feel really shit about it. And I don't think society is the one telling them they shouldn't be doing that.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    I understand you perfectly. I had anxiety too. That's is, until I won millions of dollars on this gambling site! Now I'm too rich to have anxiety! Because that's how that works!1
    Before saying anything serious, I just want to point out that this is art


    Aamirus is both right and wrong. Sometimes video games are an excuse for procrastination, and you'd find another if you weren't playing video games and weren't slapping yourself in the face to do whatever you should do. But in some circumstances, circumstances that are probably worth identifying as "dependence" when it's really not procrastination or indirect "maybe I'd do this someday but rn I wanna play" that doesn't actually kill one's plans, it's an issue.

    I think the best way to see it is: is it fun and does it make your life fun? If the answer is yes, then go ahead, it's good for you! If the answer is no...
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; July 15th, 2021 at 03:26 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Hello everyone!! Join us at the YOLO mentality club. Having an anxiety-free life is amazing. Failures are considered as an adventure and experience as you progress your way thru life..

    Treat it like an MMORPG or Sims 4. It's fun!! Don't get me wrong though, I'm not a hippie.
    What I got for my 18th Birthday

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by melanmack View Post
    It's such a pain. I understand you perfectly. I had exactly the same situation. Everything will get better, I assure you, the main thing is not to worry more than necessary. Because otherwise you will only make it worse!
    Hey you forgot to put the link
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    Hey you forgot to put the link
    took at least 4 days (with your reminder)
    Last edited by Apocist; July 24th, 2021 at 12:18 PM.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    Lol it finally happened
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Anyone else have anxiety issues

    It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you There's nothing 🚫 that a hundred men or more could ever do I 👁️ bless 🙏 the rains 🌧️ down ⬇️ in Africa 🌍 I 👁️ bless 🙏 the rains ☂️ down ⬇️ in Africa 🌍 (I 👁️ bless 🙏 the rain 🌧️) I 👁️ bless 🙏 the rains ☔down ⬇️ in Africa 🌍 (I 👁️ bless 🙏 the rain 🌧️)



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