Hello everyone!
I am the co-founder of BlankMediaGames and I am pleased to announce the creation of our stand alone Mafia video game called Town of Salem. It is currently in alpha testing and we are getting ready to launch our kickstarter. Dark Revenant wants to make sure the discussion of this game stays within this thread.
Before everyone starts asking questions that were answered in our thread of 6 months ago, go check it out: https://www.sc2mafia.com/forum/showth...em-Kickstarter
Here is our tech demo video (ignore kickstarter instructions): https://goo.gl/9WQV8Y
Follow us on facebook: https://goo.gl/TUIbbM
and on twitter: https://twitter.com/TownOfSalemGame
Stay up to date and get news on the games kickstarter progress. Feel free to post any questions in this thread and I will answer them.
Thanks everyone and have fun playing Mafia!