M-FM XXVI The Frozen Throne Gamethread

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM XXVI The Frozen Throne Gamethread

    The Frozen Throne

    The Scourge Army
    The Lich King (Ner’Zhul)

    Illidan's Legion
    Illidan Stormrage
    Prince Kael’Thas
    Lady Vashj

    Defenders of Lordaeron
    Lady Jaina Proudmoore
    Malfurion Stormrage
    Uther the Lightbringer
    Muradin Bronzebeard
    Shandris Feathermoon
    Lady Sylvanas Windrunner
    Tyrande Whisperwind
    Little Timmy

    1 M-FM Silvermoon
    2 M-FM Quel’thalas
    3 M-FM Lordaeron
    4 M-FM Hearthglen
    5 M-FM Stratholme
    6 M-FM Dalaran
    7 M-FM Northrend
    8 M-FM Plaguelands
    9 M-FM Andorhal
    10 M-FM Frostmourne
    11 M-FM Anasterian Sunstrider
    12 M-FM Invincible
    13 M-FM King Magni Bronzebeard
    14 M-FM Kil’jaeden
    15 M-FM Archimonde
    16 M-FM Mal’ganis
    17 M-FM Princess Calia Menethil
    18 M-FM Tichondrius
    19 M-FM Captain Luc Valonforth
    20 M-FM Sheep

    1 M-FM Silvermoon- Footman
    15 M-FM Archimonde- Beguiler
    8M-FM Plaguelands - Footman
    17M-FM Princess Calia Menethil- Detective
    12 M-FM Invincible- Enforcer
    10 M-FM Frostmourne- Architect
    14 M-FM Kil’jaeden- Footman
    13 M-FM King Magni Bronzebeard- Footman
    11 M-FM Anasterian Sunstrider- Escort
    18 M-FM Tichondrius- Blacksmith

    Day End

    11 votes to hammer.

    Ask Questions in Green
    Receive Answers in Red
    Avatars must be chosen day 1. After that no switching them.
    Invisible Mode isn't mandatory.
    Day 1 is 24 hours.
    Also if a majority want nights to be longer than 24 hrs to 48 I will change them, but atm they are 24 hr nights. PM me if you want them longer. N1 will be 48 hrs.
    Good Luck and Have Fun
    Last edited by King Terenas Menethil; April 28th, 2015 at 05:37 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Mal'ganis View Post
    I think the host included roles that match the setup.

    Can we play fight? I call the pillow.
    You can have it since you'll be biting down on it..

    I don't care if you want to talk about possible roles, that's all fine and dandy but I don't want to see shit like "everyone post your complete role list of what you think is a possible setup and why". Shit makes me mad because it's useless. We will probably have more information to use on D2 to complete a possible role list anyway but you can only assume how many citizens there are in the game which is why it's overall pretty stupid in my eyes and less than useful.

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Plaguelands View Post
    I don't care if you want to talk about possible roles, that's all fine and dandy but I don't want to see shit like "everyone post your complete role list of what you think is a possible setup and why". Shit makes me mad because it's useless. We will probably have more information to use on D2 to complete a possible role list anyway but you can only assume how many citizens there are in the game which is why it's overall pretty stupid in my eyes and less than useful.
    -vote M-FM Plaguelands

    I found the wolf guys. Gg

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Plaguelands View Post
    You can have it since you'll be biting down on it..

    I don't care if you want to talk about possible roles, that's all fine and dandy but I don't want to see shit like "everyone post your complete role list of what you think is a possible setup and why". Shit makes me mad because it's useless. We will probably have more information to use on D2 to complete a possible role list anyway but you can only assume how many citizens there are in the game which is why it's overall pretty stupid in my eyes and less than useful.

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    Quote Originally Posted by Banshis View Post
    General Mechanics + Rules
    Lynch is set at 51% of Town.

    Spoiler : Role Cards :
    Spoiler : Town :
    Architect- Target 2 people during the day to bring into a night chat anonymously together. You get 1 post in the night chat, sent in during the day, and you have permissions to read the night chat.

    Armorsmith- Armor a player with a manual use bullet proof vest at night.
    They may use this bulletproof vest in addition to their night actions.
    You may not give a bulletproof vest to yourself.
    Bulletproof vests protect from an infinite amount of basic night kills.

    Blacksmith- Arm a player with a 1-use gun at night.
    They must sacrifice their night action to use the gun at night.
    Cannot give yourself a gun.

    Bodyguard- Guard a player at night. Should they be attacked you will protect them. You will take the attack for them, and deal the damage back to the attacker. You cannot be healed to prevent death from a successful guard.
    You may not guard yourself.

    Bus Driver- Swap 2 players at night. Those that visit one will effect the other.
    Should your swapping cause a killing role to attempt to kill itself it's attack will pierce invulnerability. You may swap yourself.

    Footman- No night action. Your Last Will will be public upon your death.

    Coroner- Autopsy a dead player at night.
    You will learn their Role, Death Description, Night Targets, and Last Will.

    Detective- Track a player at night. You will learn the player that they visited.
    Your Track will bypass invisibility.

    Doctor- Heal a player at night. This player can survive an additional attack at night.
    You can not heal yourself. Doctor can prevent conversions to mafia/cult.

    Enchantress- Lure a player at night. They will be forced to target you for that night.
    Repel a second player. Should the second player visit you they will visit and effect the player you Lured. You can not Lure or Repel yourself.

    Escort- Role Block a player at night. This prevents them from using their action unless they are Immune to role blocking.
    Should you role block an immune player you will be notified.
    You can not Role Block yourself.

    Investigator- Inspect a player at night to learn their Investigator Pairing.
    You can not Inspect yourself.

    Jailor- Jail a player during the day.
    You may only Jail following days in which a player was not day killed.
    They are removed from any night chat the following night.
    They are prevented from acting that night, regardless of Immunity to role block.
    They are prevented from taking damage from basic kills.
    You may anonymous interrogate them.
    You may Execute them.
    Executions bypass all Invulnerability.
    Captives are released at the start of the next day.
    You may not Jail yourself.

    Journalist- Interview a player during the day.
    At the start of the following night the player will be notified of the interview and will write an Article for you to anonymously publish the following morning.
    You may not Interview yourself.

    Lookout- Watch a player at night. You will observe all players that visit the Watched player. Your Watch will bypass Invisibility.

    Shaman- Manipulate a dead player to force them to act out their night power once again. You may force dead players to visit yourself. Cannot use killing roles. If role is out of charges shaman bypasses it with one free use after that the shaman can't use them anymore. If they died with 3 charges then shaman can use it 3 times but not consecutively. X3 Charges

    Sheriff- Check a player at night. You will learn the player's alignment. Town/Mafia/Cult

    Spy- Spy on a player at night. You will detect any feedback that player gets.
    You also detect the Orange Mafia night kill.

    Veteran- Alert at night to kill all visitors. The kill doesn’t pierce immunity.

    Vigilante- Shoot someone at night and attempt to kill them.
    You may not shoot yourself. 3x Charges.

    What is considered the town?

    And without some speculation as to how roles will play out or what roles are in the game we are in for a very dull D1. Even if the discussion itself is of little value to the game itself it will still provide some insight to the level of skill a player has, the amount of attention he pays to detail and how he reasons things out. All these things are invaluable tools to players that would hunt for a slip or divine the motive behind a players words.

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    -vote M-FM Dalaran

    I don't like people who are fake. You've faked being new, but anyone actually new here would be referring to mafia and not wolves because that's the common reference here. I could see where someone was going with you being the offsister but even an offsiter would know that a majority of the town to lynch means a majority of the living players. The speech also suggests that he's trying to put forth that he's knowledgeable as the offsiter does. He also attempts to minimize the value of all content given.

    It goes without saying, this is a serious vote.

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Mal'ganis View Post
    -vote M-FM Dalaran

    I don't like people who are fake. You've faked being new, but anyone actually new here would be referring to mafia and not wolves because that's the common reference here. I could see where someone was going with you being the offsister but even an offsiter would know that a majority of the town to lynch means a majority of the living players. The speech also suggests that he's trying to put forth that he's knowledgeable as the offsiter does. He also attempts to minimize the value of all content given.

    It goes without saying, this is a serious vote.
    Because I said 1 word in a post I am a fake person? That is just not a nice thing to say at all. That point half way through where you crossed over from talking to me to advising the town (In white) left too much room for me to make assumptions on what you meant. Could you clarify what you trying to say? And yes; I consider the posts today to be pretty void of content.

    This game I am going to try to focus on tone. The tone of the day chat plays a huge part in how productive we are as a whole. Today we are all friends and on pretty even footing. I believe we can be productive and keep it light at the same time. There is no need to totally skip out on content so we can giggle and troll. Maybe tomorrow we will be calling etch other imbeciles and get hostile but I see no reason to waste a glorious day of chat.

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    We are not all friends. Not even close. There's at least six enemies to me in the game. So don't even try it.

    If you have tone to focus on, then today's posts are not "devoid of content" your words.

    Let's try assuming you are new.

    You are new. You come onto a site, called sc2mafia, and assume wolves rather than mafia are in the setup. Nothing even remotely suggest wolves. This limits the possibility that you're new to very remote at best as someone new would assume mafia. The fact you attempted to reinforce this with a question that even a moderate player of social deduction could figure out. 51% of the town must logically mean 51% of the group. It's not like we automatically eliminate scum votes from the lynch. That would make the game boring and pointless. Such a question is fake.

    So if you want me to move, I'll need to see something genuine from you.

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    Genuine you say?

    Well for starters I really do not care if you move or not. I am reading your FoS as: This player is pretending to be from another site so he is scum. Well that tickles me pink and I doubt anyone would read as much and agree to jump in your train bid.

    I do not think you actually believe I am trying to make myself look like I am from another site. Obviously the question was silly. All I had to do to get that answer was look at the votes to lynch. I find players are more willing to ask questions when its the 'norm' and not an outstanding action. I do not think I have ever played an open game where someone asked some question and I had to stop and say "Man, I didn't even think of that". It helps to have multiple people's thoughts to dig through and those simple discussions often lead to some interactions (Just look at ours)

    I like to give people the benefit of a doubt so I am trying to avoid focusing on the possibility you are just trying to leech some town cred by misrepresenting me. That said I see your posts as more of a reaction fish than anything else. It is poor form to make demands after dodging questions though.

  43. ISO #43

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    I did forget to emphasize the tone also indicated you were impersonating the outsider. My bad.

    What exactly are you claiming I misrepresented? I actually do think you're trying to make yourself look like the offsiter or new. Whatever it is, it is not you, and that is scummy. So if you want to play the game, drop the pretenses.

    As you said, All I had to do to get that answer was look at the votes to lynch?. Then why ask? Games on this site, players have no difficulty asking questions. Also, trying to create a site norm, is also very agenda driven posting, rather than scumhunting posting.

    It does help to have multiple people's thoughts and if I'm completely baseless, they will let me know. Regardless, we are totally out of RVS now so I feel fine taking a shot even if wrong.

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: MFM XXV The Frozen Throne

    Sure Heres a few.

    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Dalaran View Post
    I found the wolf guys. Gg
    How serious I am in this post
    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Mal'ganis View Post
    You've faked being new ... The speech also suggests that he's trying to put forth that he's knowledgeable
    You directly contradict yourself here in the same comment. This suggests you are just trying to come up with reasons to say I am evil and that you do not even believe in what you are writing. Am I pretending to be new or am I pretending to be experienced? Kindly make up your mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Mal'ganis View Post
    He also attempts to minimize the value of all content given.
    This was in response to me explaining the value I saw in talking about the setup. There is no way you can make a logical connection there unless you want to reference posts I had not even made at the time you said this.
    Quote Originally Posted by M-FM Mal'ganis View Post
    We are not all friends. Not even close. There's at least six enemies to me in the game. So don't even try it.
    Insinuating I was talking about alignment (Painful bid for town cred here)

    Even in this latest post you ask questions that I literally just answered. Prior to our conversation I did poke a player which I also wrote in the last post. Please take a moment and read my last post. This is starting to look like you do not care what it is I am saying. That your questions are just to give the impression to others that you are attempting to find scum.

    You seem to be trying hard to grasp at straws. Why are you so desperate to make me look scummy? I would be very interested in hearing you explain yourself.

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50



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