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Vote History

Voter Type Target Post#WithinDay Day# VoteCount
clementine voted for RLVG 43 1 placeholder
Titus voted for RLVG 51 1 placeholder
creedkingsx voted for RLVG 85 1 placeholder
Dagaen voted for RLVG 88 1 placeholder
Dagaen unvoted 92 1 placeholder
Dagaen voted for Poriomania 96 1 placeholder
Titus voted for creedkingsx 112 1 placeholder
NoctiZ voted for creedkingsx 113 1 placeholder
Dagaen voted for Poriomania 145 1 placeholder
Titus voted for unvote 160 1 placeholder
clementine voted for poriomania 184 1 placeholder
Titus voted for Poriomania 188 1 placeholder
Poriomania voted for Poriomania 197 1 placeholder
NoctiZ voted for Poriomania 205 1 placeholder
Poriomania voted for clementine 212 1 placeholder
Dagaen voted for Clementine 213 1 placeholder
Titus voted for Clementine 214 1 placeholder
clementine voted for Titus 217 1 placeholder