
If you happen to be awake before EoD, I would appreciate any sort of response to this post.

Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
I can't see MM's mentality in context of his game history as anything but wolfy. Bruh is just oozing with negativity.
His thoughts on Ren felt possible, but even that felt tonally more shade throwy than solvy. (#19)
And that appeal of comparing my play to a different player in a different game where they shot someone SoD1? Honestly, FM should have it's own special set of that type of fallacies. Same goes for Martin's "he was good a different game, that means nobody should be eligable to feel like they're low hanging fruit this game". [The latter is irrelevant for my thoughts in this game]

[quote snipped]

I love SB16's opening post tbh. His thoughts on loldebite mirror mine, and he put my attention to Mizery's early post where they voted Norwee. I see I originally misread Mizery's post and I like it, same as SB16. Also, Mizery's progression for switching away from Norwee for the reason that she stated - it's just so towny to me tbh. (MM's "As for Norwee, what exactly do you not like?" suggests to me he didn't try to look into it himself. I mean, it's literally 1 sentence to look up where she voted Norwee, which was also her only other post at the time)
I can see SB16 liking MM's vote on me, if it takes nothing else into account. Which it doesn't, and idk why?

No thought's on Ren and Martin atm though. But by pre-flipping MM as a Wolf, I feel that Renegade's #11 makes him less likely to be W/W with MM than Martin's #39.

[quote snipped]

My vote on MM is locked.
I've about half my posts left.
If anyone, who's not MM, has any specific questions (not generalized questions) - feel free to ask, but do do mention me though.

If, MM and Martin are W/W, then Ozy is God
If, only MM, then Ozy is average.
If, MM is town, then Ozy is just bad.
Calling it now.
Regarding the orange part: It isn't a logical fallacy, its just fact because people typically don't want to chop the more capable players of a game. Some exceptions exist though, see Frinkles vote on me for example where I think he's basically fear-voting me.

Regarding the light-pink part: Or maybe you didn't look into Mizery's vote enough to realize Norwee's post (which Mizery voted for) has a fair amount of text in it and so MM was asking for more specification on reasoning for the vote beyond just broadly "comments on MM".

1. Regarding the red part: No thoughts on me and yet you decided to NOT interact with my vote on you or even interact with Ren at all? (And you saw it some time ago, my vote was p#21 and you posted at p#37)

You had like 8-12 hours (8 if counting my post after your p#37) to figure out anything more from my slot or what you could do to interact. But you just sat here and did nothing, and didn't generate any interaction with me.

What happened to this belief earlier in the day phase? To me, you were demonstrating a willingness to make things just *happen* through interaction and discussion but here you've ignored me in that regard.

Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
So, what happened here is I got the game rolling. (see we got something to talk about already and not just say hi to each other?)

Honestly, it worked out much better than I hoped for.
MM has this "I hate everything" mentality going on. For context: this'd be at least his 3rd wolf game in a row, if not more, and beyond that he has famously been wolf like more than half of the games on SC2Mafia. (see my last hosted game, where he got to be town after another long spree of wolfing - he was dancing on clouds as happy as he was!)
blink and mag - the two players who are best at reading MM - have claimed they catch him wolfing when they see him not enjoying the game. I remember them teasing him that he can't fake that

This MM? With this "I hate stuff" attitude? In the context of his game history and his game meta?
I like it ╰(*´︶`*)╯
This post pinged me as feeling very "Look-At-Me-I'm-So-Town" and given that you have not followed-through with it gives me the impression you are a wolf. This was the whole point of my choice to vote you even while I was undecided, because I needed more from you to see if I was right or wrong on that feeling.

On a separate note: How come "If, MM is town, then Ozy is just bad." is regardless of whether I would be scum or not?