"Does that mean that a homo-exual can never be saved? No, not at all. Anyone can be saved no matter what sins they may have committed. But Paul is saying that no one can be saved who continues in his sin, who takes pleasure in it, who does it without reservation or guilt, who has no desire to change.
For such a person there truly is no hope. They have chosen sin over salvation, bondage over deliverance, guilt over for-giveness, and death over life. Such a person will notcannotenter the kingdom of God. The issue is really not homosexuality at all. It is coming to grips with your own sinful behavior. Until you are willing to view it the way God views it, you cannot be saved, for until you truly believe that you are a sinner, you have nothing from which to be saved ."
It is difficult to imagine a stronger condemnation of homosexuality. It is the result of a “depraved mind,” the action of someone willfully suppressing the truth of God and surrendering to the impure desires of the flesh."
"It is occasionally said that God does not single out homosexuality, that it is no worse than any other sin. In one sense that is true since no extra requirements are laid on homosexuals by God. They may be saved just as easily and quickly as anyone else. God’s grace is available to all people without distinction. God does not discrimi-nate in dispensing His grace. Anyone who comes to Jesus Christ will find their sins forgiven. In that sense, we’re all in the same boat. Without Jesus Christ, nobody has a chance.
Having said that, however, we must not miss the emphasis of this passage. Widespread homosexuality is a mark of a society that has forgotten God and rejected His word.
In that sense, homosexuality is singled out for special treatment. Why? Because it is, as Howard Snyder puts it,
“a primary symptom of total moral decay.” (Letter to The Other Side 14:6, 1978, p. 2)"
The evidence is overwhelming. Homosexual behavior in any form is wrong. It is a degraded and degrading sin. It is a horrible lifestyle. There is nothing gay about it. Protestations about true love and meaningful relation-ships do not change God’s verdict. Furthermore, no one was ever created by God to be homosexual. What I am saying is that when it comes to homosexuality, the lifestyle is sinful, the behavior is sinful, and so is the lust that goes with it. For those who take the Bible seriously, there can be no other answer."
"When the foundations are destroyed, there are many things the righteous can do, but above everything else, they must first get a right view of God. It happens that I am writing this sermon i
n light of the recent Supreme Court ruling that legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. It’s not that we didn’t see it coming. The larger culture has been trending that way for years. Perhaps the shock is the speed of the change. Many believers feel that
this decision is a decisive attack on the very foundations of society itself.
I happen to agree with that assessment and believe that hard times are upon us.When a nation
celebrates what God condemns, judgment from on high must eventually come. No one can say how or when or where that judgment will come. But as certainly as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, as certainly as the great empires of history have fallen, even so no nation is promised exemption from judgment."
Marshmallow Marshall
Should a gay person view this guy as just a nice man trying to help people out?