Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

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  1. ISO #1

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Yep this is just something that is a fact of Mafia life. The thing is that as SC2 is free, that means so is Mafia. IE there is no permanent solution to rascism. Blizzard isn't going to ban people for being really rascist in a custom game, and any ban handed out from the mods here can be circumvented indefinitely. So there is no solution to the problem.

    As someone who isn't a rascist it's not ideal but you do get used to it overtime as just background noise.

    If you want to strike back you can simple target the rascist players for lynching or killing and no one is gonna punish you for doing that.
    The only townie good enough to get banned for game-throwing in games that he wins.

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    It is a problem.

    As ZZOrange pointed out the mods hands are somewhat tied. They do what they can to protect the community from those screwed up people but Blizzard just does not care.
    What are Blizzard supposed to do?
    I don't believe anyone reports anyone from our community in SC2, they only do on this site.

    And when they do, those muted can chat perfectly fine in -Mafia- arcade. Really the only SC2 game that they can chat in, excluding with friends privately ofc.
    @theoneceko can confirm, she has a lot of experience with being muted in SC2.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    What are Blizzard supposed to do?
    I don't believe anyone reports anyone from our community in SC2, they only do on this site.

    And when they do, those muted can chat perfectly fine in -Mafia- arcade. Really the only SC2 game that they can chat in, excluding with friends privately ofc.
    @theoneceko can confirm, she has a lot of experience with being muted in SC2.
    Its a violation of their code of conduct and terms of service. Sense Activision took the reigns of Blizzard the only thing they have cared to address is things that put liability on them as a company. Unless someone is making real life threats against another player they just don't take any action and I believe moderation is mostly automated.

    Appropriate action would be to tie bans for chronic abusers to their IP or HD. I think at this point though they barely even bother to moderate their official ladder outside of the GM leagues. Kind of understandable given the game is not very profitable anymore and their company focus has shifted to micro-transactions and mobile games.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    What are Blizzard supposed to do?
    I don't believe anyone reports anyone from our community in SC2, they only do on this site.

    And when they do, those muted can chat perfectly fine in -Mafia- arcade. Really the only SC2 game that they can chat in, excluding with friends privately ofc.
    @theoneceko can confirm, she has a lot of experience with being muted in SC2.

    i was trlling whn i told pqr im a grl

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Well, if you think that way then maybe sc2mafia is not for you. We here are generally tolerant to any kind behavior except for pedophilia, gamethrowing and spamming. Those 3 are the big no no's. Don't worry though. The more you play the game, the more you will get over it and just accept that its part of sc2mafia
    Last edited by Isabella; June 3rd, 2021 at 03:38 PM.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Isabella View Post
    Well, if you think that way then maybe sc2mafia is not for you. We here are generally tolerant to any kind behavior except for pedophilia, gamethrowing and spamming. Those 3 are the big no no's.
    ...YOU are generally tolerant of racism. Because you are part of that problem. Your display name is "NiggusExterminatus". I'd rather eat my own hands than let you represent me.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Isabella View Post
    I was part of the problem. Nowadays though I just watch and have a laugh at those guys
    Was? Did this change in heart occur 7 hours ago? Because 7 hours ago your discord name was NiggusExterminatus.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    There's a simple solution to racism. Whenever any user on mafia says a trigger word, program the system to auto-ban/kick the player. Ontop of that, auto-censor any racist term by default.

    If not, just make more ppl admins/mods. More admins=more chances to catch a racist player and ban them.

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Icenevermelts View Post
    There's a simple solution to racism. Whenever any user on mafia says a trigger word, program the system to auto-ban/kick the player. Ontop of that, auto-censor any racist term by default.

    If not, just make more ppl admins/mods. More admins=more chances to catch a racist player and ban them.
    I seriously considered this, because it's a fucking pain to report every person that spams a racial slur.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    well, there's no way to really effectively filter. People just add spaces between letters or whatever. Even in disney games with super restrictive filters (like only dictionary words allowed) people still found ways to say what they wanted.
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildcat View Post
    Was in a game and i am fairly new and a user called Ching Chong Chang was in the lobby and i am Asian so i was calling out he was racist but he was jailor and so he jailed me and killed me automatically, he then continued to kill confirmed town peoples.
    Mafia is a sandbox environment. People behave a certain way because its anonymous and they can get away with it. Try not to take it personally, as it only fuels the fire. The staff's stance is against racism, but the staff is against racism in the same way the staff is against world hunger. Get my drift? Nobody likes it but there is nothing to we can do apart from getting worked up, and that doesn't solve anything.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildcat View Post
    Was in a game and i am fairly new and a user called Ching Chong Chang was in the lobby and i am Asian so i was calling out he was racist but he was jailor and so he jailed me and killed me automatically, he then continued to kill confirmed town peoples.
    sounds like you could report him for griefing and gamethrowing too.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
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  28. ISO #28

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildcat View Post
    Was in a game and i am fairly new and a user called Ching Chong Chang was in the lobby and i am Asian so i was calling out he was racist but he was jailor and so he jailed me and killed me automatically, he then continued to kill confirmed town peoples.
    It's unfortunate, but there really isn't anything that can be done about that. It's a Jailor's prerogative to decide who to jail and who to execute. Unless he knew you were town because you were in some way confirmed, then griefing is off the table.

    The name is offensive, but the name alone wouldn't really be reason enough to punish a person. For that, I imagine the name would have to be a racial slur. However, if the name is racial such as "Ching Chong Chang", and the player continues to make racially charged statements. One could assume there is intent for race-based griefing, and you might be able to get them on that.
    Last edited by Veliaire; November 28th, 2021 at 09:53 AM.
    The Khaleesi did nothing wrong.

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    I've been off and on Mafia for longer than 10 years now (i think if not longer?!!!)

    I 100% agree with OP. I believe we actually have a problem.

    There are some things I want to talk about first.

    Firstly, the size of community.
    The number of concurrent players are shockingly small compared to other games. Over the years, I've observed and experienced smaller and smaller lobbies created. You could argue that is a good thing, but at the same time, people wait 30-40 min for a lobby to fill up and it can be one of the reasons people just quit. After all, we are all busy people, who has time to wait when you can play other games? So how do we get more players? Do we want more players? Of course. We want to maintain net positives. So what can we do to make Mafia more appealing for those sitting in Arcade?

    Problem with new players.
    The obvious con here is that the general quality of the games will be worse. The number of new players will positively correlate with the number of rule breachers. While Mafia can be quite toxic, it's generally newer players who are like this. More trolls, more role quitters, more choo chooers, more toxic language.. BUT. There are legitimately nice new players who simply want to try Mafia. However, newer players who do not have the knowledge of in game mechanics can infuriate many experienced players because, well, they will see certain decisions made by them as trolling or game throwing. I am guilty of that myself. More reports will be generated, harsher language will be used, and as a consequence, they quit.

    I don't think there is anyone here that would argue real life racism is good. If there is a person in the community who actually believes racism is good, historically, we are quite quick to figure out who. So why is there still racism in game? Because most of experienced players are tired of reporting for their use of racist language. We learnt to tolerate it. Some people can see racism as banter and just move on. Personally, I hate racism. I hate the idea, I hate the fact it makes other players uncomfortable, I hate the fact it just degrades the quality of games. But over time, I too got tired of telling people not to be racists, and learnt to tolerate it. I learnt to accept that new players will try the game then never come back. New players (nice ones) who are trying it out get offended, get sick of it and never play this game mode again. You all experienced this, but most of new players who stick around, they become a major part of the problem, some until they are experienced themselves,. We simply keep attracting more racism into the game by ignoring the problem and it is just a vicious cycle.

    So how do we limit racism while growing as a community? We should be more proactive. Existing players should strive to become a better community. We have to behave ourselves and stop using racist languages altogether. Lead by example. Generate more reports so people learn racism isn't tolerated here. Make rules more strict so names perceived as racist name is punishable. Be more patient with new players until they played enough to learn the mechanics and skills.

    I've been guilty of many things I accuse other people of myself and I realised it too late. I'm ashamed of it. All I can do now, is try to become a better member of the community and be more proactive both in the game and in the forum, for the betterment of SC2Mafia.
    Last edited by ikarusdk; November 29th, 2021 at 04:34 AM.

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    the anonymous nature of the game just enables it. you cant really take away that aspect without taking away the games nature of being anonymous. People will always feel empowered to be as jarringly offensive as possible. take it with a grain of salt.

    BROKEN....our's BROKEN

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Your Game has a Real Racism Problem

    Look, the amount of racism/pedo incidents is much lower than it used to be. Now it is probably more shocking, because you don't see it every game. More like every third game for me, but trolls behave differently when I'm around, I'm not special they do it for other veteran players or even staff. So I can't speak to much your racism percentage- but it seems a little high.

    I will say this staff, 2021, has done about everything that can be done to address the problem short of coding censorship into the game. Whitelisting, no more kicking players who violate rules, and new codes of conduct have led to a more chill environment.

    A curtain could block 99% of sunlight but the 1% that gets through looks really bright. Following that analogy, there is much less unaddressed racism in Mafia, even though it might not seem that way. The community is more vocal against it in-game, and leadership are looking to encourage inclusivity.

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36



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