Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
1. I think it's likely virus will go with the longer death timer that can catch multiple people. That's what happened in the first iteration of this setup (spirits II(a), not just spirits). TPRs should be careful; after all, safety can't hurt right now. Maybe reveals will be useful in the late game, though.
2. Yep, the Spiritualist results are to take with a handful of salt.

That is true; I say that a spiritualist on Stealth is a waste, at this point. I'm still considering the move as town by meta, but if it was someone who I knew was a fan of fancy and risky plays *cough* blinkskater *cough*, I wouldn't say the same thing.

And yes, claiming that as a Virus is a dead end.

I like your analysis, that's what Town should be doing IMO, so I'm putting you in my town list for now.
I dont know yall but like i dont find meta too useful, it can be exploited very easily and allows for people to radically shift and play differently to normal and be seen as normal due to Meta so i will really take any meta claims with a pinch of salt