What's up, everyone? You remember the time where I named characters is Pokemon Heart Gold Nuzlocke after you? Now I'll be doing the same for another game, and that game will be XCOM 2.

XCOM 2 is a great game. You can create custom character pool before starting it, and you can even play the game with entire custom pool until it depletes itself out. But before I start on my actual walkthrough, I need assistance from you guys. I'm going to create soldiers in the character pool that are based on YOU. But I want my character pool to be as accurate as possible. So what you have to do first?

If you want to sign-up for XCOM 2 Character pool, then you need to fill up the following:

First Name (optional)
Last Name (optional)
Biography (optional)
Soldier Class
- when you get promoted from Rookie, you will get that class. Otherwise, your class will be random when you get yourself promoted. (Rookie, Ranger, Sharpshooter, Grenadier, Specialist, Psi Operative, Random Class)
Armor Color (optional)
Haircut / Helmets (optional)

If you have access to XCOM 2 yourself, you can provide additional details by yourself. I can even import a character if neccesary.

The game will be played in the following settings from Workshop:
Increased Squad Size (6 starting size, 8 with upgrades)
Increased Enemy Pod Size (+1 enemy for each pod)
Leader Pack (allows to designate leaders for squads)

Inspired by RLVG Plays X-COM. Except that there will be the actual video walkthrough - one mission per day. I need to fill up at least 20 slots for Character pool, with the possibility to add more. Remember - Once the pool empties itself out, there won't be any more soldiers! So I need as many recruits as possible.

So, is our comminity strong to take back the Earth from aliens? Are they strong enough to survive? Who will be the true MVP? We'll find out in XCOM 2 Community Walkthrough project! One mission episode each day will be uploaded on Youtube, with some commentary from me as well. The game will be played on Veteran - the second hardest difficulty before Legend. Also, each of those characters will be given more fitting voice packs.

It's not going to start immediately. Depending on the number of recruits, we might start it in a week or two. After RLVG's squad failed on their first mission, the Earth got overtaken by aliens. Join XCOM in order to save humanity!