M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2 Earth

    The Dai Li Agents
    Long Feng
    Dai Li Agent (Hidden Dai Li Agent)

    Azula's Legion
    Ty Lee (Hidden Azula's Legion)
    Mai (Hidden Azula's Legion)

    Team Avatar
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    Earth Kingdom Citizen

    The Banished Prince

    Cabbage Merchant
    Cabbage Merchant (Hidden Cabbage Merchant)

    Win Conditions

    Dai Li Agents: Defeat Azula's Legion, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and any Team Avatar players that have been granted RP names. As well, have one member of the Dai Li Agents survive to the end of the game.
    Azula and Ty Lee: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Team Avatar, Zuko, and have Azula or Ty Lee survive to the end of the game.
    Mai: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Team Avatar, and live until the end of the game.
    Team Avatar: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Azula's Legion, Zuko, and have at least 1 member of Team Avatar survive.
    The Banished Prince: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Azula, Ty Lee, Team Avatar, and live to see the end game.
    Cabbage Executioner: See your target lynched during the day.
    Cabbage Jester: See yourself lynched during the day.
    Cabbage Survivor: See yourself live through the entire game.

    Special Mechanics

    Trial: Hammer votes will not end days. Votes may surpass that of the hammer with the lynch taking effect at the end of each day.

    Day events will occur every day up until and including day 7. These events will either grant or demand additional powers or objectives to players.

    Azula's faction does not start with a night chat, and Mai and Ty Lee do not know their roles to start. On nights 1 and 2 Azula will select Mai or Ty Lee to join her night chat and learn their role power.

    Team Avatar's Power Roles are dynamic and have secondary abilities- all Earth Kingdom Citizens that take on Power Roles will have a secondary night action that may be used on certain days.
    Earth Kingdom RP names may use their power on nights following a lynch of Scum.
    Water Tribe RP names may use their power on nights following a no lynch.
    Air Nomad RP names may use their power on nights following a lynch of a Team Avatar member.
    Fire Nation RP names may use their power on nights following a lynch they voted for.
    - RP name possibilities are -
    Spoiler : RP name possibilities :
    Earth Kingdom
    - The Boulder
    - Bumi
    - The Duke
    - Haru
    - Jet
    - Kuei
    - Longshot
    - Pip-squeak
    - Sha-Mo
    - Smellerbee
    - Suki
    Water Tribe
    - Hakoda
    - Huu
    - Due
    - Pakku
    - Tho
    Air Nomad
    - Appa
    - Momo
    Fire Nation
    - Jeong Jeong
    - Uncle Iroh


    Dai Li Agents
    Long Feng - Master of the Dai Li
    At night Brainwash a player.
    You will gain control of the brainwashed player, and may both speak and vote as that player during the day in addition to your normal account.
    You may brainwash the same player endlessly.
    If you change the target of your brainwash at night the previously brainwashed player will be killed.
    You are immune to night death as long as the Dai Li Agent is alive.
    You share a night chat with the Dai Li Agent.
    Frame a player at night to appear to be any Role, Alignment, and RP name, as well as visiting any target of your choice.
    or Forge a player at night, replacing any Last Will or Article they submit with your own.
    Forging is permanent until you change it.
    You share a night chat with Long Feng.
    Autopsy a dead player at night.
    You learn their roles, RP name, death description, night targets, Last Will, and feedbacks.
    You also rob them of a 1-use charge of both of their abilities that you can utilize at any time instead of using your night power.
    You also pick up any items they had on their body at the time of death.
    You share a night chat with Long Feng.
    Rob a player of their feedback.
    During the next day you may analyze their feedback, and should you properly guess the players role you will permanently gain the ability to Appear as their role and RP name.
    You may select to Appear as any role and RP name you own at any time of day or night. Should you die you will appear to be that role and RP name.
    Should you fail to guess the player's role they will receive their feedback at the end of the day following the robbery.
    You share a night chat with Long Feng.
    Azula's Legion
    Azula - Prodigy of the Fire Nation
    At night Shock 2 players once, or 1 player twice.
    Should any player come into contact with 2 charges of Shock, either by interacting at night with another Shocked player, or being double targeted by Azula they will Overload and die.
    Overloads remove Shock charges from any players that survive.
    You are immune to night death and Long Feng's brainwashing as long as Mai or Ty Lee are alive.
    You can not kill Ty Lee or Mai by any means.
    Charm all players that visit you at night, forcing them to visit and effect your target.
    You start with 1 charge, and earn 1 charge for every night that you do not take action.
    You share a night chat with Azula following her selecting you to join her.
    Blackmail a player at night with a demand.
    The demand can be anything as long as it is not restricted by time.
    The player must meet the demand the following day.
    Should they not meet the demand they will commit suicide the day following the blackmail, and publicly terrify the Town, preventing them from lynching for that day.
    Your demand is vulnerable to any level of WIFOM or loopholes the blackmailed player can find.
    If the blackmailed player should claim blackmailed they will be permenantly barred from taking night action.
    You share a night chat with Azula following her selecting you to join her.
    Inspect a player at night, learning their RP name and current night power.
    You share a night chat with Azula following her selecting you to join her.
    Chi Blocker
    Chi Block a player at night, role blocking them and preventing them from taking action that night.
    You are immune to role blocks.
    You share a night chat with Azula following her selecting you to join her.
    Disguise as a player at night, 1-time, killing them but taking on their face in the day chat.
    If the Disguiser is targeted by a night kill it will Disguise at OoO #10.
    If your target is killed by means other than yourself on the night of Disguise you will not disguise.
    If your target is killed as well as you are killed you will die in the new body.
    You share a night chat with Azula following her selecting you to join her.
    Dress a player at night as either any possible role, as ???, or as any possible RP name.
    The dressed player will appear as your dressing upon their death.
    Dressing is permanent until you change it.
    You share a night chat with Azula following her selecting you to join her.
    Team Avatar
    Aang - the Avatar
    At night you may Meet a player to reveal yourself to be the Avatar. Any Earth Kingdom Citizen you meet with will gain an RP name and a Power Role ability.
    On nights following a day in which a Team Avatar member is lynched you may instead Airbend 2 players, swapping their locations and all actions that would target the Airbent players.
    On nights following a day in which the Cabbage Merchant, or no one is lynched you may instead Waterbend to protect a single player from night death or Long Feng's Brainwashing.
    On nights following a day in which Zuko, a member of Azula's Legion, or the Dai Li is lynched you may instead
    Earthbend to guard a single player. If the guarded player is attacked you will die in their place and kill the attacker.
    You are Immune to night death and Long Feng's brainwashing until either Katara, Sokka, or Toph is killed.
    Katara - Master Water Bender
    At night you may Waterbend a player, protecting them from night death as well as Long Feng's Brainwashing.
    On nights following a day in which a player was lynch you may instead Freeze a player, role blocking them and preventing them from taking action that night.
    Sokka - Master Tactician
    At night you may Encourage a player, empowering them to use their ability two times the following night, or to use an ability they would not normally be free to use.
    On nights following a day in which a player was lynch you may instead Track a player, following them to determine the player they visited as well as those that visited them.
    Toph - The Blind Bandit
    At night you may Earthbend a player, guarding them from attacks.
    Should they be attacked you will die in their place and kill the attacker.
    Your Earthbending bypasses night immunity.
    On days, following day 5, that there is no lynch during the day you may Metalbend a player during the day.
    They are removed from any night chat the following night.
    They are prevented from acting that night, regardless of Immunity to role block.
    They are prevented from being killed by night attacks or Long Feng's Brainwashing.
    You may anonymous interrogate them.
    You may Crush them.
    Crushings bypass all Invulnerability.
    Captives are released at the start of the next day unless burned.
    You may not Metalbend yourself.
    You may not Earthbend on nights that you have a Captive in your Metalbending prison.
    Invite two players during the day to share a night chat the following night.
    You may not invite yourself.
    You will not be able to view the chat.
    Arm a player with a 1-use weapon at night.
    They must sacrifice their night action to use the weapon at night.
    You may give Guns to yourself.
    Or you may Armor a player with a 1-use manual suit of Armor vest at night.
    They may use this bulletproof vest in addition to their night actions.
    You may not give a bulletproof vest to yourself.
    Bulletproof vests protect from an infinite amount of basic night kills.
    Guard a player at night. Should they be attacked you will protect them.
    You will die in their place and kill the attacker.
    You may not guard yourself.
    Bus Driver
    Swap 2 players at night. Those that visit one will effect the other.
    Should your swapping cause a killing role to attempt to kill itself it's attack will pierce invulnerability.
    You may swap yourself.
    Autopsy a dead player at night.
    You will learn their Role, RP name, Death Description, Night Targets, and Last Will.
    Track a player at night. You will learn the player that they visited.
    Heal a player at night. This player can survive an additional attack at night.
    You can not heal yourself.
    Upon successfully healing someone you and the patient will be notified.
    Earth Kingdom Citizen
    You have the chance to be given an RP name and 2 powers!
    Role Block a player at night. This prevents them from using their action unless they are Immune to role blocking.
    Should you role block an immune player you will be notified.
    Insane Sheriff
    Check a player at night. You will learn the player's alignment in relation to yourself.
    Players you can win with will appear as "Enemy".
    Players you an not win with will appear as "Friendly".
    You will receive a Sheriff role card.
    You will appear as a Sheriff upon your death.
    Jail a player during the day.
    You may only Jail following days in which a player was not lynched.
    They are removed from any night chat the following night.
    They are prevented from acting that night, regardless of Immunity to role block.
    They are prevented from taking damage from basic kills.
    You may anonymous interrogate them.
    You may Execute them.
    Executions bypassa all Invulnerability.
    Captives are released at the start of the next day.
    Interview a player during the day.
    At the start of the following night the player will be notified of the interview and will write an Article for you to anonymously publish the following morning.
    Watch a player at night. You will observe all players that visit the Watched player.
    Reveal during the day to announce and confirm yourself as a Marshall.
    Revealing as a Marshall allows for multiple lynches on the day of reveal.
    Hammer votes will take automatic effect on the day of reveal.
    The day will be reopened as quickly as possible, with the role reveals occurring at the end of the day.
    There is a 3 lynch limit on the day of reveal.
    Pai Sho Player
    Play Pai Sho with a target at night.
    You will reveal your identity as a Pai Sho player, your RP name, and learn their RP name should they have one.
    Non-Team Avatar players, or Earth Kingdom Citizens will turn down your request to play Pai Sho.
    Manipulate a dead player to force them to act out their night power of your choice once again on your behalf.
    You gain no feedback from the action.
    You may only manipulate members of Team Avatar.
    You may only manipulate a single target 1 time.
    You may force dead players to visit yourself.
    Check a player at night. You will learn the player's alignment in relation to yourself.
    Players you can win with will appear as "Friendly".
    Players you an not win with will appear as "Enemy".
    At night you may survive an additional night attack.
    Prep a target at night, or Unprep a target at night, or Sabotage all actively Prepped targets.
    Your Sabotage bypasses invulnerability.
    You may not Prep yourself.
    Go on Alert at night, protecting yourself from all attacks and killing all visitors.
    You start with 1 charge, and earn 1 charge for each night that you do not take action.
    Attack someone at night, and attempt to kill them.

    The Banished Prince
    Zuko - The Banished Prince
    You may Capture a player during the day.
    They are removed from any night chat the following night.
    They are prevented from acting that night, regardless of Immunity to role block.
    They are prevented from being killed by night attacks or Long Feng's Brainwashing.
    You may anonymous interrogate them.
    You may
    Burn them on nights that follow days with no lynch.
    Burnings bypass all Invulnerability.
    Captives are released at the start of the next day unless burned.
    You may Capture yourself on days with no lynch.
    Instead of Burning you may
    Betray your captives on any night.
    Betraying a player permanently bars them from using a night power
    Betraying does not limit alignment changes or development of RP names.

    The Cabbage Merchant
    Cabbage Executioner - The Lawful Neutral
    You will receive a target that you must see lynched during the day.
    You have 1 piece of Cabbage.
    If you are visited by any action at all you will lose a piece of Cabbage.

    You may not lose more than 1 Cabbage in a single night.
    If you have any pieces of Cabbage you can not be killed.
    If you go 3 nights without being the target of any action you will grow a piece of Cabbage.
    If you manage to attain an additional piece of cabbage the game will end with only your personal victory if you should win.
    Cabbage Jester - The Chaotic Neutral
    If you are lynched you will kill 1/6 of living players at random.
    You have 1 piece of Cabbage.
    If you are visited by any action at all you will lose a piece of Cabbage.

    You may not lose more than 1 Cabbage in a single night.
    If you have any pieces of Cabbage you can not be killed.
    If you go 3 nights without being the target of any action you will grow a piece of Cabbage.
    If you manage to attain an additional piece of cabbage the game will end with only your personal victory if you should win.
    Cabbage Survivor - The True Neutral
    You have 2 piece of Cabbage.
    If you are visited by any action at all you will lose a piece of Cabbage.

    You may not lose more than 1 Cabbage in a single night.
    If you have any pieces of Cabbage you can not be killed.
    If you go 3 nights without being the target of any action you will grow a piece of Cabbage.
    If you manage to attain an additional piece of cabbage the game will end with only your personal victory if you should win.
    Spoiler : Order of Operations :

    1. Day Start
    a. Day Chat Opens
    b. Journalist Article is Posted
    2. Mid Day
    a. Day Events
    b. Marshall Reveals
    c. Marshall Lynches
    3. Day End
    a. Day End Lynch
    4. Evening Starts
    5. Captures
    a. Zuko Captures
    b. Toph Earth Bends
    c. Jailors Jail
    6. Invitations
    a. Architect Invites, Journalist Interview
    7. Evening Ends
    8. Night Starts
    a. Night Chats Open
    9. Night Ends
    a. Night Chats Close
    10. Quick Actions
    a. Zuko Burns, Toph Crushes, Jailor Executes
    b. Veteran Alerts
    c. Disguiser Quick Disguises
    d. Jester Griefs
    e. Shaman Manipulates
    11. Misdirection & Role Blocks
    a. Beguiler
    b. Katara Freeze
    c. Chi Blockers & Escorts
    d. Aang Airbending
    e. Bus Driver Swaps
    12. Protection
    a. Suit of Armor
    b. Water Bending, Earth Bending
    c. Doctors, Bodyguards
    13. Miscellaneous (Quick)
    a. Blackmailer, Framer, Technician
    14. Kills
    a. Azula Charges, Long Feng Banishment, Earth Bending
    b. Blacksmith guns, Bodyguard, Veteran, Vigilante, Technician Sabotage
    15. Miscellaneous (Slow)
    a. Sokka Encourage, Tailor Dresses, Blacksmith Arms/Armor, Disguiser Slow Disguise
    16. Investigation
    a. Aang Meets player, Thief, Consigliere, Sokka Track, Detective, Lookout, Sheriff, Insane Sheriff, Coroner, Mortician, Pai Sho Player
    17. Brainwashing
    a. Long Feng Brainwashes

    Spoiler : Da Feedbacks :

    - Account:
    Your account name is: {Insert name}
    Your account password is: {Insert password}
    - Role Card: [QUOTE]Your role is
    {Insert Role Card here}
    - Day Start Feedback -
    The Journalist has published an article that reads...
    {Insert Article Here}
    - Mid Day -
    The Marshall Player 1 has revealed themselves and called for a multiple lynch day.
    - Captures -
    Zuko, Toph, Jailor:
    You have been taken captive by an unknown person.
    - Invitations -
    You have been invited to a private chat for the night by an Architect.
    You have been approached for an interview by a Journalist.
    - Quick Actions -
    Zuko, Toph, Jailor:
    You chose to execute your captive target!
    Disguiser "Quick":
    In fear for your own life, you acted immediately and Disguised as Player 1.
    {Insert Account Name}
    {Insert Password}
    You went on Alert tonight. You have used 1 charge of Alert.
    You took no action tonight and have gained enough energy to go on Alert 1 additional time.
    You manipulated Player 1 forcing them to act out their night action on Player 2.
    - Misdirection & Role Blocks -
    You Charmed all visitors onto Player 1 tonight. You have used 1 charge of Charm.
    You took no action tonight and have setup to Charm 1 additional time.
    Katara, Chi Blocker, Role Blocker:
    You were going about your business, but then a Role Blocker prevented you form taking any action.
    Aang, Bus Driver:
    You were Swapped by a Bus Driver!
    - Protection -
    Blacksmith Armor:
    You put on the suit of Armor you had. You are invincible to all night attacks.
    Blacksmith Armor:
    Your suit of Armor saved you from an attack!
    Blacksmith Armor:
    Your suit of Armor saved you from more than one attack!
    Blacksmith Armor:
    Your target was invincible last night!
    Aang, Katara, Doctor:
    You were attacked and left for dead, but then a Doctor found you and nursed you back to health.
    Aang, Katara, Doctor:
    Your target was attacked, but you prevented them from dying!
    Aang, Katara, Doctor:
    A Doctor stumbled upon your victim before the job could be finished!
    Aang, Toph, Bodyguard:
    You were attacked, but a Bodyguard fought off your attacker!
    Aang, Toph, Bodyguard:
    You stepped in front of an attack for your target.
    Aang, Toph, Bodyguard:
    Your target was protected by a Bodyguard!
    - Miscellaneous (Quick) -
    You were approached by a Blackmailer! His demand were as follows...
    {Insert Blackmail Message here}
    You prepped Player 1 and are ready to Sabotage him later.
    - Kills -
    Someone charged you with an abundance of electricity.
    You ran into a large mass of electricity and have died.
    Long Feng:
    Long Feng invited you to Lake Laogai
    Earth Bending / Bodyguard:
    You were killed by the Bodyguard you fought!
    Blacksmith Weapons:
    Someone wielding an impressively crafted weapon left you for dead last night.
    You ran into a dangerous foe last night and were slain.
    You were murdered last night.
    Your house caught fire last night out of nowhere.
    - Miscellaneous (Slow) -
    Sokka Encouragement:
    You were Encouraged by Sokka! Tomorrow night you may take action twice, or utilize an ability you would not normally be capable of!
    Blacksmith 'Gun':
    You were Armed with a stunning weapon from a mysterious man.
    Blacksmith 'Vest':
    You found a well built suit of Armor on your door step.
    Disguiser "Slow":
    In the early morning you Disguised as Player 1.
    {Insert Account Name}
    {Insert Password}
    - Investigative -
    Aang Meeting a Citizen:
    You were met by Player 1, the Avatar last night.
    You are revealed to be {Insert RP Name} of the {Insert Country of Origin}
    Your primary ability is
    Insert Role Card 1
    Your secondary ability is
    Insert Role Card 2
    You may use your secondary ability on nights following days in which {Insert Lynch Response}
    Aang Meeting a Non-Citizen:
    You were met by Player 1, the Avatar last night.
    Sokka Tracking:
    You tracked Player 1 last night, you saw them visit {Insert target}, and witnessed them be visited by {insert visitors}.
    You saw your target visit {Insert target}
    You watched your target be visited by {Insert visitors}
    Sheriff / Insane Sheriff:
    You determined that your target is Friendly.
    Sheriff / Insane Sheriff:
    You determined that your target is an Enemy.
    You Autopsied Player 1 last night.
    Their Role was {insert role}
    Their RP Name was {insert name}
    They were killed by {insert death description}
    Their Night Targets were
    {Insert list of nights and matching Target}
    Their Last Will reads
    {Insert Last Will}
    Pai Sho Player:
    You met with your target, revealing your identity and role to them. You learned that they are {insert RP name if applicable}
    Pai Sho Player:
    You were met by Player 1 last night. They are a Pai Sho Player named {insert name here}.
    You stole the feedback
    {insert stolen feedback}
    you have the following day chat to determine the role of the robbed player. If you succeed in guessing correctly you gain the ability to Appear as the stolen role and the player's RP name upon your death.
    If you fail in your guess they will receive their feedback at the end of the day.
    You have chosen to Appear as {Insert RP name you own} the {Insert role or role combination}.
    At the end of the day you found your missing feedback
    {Insert delayed feedback}
    You Autopsied Player 1 last night.
    Their Role was {insert role}
    Their RP Name was {insert name}
    They were killed by {insert death description}
    Their Night Targets were
    {Insert list of nights and matching Target}
    Their Last Will reads
    {Insert Last Will}
    Their nightly feedbacks were
    {Insert list of nights and matching feedbacks}
    You also robbed them of 1-use of the roles {Insert Role 1} and {Insert Role 2 if applicable}, and found {Insert any Items} on their body.
    Your target is {Insert RP name is applicable} the {Insert role or role combination here}
    - Brainwashing -
    Long Feng:
    You Brainwashed Player 1 last night.
    {Insert Account Name & Password}
    You will have access to their account until you choose to change targets, in which case they will die.

    Spoiler : Boring Rules :

    Do not discuss game outside game- You will be modkilled.
    Do not screenshot a PM- You will be modkilled.
    Do not claim or hunt for COMs in the day chat- You will be modkilled.
    You MAY discuss COMs to any level in any chat that is not the Day Chat thread.
    Do not link to any private chats- You will be modkilled.
    You may not post encrypted messages in the day chat- You will be modkilled. Codes are fine.
    English is heavily suggested- You will be hated.
    Activity is but accepted as a factor of the game- Replacements will be utilized as they are available, but there will not be modkills.
    Game will start on Day 1 with a lynch.
    Last Wills are not publicly shown upon death.
    Videos and Images are allowed as long as they do not reveal COMs or include information from a host.
    Voting will use the [vote][/vote] tags
    Hammer votes will never lock the day unless a Marshall reveals on that day.
    Days will be 48 hours.
    All Days will run the full 48 hours.
    Nights will be 24 hours.
    Questions in Green or PMs to a host will be answered. No promises about other questions.
    Last edited by Slaol; March 27th, 2014 at 10:50 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Apache View Post
    win conditions?
    so earth kingdom citizens can become rp names from any nation?
    rolecards of all rp names?

    /prefer aang again, i want to do better this time^^
    In works lol.
    Names, unlike the first game, are not publicly attached to powers.

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Apache View Post
    then what powers are there?
    wont claiming rp names confirm ppl as town?
    Each Power Role will have 2 powers from the list of Roles that has yet to be published lol. I just sat down to start this at like 1 am last night and decided to sleep at about 2.
    It could in theory, but i'm not worried about it. Only 1 person gets a power per night which means the game would have to go 13 nights for everyone to get an RP name. Also, the public listing on the names allows for counter claiming and for Scum to slide into one of the names. In addition, Azula's Legion and the Dai Li both have a role that can fake RP names. Also, there is a possible Blackmailer and a built in Ventriloquist, as well as a potential Jester. Literally try to confirm shit, I dare you.
    Last edited by Slaol; February 28th, 2014 at 06:20 AM.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    "Team Avatar Power Roles: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Azula's Legion, Zuko, and have either Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, or a Power Role survive to the end."

    does this mean only the starting prs or also the converted
    FM Stats: Town 8 wins of 12 Mafia 3 of 4 All 11 of 16 (69%)

    Complete FM History: Click

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Apache View Post
    "Team Avatar Power Roles: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Azula's Legion, Zuko, and have either Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, or a Power Role survive to the end."

    does this mean only the starting prs or also the converted
    "Or a Power Role" meant to suggest the converted RP names. There are no starting power roles beyond the first 4.

  17. ISO #17

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    "Or a Power Role" meant to suggest the converted RP names. There are no starting power roles beyond the first 4.
    "Team Avatar Power Roles: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Azula's Legion, Zuko, and have either Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, or a Power Role survive to the end."
    actually the question was referring to the underlined part but i think it's clear now
    FM Stats: Town 8 wins of 12 Mafia 3 of 4 All 11 of 16 (69%)

    Complete FM History: Click

  18. ISO #18

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Apache View Post
    "Team Avatar Power Roles: Defeat the Dai Li Agents, Azula's Legion, Zuko, and have either Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, or a Power Role survive to the end."
    actually the question was referring to the underlined part but i think it's clear now
    Yes. The Citizens have a different win scenario. At least right now they do.

    Nevermind. Citizens can not longer win with Dai Li, however Dai Li doesn't need to eliminate the Citizens to prevail.
    Last edited by Slaol; March 1st, 2014 at 10:30 AM.

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Why the special win mechanic for the Cabbage merchant?
    All it does is make the benign someone the town (and everyone else) REALLY wants dead, is that intended?
    Spoiler : FM History :
    SFMs: Too many.
    SFM Night 1 Death Percentage: 72%
    Hosted: SFM 89, SFM 118

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Rolecard questions:

    Dai Li have a night chat?

    Does any team have a factional night kill?

    If Azula is dead, can Azula's Legion kill?

    What type of attacks does BG protect against?

    I'll get to OoO and everything else in a bit.
    1: Wording is poor, but sort of says that. Cleaning up.
    2: No. Only attached to their lead characters.
    3: No.
    4: BG can protect against any form of attack. BG will respond by killing the Attacker in any case that the Attacker attacked on that night. By this mechanic, all forms of attacks will be attacked by Bodyguard excluding the instance that 2 charged players run into eachother on a night that Azula does NOT visit them.

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    So, does BG protect against dousing/prepping/ect?
    What good is BG? it seems like it only really protects against blacksmith guns and vigilantes
    1: Forgot about that. It will prevent the ATTACK of the Technician on a prepped target, but would not attack the Technician.
    2: It can hit back and kill in the event of direct Azula attacks, Long Feng, and Zuko. Basically it can fight Town Killing roles or the main 3 Villains.

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Long Feng is going to make 2 visits: 1 kill and 1 brainwashing on nights he changes target?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gyver View Post
    So Azula and Dai will need to be super careful not to draw attention, a single lynch could effectively neuter a non-town team.
    Similarly if Aang is Betrayed or Killed...

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Dai Li Agents: Defeat Azula's Legion, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and any Team Avatar players that have been granted RP names. As well, have one member of the Dai Li Agents survive to the end of the game.
    Dai Li Agents win and GAME ENDS (?) when all named characters die, as long as one Dai Li Agent is alive.

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Vests can't protect against Quick Disguiser?
    How does a Disguiser choose/What events lead to: quick disguise and slow disuise? I see nothing in the rolecard about it.
    Yes you do, but I'll add more to it.
    "If the Disguiser is targeted by a night kill it will disuise at Ooo #10"
    It was implied that in other cases it would act in the other slot, this part will be directly stated instead of implied.

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: M-FM: Avatar the Last Airbender - Book 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Glip View Post
    I believe this M-FM needs a second chance. The hosts should give this another go with a new cast, when they are ready.
    Hey there ^^

    Well, the hosts are long gone, and hosting a 20P game right now seems a little... ambitious? It may be possible to adjust the setup to make it smaller, though. Also, do you mean it went poorly the first time? I did not exist at that time, I wasn't born in 2014 :P
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42



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