Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
No where did I say you don't know about sacrifice. Don't twist my words. I was referring to sacrificing your child's health or life for the herd.
Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
Mateo, when you have a child talk to me about sacrificing your child's life for the greater good.

You implied that he did not have a child, you assumed you knew his situation. You think everyone who has children is going to agree with your position. You also assumed that "vaccines = sacrificing child's life" when in reality by your own admission there is currently a 0.00004325883%
risk of injury, complications or death...and it's not proven to be even linked to vaccines.

Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
An article I read stated 3,000+ reports of injury and 48+ deaths. They cited the VAERS database. I haven't looked at the VAERS myself to confirm those numbers. You can do so, if you care to get that specific. Yes, I know they are reports and not necessarily proven to be a direct result of the vaccine but that is enough to make me concerned.
I got 0.00004325883% because there are currently 73 million children in the US from 0-17. 91% to 95% of those children have been vaccinated for AT LEAST two types of diseases. So I took your 3,000 and divided that by 69,350,000 (which is currently the estimate of children vaccinated at 95% of 73 million). Obviously this number concludes to the number of total children, I could have kept it within the age ranges of vaccine ages, but considering the % rate was in the 90s, it is safe to assume that a majority of these kids in the 69 million were in fact vaccinated at some point in their lives. And vaccines obviously aren't just for babies and small children. https://www.childstats.gov/americasch...ables/pop1.asp

So with that said, the risk of problems is less than 1% -- I think that it's pretty safe. But don't take my word for it.

Also, when you say things like
Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
I was referring to sacrificing your child's health or life for the herd.
Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post
Mateo, when you have a child talk to me about sacrificing your child's life for the greater good.

Quote Originally Posted by Tossangel View Post

"you think you're the sole arbiter of morality?" Nope, didn't say that I was.
When you say things like you do above "not sacrificing your child" or "tell me about "sacrificing your child"" sounds like you are trying to gain moral ground. Because you not vaccinating your child is "protecting their life and health" -- you're "choosing" to save your child over the "herd" or the "greater good." It sounds like you're taking a moral position that somehow this is dangerous to your child and it is much better to not "endanger" them by doing the "right thing" and making the decision to "not vaccinate" them because the people who do this are "the herd" or they cant think for themselves.

By making it sound like you're choosing to not "sacrifice" your child, you are doing the moral and just thing. Just like Abraham and Isaac (genesis 22 1-19). Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son to please god, but didn't go through with it because all god wanted was his obedience.

Do you understand why I brought this comparison? I did so because you equate giving your child a vaccine that has less than 1% chance (based on your numbers) of really doing anything adverse to their health. The health benefits for your child and all children are actually increased if they have the vaccines. However, you equate this with sacrificing your child, or it's health to "benefit" the herd. Well Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his child for the "herd" aka his people. One is a figurative and over blown "sacrifice" because really the downsides are farrrrrr outweighed by the positives (your child not dying like s poor kid in a 3rd world country who doesn't HAVE ACCESS to these drugs.) and the other is literal sacrifice (well it's still a story b/c 95% of the bible is just stories.) So before you compare something to "sacrifice" look up what actual scarification looks like. It's not preventing your child from getting really sick because you're scared something bad could happen.

Abraham was scared of god so he went to literally sacrifice his child, only to be blessed for not doing it. You're not going to "sacrifice your child" because you're scared of the adverse effects, but you could totally end up sacrificing them if they end up with HPV. Food for thought.

Don't mean to sound condescending to you, I'm just trying to educate you that your way of thinking could be very very dangerous.