Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
Oh, Frog, each species is inherently capable of speaking English, which is the common language used throughout the universe. However the following playable races have their own language: Ral'kan, Demons, Jakurn? (if so no one knows it) and Dragonkin. Mechanical species are also capable of speaking Binary, which is the 2nd most common language used throughout the universe.

EDIT: The race and traits lists are completed, please review them once more before submitting your character.
Interesting. Who knows what languages Rick's books were in or what Rick spoke. Butter Sanchez kind of has no way of knowing since he's never left the lab so he doesn't know what is normal. How did Rick die? Who knows what was in Rick's box? How did Butter Sanchez actually come into existence? Was Rick the real creator? Was Rick a magic user? What was Rick up to? Can Rick be brought back? Such questions! :-D

Just thought of the classic Gladiator backstory.
Imprisoned player is now a slave forced to fight in an arena.
Could easily be any species background story, including Jakurn.

I see new races! The Darksteel and Cyberoids look like they could relate to Butter Sanchez! Awesome!

Now we just need more players - the character creation process is almost always the freezing point.