Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
Have you considered stidying linguistics? I would have but it doesn't fit it into my goals right now.
I finally decided what to study => Chinese + something and I'm kinda excited about it *-* What do you think?

Quote Originally Posted by DarknessB View Post
I am working now -- there are pluses and minuses compared to being in school. Less free time, but at least you get paid. I mean, there are plenty of things you can do with languages / cultures. A lot of people travel overseas to teach English in different parts of their world. In the meantime, you are getting an enjoyable cultural experience and learning about where you are. Based on your location, I imagine there would also be a demand for Slovak in many different places as well.
So what is your job then ? (If you don't mind me asking ofc). Actually, that was my plan to go abroad to teach or wtv (The teachers in Europe get paid quite well in some parts anyway). But I'm going to take Chinese course so we will see what that brings me :3