S-FM Mafia Wars (13P)

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    S-FM Mafia Wars (13P)


    Setup is ready to be played!
    Spoiler : Changelog :

    8/28/20 - Added tiebreaker of FBI>Luciano>Town
    8/28/20 - Changed yeet to require 51% of possible votes (to deal with edge cases with Godfathers/Blackmailers)
    8/28/20 - FBI Agent can no longer recruit the night after their mole is brutalized
    8/28/20 - Changed FBI Agent to only be immune to Luciano kills at night (not brutalizer)
    8/28/20 - Clarified that FBI Agent CANNOT recruit and arrest in the same night

    12/11/16 - Kidnapper chat now anonymous
    12/11/16 - FBI is immune to the Luciano night kill
    12/11/16 - Blackmailed and Brutalizer added

    12/8/16 - FBI can kill on the night following a conversion
    12/8/16 - Consort and Caporegime no longer gives feedback
    12/8/16 - Godfather can be converted and is now a "Possible Mafia" role; Consigliere has been removed

    11/30/16 - FBI Agent can recruit N0

    6/4/16 - Minor neatening up

    3/17/16 - Slight tidying up; allowed FBI to kill without Mole

    1/30/16 - Put arrests before night kills in OoO
    1/30/16 - Clarified roleflip of moles and Lucianos

    1/25/16 - Added possible feedbacks

    1/22/16 - Removed previous death restriction on new moles

    1/15/16 - OoO clarification
    1/15/16 - Changed testify to work on Lucianos; prevented new moles if previous one died night before.

    8/31/15 - Shifted Mafia Role rolecard orders to reflect OoO
    8/31/15 - Janitor now also cleans Last Wills; reduced charges from 3 to 2

    8/21/15 - Tailor charges reduced from 3 to 2

    8/6/15 - Changed name from "Blood Feud" to "Mafia Wars"
    8/6/15 - Setup no longer a WIP and ready for review

    A game for 13 players

    A reverse mafia game where the primary mafia are the majority and a rival mafia and the FBI are the scum.

    RP: The year is 1959. The Gambino crime family has intruded upon Luciano turf for the last time. This act will not go unpunished. As part of an unlikely alliance, the FBI and two undercover members of the Luciano family have temporarily joined forces to eliminate this new incursion. But it seems the FBI is not willing to stop at eliminating the Gambinos...

    Roles List:
    FBI Agent
    Undercover Luciano (Hidden Mafia)
    Undercover Luciano (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)
    Gambino Member (Hidden Mafia)

    Spoiler : FBI :
    FBI Agent
    At night, you may recruit a Gambino Member to become a Mole.
    You cannot recruit if you already have a Mole, or if your previous Mole was yeeted or brutalized the previous day.
    You share a factional arrest (night kill) with your Mole.
    You may not recruit and arrest in the same night.
    You may recruit, but not arrest, in N0.
    You share a night chat with the Mole. (Link)
    You also have an anonymous night chat with the Lucianos. (Link)
    You are immune to being killed by the Lucianos at night.
    You retain any powers you previously had.
    You share a factional arrest (night kill) with the FBI Agent.
    You cannot perform any other night actions if you perform the factional arrest.
    You share a night chat with the FBI Agent. (Link)
    You also have an anonymous night chat with the Lucianos. (Link)
    Spoiler : Lucianos :
    Undercover Luciano
    On night 0, you may choose a secondary role from the potential mafia roles.
    On each subsequent night, you or the other Undercover Luciano may be sent to perform the factional night kill.
    Being sent counts as a visit but does not prevent you from performing other night actions.
    If you perform a kill and no other night action, you cannot be detected.
    You share a night chat with the other Undercover Luciano. (Link)
    You also have an anonymous night chat with the FBI Agent and any Moles. (Link)
    Spoiler : Potential Mafia Roles :
    At night, you may seduce one player, roleblocking them.
    Target will NOT be informed of being seduced.
    At night, you may target someone to hide behind them
    Hiding behind someone causes everyone who targets you to instead target your target.
    Target is not informed of the hiding.
    You have three uses of this ability.
    At night, you may protect one player, preventing them from being arrested or attacked.
    Neither you nor the target will not be informed of this protection.
    You cannot successfully protect a Godfather.
    At night, you may sanitize one player, masking their role and Last Will from the graveyard if they die that night.
    Alternatively, you may sanitize one player in day by PM'ing me before they are yeeted.
    In either case, you were learn the target's role and Last Will after they are sanitized.
    You may only successfully sanitize two targets.
    At night, you may tailor one player as another role and alignment
    They will appear as this role to all investigative roles and upon death.
    This effect is permanent and can be used two times.
    At night, you may question one player, learning their role but not their alignment.
    The FBI Agent will appear as an Agent.
    A Mole will appear as their former role.
    Drug Dealer
    At night, you may drug one player, altering their feedback in one of two ways: (your choice)
    On the one hand, you may give your target an additional piece of feedback that is possible within the setup.
    Alternatively, you may cause your target to receive no feedback.
    If you cause an FBI Agent's target to not receive feedback, they will fail to become a Mole.
    During the day, you may PM me a target to kidnap.
    If there is no yeet that day, you will gain a private anonymous night chat with your target.
    Kidnapping also removes the target from all other non-kidnapper night chats.
    A kidnapped target is roleblocked and immune to non-kidnapper night kills.
    At night, you may execute your kidnapped target, killing them.
    You are limited to one execution.
    At night, you may blackmail someone.
    A blackmailed player's vote will count for 0 the following day.
    A blackmailed Godfather will not be able to reveal the night you blackmail them.
    You have two uses of this ability.
    At night, you can PM me to reveal yourself, giving yourself two extra votes.
    Your decision to reveal must be made at night and can be roleblocked.
    There may be at most one Godfather for each mafia faction. (Gambino/Luciano)
    At night, you may watch one player, learning who they visit and who visits them.
    You will not be able to tell the difference between who they visit and who visits them. (will appear as one list)
    At any time during day, you may PM me to brutalize another player.
    You and the brutalized player will instantly die, although your roles will not be revealed until day end.
    You have no special abilities.

    Order of Operations: (OoO)
    Spoiler : OoO :
    1. Kidnapper Kidnaps and night chats open
    2. Consort Seduces
    3. Beguiler Hides
    4. Caporegime Protects
    5. Janitor Sanitizes
    6. FBI Agent/Mole Arrests
    7. Luciano Factional Kill
    8. FBI Agent Recruits
    9. Tailor Tailors
    10. Underboss Questions
    11. Drug Dealer Drugs
    12. Kidnapper Executes
    13. Blackmailer Blackmails
    14. Godfather Reveals
    15. Agent Watches

    Spoiler : Possible Feedback, sorted by associated role: :

    No Feedback:
    No Feedback.
    FBI Agent/Mole:
    You recruited XXX as a mole. Their role is now xxx.
    You failed to recruit a mole.
    You have become a mole.
    You retain any powers you previously had.
    You share a factional arrest (night kill) with the FBI Agent.
    You cannot arrest anyone if you were recruited the previous night.
    You cannot perform any other night actions if you perform the factional arrest.
    You share a night chat with the FBI Agent. (Link)
    You also have an anonymous night chat with the Lucianos. (Link)
    You have chosen xxx as your secondary role.
    You have X hidings left.
    You have sanitized XXX. Their role and alignment was xxx.

    Their last will was:

    -insert last will here-
    You may sanitize X more times.
    You have sanitized XXX. Their role and alignment was xxx.

    They left no last will.

    You may sanitize X more times.
    You have X tailorings remaining.
    Your target's role is xxx.
    You have revealed yourself as the Godfather!
    You have kidnapped XXX. For tonight, you have a night chat with them. (Link)
    You have been kidnapped! For tonight, you have a night chat with your kidnapper. (Link)
    You have executed your kidnapped victim. You may not execute again.
    Your target visited or was visited by the following people:

    Days last 48 hours or until a yeet has been achieved
    Nights last 24 hours
    Last wills allowed (and encouraged)
    No death notes
    Yeeting requires 51% of possible votes and will use the [vote] tags.
    Day immediately ends after a yeet
    Night actions must be PM'd to me or posted in night chat
    Graveyard will reveal role and method of death
    Moles and the Lucianos will be revealed as colored versions of their secondary role.
    Game starts with Night 0, where only the Lucianos and the FBI Agent may take actions

    Win Conditions:
    FBI&Moles: Eliminate the Lucianos the Gambinos, and have at least one member alive.
    Lucianos: Eliminate the Gambinos, the FBI Agent, any Moles, and have at least one member alive.
    Gambinos: Eliminate the Lucianos, the FBI Agent, any Moles, and have at least one member alive.

    If everyone dies, no one wins. If it is otherwise impossible for anyone to win, the FBI&Moles win if at least one of them is alive. Otherwise, the Lucianos win.

    1. Inactives will be replaced or modkilled. Inactivity means missing a night action or making fewer than three posts per day.
    2.No out-of-game communication.
    3. No editing or deleting posts.
    4. No videos or links. (pictures OK, within reason)
    5. No invisible text.
    6. No quoting PM's.
    7. English only.
    Last edited by MattZed; August 28th, 2020 at 05:04 PM.



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