4 Balthies spotted

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  1. ISO #1

    6 Balthies spotted

    he kinda confirms the Tafkal's true identity right here by doing this.
    spotted 2 minutes ago btw l0l
    edit tho, as for further actions he does repick and gets the host 4 times, until i got it tho and got a real save going. lol look at the second pic tho. totally legit as they always say.

    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 20th, 2015 at 06:31 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3
    the difference within their games played (points too) is like 1-10 games (look achievements)
    obviously balthy reported this when he already is supposed to be banned, and since balthy reports with a replay they could just add hes new ID into the ban aswell.

    be efficient for once

    i didn't knew you could see reports thats not validated yet
    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 17th, 2015 at 10:46 PM.

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    how's that related to my comment?
    Spoiler : :

    you still cant read un approved reports*

    did you read what bananachucho said? = Balthy himself reported them already.

    bananachucho got pretty quiet, i responded instantly after him so yeah im 90% sure he saw the message and i bet he comes up with, oh i just vent afk you know.

    sup bruh, did you already tell a lie
    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 18th, 2015 at 12:15 AM.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    how's that related to my comment?
    Spoiler : :

    you still cant read un approved reports*

    did you read what bananachucho said? = Balthy himself reported them already.

    bananachucho got pretty quiet, i responded instantly after him so yeah im 90% sure he saw the message and i bet he comes up with, oh i just vent afk you know.

    sup bruh, did you already tell a lie
    Come up with something? Am I on trial here?

    Also, had you read the link from Mentar, you would have seen this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Firebringer View Post
    Considering Balthy just reported these three accounts, I think its safe to assume its not him.

    Also why would he make three accounts with his own name on it? Thats almost as in bad shape as Spigot, but at least he names his account different names (even if in game he always calls himself "spigot")
    And plz, its bannacho now.
    Last edited by BananaCucho; May 18th, 2015 at 12:21 AM.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    how's that related to my comment?
    Spoiler : :

    you still cant read un approved reports*

    did you read what bananachucho said? = Balthy himself reported them already.
    *sigh*. a mod in that thread WHO CAN SEE REPORTS BEFORE THEY ARE PROCESSED said balthy had reported them himself.

    Last edited by Mentar; May 18th, 2015 at 12:28 AM.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    balthy upped to 6 users. man who has 6 computers running or else hes just doing VM's with a bounch of RAM

    holy dick

    yeah mentar, still doesn't mean ur comment has anything to do with nothing of whats been said so far

    so tell me, balthy finally gets banned and for the first time in history 6 "apparently fake balthies appears" tell me whats the coinsidence of this?

    be realistic. he gets banned and randomly 6 of him appears thats never happened before oh it must be some fake balthy, and them balthy tries to report them himself to make it look like its not him

    meh too much coinsidence
    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 18th, 2015 at 06:52 PM.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    balthy upped to 6 users. man who has 6 computers running or else hes just doing VM's with a bounch of RAM

    holy dick

    yeah mentar, still doesn't mean ur comment has anything to do with nothing of whats been said so far

    so tell me, balthy finally gets banned and for the first time in history 6 "apparently fake balthies appears" tell me whats the coinsidence of this?

    be realistic. he gets banned and randomly 6 of him appears thats never happened before oh it must be some fake balthy, and them balthy tries to report them himself to make it look like its not him

    meh too much coinsidence
    6 balthy is not enough. Needs more balthy.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    yeah mentar, still doesn't mean ur comment has anything to do with nothing of whats been said so far
    Honestly, how do you function in life. I keep picturing you walking into walls then getting confused and saying "what does that have to do with anything" when someone tries to explain there's a door.
    Last edited by Mentar; May 18th, 2015 at 10:46 PM.

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    soon he'll be ruining games with 15 Balthy's
    It really feels like the whole Tafkal thing is being treated as a joke and completely ignored, everyone arguing about every reason they get banned and then getting unbanned just to moments later get banned again.

    I wish I could join in and laugh at this joke when I after not playing Mafia for a few months still open SC2, join a lobby, only to see another game populated by 4x Balthy, a bunch of other tafkal fucks, loading into the game, and then seeing a troll setup or everyone leaving. Guess I'll check back in another few months.

    But seriously, how in the living fuck of wordly words can anyone not think of it as a complete fucking joke that they spend at least 12 hours a day literally making it impossible to play SC2 mafia. Some people develop programs, others create technology, others yet spend many hours working in business. These guys spend the majority of their time blocking access to a game.
    Last edited by Cryder; June 1st, 2015 at 12:28 AM.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryder View Post
    It really feels like the whole Tafkal thing is being treated as a joke and completely ignored, everyone arguing about every reason they get banned and then getting unbanned just to moments later get banned again.

    I wish I could join in and laugh at this joke when I after not playing Mafia for a few months still open SC2, join a lobby, only to see another game populated by 4x Balthy, a bunch of other tafkal fucks, loading into the game, and then seeing a troll setup or everyone leaving. Guess I'll check back in another few months.

    But seriously, how in the living fuck of wordly words can anyone not think of it as a complete fucking joke that they spend at least 12 hours a day literally making it impossible to play SC2 mafia. Some people develop programs, others create technology, others yet spend many hours working in business. These guys spend the majority of their time blocking access to a game.
    yo can u cry onto my french fries

    i need some more salt

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    no cause i read the OP and not all the other comments. if you want you can quote a comment where the MOD said blabla that balthy reported it.

    i dont have time to read everything everyone sends because they cant get to the point like now. give me a link to a thread and expect me to read all the comments even tho i could just done ctrl + f and found it.

    so yeah dont come up with shit talk like that again how i function in life. i just dont have time to waste a insane amount of time on all of this since i operate in alot of forums and with alot of people everyday. and if i want to be social aswell its no way in hell i can keep looking at stuff like that.

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by Mentar View Post
    *facepalm*, banana quoted the exact part for you.
    you keep talking about stuff thats none of ur business
    someone is a looner who needs to create hes own business

    either focus on the thread or dont post a comment.

    and this thread was more like a newspaper, not for you ignorant people who cant actually sit on topic and not starting to argue.

    if you cant simply say a mod said it "even tho i just guessed that annyway but didn't care" bananachucho. then this guy here is gonna suddenly start talking for you like he has nothing to do. and when he does it he cant do it the right way either. guess he did it half right.

    all of you start acting with wierd responses and makes disorder in the thread, based on one question i asked if he could see reports thats not been validated yet (even tho guessed he couldn't since hes namecolor is white) then simply answer the question instead of making my threads into this wild annoying whatever thread.

    thats one reason i already dont like you, captain mature

    i wonder if you can see my threads if i ignore/block you? someone answer that for me please
    also just close this thread aswell cause i dont really look forward for more stupid comments that has nothing to do with balthy or these new balthy accounts from some random dude
    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 19th, 2015 at 05:42 AM.

  22. ISO #22

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    if you cant simply say a mod said it
    *facepalm* I linked you to it, and banana quoted the exact post for you. Did you want us to erect a billboard in front of your house saying it too?

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    you keep talking about stuff thats none of ur business
    it's a forum man

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    all of you start acting with wierd responses and makes disorder in the thread, based on one question i asked if he could see reports thats not been validated yet (even tho guessed he couldn't since hes namecolor is white)
    Dude ... we answered your question, simply and directly. You then went on another classic hissy fit about it having nothing to do with anything even though it was a direct answer to a question you asked. If you just continued the conversion normally instead of snapping at people who answer your questions there wouldn't be 'disorder' in the thread.
    Last edited by Mentar; May 19th, 2015 at 06:14 AM.

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Sorry about the caps, was just a bit upset my post would be censored for no reason at all. Well done moderator Damus. Censor my post for no reason at all.
    All it takes is someone to get moderator to go from god tier to 2/10 tier. It's happened with many people, it's a shame you bought moderator, it changes people.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by ArchangelEZ View Post
    Sorry about the caps, was just a bit upset my post would be censored for no reason at all. Well done moderator Damus. Censor my post for no reason at all.
    All it takes is someone to get moderator to go from god tier to 2/10 tier. It's happened with many people, it's a shame you bought moderator, it changes people.
    Real talk. I think that sometimes people need a kick in the pants to get their shit together. But there is a difference between criticizing and debasing.
    That being said we are getting off the main topic lol.

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    no, i said whats the coinsidence that this is the first time we ever see this happening once balthy finally gets banned.
    why would someone go being balthy and actually waste so much electricity when running 4-6 computers at once using balthys name. it doesn't really add up.
    User gets banned, random 6 users with the same name comes up that is trolling. (user is already banned and wont get unbanned) so its no reason to actually be 6 balthies.

    and mentar, you have to do more trash comments thats already been solved and continue ur troll talk, this is typical teenagers who receive a little bit of critism and responds with,
    Spoiler : :
    dude blablabla

    whatever guys.

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    i am literally convinced master ninja has some form of autism
    I mean, I know he is Norwegian or whatever and his command of the English language is poor at best, but he can only take that excuse so far. You may just be right, Bruno...
    Quote Originally Posted by Necroplant View Post
    Mafia will be very interesting for the duration of this sentence, and lots of individuals' tummys will hurt from laughing so hard. I've had to fall out of my chair and lie on the ground before, as it was just too painful to laugh LOL.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    i am literally convinced master ninja has some form of autism
    I think most of us came to that conclusion a long time ago.

    But back on topic, I do not think it is any coincidence at all that right as Balthy gets banned someone makes multiple accounts to imitate him. Even before he was banned people were jumping on the bandwagon of hearing bad things about Balthy so they pretended like they saw him do all sorts of bad things too. Its kind of like in a game of mafia when an exec or someone else makes up something bad about a person, multiple people jump on the bandwagon and agree with the exec that that person is bad. GUYS BALTHY DID NOTHING WRONG THE PERSON THAT ACCUSED HIM IS JUST AN EXEC. Also the fact that be was banned automatically makes him a good target for trolls to impersonate, dont you remember people pretending to be necroplant?

  33. ISO #33

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    like why the balthies has not been banned yet? if you didn't know, it doesn't matter who the balthies are, cause the real one is already banned
    unless you didn't know that ofcourse.
    Spoiler : :
    so you attack me thinking it means anything who the balthies are, but thats bcus brain is probably offline or something.

    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 19th, 2015 at 07:57 PM.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Of course it matters who the balthies are. Mainly because bath is probably hoping he can get unbanned at some point and having everyone think he's creating multiple smurf accounts to circumvent his ban is going to hurt that significantly. But even if he isnt we don't like blaming people for things they didn't do; we're fair like that.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    get banned in games that actually cost money, "needs to purchase game to come back"
    here balthy is already unbanned because he just made a new account, he can simply make a new account with a different name and make a fake bank file with 10k points and no one would notice.
    you guys are 2 nice to people. https://bans.elite-hunterz.info/

    total bans, 8500. prob 1/4-1/5 is permbans wich is 1000-2000 people. and here we sit discussing one troller who has been big part of ruining the game and making a clan that trolls and the part of the game is to be annonymous and their clan certainly isn't.

    + this is a free game. that game there isn't.

    same with this where i am atm https://prgaming.net/bans/
    trollers who ruins the game = people dont like the game annymore = alot less people.

    only people to blame that its like this is the one's doing the bans

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by MintBerry Crunch View Post
    I think people take the game too seriously sometimes but as long as you dont intentionally ruin games then its alright.
    Spoiler : :

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho View Post
    lol Brendan is messing with the thread

    And absolutely, Mr. MintBerry. Things are getting out of hand though, users are being reported and punished for silly reasons like not giving a role on trial. That happens almost every game - that's just part of mafia.

    A mafia member outing his buddies and then rage quitting - sure that's gamethrowing. Not giving a role? C'mon now.
    never heard much of these reports. you must be looking at reports often bruh.
    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 20th, 2015 at 03:54 AM.

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    and what im saying is that 8300 points (with 1-2 new achievements) in 94 games is bullshit. + giving away 10 000 points also bs

    but you know,
    Spoiler : :

    and because of that you are still around

    does this look familiar?
    Spoiler : :
    Last edited by MasterNinja; May 19th, 2015 at 09:43 PM.

  42. ISO #42

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by MasterNinja View Post
    and what im saying is that 8300 points (with 1-2 new achievements) in 94 games is bullshit. + giving away 10 000 points also bs

    but you know,
    Spoiler : :

    and because of that you are still around

    does this look familiar?
    Spoiler : :
    Sigh. Why are we on this again? What does your biased opinion of me have to do with four balthys? Are you trying to stir a rise out of me?
    Last edited by BananaCucho; May 19th, 2015 at 09:57 PM.

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45
    my screen displays black as more black. i got a really great screen where i can make the colors pop out if i wanted. specially green color. but yeah that hurts ur eyes after a bit

    i should done grey yeah

    its sad he ruin games for others.. such a troll xDD.. toxic gamethrower never fun to play with. he should be baned forever on all the accounts. blathy clearly ruining games for others, no fun for any1 at all..
    very sad to see this hapen to such nice mafia community players.. i hope somebody can stop him. . oh wel i dont think anyone care though lol xDDD nobody care enough to even try to stop him.
    Last edited by Brendan; May 20th, 2015 at 01:19 AM.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    my screen displays black as more black. i got a really great screen where i can make the colors pop out if i wanted. specially green color. but yeah that hurts ur eyes after a bit

    i should done grey yeah

    its sad he ruin games for others.. such a troll xDD.. toxic gamethrower never fun to play with. he should be baned forever on all the accounts. blathy clearly ruining games for others, no fun for any1 at all..
    very sad to see this hapen to such nice mafia community players.. i hope somebody can stop him. . oh wel i dont think anyone care though lol xDDD nobody care enough to even try to stop him.
    xD Too bad. I hate balthy xd. he pointhack and ruin game and no one can stop him lol.. im going to play call of duty becoz u can't be trolled on call of d uty
    "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." Tafkal

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    Quote Originally Posted by "MasterNinja" View Post
    its sad he ruin games for others.. such a troll xDD.. toxic gamethrower never fun to play with. he should be baned forever on all the accounts. blathy clearly ruining games for others, no fun for any1 at all..
    very sad to see this hapen to such nice mafia community players.. i hope somebody can stop him. . oh wel i dont think anyone care though lol xDDD nobody care enough to even try to stop him.
    I'm dying!!!

  49. ISO #49

    Re: 4 Balthies spotted

    lol Brendan is messing with the thread

    And absolutely, Mr. MintBerry. Things are getting out of hand though, users are being reported and punished for silly reasons like not giving a role on trial. That happens almost every game - that's just part of mafia.

    A mafia member outing his buddies and then rage quitting - sure that's gamethrowing. Not giving a role? C'mon now.
    Last edited by BananaCucho; May 20th, 2015 at 01:38 AM.

  50. ISO #50



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