Before I reveal the rules for the next test on 4F, I have an announcement for you. Have you seen the other guys from Marriland group? They were here for Room of Masks test a few weeks ago and are currently on 3F waiting for the Pandemic Game. And some of then should be already participating in Forum Mafia XXI. So, starting from 5F, I'm going to merge both groups together! That's right guys, the next test on 5F will involve both you and Marriland party! Something you should look forward to, everyone. Furthermore, one of then already have over 1000 Test Points, which means he will soon have the right to create tests on his own in the future!

Additionaly, I have a few bright ideas ahead, but at leat one of then will most likely require anonymous accounts. But when that time comes, trust me, you will be forced to hide your real identity in order to keep your wits about you. But that's all for the future. For this floor, I have prepered the next test, which will be called...

Tower of God 4F: - Garden of Eden

The details about the test should come out tomorrow. But before I post the rules, make yourself known by posting here! Let me know that you are ready for the trials the lie ahead!