Survival Quest #1 - Page 2

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  1. ISO #51

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    -send Fatalis open Door 1
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  2. ISO #52

  3. ISO #53

  4. ISO #54

  5. ISO #55

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Part 1 Ending

    Spoiler : RP part :
    The security lock didn't take much time for the Survivors.
    "Alright, robots 1 and 6 are the only ones here talking the truth!" - claimed Roflcopter. - "So I'll decide to open the 3rd door". "Same for me" - creedkingsx added. "Woah, wait, why is that so?" - Mugy7 questioned. - "I'd say, the first two robots are trustworth so I'll open door 2!" "Yeah, go ahead" - Damus chuckled - "I'm fine with the 3rd door." And Mugy7 was really up to his idea and he touched the second door. Suddenly it hardly electrobit him, leaving a survivor shaking on grass.
    Soon almost all of the Survivors came up to a conclusion that the 3rd door was right to be opened. And they were right! The door opened and all of them entered the dark and silent tunnel...

    Spoiler : Answer :

    Robot 1 tells the truth then, as he claims, robot 3 is a liar. Robot 3 claims that 4 tells the truth, but 3 lies so that means 4 is a liar too. 4 claims that he doesn't know 1, but considering him as a liar we come to a statement that 4 DOES know 1, wich robot 6 says. That means 6 tells the truth. Robot 2, claiming that 6 is liar, lies himself then and robot 5 is a liar, claiming that 2 tells the truth.
    Conclusion: Robots 1 and 6 tell truth; Door to open: 3

    Spoiler : Part Results :

    The list is sorted by the time of making a guess (from earliest to latest)

    1. Roflcopter - RIGHT - 10
    2. creedkingsx - RIGHT - 10
    3. Mugy7 - WRONG - 9
    4. Damus_Graves - RIGHT - 10
    5. Gzz - RIGHT - 10
    6. Fatalis - RIGHT - 10
    7. Glip - RIGHT - 10
    8. CmG - WRONG - 9

    No replies: Ash, Roschi

    The next puzzle will be created soon (or in 10 hours, as it is really hard to make up some nice and difficult puzzle)

    I may add new entered players, but only with 9 lives remaining for the game to be fair (Part 1 is skipped for them).
    Last edited by Espozito; October 31st, 2012 at 07:54 PM.
    Sencerely yours,


  6. ISO #56

  7. ISO #57

  8. ISO #58

  9. ISO #59

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Shit son! Typo in the pm too gud!
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  10. ISO #60

  11. ISO #61

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    typed door 4 instead of 3.
    Spoiler : fm history :
    FM 6: Commoner/Legionare(roman)/Legionare(Sin) FM8: Stan Investigator FM9:Yakov German(Sapper) FM10: Fm Rumpel Vigilante FM11: Renekton: Serial Killer FM12: Sandor: citizen = scum FM13: Wicket : Devourer FM14: Torynn: Andrew Ryan (GF)

  12. ISO #62

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Part 2. Through the darkness.

    As the Survivors came into the deep dark tunnel, there was too less light so that Militaries suppoirting the explorers had to use their flashlights.
    It was harder to see the path in front of them, but also noone could see anything behind.
    Suddenly a scratching sounded behind one of the iron doors. On the one hand, Explorers didn't want to take a risk opening it, but their willing to find out what hides inside was too strong, and they opened the door...
    "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" - screamed a man, raising his hands in the air. - "We are not ones of them!" "We?" - questioned Lt Geeves. - "You mean..." Yes, the man wasn't alone: 2 more scared men were hiding behind. "Alright, we won't do you any harm." - claimed Geeves, putting his gun away. - "I am Lt Geeves, this is my team and a team of Explorers who have been sent to find out what's going on here. What is your name?" "Auckmid. And these are my collegues MintBerry Crunch and TimeTrx." "Wait", - Waldo questioned, - "What do you mean "not ones of THEM"?"
    Nothing meant to be that way, but suddently a noise of a broken pipe came from somwhere far, far behind the team. Then there came sounds of water. Out of any guess of Survivors, a huge wave of water was filling the tunnel and people had to run away as fast as they could. "Move, people! MOVE!!!" - Lt Geeves commanded, helping people to get through this water hell.
    Of course, physical abilities couldn't let all the survivors be on time with the overflow, so they had to use their time wise and fast...

    Spoiler : List of Survivors :

    1. Roflcopter - 10
    2. Fatalis - 10
    3. Glip - 10
    4. creedkingsx - 10
    5. Damus_Graves - 10
    6. Gzz - 10
    7. Ash - 10 (has to answer)
    8. Rocshi - 10 (has to answer)
    9. CmG - 9
    10. Mugy7 - 9
    11. MintBerry Crunch - 9 (added)
    12. Auckmid - 9 (added)
    13. TimeTrx - 9 (added)

    Spoiler : Puzzle :

    Here is the Plan of the tunnel:

    |_ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O

    You are at the X point and you have to reach the O point.
    The | sign is the position of water.

    At start you have 3 power points to move (can be raised more by breaks).
    Here are the moves you may make:
    Break: 1 step, gives +1 power point
    Short move: 2 steps, no power remains
    Fast drop: 3 steps, 2 power points

    Each turn after you make your move water level comes 3 steps closer.
    Design a list of moves you take to reach the O point "dry"

    Notice: If you reach the O point by your last move, you do NOT care about the water level coming closer the same turn.
    Example: If you have 2 steps from O and water is next step behind you, you make that 2 steps move and reach the O point. Water reaches O point too, moving 3 steps to it, but as you have already reached it, you are safe.

    • You may discuss the puzzle here, but may NOT post your guesses in the thread
    • You may ask questions about the puzzle in green
    • You have 1 guess only to make
    • If your list is wrong, you will lose as many lives as you are far from O point when you are "smacked" by water.
    • Roflcopter, creedkingsx and Damus_Graves can use Marines' help: +1 step to any of your moves (has 1 use only)
    Sencerely yours,


  13. ISO #63

  14. ISO #64

  15. ISO #65

  16. ISO #66

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Wtf I wasn't here for the first puzzle. not fair
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  17. ISO #67

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    This puzzle is so easy
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  18. ISO #68

  19. ISO #69

  20. ISO #70

  21. ISO #71

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    Took me 4 minutes
    Same but I had to solve it on paper
    Spoiler : Forum Mafia :

    FM VI: Ash (Sinner) FM VII: Glen (Drug Dealer) FM VIII: Liane (Vigilante) FM IX: Andrei (Reserved Proletarian) FM X: fm Deathfire123 (Modkilled Blacksmith) FM XI: Corki (Citizen) FM XIII: Phoebe (Bodyguard) FM XIV: Helena (Grave Robber) FM XV: FM Pikachu (Mayor) FM XVI: FM Master Chef (Escort)

  22. ISO #72

  23. ISO #73

  24. ISO #74

  25. ISO #75

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Quote Originally Posted by Gzz View Post
    What does it means "no power remains" ?
    That means that you don't use power for this step. 2 steps and you save your power with you, neither less nor more.

    Could we have kept the marine for later use?
    Nope, all you can do is answering faster to keep'em helping)
    Last edited by Espozito; October 31st, 2012 at 07:53 PM.
    Sencerely yours,


  26. ISO #76

  27. ISO #77

  28. ISO #78

  29. ISO #79

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatalis View Post
    Lmao fuck I'm actually wrong
    CAn I change the answer?
    Well, I think I can make that for the first time)
    Well, I am waiting 1 more hour for left players to answer, else something bad is gonna happen to them >=)
    Last edited by Espozito; November 1st, 2012 at 04:02 AM.
    Sencerely yours,


  30. ISO #80

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Part 2 Ending

    Spoiler : RP part :
    Water was coming closer and closer. On the way Roflcopter fell down. "Waldo! Help him!" - Lt Geeves commanded. Marksman helped a Survivor to get up and to continue this runaway. The whole thing was a mess and somebody kicked Damus_Graves to move him aside, but Edgar came to help him. Damus was knocked out and technic had to take him on his own.
    "Quick! Here!" - Lt Geeves found the way out... or in. Whatever, the main thing that was safe from being overflown. All the Survivors came in fast enough but Edgar with Damus was too slow. He decided to make a last drop: Edgar threw Damus closer to the bunker door, where he was caught by the others, and the next second it was too quick moment to explain...
    The door has been closed the moment before water came for them... and the moment before Edgar could reach it...
    "What happened?" - asked Damus, back in mind. But everyone was silently watching the locked forever bunker door...
    "Alright," - Geeves broke the silence, - "We must go. Everyone okay?" "Wait", - MintBerry stopped everyone, counting the people inside, - "Where is Rocshi?" "Oh, hell" - Roflcopter looked at the door again - "He is out there"...

    Spoiler : Answer :

    Here we go

    |_ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O

    Fast drop (+3 steps, 1 power left)

    _ _ _ | _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ O

    Break (+1 step, 2 power left)

    _ _ _ _ _ _ | X _ _ _ _ O

    Fast drop (+3 steps, 1 power left)

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | X _ O

    Short move (+2 steps, 1 power left)

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| X - SAFE

    Conclusion: You could use these 4 steps in different order and some of you could also use Marine help. There was also a second strategy used by two of you. Good job!

    Spoiler : Part Results :

    The list is sorted by the time of making a guess (from earliest to latest)

    1. Roflcopter - RIGHT - 10
    2. creedkingsx - RIGHT - 10
    3. Ash - RIGHT - 10
    4. Gzz - RIGHT - 10
    5. Mugy7 - RIGHT - 9
    6. Damus_Graves - RIGHT - 10
    7. TimeTrx - RIGHT - 9
    8. MintBerry Crunch - RIGHT - 9
    9. Fatalis - WRONG - 9 (yeah, I know what I said earlier, but rules are rules and this is a survival...)
    10. Glip - RIGHT - 10
    11. CmG - RIGHT - 9

    No replies: Rocshi (modkilled, no reply x2), Auckmid

    Rocshi has drown in water (modkilled for being inactive player). I am sorry, but this is really a survival and I need somebody to diiiieeeee...

    Wait for the next part.
    Last edited by Espozito; November 1st, 2012 at 08:29 AM.
    Sencerely yours,


  31. ISO #81

  32. ISO #82

  33. ISO #83

  34. ISO #84

  35. ISO #85

  36. ISO #86

  37. ISO #87

  38. ISO #88

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post
    what do you mean by 10 and 9 next to player names
    Lives left till you die... I think I really gotta decrease it to 5-7 as you just don't die out fast enough... or will make some other ways for you to die, mwahaha!!!
    Sencerely yours,


  39. ISO #89

  40. ISO #90

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatalis View Post
    I wish you can increase the difficulty a bit :P
    ^ says the guy who gets wrong
    Well,I know you just made a mistake: forgot bout the last move, but don't worry, that's just a 1-live loss, you, kitty, has 9 more left))

    So, for the Part 3 I think there will be some kind of CO-OP puzzle. I hope I'll do some of them better than the last ones, didn't really think they are so easy =(
    Sencerely yours,


  41. ISO #91

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Quote Originally Posted by Espozito View Post
    Well,I know you just made a mistake: forgot bout the last move, but don't worry, that's just a 1-live loss, you, kitty, has 9 more left))

    So, for the Part 3 I think there will be some kind of CO-OP puzzle. I hope I'll do some of them better than the last ones, didn't really think they are so easy =(
    it was simply an underestimation of the players involved.

  42. ISO #92

  43. ISO #93

  44. ISO #94

  45. ISO #95

    Re: Survival Quest #1

    Part 3. A Break that is Needed.

    Spoiler : RP part :
    The Survivors were locked behind the bunker door that looked safe enough against a couple of tones of water outside. Despite the loss of 2 men they had to continue their journey. Two flashlights were left for them and they went through another tunnel, even darker than the previous one. At least nothing sounded like broken pipe anymore.
    Some time later they found a dead end. "Great!" - Waldo said quickly. - "Now what?" "Hmm..." - Roflcopter looked at walls looking for anything useful. Still he couldn't find anything. Everyone started doing the same. "Over here!" - Mugy7 shouted. All came closer to him and looked down the corner of the dead end. It had some spots of blood on it. Dry ones. Whoever this blood prefered to, it was totally here for a month, it even looked like mug. On first sight, nothing unusual was about this picture, but then Damus_Graves understoodwhat's going on. "The handprint!" - he pointed at the interrupted old 3 finger spots of blood. really, there were supposed to be more of this spot, but it was clearly covered by something. Lt Geeves used hiss knife and cut some kind of skin, which covered this part of the wall. "It's a fake!" - Glip announced. Yes, a half-man-size hole was under this skin and it was locked with wooden boards. Only a few moments took Marines to break the wood and come in.
    When all the Survivors came in, they realised that they were in a small room. Mike tried to switch on the light, but, of course, it was useless. Flashlights, though, gave people some imagination of the room: it was a small study with a couple of bookcases, a desk with computer in the middle and there was also another blocked door, leading somewhere else, out of this room. There was a total mess of it, a few empty dirty boxes in the corner, broken wooden boards and that sort of thing. Oh, and don't forget about all the blood covering the walls and the floor... same old and dry...
    "Alright, gentlemen." - Lt Geeves commanded. - "Let's use our time and have a break. Inspect this room for anything useful."

    Spoiler : List of Survivors :

    1. Roflcopter - 10
    2. creedkingsx - 10
    3. Ash - 10
    4. Gzz - 10
    5. Damus_Graves - 10
    6. Glip - 10
    7. Mugy7 - 9
    8. Fatalis - 9
    9. TimeTrx - 9
    10. MintBerry Crunch - 9
    11. CmG - 9
    12. Auckmid - 9
    13. Rocshi - modkilled

    Rules for the Part
    • This Part is not as puzzle as investigative. You must search the room for any clues, anything useful.
    • There are 10 places to explore (yes, and you are 12). Any place can be explored only once.
    • You must type in red "-inspect <location name>" IN THIS THREAD and fast so that you won't be left without location.
    • You will get the inspection result in private and will choose wether to reveal or to hide the info you've got.
    • You may lie about what you have got (but ze CO-OP will work better here)
    • You must get all the clues from all the locations to make a plot of this part. In some of the locations you will be given a choice that will effect the game.
    • Be careful: in Survival everthing is dangerous, even now.
    • The player that will find a Green Chicken (YEZ, GREEN CHICKEN!), will decide which of the players will lose 2 LIVES.
    • Also... uh, pf~ nevermind. Just one more dot =D

    1. Desk - Ash
    2. Boxes - creedkingsx
    3. Bookcase - CmG
    4. Floor - Glip
    5. Wooden door - Roflcopter
    6. Broken boards - Damus_Graves
    7. A safe - Mugy7
    8. Medkit - Gzz
    9. Evacuation plan - TimeTrx
    10. Dialogue with Auckmid - Fatalis

    Left without location: MintBerry Crunch, Auckmid.
    Last edited by Espozito; November 2nd, 2012 at 07:26 AM.
    Sencerely yours,


  46. ISO #96

  47. ISO #97

  48. ISO #98

  49. ISO #99

  50. ISO #100



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