Boycotting SC2 Mafia

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  1. ISO #1

    Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    I am getting perma-banned just because Exeter is a sneaky little [CAT] and requesting replays from people just to get me banned. So im taking the player base down with me, so log out of SC2 Mafia and never play the game again. So little [CATS] like Exeter can play by themselves. These admins are straight [CATS] that does not care about theyre player base whatsoever. As ive suggested in the past to bring in new players using my creative ideas, and they shot them down because they do not care about theyre player base, they are power hungry narcissists that want to ban people for just playing the game or trolling. SC2 Mafia breaks the rules just like Gastric Penguin and Formic were saying. SC2MAFIA is NOT allowed to ban people from playing the game, its against the rules and regulations and ive already talked to someone at Blizzard about the game and they said they are going to shut this game down and delete it and permanently ban it from being playable, revenge is sweet. never play the game again! They do not care about your opinion!!!

    Last edited by Gyrlander; November 20th, 2018 at 05:09 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia


  5. ISO #5

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia


    Maybe later! =)

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    I am getting perma-banned just because Exeter is a sneaky little [CAT] and requesting replays from people just to get me banned. So im taking the player base down with me, so log out of SC2 Mafia and never play the game again. So little [CATS] like Exeter can play by themselves. These admins are straight [CATS] that does not care about theyre player base whatsoever. As ive suggested in the past to bring in new players using my creative ideas, and they shot them down because they do not care about theyre player base, they are power hungry narcissists that want to ban people for just playing the game or trolling. SC2 Mafia breaks the rules just like Gastric Penguin and Formic were saying. SC2MAFIA is NOT allowed to ban people from playing the game, its against the rules and regulations and ive already talked to someone at Blizzard about the game and they said they are going to shut this game down and delete it and permanently ban it from being playable, revenge is sweet. never play the game again! They do not care about your opinion!!!


    can u post a vocaroo of u whispering this to me? also can u show me a picture of you're hands, laos can? also can you
    Last edited by Gyrlander; November 20th, 2018 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Fixing quote not representing the original message
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybrid View Post
    Tbh if the people you are complaining about has 10 brain cells, you d only one 15 just because you are thinkinf they d read it and just because you are thinking that mod mafia always have a stable and the same thinking pattern going on. This thing is compeltly useless and not worth reading. If you complain losing the game then just stop playing because you could always mak3 town believe in yourself. Stop blaming the other players and calşing them idiots and blame yourself for your own lose for once....

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Was this setup approved tho? I think we gotta ask the admins
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Lol gyrlander

    More seriously though. Look at what you're doing. You're being toxic as hell, and the one who should be banned is not Exeter but you because you're literally advertising against the game. And your grounds for it are that some of the most toxic and trolly players agree with you. I don't think you're very honest there...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    I am getting perma-banned just because Exeter is a sneaky little [CAT] and requesting replays from people just to get me banned. So im taking the player base down with me, so log out of SC2 Mafia and never play the game again. So little [CATS] like Exeter can play by themselves. These admins are straight [CATS] that does not care about theyre player base whatsoever. As ive suggested in the past to bring in new players using my creative ideas, and they shot them down because they do not care about theyre player base, they are power hungry narcissists that want to ban people for just playing the game or trolling. SC2 Mafia breaks the rules just like Gastric Penguin and Formic were saying. SC2MAFIA is NOT allowed to ban people from playing the game, its against the rules and regulations and ive already talked to someone at Blizzard about the game and they said they are going to shut this game down and delete it and permanently ban it from being playable, revenge is sweet. never play the game again! They do not care about your opinion!!!

    Actually, you'll soon see that it was only one report that put the final nail in your coffin, and it came from me. All of the replays that I submitted were my own, didn't need to ask anybody else lol. Anyway, you can ignore all of the other reports because they're redundant.

    As for not caring about the player base, wrong. It is precisely because they care about the player base that they're shutting you down. You are a detriment to the community.

    Lastly, regarding Blizzard's ToS, you should read this attempt by Duke and his posse lol. That was two years ago. You're not the first person who slings around threats like that, and you won't be the last. Funny how it's always the rulebreakers who make these threats - oh right, because they are the only ones barred from playing.

    Don't be such a troublemaker Rachyl. Have some shame and decency.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Concerned members of the public can go into the Reports section and review the reports on RachylMellow, as well as her long history of past offenses dating back to 2015.

    Although no verdict was passed on the recent reports due to a separate offense that was enough to warrant a permaban on its own, you can reach your own conclusions about what kind of player Rachyl is and how much weight her arguments here really carry.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Amen, truer words never spoken. They all narcissistic and power hungry. Thats why when they are outsmarted, their fragile ego cant handle it and they snap.
    Down with the system.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    Amen, truer words never spoken. They all narcissistic and power hungry. Thats why when they are outsmarted, their fragile ego cant handle it and they snap.
    Down with the system.
    bring back the ponies
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    fuck you and fuck society, you all can kiss my ass! haha, awwwwh poor rachyl clearly triggered by rules, her blood pressure goes through the rough LOL what a pitiful angry little loser that keeps posting about jesus, you think anyone likes you? you think your making yourself look good by breaking rules on a game? your a straight up coward. gyrlander was right about you!!!!! your nothing but a fucking bully! who gets her kicks out of attacking innocent victims. wow you must be soooo proud of yourself! you must really think your the hero of christianity! by trying to get rid of sc2mafia!! well guess what! its NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!!!! WE WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY SC2MAFIA WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOU STUPID RETARD! deal with it! haahhahaaha i say deal with it all my haters cuz all my haters have to jusst deal with it! *puts on sunglasses and smokes a bowl of weed* DEAL WITH IT! haha i love doing that DEAL WITH IT! hahhahaahaaahaaha! looser! oh what do we have here its a little problem, oh its rachyl! get the hell out of herre racyl you stupid retard! LOL get out! now get out! rachyl wimpers and cowers before logic. hehehehe. what a coward looser. rachyl is scared and timid and afraid of the mighty moderator babes. LMAO. ahaahahaaha ^_^
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fuck you and fuck society, you all can kiss my ass! haha, awwwwh poor rachyl clearly triggered by rules, her blood pressure goes through the rough LOL what a pitiful angry little loser that keeps posting about jesus, you think anyone likes you? you think your making yourself look good by breaking rules on a game? your a straight up coward. gyrlander was right about you!!!!! your nothing but a fucking bully! who gets her kicks out of attacking innocent victims. wow you must be soooo proud of yourself! you must really think your the hero of christianity! by trying to get rid of sc2mafia!! well guess what! its NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!!!! WE WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY SC2MAFIA WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOU STUPID RETARD! deal with it! haahhahaaha i say deal with it all my haters cuz all my haters have to jusst deal with it! *puts on sunglasses and smokes a bowl of weed* DEAL WITH IT! haha i love doing that DEAL WITH IT! hahhahaahaaahaaha! looser! oh what do we have here its a little problem, oh its rachyl! get the hell out of herre racyl you stupid retard! LOL get out! now get out! rachyl wimpers and cowers before logic. hehehehe. what a coward looser. rachyl is scared and timid and afraid of the mighty moderator babes. LMAO. ahaahahaaha ^_^
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fuck you and fuck society, you all can kiss my ass! haha, awwwwh poor rachyl clearly triggered by rules, her blood pressure goes through the rough LOL what a pitiful angry little loser that keeps posting about jesus, you think anyone likes you? you think your making yourself look good by breaking rules on a game? your a straight up coward. gyrlander was right about you!!!!! your nothing but a fucking bully! who gets her kicks out of attacking innocent victims. wow you must be soooo proud of yourself! you must really think your the hero of christianity! by trying to get rid of sc2mafia!! well guess what! its NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!!!! WE WILL CONTINUE TO PLAY SC2MAFIA WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOU STUPID RETARD! deal with it! haahhahaaha i say deal with it all my haters cuz all my haters have to jusst deal with it! *puts on sunglasses and smokes a bowl of weed* DEAL WITH IT! haha i love doing that DEAL WITH IT! hahhahaahaaahaaha! looser! oh what do we have here its a little problem, oh its rachyl! get the hell out of herre racyl you stupid retard! LOL get out! now get out! rachyl wimpers and cowers before logic. hehehehe. what a coward looser. rachyl is scared and timid and afraid of the mighty moderator babes. LMAO. ahaahahaaha ^_^
    Lol "wether", r u a fuckin idiot?????

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    this seems like a good thread
    Eh its alright so far
    We need a cameo and maybe an unrelated 3rd party making it about themselves

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia


    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    fuck you and fuck society, you all can kiss my ass! haha, awwwwh poor exeter clearly triggered by me, his blood pressure goes through the rough LOL what a pitiful angry little loser that keeps posting about me, you think anyone likes you? you think your making yourself look good by picking on a mentall ill girl? your a straight up coward. balthy was right about you!!!!! your nothing but a fucking bully! who gets his kicks out of attacking innocent victims. wow you must be soooo proud of yourself! you must really think your the hero of sc2mafia forums! by trying to get rid of me!! well guess what! im NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!!!!! I WILL CONTINUE TO POST ABOUT RELIGION WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT YOU STUPID RETARD! deal with it! haahhahaaha i say deal with it all my haters cuz all my haters have to jusst deal with it! *puts on sunglasses and smokes a bowl of weed* DEAL WITH IT! haha i love doing that DEAL WITH IT! hahhahaahaaahaaha! looser! oh what do we have here its a little problem, oh its exeter! get the hell out of herre exter you stupid retard! LOL get out! now get out! exeter wimpers and cowers before rachyl. hehehehe. what a coward looser. exeter is scared and timid and afraid of the mighty rachyl babes. LMAO. ahaahahaaha ^_^

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    this seems like a good thread
    OMG xD hallo renegade
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Welcome to S-FM Boycotting Sc2 Mafia!

    Day One

    Player List:
    @Slaol @Magoroth @Exeter350

    Reserve: @AIVION

    God: @Marshmallow Marshall

    Goal: Convince us that this thread's subject is righteous or not. Use of religious arguments, of memes, of nonsense and of famous troll names is encouraged.

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00


    P.S. this is not a real game
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; November 20th, 2018 at 08:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    -vote Slaol

    I am the reserve player : )

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Majority is diabled for this game.

    Goal: Convince us that this thread's subject is righteous or not. Use of religious arguments, of memes, of nonsense and of famous troll names is encouraged.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    Majority is diabled for this game.

    Goal: Convince us that this thread's subject is righteous or not. Use of religious arguments, of memes, of nonsense and of famous troll names is encouraged.
    Clearly righteous. Would a god make something as shit as the sc2 mod and it's moderation? Remember, when comparing my info to Mags- i was a key game editor and lead super mod. Both are shit and should be wiped from the surface. Thread is righteous

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    ok. I hardclaim jester.

  34. ISO #34

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by renegade View Post
    never played forum mafia before, I guess now is the time to try. Where's my role?
    This is a troll "game" that fits the thread perfectly. It's more of an arena of debating if we should delete SC2 mafia, burn the streets and elect a chinese cat for president. If you would like to play real forum mafia, I can hit you up when there are signups.

    Unless you're just trolling here

    Also I have an announcement: @Rachyl is Reality Bender, a flavor role that is absolutely meaningless unless you give it a meaning yourself. Carry on.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    Clearly righteous. Would a god make something as shit as the sc2 mod and it's moderation? Remember, when comparing my info to Mags- i was a key game editor and lead super mod. Both are shit and should be wiped from the surface. Thread is righteous
    You are therefore stating that the mod is Satan's spawn?
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    I helped with it so it's to be assumed
    If this countdown ends without objections to Slaol, he will achieve a solo victory

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00

    • 00


    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    What countdown?
    The one that cannot be quoted from other posts
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    I dont see a countdown. Please quote it to prove it exists, god.
    Please quote it to prove that it doesn't exist, mortal.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Damus_Graves View Post

    Damus_Graves here holds something. At the beginning, there was the Word, and the Word was God, and the mod is based on words. Ergo the mod is God. So I am the mod.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  46. ISO #46

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    That isnt how proof works.
    Prove that it's not how it works then

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    I dont see a countdown. Please quote it to prove it exists, god.
    Ignoring information and refusing to cooperate with host.

    Easy lynch.

    Everybody is equally weak on the inside, just that some present their ruins as new castles and become kings –
    Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
    If your dear heart is wounded, my wild heart bleeds with yours.

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    If this countdown ends without objections to Slaol, he will achieve a solo victory

    [Countdown Timers Cannot be Quoted from Other Posts]

    Actually I agree with Slaol's point, I just don't want him to achieve a solo victory, out of spite. I'm trying to draw this out into a stalemate.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Boycotting SC2 Mafia

    I am unCC'd jester. Lynch me pls.



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