So I thought of a new role for mafia...

Drunk Addict

Load message: You are a drunk addict who was once a citizen of the town/You are a drunk addict who doesn't care who wins.

Alignment: Town/Neutral
Goal: lynch mafia, arson, sk, make town win/Survive until the end.

Abilities: Roleblocks everyone who visits him, even roleblock immune. Can use ability for 3 nights.
Occasionaly will vote the wrong option when lynching and you will not know.

Inv message: your target is probably a citizen, but may be hiding something sinister.

Sheriff: your target is Ns.

Options: limited to 3 nights, Default ON (or 2 or 1 but 3 is default)
RBs immune roles, Default ON
RBs invest roles, Default OFF
Visitor knows he targeted the drunk, Default, OFF
If lynched will make a citizen DA Default, On (if there is a citizen)

Extra: If he is jailed, the jailor will become drunk too and voting may be messed up without him knowing.
If mafia or cult, mason, sk, or arson visit, they have a high chance of targeting the wrong person the next night. Same with invest roles. If option turned on, will make a citizen a DA.

Attacked message: someone tries to attack you, but you hand them a bottle of booze.

Visit message: You find yourself confused and don't know where you are.

How it effects: Would make voting behavior check less reliable, may make mafia believe target is night immune. Can easily make invest roles lynch wrong person. Make people believe there are framers or being witched. can make BDs, BGs, docs protect wrong person. Make people confused when they don't get a message or they don't get a kill. This can make the game harder for most people because people may think he is jester.