M-FM: Cops & Robbers

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    M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    - M-FM: Cops & Robbers -
    - Screenplay by Ika, Directed by Slaol

    I probably need an RP... huh?

    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia
    Hidden Mafia

    Cops and Town.
    Town Investigative
    Town Killing
    Town Killing / Investigative

    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town
    Hidden Town

    Hidden Evil
    Hidden Evil


    Hidden Benign
    Hidden Benign

    Hidden Citizen or Prisoner.
    Hidden Citizen or Prisoner.

    Spoiler : Significant Mechanics :

    Mail- Unlike in S-FM: What, I could not survive a PM mechanic for a game larger than that, so no PM system. So instead I will be allowing a single 'letter' to be sent per day. The letters will be sent like feedback messages and received each morning. You may sign as anyone in game or as a name that you request to me. Roles, noteable people or funny things are allowed at my discretion.
    Prisoners- Prisoners will win with any scum.
    Police- Police will share a night chat.

    Spoiler : Boring Rules :
    Game will start at night.
    Night actions must be in a PM to myself by 1 hour before night ends. This will be hard enforced. Reserves will be notified and sought out.
    Night will be 24 hours unless I cut it short.
    Day will be 24 hours unless I extend due to cutting night short.
    Votes will use [vote] system.
    Lynch will be (1/2 of game)+1. No mandatory lynch or auto-lynch on most voted.
    No outside communication.
    Last wills are allowed.
    You may post links to videos and gifs and things.
    Editing posts will be a modkill.
    No claiming COMs or modkill.

    I will edit the spoilers in a bit, but potential roles will be...
    Blacksmith, Bodyguard, Bus Driver, Citizen, Coroner, Crier, Detective, Doctor, Investigator, Jailor, Journalist (renaming Reporter to the common Journalist), Lookout, Marshall, Nurse, Sheriff, Snitch, Spy, Veteran, Vigilante
    Arms Dealer, Bruiser, Consigliere, Drug Dealer, Framer, Godfather, Janitor, Mafioso, Thief
    Arsonist, Joker, Magician, Mass Murderer, Prisoner, Serial Killer
    Amnesiac, Executioner, Infestor, Jester, Lawyer, Student
    Spoiler : Roles :
    Spoiler : Town :

    - Town Core
    [INDENT]o Citizen – Win 1v1 ties.
    • The final Citizen will gain 1 Auto-Use Vest
    o Marhsall – Send the Host a PM during the day to 'Reveal' as the Marshall and allow the Town to lynch multiple people in a day
    • Lynches of Town will stop multi-lynches for that day.
    • Multiple Lynches will occur every day that the Marshall is alive, only ending day for a mislynch.

    - Town Investigative
    o Sheriff – Check a person at night for if they are evil.
    • Detect Mafia, Evil Power
    o Investigator – Investigate a person at night for their role type.
    • Does not detect exact role
    o Detective – Track someone at night to see who they visit.
    • Does not ignore immunity
    o Lookout – Watch someone at night to see who visits them.
    • Does not ignore immunity
    • Can watch self
    o Journalist – Select someone to interview during the day. They will write a Last Will style article that will be publicly announced, anonymously, the next morning.
    • Can not interview self

    - Town Killing
    o Vigilante – Shoot someone at night.
    • No limit on shots
    o Blacksmith – Arm a non-police player with a gun at night. They may choose to shoot it any night after they receive it. If the gun kills someone not in the Town or Police the Blacksmith and shooter will be awarded an Auto-Vest.
    • No limit on guns
    o Veteran – Go on Alert every night, killing all visitors.
    • No limit on alerts
    • Ignores immunity
    • May alert at the house of anyone he shares a night chat with (will not harm teammate)
    o Bodyguard – Guard someone at night, killing their attackers.
    • May not be healed if protecting
    • Ignores immunity
    o Jailor – Select someone to jail during the day. You will interrogate them anonymously, and be able to execute them. Jailing is also a perfect role block and a perfect protection.
    • No limit on executions
    • Executions pierce night immunity

    - Town Support
    [INDENT]o Doctor – Protect a player from night offensive abilities.
    • Learns of Attacks on targets
    o Nurse – Buff a player with Adrenaline. They will use their buffed power the next night.
    • No limit on adrenaline

    - Town Power
    [INDENT]o Bus Driver – Swap locations of two targets.
    • Can swap self

    - Town Specialty
    o Spy – Can see Mafia targets
    • Can also see Mafia kill
    • Can also read PMs without the senders
    o Coroner – Examine bodies for special information
    • Learns original role, and final role
    • Learns all targets and night of target
    • Learns true mode of death
    • Learns their Last Will
    • Learns if ever Doused or Drugged
    o Snitch – Reveal the hidden evil roles in the roles list if killed at night by evil roles or lynched
    • May reveal Mafia
    • May reveal Evil Power
    o Crier – Submit a Last Will style message during the night (or day) that will be anonymously announced to the Town at the start of the next day.
    • Journalist articles, Crier announcement, Amnesiac announcement, and Joker demands will all appear the same


    Spoiler : Mafia :
    - Mafia -

    - Mafia Power
    o Godfather – Immune to night death, and detection
    • May kill without Mafioso
    • May be sent for the factional kill
    o Bruiser – Removes immunities of a player permanently, or makes the Mafia kill guaranteed to succeed.
    • Knows if immunity removal was successful
    • Also removes vests
    • Sent for the factional kill when using 1-use guaranteed kill
    o Thief – Rob a player of an item or use a stolen item at night.
    • May keep items even after robbing others
    • May be sent for the factional kill

    - Mafia Deception
    o Arms Dealer – Changes the Mafia kill to look like a different kill if not sent for the kill
    • May make death description match any in the list of death descriptions
    • Visits the Mafia killer to change the kill
    • May be sent for the factional kill
    o Janitor – ‘Cleans’ the Mafia kill to hide the role and last will from the Town
    • No limit on cleanings
    • May be sent for the factional kill
    o Framer – Frame a target to appear to be evil
    • Immune to detection
    • Framed victim appears to visit the Mafia kill to both Detectives and Lookouts watching the Mafia kill. Lookouts watching the framed victim's real target will still see him visit.
    • Can also frame Investigative results, and Snitch reveals
    • Can not defensively frame.
    • May be sent for the factional kill
    o Drug Dealer – Give a player false feedback.
    • May drug with Attacked&Healed, Given Gun, Given Auto-Vest, Given Vest, Swapped, Fought, Robbed, Doused, Annoyed, Infested
    • May be sent for the factional kill

    - Mafia Support
    [INDENT]o Mafioso – Wins ties against all by Citizen
    • Any Mafia role may act out the kills without lose of night action if a Mafioso is around.
    • May be sent for the factional kill
    o Consigliere – Detect a player’s role at night.
    • Detect exact role
    • May be sent for the factional kill

    Evil Neutral

    Spoiler : Evils :
    - Evil Neutrals -

    - Evil Power
    [INDENT]o Serial Killer – Kill a target at night.
    • Immune to night death
    • Kills role blockers without stopping his night kill
    • Wins ties against Arsonist
    o Arsonist – Douse a target/Undouse yourself/Undouse a target/or ignite all doused
    • Immune to night death
    • May day ignite at the cost of being confirmed as the Arsonist
    • Doused are alerted of being Doused
    • Kills role blockers if they are Doused before role blocking
    • Ignore healing and immunity
    • Wins ties against Mass Murderer
    o Mass Murderer – Visit a target and kill all others that visit, also kills the 'home owner' if they do not move.
    • Immune to night death
    • 1 night between 2+ kill sprees
    • Wins ties against Joker
    o Joker – Announce a mark in an interview style post. If they are not lynched in 2 days you may kill 2 people.
    • Immune to night death
    • May reset mark and 2 day timer each night
    • May mark self
    • Wins ties against Serial Killer
    • Kills happen at end of day before night chats if sent in. They happen with other kills if not sent in before night. If sent in before night the kills are immune to Detective and Lookout

    - Evil Support
    o Magician – Put a magical wall around a target
    • Those that target your target reverse and act on themselves
    • Those that target you instead effect your target
    • Your target may act on you without misdirection
    o Prisoner – Win ties against Citizens
    • Has 1-use self Lookout

    Benign Neutrals

    Spoiler : Wildcards :
    - Benign Neutrals -

    - Benign Seeker
    o Jester
    • A guilty voter dies, and a chosen target dies if lynched
    o Executioner
    • Immune to night death once his target is lynched
    • Becomes Jester upon failure
    o Lawyer
    • Can check a target for their Last Will and Death Note

    - Benign Power
    [INDENT]o Student – Take a master and their win condition during the day
    • May view a night chat in which his master may speak at night
    • Take the Master's role if they die.
    • Learns all feedback and information of his master each night
    • Student is immune to night death the night his master dies
    o Infestor – Take a host during the day, it will die upon taking of Host
    • Learns the roles that visit his host
    • Host gains immunity the night of capture
    • May speak 1-way with his host
    • May take any host on night 1
    • Must take Town or Benign on night 2
    • Host take is randomized on night 3
    • If Infestor does not successfully take a Host on night 3 he will die.
    o Amnesiac – Take the role of a dead player after they die.
    • Role may be revealed in an article style if desired
    • Selects role during the day

    Added information on Exotic roles

    Spoiler : Exotic Roles- can add any role requested to this :

    Role Name: Marshall
    Alignment: Town, Town Core
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Reveal during the day to allow for multi-lynches.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign.
    Intended Purpose: Allow for a confirmed Town, and allow a day-strong/night-weak Town to lynch multiple leads.
    Meta-Game Implications: It should push the stating of facts and consistent lists of leads so that should a crucial day arise it can be discussed in full and pushed for.
    Possible Cons: Multiple mislynches in a single day would be deadly for a Town.
    One Sentence Summary: The other Mayor.

    Role Name: Journalist
    Alignment: Town, Town Investigative
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Interview a player at night. They will write a Last Will style message that will be anonymously stated the next day.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign.
    Intended Purpose: Allow for investigative night results that are less guaranteed, but potentially far more impactful.
    Meta-Game Implications: People will be more inclined to keep notes up, for the point of writing a game changing article anonymously.
    Possible Cons: It does not give as finite of answers as Sherriff or Investigator.
    One Sentence Summary: Investigator done right.

    Role Name: Blacksmith
    Alignment: Town, Town Killing
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Arm a player with a gun at night. They may shoot it the next night. Gun kills of scum award the Blacksmith and the shooter and Auto-Use Vest.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign.
    Intended Purpose: A more confirm-able, but less naturally powerful Vigilante.
    Meta-Game Implications: Allow for the distributing of power and kills to the Town to act on leads in a more anonymous way. Very impact-ful in a mass games with Citizens.
    Possible Cons: Giving guns to the enemy is a natural disadvantage.
    One Sentence Summary: Vigilante done right.

    Role Name: Jailor
    Alignment: Town, Town Killing
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Jail a target at night if there was no lynch the day before. This removes them from their night chat. You may interrogate them, communicate with them, and execute them. Being in Jail is a hard role block and a perfect protect.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign.
    Intended Purpose: Allow for an extension of day in a form of a 2nd trial period for a clear suspect.
    Meta-Game Implications: It causes a worry about voting patterns, and allows town to 'let jailor jail' in the event a day has not quite been successful.
    Possible Cons: Giving the power of the day lynch to a single player doesn't always turn out well..
    One Sentence Summary: Trial: take two.

    Role Name: Nurse
    Alignment: Town, Town Support
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Inject a player with adrenaline, giving their night power a buff the next night.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign.
    Intended Purpose: A true support role. His only existence is to make others better.
    Meta-Game Implications: The existence of a Nurse is prime to encourage role claiming and coordination of more powerful powers.
    Possible Cons: It could overpower a Town, or ruin a Town with OP villains.
    One Sentence Summary: Buffs, and stuff.

    Role Name: Spy
    Alignment: Town, Town Specialty
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Spy on the Mafia night targets.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign.
    Intended Purpose: To give a key player in Town a growing list of confirmed Non-Mafia. A hard counter to a Mafia.
    Meta-Game Implications: It causes Mafia to think about which targets they should claim during the day so as to not match their Spy feedback.
    Possible Cons: Too many easily confirmed Town CAN easily break a setup.
    One Sentence Summary: Hacking Mafia stuff

    Role Name: Snitch
    Alignment: Town, Town Specialty
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Upon death; by non-town killing, or a lynch, reveal the hidden Mafia and Evil roles in a roles list.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign.
    Intended Purpose: Dying to give the Town hard answers. Works perfectly with expected role claims, player tendencies, and investigator.
    Meta-Game Implications: A Town Jester that gives large answers upon death.
    Possible Cons: The play to get lynched might be painful to Town, and a role based around death might be un-enjoyable to play as.
    One Sentence Summary: Town's Jester.

    Role Name: Crier
    Alignment: Town, Town Specialty
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Make an anonymous announcement at the beginning of the day.
    Win Condition: Win with Town, and possibly Benign
    Intended Purpose: Allow for anonymous leading, and extensive logic and reason pushing without endangering a player. Also potentially large confirm-ability.
    Meta-Game Implications: Allow for information to come from an established place without the place being connected to a player.
    Possible Cons: Too much confirm-ability is bad. And the player has nothing to ride on other than their natural skill.
    One Sentence Summary: Anonymous voice.

    Role Name: Bruiser
    Alignment: Mafia, Mafia Power
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Fight a target at night, removing all night immunities from them. Or use your 1-time guaranteed successful Mafia kill.
    Win Condition: Win with Mafia, and possible Evil Support, Evil Town, and Benign.
    Intended Purpose: The ultimate counter to power roles for the Mafia.
    Meta-Game Implications: Neutrals are less powerful, as they can not simply survive a Mafia. It also allows for a guaranteed kill at a time of need for a Mafia.
    Possible Cons: Few cons. Low effect as games are not riddled with non-mafia immune roles, and 1 kill will not always be game changing.
    One Sentence Summary: Mafia's Anti-Power-Role Role.

    Role Name: Thief
    Alignment: Mafia, Mafia Power
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Rob a player at night, stealing something from them.
    Win Condition: Win with Mafia, and possibly Evil Support, Evil Town, and Benign.
    Intended Purpose: To be a semi-investigative role, as well as a swingy and situational power role.
    Meta-Game Implications: Allow a situational Mafia power role.
    Possible Cons: Too much power could be had if the Thief robs the right people.
    One Sentence Summary: Steals powers from the living.

    Role Name: Arms Dealer
    Alignment: Mafia, Mafia Deception
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Arm the Mafia acting out the factional kill with weapons to appear to be a different kill.
    Win Condition: Win with Mafia, and possibly Evil Support, Evil Town, and Benign.
    Intended Purpose: To confuse the Town about roles in the game.
    Meta-Game Implications: Cause the host's day start post to be worth less in terms of confirmed information.
    Possible Cons: Deception is not always sound, and must be intelligently maintained.
    One Sentence Summary: Changes death descriptions and such.

    Role Name: Joker
    Alignment: Evil, Evil Power
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Mark a player at night. Then next day an announcement will be made anonymously. In the announcement will be the Joker's demands, and the marked player. If the marked player is not lynched in 2 days the Joker kills 2 people.
    Win Condition: Win alone, with other Jokers, Evil Support, Evil Town and Benign.
    Intended Purpose: To un-confirm day start announcements, and lead the lynches in a scum friendly direction.
    Meta-Game Implications: A lynch leading Scum, as opposed to a lynch leading Town.
    Possible Cons: Kills Per Night are very low if the lynches DO take.
    One Sentence Summary: Lynch, or die.

    Role Name: Magician
    Alignment: Evil, Evil Support
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Misdirect players. Place a magic box around a target. Those that select to target the person in the box will instead reverse and target themselves. Those that select to target the Magician will instead target the person in the box. The person in the box is un-effected by misdirection.
    Win Condition: Win with Evil Support, Evil Town, Benign, and either Mafia or Evil Power.
    Intended Purpose: Cause mass confusion, with little natural power. Similar to Bus Driver.
    Meta-Game Implications: Causes more scum hunting and analysis of mechanics to trust night feedback.
    Possible Cons: Might cause too much confusion. It must also choose whether to play offensively or defensively with it's power each night.
    One Sentence Summary: Weird 1-way Bus Driver and stuff

    Role Name: Prisoner
    Alignment: Evil, Evil Town
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: 1 time self watch, and wins ties against Citizen.
    Win Condition: Win with Evil Support, Evil Town, Benign, and either Mafia or Evil Power
    Intended Purpose: An evil Citizen.
    Meta-Game Implications: People who are useing strictly player analysis, but are of the reverse intentions.
    Possible Cons: Large confusion in the day chat, and increase to Non-Town numbers. Counter-analysis.
    One Sentence Summary: Evil Citizen

    Role Name: Lawyer
    Alignment: Benign, Benign Seeker
    Game Size(s): S-FM, M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Read a player's last will. (if they are allowed)
    Win Condition: Keep his target from being lynched during the day. If his target is night killed he must survive until the end of the game.
    Intended Purpose: An anti-Executioner.
    Meta-Game Implications: The disturbing of Last Wills will encourage Last wills, and a neutral choosing a single player will allow a defensive swing in voting.
    Possible Cons: Very low impact on game.
    One Sentence Summary: Anti-Executioner.

    Role Name: Student
    Alignment: Benign, Benign Power
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Select a permanent master during the day, and listen to his teachings at night. You take on his role the night that he dies.
    Win Condition: Take your master's win condition and see it fulfilled.
    Intended Purpose: A 2nd chance at key roles, and smaller night communication.
    Meta-Game Implications: Allows key Power Roles to state their cases and directions anonymously through their Student, and to have a 2nd chance at life.
    Possible Cons: A 2nd chance at a key role would be disastrous to the other faction.
    One Sentence Summary: A 2nd chance at a key role+.

    Role Name: Infestor
    Alignment: Benign, Benign Power
    Game Size(s): M-FM, FM
    Abilities: Infest a player within the first 3 nights. You will see the TYPES of roles that visit your host, and be able to speak 1-way to your host at all times.
    Win Condition: Win with your host.
    Intended Purpose: A sort of item to be added to a single player to allow for added exotic information and assisted reads.
    Meta-Game Implications: This buff of information and reads could allow a single player to be incredibly impactful.
    Possible Cons: Being an item for another player is undesirable by many, and the early game chance of dying is tough.
    One Sentence Summary: OP anyone.
    Additional Notes: If he selects a target on the first night he may take any host. If he selects a target on the second night he will fail unless he takes Town or Benign. If he waits until the 3rd night he may take any host again but his target will be randomized. If by some chance he manages to fail to take a host by the 3rd night he will die and lose.
    Spoiler : Investigator Pairings :

    1. Citizen / Prisoner / Godfather = Seemingly innocent.
    2. Investigator / Consigliere = Snoops for information.
    3. Bus Driver / Arsonist = Works with gasoline.
    4. Blacksmith / Arms Dealer = Owns and sells weapons.
    5. Jailor / Mafioso = Owns a personal arsenal.
    6. Sheriff / Lawyer = Has a vast knowledge of legal matters.
    7. Doctor / Serial Killer = Works with knives.
    8. Snitch / Amnesiac = Seems to avoid contact.
    9. Marshall / Executioner = A charismatic vocal leader.
    10. Veteran / Mass Murderer = Has a flurry of weapons of all sorts and sizes
    11. Lookout / Student = Very observant.
    12. Detective / Infestor = Seems to be some sort of stalker.
    13. Coroner / Janitor = Works with dead bodies.
    14. Bodyguard / Bruiser = Very large and muscular.
    15. Magician = Master of misdirection.
    16. Spy / Thief = Very hard to find.
    17. Crier / Jester = Seeks public attention.
    18. Vigilante / Joker = Seems to hold a lot of grudges.
    19. Nurse / Drug Dealer = Has access to many medications.
    20. Reporter / Framer = Likes to manipulate information.

    Spoiler : Thief Items :
    Thief Items
    1. Sheriff- all of his past notes
    2. Investigator- all of his past notes
    3. Detective- all of his past notes
    4. Lookouts- all of his past notes
    5. Journalist- all of his interviewees
    6. Vigilante- full ammo for Blacksmith gun
    7. Bodyguard- a 1-use gun
    8. Blacksmith- a bullet-less gun
    9. Veteran- 1-use MM style attack that kills with Veteran death
    10. Jailor- 1-use jailing. Mafia can kill the target to ignore immunity
    11. Citizen- nothing
    12. Marshall- his identification, Godfather may reveal as Marshall. Marshall may not reveal until Thief dies.
    13. Doctor- healing ability
    14. Nurse- 1-use of adrenaline
    15. Bus Driver- keys to the bus. Bus Driver may not swap until Thief dies.
    16. Spy- can read PMs. Spy can not see targets until Thief dies.
    17. Coroner- all his past notes
    18. Snitch- role of the neutral evil, then he will edit what the Snitch reveals. Snitch reveal is broken until Thief dies.
    19. Crier- May edit the Crier message
    20. Serial Killer- Mafia night kill can look like Serial Killer
    21. Arsonist- List of those doused
    22. Mass Murderer- Mafia night kill can look like Mass Murderer
    23. Joker- Mafia kill can look like Joker
    24. Magician- immunity to Magician's redirection
    25. Jester- nothing
    26. Executioner- knowledge of his target
    27. Lawyer- knowledge of his target
    28. Student- knowledge of his master
    29. Infestor- makes the Thief the host (must be early game)
    30. Amnesiac- nothing
    31. Prisoner- knowledge he is Prisoner

    Spoiler : Buffed Powers (Nurse) :
    Buffed powers
    1. Citizen- Will gain a Vest (1 time)
    2. Marshall- Mislynch does not stop Multi-lynch.
    3. Sheriff- Detect Evil Support and Benign
    4. Investigator- Detect exact role
    5. Detective- Ignore detection immunity
    6. Lookout- Ignore detection immunity
    7. Journalist- Can write his own article
    8. Vigilante- Pierce immunity
    9. Blacksmith- May give out a Vest
    10. Veteran- Will only kill scum
    11. Bodyguard- Will not die defending target
    12. Jailor- May jail on days with executions
    13. Doctor- Prevents ALL attacks, not just 1.
    14. Nurse- Can give out 2 Adrenaline shots
    15. Bus Driver- Can swap 2 sets of people
    16. Spy- Know if Mafia targets are successful
    17. Coroner- Learn target's night feedback messages
    18. Snitch- Reveal Benigns too
    19. Crier- Anonymously send another message at any moment in the day.
    20. Godfather- Can reveal as Marshall the next day
    21. Bruiser- Guaranteed kill does not use the charge
    22. Thief- All items stolen are permanent role blocks (until Thief dies)
    23. Arms Dealer- Can make a player look mod killed
    24. Janitor- Learns the role of the player he cleans
    25. Framer- can defensively frame allies
    26. Drug Dealer- Can blank a player’s feedback
    27. Mafioso- May make 2 kills
    28. Consigliere- May make 2 inspections
    29. Serial Killer- May make 2 kills
    30. Arsonist- May douse 2 targets or douse 1 target and ignite
    31. Mass Murderer- May spree at his own home
    32. Joker- Attacks pierce immunity
    33. Magician- may setup 2 magic walls
    34. Lawyer- saves his target from the next night kill
    35. Student- gains permanent buff if he takes his master’s role that night
    36. Infestor- host gains permanent immunity
    37. Amnesiac- permanent buff of role chosen
    38. Prisoner- Permenant self Lookout

    Spoiler : Win Conditions :
    o Town
    • Win with other Towns and Police, eliminate all Mafia and Evil roles
    o Mafia
    • Win with other Mafia and Evil, eliminate all Town and Police roles
    o Police
    • Win with Police and Town, eliminate all Mafia and other Evil roles
    o Evil Power
    • Win with Evil Support, eliminate all Town, Police, Mafia, and other Evil Power roles
    o Evil Support
    • See Town and Police lose. Win with Mafia and Evil, eliminate all Town and Police roles
    o Jester
    • Get lynched
    o Executioner
    • Get your target lynched
    o Lawyer
    • See your target survive every day, or survive the rest of the game after your target is night killed.
    o Student
    • Survive until the end of the game or see your master win
    o Infestor
    • See your host survive until the end of the game or win
    o Amnesiac
    • Survive until the end of the game or take a new role and win for it’s alignment

    Spoiler : Tie Breakers :
    - 1 vs 1 Tiebreakers -
    o Prisoner (if against Citizen only)
    o Citizen
    o Mafioso
    o Evil Power
    • Serial Killer > Arsonist > Mass Murderer > Joker > Serial Killer ...
    o Non-Mafioso Mafia
    o Evil Support
    • Magician
    o Non-Citizen Town
    o Benign
    • Executioner (alive), Infestor, Student, Amnesiac, Jester, Executioner (dead)
    o No one

    Spoiler : Order of Operations :
    Order of Operations
    [INDENT]1. Joker Kills
    2. Special
    a. Amnesiac
    c. Infestor
    d. Student
    3. Jailor jails
    4. Discussion
    a. Night Chats Open / Journalist sends article
    5. Veteran goes on Alert
    6. Redirection
    a. Magician - Immune to other redirection based on ability
    c. Bus Driver - Can be switched, manipulated, lured, and blocked
    7. Protection
    a. Bodyguard / Doctor
    8. Miscellaneous 1
    a. Arsonist Douses / Framer / Drug Dealer
    9. Kills
    10. Kill Assist (only visit if successful Kill)
    a. Janitor / Arms Dealer / Bruiser
    11. Investigation
    a. Sheriff / Investigator / Consigliere / Detective(can see 2 onward) / Lookout(can see 2 onward) / Coroner / Spy / Journalist posts article / Prisoner(can see all movement)
    12. Miscellaneous 2
    a. Nurse / Blacksmith / Joker Announce / Crier / Thief / Mail is sent

    Spoiler : Feedback Messages :
    Feedback Messages
    Outdated after setup role list restrictions. Being fixed and replaced soon.

    Spoiler : Death Descriptions :

    1. Normal lynch- Lynched by an angry mob
    2. Marshall lynch- Lynched by the Marshall and his gang
    3. Vigilante- Shot by a Vigilante
    4. Blacksmith- Killed by a gunman
    5. Veteran- Eliminated by a Veteran
    6. Bodyguard- Defeated in a duel
    7. Jailor- Executed by a Jailor
    8. Bus Driver- Run over by a bus
    9. Mafia kill- Hit by the Mafia
    10. Bruiser assisted kill- Beaten to death
    11. Serial Killer- Murdered by a Serial Killer.
    12. Arsonist- Incinerated by an Arsonist.
    13. Mass Murderer- Ripped apart by a chainsaw.
    14. Joker- Went missing, but a video was found of their gruesome murder.
    15. Witch- Committed suicide.
    16. Magician- suffocated in a box.
    17. Jester- Killed himself in guilt of the Jester's death.
    18. Infestor- A hallow shell of their body was found.

    Last edited by Slaol; April 6th, 2013 at 06:41 PM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Apparently that wasn't clear. Wouldn't the Cult winning with the Mafia be insanely OP? If they get their 30% thats 6 people. +5 others = 11, which is instant majority and they could lynch anyone they want without fear of loss. I recommend making Evils win with either Cult or Maf, or just having no Cult possible.
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  6. ISO #6

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDarkestLight View Post
    Apparently that wasn't clear. Wouldn't the Cult winning with the Mafia be insanely OP? If they get their 30% thats 6 people. +5 others = 11, which is instant majority and they could lynch anyone they want without fear of loss. I recommend making Evils win with either Cult or Maf, or just having no Cult possible.
    *builds in cult*
    They would have to convert correctly, which would possibly be Prisoners.
    I will make Police immune to culting, and detect Cult conversion attemps. So they are OP masons. Happy?
    Town has more than enough power to deal with a Cult+Mafia

  7. ISO #7

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    *builds in cult*
    They would have to convert correctly, which would possibly be Prisoners.
    I will make Police immune to culting, and detect Cult conversion attemps. So they are OP masons. Happy?
    Town has more than enough power to deal with a Cult+Mafia
    The meta has begun, so we have one confirmed role...
    None can stand against the coming Darkness...
    Sometimes, the light can come from the darkest places...

  8. ISO #8

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

  11. ISO #11

  12. ISO #12

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    you have already seen my jester opening rp. its something i take pride in. im gonna be attempting to make more s-fm and be doing rp with it. but for a m-fm i will be more serious on the rp
    Go gimme an RP. We share a time zone so I will send you the night results before each day starts for your update, and we can go over any day events before game that you can be read for.

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

  19. ISO #19

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    Go gimme an RP. We share a time zone so I will send you the night results before each day starts for your update, and we can go over any day events before game that you can be read for.
    sweet. its just that i do have a job so the moment we get all night actions i will begin. but you might have a few days where you have to do it yourself. i will try my best to be on but my work scedule is always randomized. most of the time i can be around long enought to rp something up

  20. ISO #20

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    sweet. its just that i do have a job so the moment we get all night actions i will begin. but you might have a few days where you have to do it yourself. i will try my best to be on but my work scedule is always randomized. most of the time i can be around long enought to rp something up
    You can give me pre-done ones. I really don't write RPs. lol.
    We will discuss more later.

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    i do have a question though

    mafia and nutral evils win together

    mafia doesnt know who nutral evils are? and do nutral eviles know each other or are they solo?
    They do not know anything (unless both Neutral Evils were Cultists). They know nothing and must figure it out.

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by ika View Post
    it says night immune cant be converted, and police get informed of cult

    what about maifa regulars? can they be culted and be both mafia and cult?
    No. Mafia can not be converted. (will clarify, but thoguht it was obvious, lol)

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    I should read that, huh?
    you didnt read it? i spent a lot of time crafting it when im here at night in my room i like to think of random s-fm i could make and rp it out to myself. i also like to make stories up when im board so it fun.

    @damus to get praise from you means a lot to me. thank you

  30. ISO #30

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    This game is basically 6v7 +/- a few because of Citizens/Prisoners.
    I'm gonna guess the end result will be 8v10 + 2 benigns, one of which will have anti-town capabilities.
    You might want to change that all evils win together, or reduce their numbers. Scum will have no problem getting townies lynched.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; March 20th, 2013 at 06:54 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  31. ISO #31

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    This game is basically 6v7 +/- a few because of Citizens/Prisoners.
    I'm gonna guess the end result will be 8v10 + 2 benigns, one of which will have anti-town capabilities.
    You might want to change that all evils win together, or reduce their numbers.
    the evils do. but theyhave freindly fire if i remember correctly

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    This game is basically 6v7 +/- a few because of Citizens/Prisoners.
    I'm gonna guess the end result will be 8v10 + 2 benigns, one of which will have anti-town capabilities.
    You might want to change that all evils win together, or reduce their numbers. Scum will have no problem getting townies lynched.
    Will ponder not having scum win together.
    The general thing is I am not certain they would because if it were the 8vs10 ratio it would be a balanced day vote wise, both sides having a 4 block. Then they have to try and find their allies. Effectively Town 1 vs. Town 2.

    Edit: No more scum.
    Last edited by Slaol; March 20th, 2013 at 11:23 AM.

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaol View Post
    59 counting addition of Prisoner.
    (i think)
    61, if math
    that's a lot of roles.
    I need you to do me a favor. In M-FM Parking, create a topic for Marshall, Pacifist, Matchmaker, Operator, Shaman, Mime, Snitch, Gossip, Magician, Toxicologist, and Hitman.
    Use this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Luna View Post

    Use this template when submitting a new role. The name of your thread should begin with [Role Suggestion].

    Role Name:
    Game Size(s): You should specify which game sizes this role is designed to fit, S-FM/M-FM/FM etc.
    Win Condition:
    Intended Purpose: You should specify why this role was created, and what purpose it is designed to fulfil.
    Meta-Game Implications: Think carefully about how this affects the synergy of a game.
    Possible Cons: Be honest here. Not a single role in Mafia is perfect, that's the point of the game. Specify what you think the limitations of the role are, what needs to be looked at, and what roles this would not work alongside with.
    One Sentence Summary: This will appear with your role in the main list to give people an idea of what the role is about.
    Additional Notes:

    Don't bother including investigation results. This is for forum games, the host of each game will decide investigation groupings.

    also, if you plan to do any mandatory day or night events , it would be better if you listed possible outcomes before the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  37. ISO #37

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by Cryptonic View Post
    that's a lot of roles.
    I need you to do me a favor. In M-FM Parking, create a topic for Marshall, Pacifist, Matchmaker, Operator, Shaman, Mime, Snitch, Gossip, Magician, Toxicologist, and Hitman.
    Use this:

    also, if you plan to do any mandatory day or night events , it would be better if you listed possible outcomes before the game.
    Ugh, those role cards. Could I do one thread for them all? I could do all big role cards in my Slaol's S-FM Stuff thread that already exists.
    Nothing is mandatory.

  38. ISO #38

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    I've had a discussion with Cryptonic and we decided that we should limit the total number of possible roles a setup can have. Some setups have been getting a bit crazy lately, especially when it comes to trying to make sense of mind boggling OoO's.

    The cap for S-FM's is now 25 different possible roles per game, and for M-FM it's 40 different possible roles.

    I must ask you to trim your roles list for this setup to a maximum of 40 roles. It'll make it much more manageable for us to judge and find the possible kinks in your setup, and I'm sure players would be less overwhelmed as well.

    You could refer to the Setup Requirements thread for some tips on how to go about trimming, under the Role list section.
    Last edited by BorkBot; March 21st, 2013 at 10:00 AM.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  41. ISO #41

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    I've had a discussion with Cryptonic and we decided that we should limit the total number of possible roles a setup can have. Some setups have been getting a bit crazy lately, especially when it comes to trying to make sense of mind boggling OoO's.

    The cap for S-FM's is now 25 different possible roles per game, and for M-FM it's 40 different possible roles.

    I must ask you to trim your roles list for this setup to a maximum of 40 roles. It'll make it much more manageable for us to judge and find the possible kinks in your setup, and I'm sure players would be less overwhelmed as well.

    You could refer to the Setup Requirements thread for some tips on how to go about trimming, under the Role list section.
    *kills self*

    I'll get to this then.

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Please add detailed rolecards for:
    Arms Dealer
    (metagame implications, cons and game size not necessary - those are meant for other people who intend to use your roles)
    (make sure to mention that jailor and journalist PM their targets to you during the day in the rolecards!)

    Please remove all references to roleblocking, enchantress/luring/repelling, witch/manipulating, ventriloquist, matchmaker and toxicologist/poison, cultists/conversion from mechanics, all role option descriptions and night feedback. These roles were removed and this info could lead to confusion.

    Can Hidden Town be citizens?

    Can Hidden Evil be prisoners?

    Rather than leaving it completely open, why not put 2 confirmed citizens and 1 confirmed prisoner?

    Does Janitor clear last will? Does coroner see last will? (refer to this in role options)

    Does framer affect investigator/detective/lookout results?
    Last edited by BorkBot; March 21st, 2013 at 08:42 PM.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  44. ISO #44

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Please add detailed rolecards for:
    Arms Dealer
    (metagame implications, cons and game size not necessary - those are meant for other people who intend to use your roles)

    Please remove all references to roleblocking, enchantress/luring/repelling, witch/manipulating, ventriloquist, matchmaker and toxicologist/poison, cultists/conversion from mechanics, all role option descriptions and night feedback. These roles were removed and this info could lead to confusion.

    Can Hidden Town be citizens?

    Can Hidden Evil be prisoners?

    Rather than leaving it completely open, why not put 2 confirmed citizens and 1 confirmed prisoner?

    Does Janitor clear last will? Does coroner see last will? (refer to this in role options)

    Does framer affect investigator/detective/lookout results?
    Role cards and References to roles no longer in game- Being worked on. Will be fixed this weekend.



    Can do this, I suppose.

    Yes. Yes. Will clarify.

    Yes. They will be alerted to their potential to do so, and will effect it as long as they put in a command to change it.

  45. ISO #45

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Yes. They will be alerted to their potential to do so, and will effect it as long as they put in a command to change it.
    Can framer choose the exact results they see or is it random? Put this in role options also, because the current description doesn't make it clear.

    If it's chosen, maybe make a rolecard for framer to explain exactly how their frames affect detectives and lookouts, because there have been misinterpretations in the past where it was left ambiguous.

    I take it framer can't target mafia players?

    What do detectives see if their target visits multiple targets? (bus driver / mafia allied with mafioso)

    Amnesiac, Student and Infestor choose targets during the day? (mention this in rolecards/options if so)

    If the Arsonist incinerates, does his action still go before that of other kills?

    If arsonist day-incinerates, can he douse the next night? (add in role options if no)

    Does mass murderer kill people who don't move from their home? (add in role options if yes)

    Do Lookouts and Detectives see Joker kills? (if not, fix that on OoO)

    Do Lookouts and Detectives see amnesiac/infestor/student? (if not, fix that on OoO)

    Remove death descriptions that are now obsolete.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  46. ISO #46

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Can framer choose the exact results they see or is it random? Put this in role options also, because the current description doesn't make it clear.

    If it's chosen, maybe make a rolecard for framer to explain exactly how their frames affect detectives and lookouts, because there have been misinterpretations in the past where it was left ambiguous.

    I take it framer can't target mafia players?

    What do detectives see if their target visits multiple targets? (bus driver / mafia allied with mafioso)

    Amnesiac, Student and Infestor choose targets during the day? (mention this in rolecards/options if so)

    If the Arsonist incinerates, does his action still go before that of other kills?

    If arsonist day-incinerates, can he douse the next night? (add in role options if no)

    Does mass murderer kill people who don't move from their home? (add in role options if yes)

    Do Lookouts and Detectives see Joker kills? (if not, fix that on OoO)

    Do Lookouts and Detectives see amnesiac/infestor/student? (if not, fix that on OoO)

    Remove death descriptions that are now obsolete.
    Exact. Will do so this weekend.

    I am making role cards for every one of my roles. Even obvious and old ones.

    Correct. Framer is strictly offensive, will be stated in the role card.

    They will see both targets.

    Amnesiac is at night. Student and Infestor is during day.

    Arson Douse goes before kills, ignition is during kills.

    Yes, he can.


    Joker Kills were moved to Pre-Night chats

    I don't understand Lookout/Detective checking amnesiac/infestor/student question.

    Cleaning up of obsolete things is coming this weekend.

  47. ISO #47

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Detective(can see all movement) / Lookout(can see all movement) / Prisoner(can see all movement)
    Change to:

    Detective(can see 5 and onward) / Lookout(can see 5 and onward) / Prisoner(can see 5 and onward)

    8. Miscellaneous 1
    a. Arsonist / Framer / Drug Dealer
    Change to:

    8. Miscellaneous 1
    a. Arsonist Douse / Framer / Drug Dealer

    Also if amnesiac chooses his target at night, his action comes after night chats open.

    Reporter sends article / Night Chats Close
    ^this doesn't need to be on the OoO. First would be the same as "players submit night actions" ;)
    Last edited by BorkBot; March 21st, 2013 at 09:28 PM.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  48. ISO #48

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Quote Originally Posted by BorkBot View Post
    Change to:

    Change to:
    Consider it done. I'm going to do it all Friday (tomorrow) night, but will be fixing all of these as well as all the role cards.

    More questions, plz
    Last edited by Slaol; March 21st, 2013 at 09:33 PM.

  49. ISO #49

    Re: M-FM: Cops & Robbers

    Ok, just putting suggestions/questions ready so you can take it into account. Will make the approval process faster.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  50. ISO #50



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