Macho - The player can’t be protected.
Ninja - The player’s actions and targets can’t be checked.
Strongman - Player’s abilities cannot be blocked or protected against.
Even/Odd night - Player’s ability can only be used on given night.
{X-day} Cooldown - It takes X days for the ability to be able to be used again.
Non-Consecutive Night - The ability cannot be used two nights in a row.
X-Shot - The ability or abilities can only be used X times per game.
Disloyal - The ability can only target players of the opposite alignment.
Loyal - The ability can only target players of the same alignment.
Indecisive - The ability cannot target the same player two times in a row.
Multi-Target - The ability can target multiple targets.
X-Unique - The ability cannot target the same player more than X times per game.
Uncivilized - The player using the ability dies if they target Town.
Weak - The player using the ability dies if they target Scum.
Activated (Triggered) - The ability happens when a certain trigger occurs.
Announcing - The ability is announced to its target when it is used.
Burnout - When the ability is used, the player becomes Vanilla.
Combined - The ability is a combination of two other abilities.
Compulsive - The player must use the ability every time able.
Delayed - The ability occurs at a later time.
Event - The ability being activated is announced in thread, but not its targets or results.
Loud - The player targeted learns that they are targeted by the player with the ability.
Public - The ability is activated publicly.
Vengeful - The ability triggers when the player dies.