~My Righteous Anger~

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  1. ISO #1

    ~My Righteous Anger~

    my righteous anger comes directly from my relationship with Jesus Christ, I hate evil just like Jesus does. and when someone is mocking what I say or challenging me with stupid accusations, you will see me get very angry, but trust me, this type of anger is righteous anger. Jesus had it at the temple when the moneychangers were making merchandise in the temple. Jesus flipped over the money changers tables and said "MY HOUSE IS A HOUSE OF PRAYER, BUT YOU HAVE MADE IT A DEN OF THIEVES". so dont be suprised if you get into an argument with me and i call you a stupid retard, or a reprobate. I have righteous anger like Jesus did at the temple. When someone mocks my parables of Jesus Descriptions of the Kingdom Of Heaven, it absolutly infuriates me, and i experience what is known as righteous anger, where I ball up all my frustation and anger and explode on that person, and they totally deserve it! you think im mad? just think how angry God is with you not being in Christ and obeying. and not only that, but coming up against me, a born-again christian who is righteous. Everyone who ever mocked me or made fun of me, will end up in Hell if they dont repent and believe the Gospel. and let me tell you, God is absolutly going to ROAST you, if you dont repent. im telling you, if you dont repent, you are a dead man walking. and one day God will pull the plug on you and your going to say what happened? why didnt I listen to Rachyl on sc2mafia forums? repent and believe. the clock is ticking.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    my righteous anger comes directly from my relationship with Jesus Christ, I hate evil just like Jesus does. and when someone is mocking what I say or challenging me with stupid accusations, you will see me get very angry, but trust me, this type of anger is righteous anger. Jesus had it at the temple when the moneychangers were making merchandise in the temple. Jesus flipped over the money changers tables and said "MY HOUSE IS A HOUSE OF PRAYER, BUT YOU HAVE MADE IT A DEN OF THIEVES". so dont be suprised if you get into an argument with me and i call you a stupid retard, or a reprobate. I have righteous anger like Jesus did at the temple. When someone mocks my parables of Jesus Descriptions of the Kingdom Of Heaven, it absolutly infuriates me, and i experience what is known as righteous anger, where I ball up all my frustation and anger and explode on that person, and they totally deserve it! you think im mad? just think how angry God is with you not being in Christ and obeying. and not only that, but coming up against me, a born-again christian who is righteous. Everyone who ever mocked me or made fun of me, will end up in Hell if they dont repent and believe the Gospel. and let me tell you, God is absolutly going to ROAST you, if you dont repent. im telling you, if you dont repent, you are a dead man walking. and one day God will pull the plug on you and your going to say what happened? why didnt I listen to Rachyl on sc2mafia forums? repent and believe. the clock is ticking.
    Alright I read this and noticed several issues. Let's break them down.

    my righteous anger comes directly from my relationship with Jesus Christ, I hate evil just like Jesus does. and when someone is mocking what I say or challenging me with stupid accusations, you will see me get very angry, but trust me, this type of anger is righteous anger.
    Here's the basic and blatant issue that athiesm as a whole stands on that you nor any other christian other than logicians in the 1800s can refute.

    There's no proof that Jesus ever actually had any special powers, or was the son of god.

    How do you know that he was righteous at all? How do you know he didn't just lie his way into a worshipped status. Don't stand for Jesus, stand for what he teaches. Which is something you can probably spend more time pondering from your church pew because you haven't gotten it through your thick skull. Jesus teaches apology and acceptance. Instead of hating someone for not believing your argument, shower them with love and peacefully try to help them see your way instead of exploding on them. You don't seem to be able to do that, considering that you have called me and other members of this site retarded, despite claiming to be actually disabled yourself. I challenge you because you have yet to present a good argument. Not for the sake of arguing. But I'm still trying to decide if I want to follow religion. But seeing people like you blindly preach for a party without doing any research, thoughts, or even having any reasonable doubt in your mind that there is a slim possibility that you're wrong because you were raised in a christian household with christian values does not improve your point. All it shows is how narcissistic the thought of a christian God is because unless you believe in him, you go to hell. And that by itself should not be a god you follow. If you are doomed to eternal torture because you don't believe someone or something you've never seen or never had notable proof of actually existing, then sign me right up because that is not a god I could ever respect or love or worship.

    Jesus had it at the temple when the moneychangers were making merchandise in the temple. Jesus flipped over the money changers tables and said "MY HOUSE IS A HOUSE OF PRAYER, BUT YOU HAVE MADE IT A DEN OF THIEVES".
    The difference between the scenarios here and in the bible is that the temple was actually Jesus's property that he had set aside and dedicated to worship of god and treatment of the poor. The key phrase you don't seem to acknowledge here is MY house. This is not YOUR site. In the temple, those "thieves" were on his property and had to obey his rules. On this site, this is NOT your property and you are very open to criticism because this is a public space. And you're open to the consequences as well. I absolutely hate how you refuse to ever address any of our logical points. All it does is make you look like a complete fucking idiot and from now on I'll just leave a link to this post in all of your threads until you issue a full response.

    so dont be suprised if you get into an argument with me and i call you a stupid retard, or a reprobate. I have righteous anger like Jesus did at the temple.
    I wasn't surprised and I still am not surprised that you would call me a stupid retard. I am surprised that you would do it and then turn around and act like the poor innocent abused disabled child. The fact that you have to resort to namecalling to get your point across is known as ad hominem, and it is a well known logical fallacy. Speaking of which, your arguments also fall under the burden of proof logical fallacy. To effectively create an argument, back it up. The burden to provide evidence to support or go against your claim falls on you, not us.

    When someone mocks my parables of Jesus Descriptions of the Kingdom Of Heaven, it absolutly infuriates me, and i experience what is known as righteous anger, where I ball up all my frustation and anger and explode on that person, and they totally deserve it!
    I'm going to show this bit of the post to my English teacher and see what he says about it because we're going over opinionated editorials in class right now and seeing your absolutely terrible logic here would absolutely give him a field day because despite him being a christian he would rip your argument to shreds.

    When someone makes a mockery of something that I do for fun by turning it into a worship service, it "absolutly" infuriates me, and I experience what is known as justified anger, where I ball up all my frustration and anger and put it into a large post where I rip their entire argument to shreds. And you totally deserve it. What you're doing here is strawmanning, a 3rd logical fallacy. You're spinning the entire post around to make it look like you're being victimized, when really you did nothing but sit around in a fucking game for a week and just turn it into a worship service. I have no problem with preaching, but there is a time and place for it, and the time and place is not during a game of lies and deception (unless its a shitpost then it's 👌)

    you think im mad? just think how angry God is with you not being in Christ and obeying. and not only that, but coming up against me, a born-again christian who is righteous. Everyone who ever mocked me or made fun of me, will end up in Hell if they dont repent and believe the Gospel. and let me tell you, God is absolutly going to ROAST you, if you dont repent.
    I don't care how angry god is at me because (and i stated this earlier in the post) if he's that hypocritical that questioning his existence brings me into hell then I'd rather just go to hell because that is not a deity that should be worshipped. I mock you because your posts are easy and fun to mock.

    Stating your authority as a born again christian does not make your argument more valid. It just means that you're really deep into the bullshit. I'm baptised. That doesn't make my beliefs more or less correct.

    side note: what if god dropped a diss track on satan at the time of his second coming
    that quote is great for signatures
    im telling you, if you dont repent, you are a dead man walking. and one day God will pull the plug on you and your going to say what happened? why didnt I listen to Rachyl on sc2mafia forums? repent and believe. the clock is ticking.
    See, shit like this is exactly why I can't take you seriously. I don't know who you are or why you have any credibility. In fact, you claim you have a mental disability, so it means you have even less credibility on this topic. If I were to wish to repent, I'd go to a church service, not to the schizophrenic girl who calls people retarded. You have a lot to repent for, and your use of insults would be one of them. After all, the lord detests those who stir up conflict in the community. Calling me retarded definitely stirs up conflict. Neither of us are innocent. I know I'm not, but I also know you definitely aren't. Quoting the gospel and acting as the voice of god is something could be considered as excellent satire. But you're too shallow for satire.

    Come back when you actually have a decent basis. You've distanced yourself from everyone that isn't yzb at this point. The lord won't look at your actions and say that they're in the spirit of god. And I think that you know that. I think you're insecure about that. Which is why you keep coming back. Because you can't stand the possibility of you not having saved every soul. Go save yourself first. You seem to need to find salvation more urgently than I do. Come to peace with the fact that not everyone will believe in your god, and that that's okay, and the lord's love will forgive them. Because that's what the bible is about. Peace and forgiveness.

    Don't make another one of these posts please.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    I wanted to reply to rachyl but I was like "this will take too long for a post, nobody will do it anyway and the thread will die"......... but no, sb did it. lol
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  4. ISO #4

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    I wanted to reply to rachyl but I was like "this will take too long for a post, nobody will do it anyway and the thread will die"......... but no, sb did it. lol
    well what do you have to say to me? im curious!!!! please do tell me. im interested in what you think! btw stealthbomber i blocked you long ago so sc2mafia forum hides your comment automatically. so dont bother talking to me, thanks!

  5. ISO #5

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by God
    Alright I read this and noticed several issues. Let's break them down.

    Here's the basic and blatant issue that athiesm as a whole stands on that you nor any other christian other than logicians in the 1800s can refute.

    There's no proof that Jesus ever actually had any special powers, or that he was My son.

    How do you know that he was righteous at all? How do you know he didn't just lie his way into a worshipped status. Don't stand for Jesus, stand for what he teaches. Which is something you can probably spend more time pondering from your church pew because you haven't gotten it through your thick skull. Jesus teaches apology and acceptance. Instead of hating someone for not believing your argument, shower them with love and peacefully try to help them see your way instead of exploding on them. You don't seem to be able to do that, considering that you have called me and other members of this site retarded, despite claiming to be actually disabled yourself. I challenge you because you have yet to present a good argument. Not for the sake of arguing. But I'm still trying to decide if I want to follow religion. But seeing people like you blindly preach for a party without doing any research, thoughts, or even having any reasonable doubt in your mind that there is a slim possibility that you're wrong because you were raised in a christian household with christian values does not improve your point. All it shows is how narcissistic the thought of a christian God is because unless you believe in him, you go to hell. And that by itself should not be a god you follow. If you are doomed to eternal torture because you don't believe someone or something you've never seen or never had notable proof of actually existing, then sign me right up because that is not a god I could ever respect or love or worship.

    The difference between the scenarios here and in the bible is that the temple was actually Jesus's property that he had set aside and dedicated to my worship and treatment of the poor. The key phrase you don't seem to acknowledge here is MY house. This is not YOUR site. In the temple, those "thieves" were on his property and had to obey his rules. On this site, this is NOT your property and you are very open to criticism because this is a public space. And you're open to the consequences as well. I absolutely hate how you refuse to ever address any of our logical points. All it does is make you look like a complete fucking idiot and from now on I'll just leave a link to this post in all of your threads until you issue a full response.

    I wasn't surprised and I still am not surprised that you would call me a stupid retard. I am surprised that you would do it and then turn around and act like the poor innocent abused disabled child. The fact that you have to resort to namecalling to get your point across is known as ad hominem, and it is a well known logical fallacy. Speaking of which, your arguments also fall under the burden of proof logical fallacy. To effectively create an argument, back it up. The burden to provide evidence to support or go against your claim falls on you, not us.

    I'm going to show this bit of the post to my English teacher and see what he says about it because we're going over opinionated editorials in class right now and seeing your absolutely terrible logic here would absolutely give him a field day because despite him being a christian he would rip your argument to shreds.

    When someone makes a mockery of something that I do for fun by turning it into a worship service, it "absolutly" infuriates me, and I experience what is known as justified anger, where I ball up all my frustration and anger and put it into a large post where I rip their entire argument to shreds. And you totally deserve it. What you're doing here is strawmanning, a 3rd logical fallacy. You're spinning the entire post around to make it look like you're being victimized, when really you did nothing but sit around in a fucking game for a week and just turn it into a worship service. I have no problem with preaching, but there is a time and place for it, and the time and place is not during a game of lies and deception (unless its a shitpost then it's )

    I don't care how angry god is at me because (and i stated this earlier in the post) if he's that hypocritical that questioning his existence brings me into hell then I'd rather just go to hell because that is not a deity that should be worshipped. I mock you because your posts are easy and fun to mock.

    Stating your authority as a born again christian does not make your argument more valid. It just means that you're really deep into the bullshit. I'm baptised. That doesn't make my beliefs more or less correct.

    side note: what if god dropped a diss track on satan at the time of his second coming
    that quote is great for signatures

    See, shit like this is exactly why I can't take you seriously. I don't know who you are or why you have any credibility. In fact, you claim you have a mental disability, so it means you have even less credibility on this topic. If I were to wish to repent, I'd go to a church service, not to the schizophrenic girl who calls people retarded. You have a lot to repent for, and your use of insults would be one of them. After all, the lord detests those who stir up conflict in the community. Calling me retarded definitely stirs up conflict. Neither of us are innocent. I know I'm not, but I also know you definitely aren't. Quoting the gospel and acting as the My voice is something could be considered as excellent satire. But you're too shallow for satire.

    Come back when you actually have a decent basis. You've distanced yourself from everyone that isn't yzb at this point. The lord won't look at your actions and say that they're in the My spirit. And I think that you know that. I think you're insecure about that. Which is why you keep coming back. Because you can't stand the possibility of you not having saved every soul. Go save yourself first. You seem to need to find salvation more urgently than I do. Come to peace with the fact that not everyone will believe in your god, and that that's okay, and the lord's love will forgive them. Because that's what the bible is about. Peace and forgiveness.

    Don't make another one of these posts please.
    Looks like God left a message
    Last edited by ; October 25th, 2018 at 12:20 AM.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    L O L she just blocks anyone who disagrees with her. Disagree = dislike = blocked. How can you hope to hold a meaningful conversation with someone like that? Your discussion will only continue for as long as you humour her.

    Don't waste your breath on this sorry excuse for a human being. See the effort that went into SB16's massive reply? Completely wasted because Rachyl's just an obstinate little fuckwad. Just ignore the thread and let it die out. Matter of fact, just ignore all threads she ever makes.


    Also, can't a moderator do something about this mega turd?!! Like, fuck, ban her from creating threads or posting or whatever the fuck. I don't care if she's just "trolling" or if she's mentally ill or whatever, it doesn't excuse her fucking behaviour. Please make her go be useless elsewhere.

    Seriously, this shit triggers me every time. What a goddamn waste of space. People like her should've been culled at birth, honest.

    What did the world do to have been foisted with somebody as worthless as her, only God knows.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 25th, 2018 at 12:27 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    Looks like God left a message
    uuuuuhhhhhh looks like hes a total reprobate and is going to split hell wide open if he doesnt repent and believe the Gospel!!!!!!

  8. ISO #8

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    L O L she just blocks anyone who disagrees with her. Disagree = dislike = blocked. How can you hope to hold a meaningful conversation with someone like that? Your discussion will only continue for as long as you humour her.

    Don't waste your breath on this sorry excuse for a human being. See the effort that went into SB16's massive reply? Completely wasted because Rachyl's just an obstinate little fuckwad. Just ignore the thread and let it die out. Matter of fact, just ignore all threads she ever makes.


    Also, can't a moderator do something about this mega turd?!! Like, fuck, ban her from creating threads or posting or whatever the fuck. I don't care if she's just "trolling" or if she's mentally ill or whatever, it doesn't excuse her fucking behaviour. Please make her go be useless elsewhere.

    Seriously, this shit triggers me every time. What a goddamn waste of space. People like her should've been culled at birth, honest.

    What did the world do to have been foisted with somebody as worthless as her, only God knows.
    you are nothing but a sad little bully picking on mentally ill women, lol you are so pathetic. please leave the threads and never come back. better yet, im going to have Efekann protect me from you because hes my friend and he will defend me, my real friends defend me oh and by the way someone told me about the sick fucking fantasies that you post in discord. your a sick fuck. seek help immediately! ^_^ Rachyl out!

  9. ISO #9

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Now get the hell out of my sight you stupid retard!!!!

  10. ISO #10

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    you are nothing but a sad little bully picking on mentally ill women, lol you are so pathetic. please leave the threads and never come back. better yet, im going to have Efekann protect me from you because hes my friend and he will defend me, my real friends defend me oh and by the way someone told me about the sick fucking fantasies that you post in discord. your a sick fuck. seek help immediately! ^_^ Rachyl out!
    I'm amazed I'm not blocked like SB16.

    Please keep up the "bullying" image and fire off nothing but ad homs like in every single reply you make.

    Also, you're right, I'm leaving your threads and never coming back. You're worthless. The fact that you spam your threads makes them nigh impossible to ignore, but I'll see what I can do to get you shut down. If you had any decency at all you'll fuck off and never come back.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    I'm amazed I'm not blocked like SB16.

    Please keep up the "bullying" image and fire off nothing but ad homs like in every single reply you make.

    Also, you're right, I'm leaving your threads and never coming back. You're worthless. The fact that you spam your threads makes them nigh impossible to ignore, but I'll see what I can do to get you shut down. If you had any decency at all you'll fuck off and never come back.
    good luck with that! i will not be silenced! now be mad somewhere else! and take your sick fantasies with you you disgusting pervert! get the hell out of here!

  12. ISO #12

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Efekann help! Exeter is picking on a mentally disabled girl! T_T im going to cry!

  13. ISO #13

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Thats nice! I actually talked to Distorted and im having you booted out of skwirl! have fun with that you pathetic loser! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU LOSE!

  14. ISO #14

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    good luck with that! i will not be silenced! now be mad somewhere else! and take your sick fantasies with you you disgusting pervert! get the hell out of here!
    Oh yeah, now make up shit about me to make me look bad.

    The shit I say is violent, that's about it. There's nothing perverted about it.

    You're like Shidda, firing off pedophile accusations and whatever other fucked up shit you can think of when you mad just to make the other party look bad. Thank God I don't live in America. People like you would make up false rape accusations out of spite lol.

    I would say grow up, but you can't, you'll just be a dumb little shit till the day you die, which frankly, cannot come soon enough. Ciao.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    Efekann help! Exeter is picking on a mentally disabled girl! T_T im going to cry!
    "im going to cry" "picking on a mentally disabled girl" Sounds familiar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    Thats nice! I actually talked to Distorted and im having you booted out of skwirl! have fun with that you pathetic loser! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU LOSE!
    Good luck with that.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 25th, 2018 at 03:01 AM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Balthy and I have already approached Distorted. your being tossed out of the skwirl discord. now get the hell out of my face you reprobate retard

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    you are nothing but a sad little bully picking on mentally ill women, lol you are so pathetic. please leave the threads and never come back. better yet, im going to have Efekann protect me from you because hes my friend and he will defend me, my real friends defend me oh and by the way someone told me about the sick fucking fantasies that you post in discord. your a sick fuck. seek help immediately! ^_^ Rachyl out!
    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    Efekann help! Exeter is picking on a mentally disabled girl! T_T im going to cry!
    ... im trying to abandon everyone and youre giving me a job to do :/
    I Like Ice Cream

  18. ISO #18

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    you are nothing but a sad little bully picking on mentally ill women, lol you are so pathetic. please leave the threads and never come back. better yet, im going to have Efekann protect me from you because hes my friend and he will defend me, my real friends defend me oh and by the way someone told me about the sick fucking fantasies that you post in discord. your a sick fuck. seek help immediately! ^_^ Rachyl out!
    Reply to my post
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    well what do you have to say to me? im curious!!!! please do tell me. im interested in what you think! btw stealthbomber i blocked you long ago so sc2mafia forum hides your comment automatically. so dont bother talking to me, thanks!
    The very thing Stealthbomber tried to tell you in a very nice manner. Your mind is closed. Saturated. You will not open to anything that's not what you think is the truth, and will refuse to even think about it, to the point where you call stupid the people trying to think about your beliefs.

    I'll take something I noticed a long time ago. Isn't pride the biggest sin possible, the "mother of sins"? Well, you're literally speaking as if you were God. You are NOT God. Mocking you is not mocking God, it's mocking someone who is fun to mock because that someone is not logical and is pretty manipulative. We aren't going to burn in the lake of fire for mocking you. It is ridiculous.

    Also, a problem of your "righteous doctrine".... You aren't gonna tell me that 1 year old children believe in God and "understand" the idea that humans make of Him... right? Well then, they are unbelievers. No matter of how they behave, they will end up in the lake of fire if by some sad event they die. This is kinda worse than the purgatory-ish thing for children who weren't baptisted and died.

    If you can seriously say that you agree with this, I think your God doesn't deserve to be preached nor worshipped. Nor does a God who doesn't want us to think about Him or His existance, and doesn't give us proof of it.

    I will finish with a quote of Galileo Galilei: I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  20. ISO #20

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    uuuuuhhhhhh looks like hes a total reprobate and is going to split hell wide open if he doesnt repent and believe the Gospel!!!!!!
    Also I just want to say that if you are trolling, you are a GOD
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  21. ISO #21

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Oh yeah, small update:

    Spoke to Distorted and showed him this thread on the same day this dumb argument took place. Neither Rachyl nor Balthy approached Distorted regarding this shit recently. This dumb kid's a lying ho who will say anything to get under people's skin and make them look bad.

    Call me somebody with no chill if you want 'cause that's not far from the truth. Call me out for going overboard if you think I am. But don't make shit up about me.

    @Rachyl Keep being a manipulative little liar why don't you? That's all you got going for you. You can't use reason, or social skills, or (this being the Internet) force to win arguments, so you resort to petty lies and slander and your victim act to get one up over whoever you're fighting with. "Make the other party look worse than me so that people will side with me, the lesser of two evils."

    Well done. What a virtuous character you are, following the teachings you preach. I'm sure Jesus would approve of your behaviour.

    Question: Do you actually believe in your religion, or do you just PRETEND to believe to virtue-signal? LOL.
    Last edited by Exeter350; October 26th, 2018 at 12:51 PM.

    Your friendly neighbourhood Asian.

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Oh yeah, small update:

    Spoke to Distorted and showed him this thread on the same day this dumb argument took place. Neither Rachyl nor Balthy approached Distorted regarding this shit recently. This dumb kid's a lying ho who will say anything to get under people's skin and make them look bad.

    Call me somebody with no chill if you want 'cause that's not far from the truth. Call me out for going overboard if you think I am. But don't make shit up about me.

    @Rachyl Keep being a manipulative little liar why don't you? That's all you got going for you. You can't use reason, or social skills, or (this being the Internet) force to win arguments, so you resort to petty lies and slander and your victim act to get one up over whoever you're fighting with. "Make the other party look worse than me so that people will side with me, the lesser of two evils."

    Well done. What a virtuous character you are, following the teachings you preach. I'm sure Jesus would approve of your behaviour.

    Question: Do you actually believe in your religion, or do you just PRETEND to believe to virtue-signal? LOL.
    I think stealth once pulled a quote of the bible saying that God hates people who stir up conflict in their community xD

    Also please keep this civil. I understand that you have reasons to be angry, but it does not justify trash talking here.
    Last edited by Marshmallow Marshall; October 26th, 2018 at 01:35 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  24. ISO #24

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    The very thing Stealthbomber tried to tell you in a very nice manner. Your mind is closed. Saturated. You will not open to anything that's not what you think is the truth, and will refuse to even think about it, to the point where you call stupid the people trying to think about your beliefs.

    I'll take something I noticed a long time ago. Isn't pride the biggest sin possible, the "mother of sins"? Well, you're literally speaking as if you were God. You are NOT God. Mocking you is not mocking God, it's mocking someone who is fun to mock because that someone is not logical and is pretty manipulative. We aren't going to burn in the lake of fire for mocking you. It is ridiculous.

    Also, a problem of your "righteous doctrine".... You aren't gonna tell me that 1 year old children believe in God and "understand" the idea that humans make of Him... right? Well then, they are unbelievers. No matter of how they behave, they will end up in the lake of fire if by some sad event they die. This is kinda worse than the purgatory-ish thing for children who weren't baptisted and died.

    If you can seriously say that you agree with this, I think your God doesn't deserve to be preached nor worshipped. Nor does a God who doesn't want us to think about Him or His existance, and doesn't give us proof of it.

    I will finish with a quote of Galileo Galilei: I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
    have fun burning in the lake of fire, you were warned!

  25. ISO #25

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    have fun burning in the lake of fire, you were warned!
    A Day in Rachyl's Mind

    Rachyl walks in circles.

    Oh shit, I got caught here, what to do, what to do! OH! I know, I know!!!!! I will tell him that he will burn in hell, it will fix everything!

    I honestly expected something logical to come from you... lol maybe I was wrong
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  26. ISO #26

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    How was this thread taken seriously... I have lost a little bit of faith in humanity
    Intellectual growth comes from discussions, not arguments. If you are unwilling to change your position and hear the other persons side you are closed minded and wasting your time.
    If you can not clearly explain what the other sides reasoning is you can not disagree with their position because you do not understand it.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    It was supposed to GIVE you faith though
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  28. ISO #28

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Exeter350 View Post
    Oh yeah, small update:

    Spoke to Distorted and showed him this thread on the same day this dumb argument took place. Neither Rachyl nor Balthy approached Distorted regarding this shit recently. This dumb kid's a lying ho who will say anything to get under people's skin and make them look bad.

    Call me somebody with no chill if you want 'cause that's not far from the truth. Call me out for going overboard if you think I am. But don't make shit up about me.

    @Rachyl Keep being a manipulative little liar why don't you? That's all you got going for you. You can't use reason, or social skills, or (this being the Internet) force to win arguments, so you resort to petty lies and slander and your victim act to get one up over whoever you're fighting with. "Make the other party look worse than me so that people will side with me, the lesser of two evils."

    Well done. What a virtuous character you are, following the teachings you preach. I'm sure Jesus would approve of your behaviour.

    Question: Do you actually believe in your religion, or do you just PRETEND to believe to virtue-signal? LOL.
    LMAO Distorted is my friend she loves me!!! And actually yes Jesus does approve of my behavior, he has to. because im a born again christian and i am seen as righteous in the eyes of God, no matter what I do. so if i call you a stupid retard! then yes Jesus does definetly approve. Deal with it, reprobate!!!!

  29. ISO #29

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~


  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    yeah you are not a manipulative liar i am lol
    Efekann!!!! T_T

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    LMAO Distorted is my friend she loves me!!! And actually yes Jesus does approve of my behavior, he has to. because im a born again christian and i am seen as righteous in the eyes of God, no matter what I do. so if i call you a stupid retard! then yes Jesus does definetly approve. Deal with it, reprobate!!!!
    "She loves me" xD


    I think you're trolling us though because I really don't want to believe you are seriously avoiding logic and reason this hard.

    May I ask how you call your christian doctrine? Like, the "kind" of christianism.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  34. ISO #34

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    How can you be sure that you're a good christian? You have a mental condition that you're using as a shield. Can you trust yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  35. ISO #35

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    How was this thread taken seriously... I have lost a little bit of faith in humanity
    I think I had more fun typing up a legitimate response to this than I would’ve if I had just shit posted and left.

    This is a tier D shitpost though.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  36. ISO #36

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    "She loves me" xD


    I think you're trolling us though because I really don't want to believe you are seriously avoiding logic and reason this hard.

    May I ask how you call your christian doctrine? Like, the "kind" of christianism.
    My doctrine is easy believism. I believe in an easy believism gospel. Meaning, Faith-alone through Christ-Alone salvation comes down to a 1 time belief that Jesus Christ is the Son Of God, and that he has saved me from my sins, and salvation is not of works. that is my doctrine. It is the best doctrine in the world

  37. ISO #37

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    My doctrine is easy believism. I believe in an easy believism gospel. Meaning, Faith-alone through Christ-Alone salvation comes down to a 1 time belief that Jesus Christ is the Son Of God, and that he has saved me from my sins, and salvation is not of works. that is my doctrine. It is the best doctrine in the world
    say hello to me
    I Like Ice Cream

  38. ISO #38

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    say hello to me
    hi dear! how are you today? i missed you efekann your a really nice friend to have! hello hello efekann!

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    hi rachyl im doing good i missed you too rachyl youre also a nice friend to have

    and how was your day?
    my day was good! i went out shopping with the girls! now im home and im feeling sleepy. gonna eat some halloween candy and go to sleep soon! are you excited for Halloween efekann?

  41. ISO #41

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    my day was good! i went out shopping with the girls! now im home and im feeling sleepy. gonna eat some halloween candy and go to sleep soon! are you excited for Halloween efekann?
    sadly i wont be attending halloween but i will be giving candy incase any kids come to trick or treat

    btw rachyl you should pm me on discord more often its fun to chat with people you know
    I Like Ice Cream

  42. ISO #42

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    sadly i wont be attending halloween but i will be giving candy incase any kids come to trick or treat

    btw rachyl you should pm me on discord more often its fun to chat with people you know
    awwwh okay Efekann, im not usually on discord much because people have been bullying me on there, but I will come to discord, just to talk to you! because your a very nice person i like you alot, your a good friend! <3 well i have to turn in for the night, goodnight efekann!

  43. ISO #43

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    sadly i wont be attending halloween but i will be giving candy incase any kids come to trick or treat

    btw rachyl you should pm me on discord more often its fun to chat with people you know
    idk how to tell you this w/o breaking ur heart, but Rachyl is actually my smurf.

    In fact, her whole character is based off the "Rachel" in my visual novel. She's nothing but another shallow creation of mine.

  44. ISO #44

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachyl View Post
    awwwh okay Efekann, im not usually on discord much because people have been bullying me on there, but I will come to discord, just to talk to you! because your a very nice person i like you alot, your a good friend! <3 well i have to turn in for the night, goodnight efekann!
    thanks rachyl dont mind the bullies in Skwirl and the Sc2Mafia Discord how about you come join the EUMafian Discord? its pretty chill and full of polite people there

    anyway its good to talk to you i will go to sleep too soon sooo uhm gn8 rachyl
    I Like Ice Cream

  45. ISO #45

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    idk how to tell you this w/o breaking ur heart, but Rachyl is actually my smurf.

    In fact, her whole character is based off the "Rachel" in my visual novel. She's nothing but another shallow creation of mine.
    you do realize it doesnt break my heart right?
    being honest and polite doesnt equal being romantic

    you goddamn troll
    I Like Ice Cream

  46. ISO #46

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    thanks rachyl dont mind the bullies in Skwirl and the Sc2Mafia Discord how about you come join the EUMafian Discord? its pretty chill and full of polite people there

    anyway its good to talk to you i will go to sleep too soon sooo uhm gn8 rachyl
    alright gimme a sec to switch accounts and write my reply

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

  50. ISO #50

    Re: ~My Righteous Anger~

    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    Hahah dw anyway it's just a joke Rachyl isn't my smurf.

    There's nothing to worry about. God loves you
    dont worry i know you cant imitate others well but make your own personalities for good RP

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    Guys Rachyl has got to be trolling and I say it deserves a round of applause. Top notch!
    im applauding you cause you suspect rachyl of being a troll she is just a nice person
    I Like Ice Cream



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