M-FM Rick and Morty

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    M-FM Rick and Morty

    M-FM Rick and Morty

    This is a game of Mini Forum Mafia. This is a fun and balanced setup. For a clearer idea on how to expect to approach this setup, click on the spoiler.
    Spoiler : Strategy :
    Quote Originally Posted by Thingyman View Post
    Article #2: Seers/Cops and Keeping Good Cover
    - written by Yates

    “A secret's worth depends on the people from whom it must be kept.”
    ― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, “The Shadow of the Wind”

    This is a guide on understanding the basic principles of being a seer, providing seer cover, and the information generated by the scum team’s seer hunt.

    What is a seer?
    A seer [also known as a cop] is a basic Town power role with the ability to investigate one person per night in order to determine their alignment. The game mod then sends these investigation results to the seer/cop at the beginning of each new day. These investigation results are called "peeks."

    In basic games, there are three things that are always going to happen:

    1. A seer has to "drop peeks." This means that they have to find a way to post their results in the thread for the Town to see.
    2. The Town needs to provide "seer cover" [also known as "hypo cop'ing"]. This means that the rest of the Town should be providing fake peeks in order to confuse the scum team and hide the real seer results until it is safe for the real seer to claim or the real seer is killed.
    3. The scum has to "seer hunt." In basic games, the scum team does not have a lot of time to find the seer. In a typical standard game if the scum team doesn't find the seer by day 3 and the seer has 3 live peeks or 2 live peeks and a scum peek the game is mechanically locked and the Town always wins.

    Seer Hunt Clear
    Let's talk about "seer hunt clear" [SHC]:
    Seer hunt clear is when a person is "cleared" as Town because the scum team killed the person with a fake peek on them.

    Yates fakes a Town peek on Thingy.
    That night Yates is killed by the scum team.
    Thingy is considered seer hunt cleared.

    Why? Look at point 3 above. The scum team has a limited amount of time to find the seer. They are very unlikely to kill someone who has a fake peek on scum. The reason they are very unlikely to kill someone with a fake peek on scum is because the "peek" is inaccurate which means that person can't be the real seer.

    To continue the example:
    Yates fakes a Town peek on Thingy.
    Thingy is actually scum.
    Thingy and his scum team now know that Yates is NOT the seer and will usually night kill someone else in an effort to find the real seer.

    How to provide cover
    The trick with providing cover is in figuring out accurate fake peeks and maintaining those peeks as the day progresses. As you saw above, once you fake a peek on scum the scum team knows you are not the real seer and that limits the pool of potential people who can be the real seer. This being the case, it is almost always advisable to fake your "peek" on someone you are Town reading. In order to do this, it makes the most sense for everyone to hold off on dropping their fake peeks [and for the seer to hold off on dropping their real peek] until there is enough information in the thread to give everyone actual reads. It is always easier to maintain a fake peek on someone you are Town reading anyway.

    Some people think it's a good idea to drop their peek in their first post. While this might seem like a good idea, since statistically you are more likely to randomly choose a villager, you make it harder for the real seer to pretend their read could also be fake. This method also relies 100% on luck. While luck is certainly involved to a certain extent, we also like to think of this as a game of skill. So why not use your skills by waiting longer in order to improve your luck?

    Make your peeks clear. Some people like to hide their fake peeks. This is a bad idea. If you get killed at night, you want your peeks to be OBVIOUS to the rest of the Town. This is especially true in Turbo games where every second counts. The less time the village has to spend figuring out your peeks, the easier it will be to soft clear Townies. Also, you will want your real seer to make their peeks obvious so you want to try to emulate that clarity. Using phrases like “if I’m the seer I peeked playerX Town n0” or simply “I peeked player Town last night” leave no doubt.

    Once you have committed to a fake peek, you have to stick with that peek. If I call Thingy my n0 peek and I suddenly start suspecting him [even though the scum team knows he is Town], it becomes pretty clear to the scum team that I am not the real seer because I "dropped cover." So if I call Thingy my n0 peek, he has to always be the "Towniest" person in all future reads lists.

    The hardest time to maintain cover is when someone claims to be the real seer. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and evaluate the authenticity of that claim before you just drop your cover [by unvoting or high fiving or something like that]. Scum will often fake claim seer when caught to see how people react so their team mates might be able to find the real seer.

    How to drop peeks as the seer
    Hopefully, everyone in the Town is savvy enough to know how to properly fake peek. [If they don’t? Refer them to this article post game!] One of the best ways to do this is to “disguise” your peek as a read. As you read above, the players who are better at providing seer cover drop their peeks based on reads. If they are doing this, it will make things a lot easier on you. If not, then it doesn’t matter too much because the scum will see your peeks and hopefully assume that your peek is “too easy” of a target because it is clearly based off of a read.

    The trick to providing the Town with your peeks is to make them indistinguishable from fake peeks but also clear. If you are the seer you want there to be no doubts about who your peeks are. This is especially true in Turbo games where every second counts. Using phrases like “if I’m the seer I peeked playerX Town n0” or simply “I peeked player Town last night” leave no doubt. If you bury your peeks in long reads lists or rambling posts, there’s always a danger they will not be seen.

    The biggest challenge you will face is when someone fake claims being the real seer. A good Town will evaluate all claims and will not immediately drop seer cover. If they do? You may be forced to unvote or vote for someone in order to appear to be a regular Townie. Even if you change your vote back, the hope is that your flinch will make the scum team think you are not the real seer because the real seer will know not to flinch. Ideally, you will have a Town hero who does NOT flinch at all and will eat the bullet for you at night. Knowing when to counter claim is an art and a whole topic of its own that I will leave up to you.


    • EVERYONE should provide seer cover.
    • Peeks should be clear.
    • Seer cover based on reads is usually more accurate than random luck.
    • Don’t drop cover.
    • Seer hunt clear is a real thing.

    Semi-Open Setup - 21 Players

    Neutral Killing


    • Majority is in effect. Day will end the instant a majority is reached. No posting after majority is reached.
    • Town wins when all threats to Town have been eliminated.
    • Plurality voting is in effect; whoever receives the most votes by the end of the day will be lynched.
    • No Lynching is enabled. Vote for No Lynch to forgo a lynch that Day.
    • Mafia kills are assigned, not factional. They can be tracked, watched, or roleblocked.
    • Cops get n0 peeks.
    • Mafia may only communicate during Night starting n0.
    • If the lynch vote ends in a tie, then a player will be lynched at random from among the tied players.
    • Last wills are not allowed


    These are new rules, you should read them
    Quote Originally Posted by Visor View Post
    Instructions to fit in, have everybody like you, and always be happy:
    • Only post/talk about the game in this thread. Don't PM other players, unless your role PM allows this. Also, don't post anything about the game in other threads or on other forums.
    • Don't try to use the form of your role PM. So a screenshot of your role PM would be cheating.
    • When the thread is open and the Mafia Host has announced the start of the day phase you can post in it. But only as long as you are a live player. No deadposting, please.
    • Breadcrumbing is allowed. Secret codes requiring keys or anything resembling that is NOT allowed.
    • This is a game of lying. Players are expected to lie. No statement or promise a player makes within the game has any force outside the game. As an example, a bet offered in a game is not something you can collect if you win.
    • If we believe you to bending the rules intentionally in a way that clearly goes against the spirit of the rules and the game, then that would also be grounds for modkill. Do not try to get fancy or angly with the rules, please. An example would include trying to blame the ModBot for a supposed error in order to make a claim of yours more believable.
    • If you have any questions about rules, send a PM to this account. I'd be happy to help. You should not be asking the Game Host questions in the thread and neither should you ever refer to private communications with the mod.
    • If you should ever require a sub, PM the mod and stop posting in the thread.
    • No *****'ing / multi-accounting is allowed. Do not share your account with anyone else.
    • Treat your fellow players with respect. Hostility will not be tolerated.

    I will repeat this particular rule once more in big letters to make sure you understand:


    We expect participation, and if you do not seem to be participating, for example, if you post less than 10 times per day phase, it is possible that we will consider subbing you out of the game. If you don't post at all, a sub will be found ASAP, at our discretion.

    Please do not put me in a tough situation. It has happened several times in the past seasons that people have made comments about the game that could potentially indicate their alignment. Even saying "the game is a lot of fun" or "man, I hate this" is way, way, way, way inappropriate!

    PLEASE DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING RELATING TO SUBS. Whether that be why someone subbed out or who might sub in, don't discuss it at all. If you are choosing to sub out, do not post about it in the thread. The only discussion of substitution should happen between the relevant player and the hosts, never in the thread.

    Phase Lengths

    Days are 48 hours in length. Nights are 24 hours in length. Day and Night lengths may be altered pre-game if requested, including extended weekend times.


    Town Roles:

    Vanilla Town

    You are Vanilla Town. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    Town Alignment Cop

    You are Town Alignment Cop. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

    As Town Alignment Cop, you have access to the Alignment Inspection Night Action. Alignment Inspection will reveal a target's alignment (Town/Mafia/Neutral Killing). Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.

    If you do not submit an action, a player will be picked at random from the un-Inspected living players.
    You receive a randomized Night 0 check amongst Town players upon receiving your rolecard.

    Inspection Results for Night 0.

    Player A is Town


    You are Doctor. You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

    As Doctor, you have access to the Heal Night Action. Heal will grant a target protection from one attack. You will be informed if your target was attacked, but your target will not be informed if they were attacked unless Bulletproof. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.


    You are Roleblocker. You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

    As Roleblocker, you have access to the Roleblock Night Action. Roleblock will stop all of your target's night actions. Your target will not be informed of being roleblocked, except in the case of a Roleblock Immune Neutral Killing. You will not be informed of whether the roleblock was successful. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.


    You are Vigilante. You win when all threats to town have been eliminated.

    As Vigilante, you have access to the Night Kill Night Action. Players targeted with this action will die at the end of the Night unless healed or night immune. If your target is healed, your target will not be informed they were attacked or healed. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.

    Mafia Roles:

    Mafia Goon

    You are Mafia Goon. You win when Town cannot regain majority and Neutral Killing is lynched. Your teammates are:

    Mafia Team

    Player A (Mafia Role)
    Player B (Mafia Role)

    Mafia Chat: Pre-game and Night Only

    As Mafia, you have access to the Assigned Night Kill Night Action. A member of the Mafia must be assigned to perform the Assigned Night Kill Night Action. Players targeted with this action will die at the end of the Night unless healed or night immune. Assigned Night Kill can be roleblocked. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.

    If no Mafia submit an action, a player will be picked at random from the living non-Mafia players.


    You are Roleblocker. You win when Town cannot regain majority and Neutral Killing is lynched. Your teammates are:

    Mafia Team

    Player A (Mafia Role)
    Player B (Mafia Role)

    Mafia Chat: Pre-game and Night Only

    As Mafia, you have access to the Assigned Night Kill Night Action. A member of the Mafia must be assigned to perform the Assigned Night Kill Night Action. Players targeted with this action will die at the end of the Night unless healed or night immune. Assigned Night Kill can be roleblocked. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.

    If no Mafia submit an action, a player will be picked at random from the living non-Mafia players.

    As Roleblocker, you have access to the Roleblock Night Action. Roleblock will stop all of your target's night actions. Your target will not be informed of being roleblocked, except in the case of a Roleblock Immune Neutral Killing. You will not be informed of whether the roleblock was successful. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.


    You are Godfather. You win when Town cannot regain majority and Neutral Killing is lynched. Your teammates are:

    Mafia Team

    Player A (Mafia Role)
    Player B (Mafia Role)

    Mafia Chat: Pre-game and Night Only

    As Godfather, you have access to the Assigned Night Kill Night Action. A member of the Mafia must be assigned to perform the Assigned Night Kill Night Action. Players targeted with this action will die at the end of the Night unless healed or night immune. Assigned Night Kill can be roleblocked. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used. You have the ability to supersede your teammate's Asigned Night Kill choice by sending the host your night action with the phrase "I am the Godfather".

    If no Mafia submit an action, a player will be picked at random from the living non-Mafia players.

    As Godfather, you may choose 1 of 2 Modifiers on Night Zero.
    • The Ninja modifier, if chosen, will grant you night investigation immunity for the game.
    • The Bulletproof modifier, if chosen, will grant you invulnerability to night kills for the game. Additionally, you will be informed if targeted by Night Kill.

    Neutral Killing Roles:

    Serial Killer

    You are Serial Killer. You win when Town and Mafia cannot regain majority.

    As Serial Killer, you have access to the Night Kill Night Action. Players targeted with this action will die at the end of the Night unless healed or night immune. Night Kill can be roleblocked unless Serial Killer chooses Roleblock Invulnerability Modifier. Serial Killer is Bulletproof, and therefore invulnerable to night kills for the game and informed if targeted for Night Kill. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.

    As Serial Killer, you may choose 1 of 2 Modifiers on Night Zero.
    • The Ninja modifier, if chosen, will grant you night investigation immunity for the game.
    • The Roleblock Invulnerability modifier, if chosen, will grant you invulnerability to roleblocks for the game. Serial Killer will be informed if targeted for Roleblock.


    You are Arsonist. You win when Town and Mafia cannot regain majority.

    As Arsonist, you have access to the Douse and Ignite Night Actions. Arsonist may either Douse or Ignite once a night. When Ignite action is used, all players previously targeted by Douse will die at the end of the Night. Ignite bypasses heals and bulletproof. Douse and Ignite can be roleblocked unless Arsonist chooses Roleblock Invulnerability Modifier. Arsonist is Bulletproof, and therefore invulnerable to night kills for the game and informed if targeted for Night Kill. Submit your Night Action each night using a PM to the host with the title: Night Action (#). You may change your target as many times as you want. The last action submitted will be used.

    As Arsonist, you may choose 1 of 2 Modifiers on Night Zero.
    • The Ninja modifier, if chosen, will grant you night investigation immunity for the game.
    • The Roleblock Invulnerability modifier, if chosen, will grant you invulnerability to roleblocks for the game. Arsonist will be informed if targeted for Roleblock.

    Order of Operations

    1. Roleblocker Roleblocks
    2. Killing Action
    3. Doctor Heals
    4. Cop Inspects Alignment


    1. What happens if?:
      Roleblocker A blocks Roleblocker B
      Roleblocker B blocks Killing A
      Killing A kills Roleblocker B

      Roleblocker B is blocked.
      Killing A is not blocked.
      Roleblocker B is killed.

    2. What happens if?:
      Roleblocker A blocks Roleblocker B
      Roleblocker B blocks Roleblocker C
      Roleblocker C blocks Killing A
      Killing A kills Roleblocker C

      Roleblocking B is blocked.
      Roleblocker C is not blocked.
      Killing A is blocked.
      Roleblocker C is not killed.

    3. What happens if?:
      Killing A kills Killing B
      Killing B kills Killing A

      Killing A is killed.
      Killing B is killed.

    4. What happens if?:
      Arsonist ignites
      Roleblocker blocks Arsonist

      All targets remain doused
      No targets are killed

    5. What happens if?
      Doctor A heals Vanilla Town A
      Killing A kills Doctor A
      Killing B kills Vanilla Town A

      Doctor A is killed.
      Vanilla Town A isn't healed.
      Vanilla Town A is killed.

    6. Can a Mafia Roleblocker perform the Assigned Kill and Block in the same night?


    7. Which roles [are compulsive] always perform their night action, even if they don't submit night actions?

      The following night actions, if not submitted, will be randomized:
      Alignment Cop Alignment Investigation
      Mafia Assigned Night Kill

    8. Will chosen modifiers be shown on flip?


    9. Are there death descriptions or death notes?

      No. All death descriptions and death notes are written by the host, purely for flavor, and entirely unrelated to the killers.

    Spoiler : Notes where I'm getting my shit together - feel free to comment. :

    *I'll finish this later. Get hyped. wubalubadubdub

    *Not sure if I want to strictly enforce anonymity across accounts - seems unimportant to the game - leaning towards whoever wants to reveal themselves may do so.

    *I need to add flavor for all roles, including name and a picture

    *I need to create a list of 21 anon account names with pre-set pictures (you're free to change the avatar picture) matching Rick and Morty flavor. I'll do this if this set-up is chosen.

    *Undecided about Doctor mechanics.
    Should doctor be informed of all, some, or no successful heals?
    Should All, Some, or No players be informed of having been successfully healed?
    After giving it thought - targets should not be informed of being healed.
    The Doctor should be informed if their target was attacked. This means even if their target is Bulletproof Doctor will be informed if they were attacked.

    *Next thought about Doctor is how heals work. Should they heal +1 attack, or all attacks? I'm leaning towards +1.
    After consideration, Doctors can only heal 1 attack at a time for a +1.

    *Ive given consideration to Roleblocker and decided neither Roleblocker nor Target are informed of being roleblocked or success. The only exception will be Neutral Killer if they choose to be Roleblock immune instead of detection immune - where the Neutral Killer will be informed if someone attempted to Roleblock them. I feel like that makes the detection immune vs. Roleblock immune choice about equal for the neutral killer.

    Change Log:
    - altered the win condition for Mafia under Mafia Goon role card
    - added N0 modifier selection for Godfather, Serial Killer, and Arsonist.
    - started fleshing out the other roles
    - role information complete
    - win cons complete included in role cards
    - Changed from closed setup to Semi-Open
    -OoO is up
    -changed arsonist to where ignite bypasses heals and bulletproof.
    -added FAQ
    Last edited by Frog; September 5th, 2016 at 06:40 AM.



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