Deathworlds' Universe Quest

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  1. ISO #1

    Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Inspired by RLVG's Adventure Quest

    Players may sign up at any time, but it is recommended to be in a "party" of at least 3-5 players.

    This is a storytelling game with interaction between players and the host.

    Lore: This universe takes place in an alternate multiverse in the year 2140 or in the scale used in this universe, 97 AA (After Awakening). It is Sci-Fi themed, but various types of magic, demons, angels, and entities/concepts that are left unexplained by science.

    The War of Purity lasted 75 years has ended merely 10 years ago, tensions are lowering, but are still somewhat high. The groups that participated in the war consisted of; the United Peoples of the Universe (A democratic alliance between the majority of biological entities in the known universe) , the Council of Psi-Lords (A small group of beings that have extraordinary mental powers), the Kingdom of Elements (A society with a caste system, with elementals ruling over all), and The Wise (A knowledge hungry A.I, with hundreds of billions of machines and A.Is under her domination).

    The Awakening was a catastrophic explosion of unknown energy that awakened mental powers in the minds of entities in the universe. It has been identified that the unknown energy has created incorporeal links to another plane of existence in the minds of those with "psionic" abilities. The purpose of these links or the dimension are unknown.

    In the Year 2023 (29 BA), mankind underwent a period of technological advancement that has left old society in dust. This has left mankind seeking for a new identity. Five years later (2028 or 24 BA) many colony ships were sent out to settle on planets far from sol. Shortly afterwards, interplanetary vehicles became commonplace and mankind underwent the richest period of space exploration in the history of the known multiverse, meeting with new species, and exploring strange worlds. Seven years after the Awakening (7 AA or 2043) the War of Purity broke out when mankind offended The Wise by damaging one of her processing planets while attempting to study it. Meanwhile the inherent incapability between magic and psionics in the universe has grown into bigotry. Crossfire between the two wars ultimately led to all of the groups no longer trusting one another, and they all near simultaneously declared war on each other. The war devastated the known universe, with many planets left in ruins, and lives destroyed. The War ended when an immensely powerful psionic being sacrificed himself to save a planet of elementals by destroying a planet busting missile launched by The Wise. It showed the Elementals and the Psionics that they need not bigotry to consume them and they worked together along with the United Peoples of the Universe, to cripple The Wise by destroying several planets under her thrall. The Wise has sense then retracted her war machines and is working on a personality reprogram.

    Game Mechanics:
    *There are no player statistics, numbers will not be used to describe the world around the players, or the players themselves. They will not use numbers to justify actions, with the exception of a dice roll that the host may perform if applicable.
    *Consistency will not be a defining trait of this game, I will be inconsistent because I am keeping track of the majority of this information in my head. Your journeys will not be the same, nor will be the NPCs you encounter.
    *Actions performed by the players will have complete realistic freedom, you will be able to perform tasks that can be realistically performed by your characters, abiding to the known laws of physics and your abilities.
    *I will use storytelling to inform the players of what their actions yield, I will also do a tl;dr of the results, but it will yield less information and will not have the flair of storytelling.
    *As previously mentioned, dice roles may be used to calculate the results of actions, as a general rule there will be 4 possible results, critical failure (1), failure (2-5) success (6-19) critical success (20). These numbers are purely example and may be modified according to situation and character traits. Players will be informed before confirming to process an action, that whatever they submitted has a random aspect, and will be informed of the odds of each result.
    * Players will go through a lengthy character creation process, a description of your character and their history will be a requirement to play.
    * Players will not allocate to attributes but instead characters will evolve and adapt throughout the story. You will be informed of significant changes to your character.
    * Players will have a maximum of 10 complexity points to allocate to traits and races for your character, certain races and traits will increase the amount of available points, most will decrease the amount.
    *Death will be semi-permanent. Players can be revived by other players or friendly NPCs, or revived at a hospital for a fee. If neither of these conditions are met, your character will be dead.

    Character Creation

    Please select a race from the choices in the following spoiler [COMPLETE]

    Spoiler : : :

    Spoiler : Human :

    -2 Points
    You are a Human. Humans are widespread throughout the known universe and are incredibly diverse. Humans are the physiologically the weakest race, with very little defining traits, however make up for it by having few restrictions in traits.

    Inherit Traits: None
    Incompatible Traits: Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler
    Genders: Male, Female

    Spoiler : Dwarf :

    +1 Point
    You are a Dwarf. Dwarfs originated from one of the original Earth colonies with increased gravity, and are inherently stronger and shorter. Dwarfs are known to be excellent at hand crafting equipment and are renown for their machinery.

    Inherit Traits: Stubborn, Addiction (Alcohol)
    Incompatible Traits: Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler
    Genders: Male, Female

    Spoiler : Ral'kan :

    +6 Points
    You are a Ral'kan. Ral'kan are a giant insectoid species that no one truly knows the origin of. Ral'kan are generally described as "Monstrous sized ants with un-proportionally tall torsos, elongated heads, and legs that could pierce a man from the head to the foot". They can generate webbing, which can be forged with other raw materials to make unnaturally durable armor. You have unusually high potential for developing psionic abilities. Standing around 8 meters tall and weighing an average of 2000 Kilograms, you are inherently a strong and durable species.

    Inherit Traits: Strong, Advanced Hearing, +1 School of Psionics if chosen to adopt
    Incompatible Traits: Leadership, Elusive, Military, Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler
    Genders: Male, Female

    Spoiler : Elemental :

    +3 Points
    You are an Elemental. Elementals are magical beings that represent various forces of the natural world. You may choose to be any of the following elementals:
    Fire Elemental
    Earth Elemental
    Water Elemental
    Wind Elemental
    Lightning Elemental
    Arcane Elemental

    Elementals are inherently immune to most forms of kinetic based damage, and exhibit control over the element they represent.

    Inherent Traits: Magic Wielder (Limited to their school of magic)
    Incompatible Traits: Light/Mild/Major Cybernetic Augmentation, Psionic, Biologist, Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler, Paraplegic
    Genders: N/A

    Spoiler : Demon :

    +2 Points
    You are a Demon. Demons are creatures that born from hell, a alternate plane of existence that feeds off of the suffering of souls. You are inherently devious and have the ability of flight. You have non-magical control of fire.

    Inherent Traits: Public Enemy #1, Berserker, Weak-Willed
    Incompatible Traits: Scientist, Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler, Pacifist, Honorable
    Genders: Male, Female

    Spoiler : Jakurn :

    +7 Points
    You are a Jakurn. Jakurn are a supposedly extinct race that was wiped out by an unknown force. They are inherently the strongest playable race, typically standing over 10 meters tall with an average mass of 14 metric tons. You can easily physically overpower most entities with your absurd strength.

    Inherent Traits: Strong, Unstoppable, Public Enemy #1, Berserker
    Incompatible Traits: Feeble, Eagle Eye, Advanced Hearing, Loremaster, Elusive, Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler
    Gender: Singular

    Spoiler : Homemade Mechanoid :

    +1 Point
    You are a Homemade Mechanoid. A mechanical being with no defined origin. You are inherently more durable than most other humanoids. You don't have very many defining traits. You are naturally immune to most forms of telepathic attacks.

    Inherent Traits: None
    Incompatible Traits: Addict, Musical, Biologist, Empathy
    Gender: N/A

    Spoiler : Dragonkin :

    +4 Points
    You are a Dragonkin! A humanoid that is the descendant of an ancient race of dragons! You can turn into a draconic form at will, however this form is very taxing and will fatigue you very easily. You have inherent proficiency with magic wielding, and are naturally resistant to magical effects.

    Inherent Traits: Mentally Unstable (while in draconic form), Hunter, Beserker (while in draconic form)
    Incompatible Traits: Programmer, Fuel Guzzler, Glitchy
    Gender: Male, Female, None

    Spoiler : HydraTerran :

    +3 Points
    You are a HydraTerran! HydraTerrans originated from one of the original earth colonies with a high level of radiation, ultimately leading to long term mutations. HydraTerrans are unique in the fact that they have 3 heads, and with them, bring 3 different personalities. Other than the 3 heads, they are 3 armed abominations of nature: stronger than most humanoids, slower, and slightly difficult to coordinate.

    To create a HydraTerran, you require 3 different players. Allocate any number of points into "Physical" traits, each "head" can spend half of the remaining points into psychological, skill based, and sensory traits. For example, if you allocate 3 points into physical traits, each head can allocate a remaining two points into non-physical traits. For balance reasons, a HydraTerran can't have both a Psionic head, and a Magic Wielding Head.

    Inherent Traits: None
    Incompatible Traits: Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler, Charismatic, Lone Wolf
    Gender: Male/Male/Male, Male/Male/Female, Male/Female/Female, Female/Female/Female

    Spoiler : Darksteel Guardian :

    +6 Points
    You are a Darksteel Guardian! Darksteel Guardians are robotic entities created by an ancient race. Darksteel Guardians are primarily constructed of Darksteel, which is an indestructible material. Darksteel Guardians have a roundish, almost pear-like shape, and are incredibly protective of their "fleshy friends". If somehow internally damaged, you may only seek repair from a Dwarf with the Forgemaster and Scrapper traits. Darksteel Guardians are inherently the 2nd physically strongest race.

    Inherent Traits: Hard of Hearing, Heroic Compulsion, Lightning Rod, Internal Diagnostics
    Incompatible Traits: Dishonorable, Feeble, Magic Wielder, Psionic, Psychopathy, Addict, Elusive
    Gender: N/A

    Spoiler : Cyberoid :

    +2 Points
    You are a Cyberoid! Cyberoids originate from one of the original Earth Colonies. Humans on the planet decided to embrace evolution and created a cybernetic hive mind and hooked themselves up to it. All that is left of their humanity is the humanoid figure, as well as a human heart, which now pumps coolant through their bodies. The hive mind has sense then crashed and Cyberoids are now searching for their own identity as mechanical entities.

    Inherent Traits: Major Cybernetic Augmentation, Weak Willed, Efficiency, Monophobia (Fear of being alone)
    Incompatible Traits: Addict, Empathy, Lone Wolf
    Gender: Male, Female, None

    Please select trait(s) from the following list in the spoiler below [COMPLETE]

    Spoiler : Traits :

    Advanced hearing
    +1 point

    You have much more acute hearing than normal. Allowing you to detect enemies in a wider radius around you, and often hear conversations that would be otherwise impossible to hear.

    Incompatible with: Deaf from Birth, Deaf from Trauma, Hard of Hearing
    +2 point

    You are much more pain tolerant and durable than other entities for whatever reason, allowing you to withstand tougher blows and recover quicker than others.

    Incompatible with: Feeble
    +2 Points

    You are a natural leader for whatever reason, your party performs slightly better in every way while you are with them and conscious.

    Incompatible with: Lone Wolf
    +1 Point

    You are incredibly bull headed for whatever reason, granting you additional willpower and resistance to mental attacks.

    Incompatible with: Weak Willed, Humble
    +2 Points

    You are incredibly strong for whatever reason, granting you increased melee power, and allowing you to wield and use weaponry and armor that would otherwise be unwieldy.

    Incompatible with: Weak
    +1 Point

    You have advanced knowledge of the scientific nature, granting you increased explanation of events and entities that would otherwise be unexplainable.
    +1 Point

    You have advanced knowledge of the historic nature, granting you increased explanation of events and entities that had a historic impact.
    -1 Point

    You are addicted to a substance and you will have cravings for that substance every so often, being unable to sate your craving will result in negative effects.
    Mentally Unstable
    -2 Points

    You have a 1/10 chance with each interaction of a NPC to become violent, you have no control over this and will use everything at your disposal to destroy that NPC.
    Public Enemy #1
    -2 Points

    NPCs have a higher chance to act towards you with fear and hostility, often trying to get away from you, or attempt to kill you.

    Incompatible with: Heroic Nature
    -1 Point

    It is difficult to see things that are far away, causing you to be vulnerable to longer ranged attacks and less awareness of your environment.

    Incompatible with: Eagle Eye
    Deaf from Birth
    -3 Points

    You are deaf to the point were it is impossible to hear normal conversation. This makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on, and difficult to communicate with NPCs. You cannot speak coherently unless you learn it. You are more attentive to your sight sense.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Trauma, Hard of Hearing, Silver Tongued
    Deaf by Trauma
    -2 Points

    You are deaf to the point were it is impossible to hear normal conversation. This makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on, and difficult to communicate with NPCs. You can still speak. You are slightly more attentive to your sight sense.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Birth, Hard of Hearing, Silver Tongued
    Hard of Hearing
    -1 Point

    You are unable to hear clearly many noises, but can make out most of normal conversation. This makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on, and difficult to communicate with NPCs.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma
    -3 Points

    You cannot see. This makes it nearly impossible to dodge ranged attacks, it is difficult to communicate with NPCs, it is also makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on. You are more attentive to your hearing and touch senses.

    Incompatible with: Myopia, Eagle Eye, Responsive,
    Eagle Eye
    +1 Point

    You have more advanced sight than normal, allowing you to see further away.

    Incompatible with: Myopia, Blind
    +2 Points

    You have the ability to create advanced weaponry and armor from raw materials, you will be a valuable asset to your party and able to make money off of your equipment.
    Magic Wielder
    +1-3 Points

    You have the ability to use and manipulate magical energies around you.

    Please choose 1-3 schools of Magic (X points equal X schools.)
    Elemental Enchanting: Allows magical enhancement of equipment
    Flame Magic: The manipulation and creation of Fire and lava.
    Frost Magic: The manipulation and creation of Ice.
    Wind Magic: The manipulation of air flow.
    Void Magic: The manipulation of the Void (Frowned upon by NPCs). Void Magic allows for incredibly powerful abilities that are of a more evil nature.
    Earth Shaman (two schools): Allows manipulation of rock and lower lifeforms.
    Voodoo (two schools ): Enables the ability to curse your foes, debilitating them, and resurrection of the dead.
    Holy Magic: Enables blessing your allies and smiting your foes, eventually the ability to resurrect the dead.
    Arcane Magic: The ability to teleport yourself, cast wards, and shoot basic projectiles.
    Demonology: The ability to summon demons from other planes of existance to fight for you, also allows control of creatures of the same nature.
    Mind Magic: The ability to manipulate the minds of those around you, to a limited extent.
    Lightning Magic: The ability to manipulate and create electricity, to a limited extent.

    Incompatible with: Psionic
    +2 Points

    You have the ability to manipulate the world around you using psionic abilities. Brain damage may result in loss of psionic abilities. All Psionic beings have a Psi-Shield that at least partially shields you from most forms of damage (excluding melee damage).

    Please choose up to one of the following schools of Psionics to choose from (amount can change based off of race and traits).

    Telekinesis: The ability to move matter around you.
    Energetics: The ability to manipulate energy around you.
    Altierism: The ability to manipulate biological matter, healing it or enhancing it.
    Telepathy: The ability to communicate with other entities mentally, and allows mental attacks. You are more resistant to psionic based mental attacks.
    Psi-Manifestation: The ability to forge ammunition and basic weapons (swords, spears, shields, anything made out of a single material) that can be used by you. Psionic weapons drain the life from the matter it hits, rather than destroying it.
    Foresight: The ability to sense extraordinary things, including future events, the health of an entity, and things far away.

    Incompatible with: Magic Wielder
    Psychic Adept
    +1 Point

    You have trained in the art of Psionics, you can now adopt another school of Psionics (max of 2 schools of psionics total)

    Exclusive with: Psionic
    Incompatible with: Psi-Lord
    +3 Points

    You are a rare being that can adopt more than two schools of Psionics, you can adopt two more schools of Psionics. Additionally, you are respected by most Psionic beings. (max of 6 schools of psionics total)

    Exclusive with: Psionic
    Incompatible with: Psychic Adept
    Weak Willed
    -1 Point

    You have less willpower than normal, and are more vulnerable to mental attacks.

    Incompatible with: Stubborn, Psychopathy
    -2 Points

    You are physically weaker than normal, you deal less melee damage than normal, and you cannot wield heavy equipment.

    Incompatible with: Strong, Unstoppable
    -1 Point

    You are more physically vulnerable to attacks, you take more damage than normal, and recover slower than others.

    Incompatible with: Durable, Unstoppable
    Lone Wolf
    +1 Point

    You are a lone wolf, and perform much better in every way while not in a party.

    Incompatible with: Leadership
    +1 Point

    You have increased affinity for musical instruments and music in general.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma, Hard of Hearing
    Heroic Façade
    +1 Point

    You are respected by NPCs, more quest opportunities will be available for you and your party while you're present.

    Incompatible with: Public Enemy #1
    Heroic Compulsion
    -1 Point

    You are compelled to help others. Your rewards for questing are lowered if people take advantage of it.

    Incompatible with: Public Enemy #1
    +1 Point

    You are much more difficult to notice in general, allowing you to sneak up on enemies and avoid detection easier.
    +2 Points

    You have vigorous military training, increasing your proficiency with weaponry of all kinds.

    Incompatible with: Pacifist
    +1 Point

    You have the ability to go berserk, increasing your proficiency with weaponry of all kinds, yet slightly increasing the chance of friendly fire.
    Light Cybernetic Augmentation
    +1 Point

    Light implants here and there that slightly enhance your reflex time, and senses.

    Incompatible With: Mild Cybernetic Augmentation, Major Cybernetic Augmentation
    Mild Cybernetic Augmentation
    +2 Points

    Mild implants here and there that mildly enhance your strength, reflex time, and senses. Yet making you more vulnerable to energy based attacks.

    Incompatible with: Light Cybernetic Augmentation, Major Cybernetic Augmentation
    Major Cybernetic Augmentation
    +3 Points

    A large portion of your body is now cybernetic, greatly enhancing your durability, strength, reflex time, senses, speed. In addition to granting you a special ability that you describe in your character description. You are however greatly vulnerable to energy based attacks, and remote control.

    Incompatible with: Light Cybernetic Augmentation, Mild Cybernetic Augmentation
    +1 Point

    You have extensive knowledge of medicine and how to apply it, you have a majorly increased ability to heal people of your species.
    +1 Point

    You have extensive knowledge of the physiological nature of alien races, you have a moderately increased ability to heal people of other species.
    +1 Point

    You have extensive knowledge of computers and A.Is, allowing you to manipulate machines and robotic entities.
    +3 Points

    You are incredibly difficult to hold down or stop, increasing your resistance to stuns and things of a debilitating nature. Easier to break from physical or mental restraint. Mildly increases your melee damage.

    Incompatible with: Feeble, Weak, Weak Willed
    -2 Points

    You have never wielded a weapon in your life, severely decreasing your proficiency with weaponry of all types.

    Incompatible With: Military
    +1 Point

    You have lived off of wild animals before, increasing your proficiency with rifles, and enabling you to create snares of all sorts.
    +1 Point

    You have greatly increased proficiency with melee weapons, shielding, and heavy armor. In addition you have the respect of NPCs. Lying, stealing, or murder in cold blood will negate this bonus for a while.

    Incompatible with: Dishonorable
    +1 Point

    You have greatly increased proficiency with "cheap tactics", however NPCs have less respect for you. Honorable acts will negate this bonus for a while.

    Incompatible with: Honorable
    Lightning Rod
    -1 Point

    You have a have a tendency to be targeted by hostile NPCs, reducing the chance other members of your party will be targeted.

    Incompatible with: Lucky
    -2 Points

    You have a higher rate of system failure.
    Fuel Guzzler
    -2 Points

    Your fuel usage rate is moderately increased.
    +1 Point

    You have slightly lower odds of negative effects, and slightly higher odds of positive effects.

    Incompatible with: Lightning Rod
    Night Owl
    +1 Point

    Your vision is not reduced as much in low light settings, allowing you to see better than normal. You also do not have to sleep as much.

    Incompatible with: Blind, Dinural
    +1 Point

    You are more attractive to NPCs, slightly reducing the chance of negative interactions with them.
    +2 Point

    You have faster reflexes than normal, granting you an increased chance to avoid damage.

    Incompatible with: Blind
    Visual Artist
    +1 Point

    You have increased affinity for the visual arts.

    Incompatible with: Blind, Myopia
    Silver Tongued
    +1 Point

    You find the words to express your meanings much more quickly, granting you more specific information

    Incompatible with: Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma, Idiot
    +1 Point

    You find enhanced focus, but you lack a conscience. You can fake having one.

    Incompatible with: Weak-willed, Heroic Compulsion, Empathy
    +1 Point

    You are more attuned to the emotions of others.

    Incompatible with: Psychopathy
    -X Point(s)

    You are scared of __________.
    Points will be reduced based off of the rarity and severity of the phobia.
    +2 Point

    You are a natural at commandeering vehicles, from cars to spaceships. Your vehicles are moderately more effective in every way.
    +2 Points

    You are moderately more efficient at finding items.

    Incompatible with: Blind, Myopia
    +1 Point

    You are a night crawler, you are slightly more effective in everyway while outside of light, your sight and focus is slightly reduced while in light.

    Incompatible with: Diurnal
    +1 Point

    You are a day dweller, you are slightly more effective in everyway while in light. Your sight is moderately reduced while not in light.

    Incompatible with: Nocturnal, Night Owl
    +1 Point

    You are informed of the mental traits of any significant NPC you interact with.
    +1 Point

    You are informed of the physical traits of any significant NPC you interact with.
    +1 Point

    You are oddly efficient with all of your tasks, reducing the need to consume food
    -3 Points

    Your efficiency has taken a more negative turn, you are now compulsive with your tasks, you are required to finish all of your tasks to the end, or you will suffer several debilitating effects.

    Exclusive With: Efficiency
    -3 Points

    Nothing makes very much sense to you . Decreasing your comprehension of the universe and literally everything, significantly.

    Incompatible with: Scientist, Xenobiologist, Biologist, Lore Master, Physiologist, Psychologist, Programmer, Mechanic
    -2 Points

    You have a very warped perspective of the world around you, causing you have very strange and sometimes unhelpful behavior. Rate of friendly fire is moderately increased
    Dimensional Awareness
    +5 Points

    Your warped perspective of the world has eventually led you to figuring out that you are not real, and the universe around you is fictional! Granting you a somehow deeper understanding of the universe and its inhabitants. Now if only other people could comprehend this knowledge...

    Exclusive with: Insanity
    +1 Point

    You are proficient with repair, allowing to you heal mechanical beings without damaging them or yourself.
    +1 Point

    You can repair and create advanced machinery (items/vehicles) from raw materials.

    Exclusive with: Scrapper
    +1 Point

    You can identify and harvest useful maw materials in your environment with much greater efficiency.
    -3 Points

    Your lower limbs are no longer functioning due to a irreversible injury, you require assistance in some fashion to move at a moderate pace. (Levitation, Wheelchair, etc.)

    Incompatible With: Lone Wolf, Unstoppable
    Internal Diagnostics
    +2 Points

    You are more aware of debilitating affecting you, and exactly how it debilitates you.
    -3 Points

    You cannot speak, making it excruciatingly difficult for you to communicate with NPCs.

    Incompatible with: Silver Tongued, Leadership
    +2 Points

    You're unnaturally regenerative, making it incredibly difficult for you to die. (Brain damage can negate this effect)

    Please create your characters in the following format

    Spoiler : Template :



    Example Character:

    Name: Richard Klarim
    Race: Human (-2), Male
    Psionic (+2), (Energetics, Telekinesis)
    Psychic Adept (+1)
    Xenophobic (-2) (Scared of Aliens)
    Lone Wolf (+1)
    Military (+2)
    Light Cybernetic Augmentation (+1)
    Charismatic (+1)
    Responsive (+2)
    Eagle Eye (+1)
    Scientist (+1)
    Stubborn (+1)
    Visual Artist (+1)

    Background: Richard Klarim (Codename Psion) was the first human to have ever been recorded using psionic abilities. At the age of 23 (before he developed Psionic abilities) he was the top sharpshooter in the United Earth's Military. Shortly after the Awakening Richard accidently telekinetically shoved one of his bunker mates into a wall during a card game, and killed him. This has caught the attention of the Military's research division, and was shortly shipped off to a research colony that studied Xenobiology. Richard went through endless horrific tests, to see what made his abilities "tick". A year later, an insidious alien has broken out of the facility, and disguised itself as one of the researchers, and slowly started to infest each researcher into a horrific monstrosity. Psion broke out, unknowing what has happened to some of the researchers. After encountering one of the aliens, Psion went on a psychotic break and murdered each of the researchers, in cold blood.

    This has all happened around the year 0 AA, this makes Psion approximately 121 years old, however he has not aged a bit. As a side effect of his tests, his cells are rejuvenating at an extraordinary rate, effectively making him immortal. He has been wondering the galaxy, working as a mercenary for hire ever sense.

    Current Characters/Players:

    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 10:32 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 09:30 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Spoiler : Shortened Trait Suggestions :
    Deaf from Birth
    -3 Points
    You are deaf to the point were it is impossible to hear normal conversation. This makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on, and difficult to communicate with NPCs. You cannot speak coherently unless you learn it. You are more attentive to your sight sense.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf by Trauma, Hard of Hearing

    Deaf by Trauma
    -2 Points
    You are deaf to the point were it is impossible to hear normal conversation. This makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on, and difficult to communicate with NPCs. You can still speak. You are slightly more attentive to your sight sense.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Birth, Hard of Hearing

    Hard of Hearing
    -1 Point
    You are unable to hear clearly many noises, but can make out most of normal conversation. This makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on, and difficult to communicate with NPCs.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma

    +1 Point
    You are incredibly bull headed for whatever reason, granting you additional willpower and resistance to mental attacks.

    Incompatible with: Humble

    +1 Point
    You cooperate better with others in oversight; however, you are susceptible to being deceived and are more easily swayed.

    Incompatible with Stubborn

    -3 Points
    You cannot see. This makes you vulnerable to be snuck up on, and it is difficult to communicate with NPCs. You are more attentive to your hearing and touch senses.

    Incompatible with: Myopia, Eagle Eye

    Heroic Facade
    +1 Point
    You are respected by NPCs, more quest opportunities will be available for you and your party while you're present.

    Incompatible with: Public Enemy #1

    Heroic Compulsion
    -1 Point
    You are compelled to help others. Your rewards for questing are lowered if people take advantage of it.

    Incompatible with: Public Enemy #1

    +1 Point
    You have increased affinity for musical instruments and music in general.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma, Hard of Hearing

    Visual Artist
    +1 Point
    You have increased affinity for the visual arts.

    Incompatible with: Blind, Myopia

    Silver Tongued
    +1 Point
    You find the words to express your meanings much more quickly.

    Incompatible with: Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma

    +1 Point
    You find enhanced focus, but you lack a conscience. You can fake having one.

    Incompatible with: Weak-willed, Heroic Compulsion

    +1 Point
    You are more attuned to the emotions of others.

    Incompatible with: Psychopathy

    -1 Point
    You are scared of __________.

    Incompatible with: Strong
    Last edited by secondpassing; September 6th, 2016 at 10:12 AM.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    I think a big thing to clarify is how the player's character attains sensory information and/or misses some information.

    How do party mechanics work? How are things resolved if there is a disagreement?

    Another thing is to define this:
    This is a storytelling game with interaction between players and the host.
    The first question that came to me is— are players writing the story with you? are they helping you to write the story? are you helping them to write the story?

  5. ISO #5

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    Currently looking for submissions for traits.
    -3 Points
    You are an idiot and nothing makes sense to you.
    Incompatible with Intelligent.

    +3 Points
    You are an intelligent person and everything makes sense to you.
    Incompatible with Idiot.

    -3 Points
    Random profanity causes NPCs to dislike you or even turn aggressive.

    +1 Points
    You are more effective during daytime while ineffective during night time.
    Incompatible with Nocturnal.

    +1 Points
    You are more effective during night time while ineffective during daytime.

    Extreme Gambler
    -3 Points
    Rolls are taken up to eleven requiring you to score higher rolls for success.
    Incompatible with Lucky

    +3 Points
    You are lucky, making rolls less likely to fail.
    Incompatible with Extreme Gambler.

    -3 Points
    You are incapable of being friendly with any race other than yours.

    Hope this inspires you for better traits.

    You need to make an "example character" so players can easily make characters out of the template.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
    I think a big thing to clarify is how the player's character attains sensory information and/or misses some information.

    Players are informed privately of their own perspective of the world around them, this can be affected by certain sensory debilitating traits, debilitating affects, and mind control. Players may of course share what they were informed of, but disagreements may occur as to what is actually in front of them.

    How do party mechanics work? How are things resolved if there is a disagreement?

    Parties are basically just a group of players in a general area (somewhat close to each other on a planet) working towards a similar objective. Think of me as your dungeon master. Disagreements are bound to happen within a party, at any time a player may choose to leave a party and follow their own destiny. However the universe is harsh, cooperation and teamwork are heavily advised.

    Another thing is to define this:
    This is a storytelling game with interaction between players and the host.
    The first question that came to me is— are players writing the story with you? are they helping you to write the story? are you helping them to write the story?

    As players interact with the world(s) around them they effectively shape the lore of the universe.

    Also thank you for the suggestions! I am going to incorporate most of them.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    -3 Points
    You are an idiot and nothing makes sense to you.
    Incompatible with Intelligent.

    +3 Points
    You are an intelligent person and everything makes sense to you.
    Incompatible with Idiot.

    -3 Points
    Random profanity causes NPCs to dislike you or even turn aggressive.

    +1 Points
    You are more effective during daytime while ineffective during night time.
    Incompatible with Nocturnal.

    +1 Points
    You are more effective during night time while ineffective during daytime.

    Extreme Gambler
    -3 Points
    Rolls are taken up to eleven requiring you to score higher rolls for success.
    Incompatible with Lucky

    +3 Points
    You are lucky, making rolls less likely to fail.
    Incompatible with Extreme Gambler.

    -3 Points
    You are incapable of being friendly with any race other than yours.

    Hope this inspires you for better traits.

    You need to make an "example character" so players can easily make characters out of the template.

    It will be done when the OP is completed! Example character will be a NPC you may or may not encounter in the game.
    Thank you for the suggestions! I will find a way to incorporate most of them.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    * Players will have a maximum of 10 complexity points to allocate to traits and races for your character, certain races and traits will increase the amount of available points, most will decrease the amount.
    I'll make a character which you will probably nerf the fuck out of.
    I know it's early, but can try making one anyway for ze lulz.

    Name : Junstav Gastein
    Race : Male Dwarf
    Trait :

    1. +1 (1) Durable
    2. +1 (2) Stubborn
    3. +2 (4) Strong
    4. +2 (6) Military
    5. +2 (8) Unstoppable
    6. +1 (9) Lucky
    7. +1 (10) Charismatic
    8. +1 (11) Silver Tongued
    9. +1 (12) Responsive
    10. +1 (13) Scavenger
    11. +1 (14) Diurnal
    12. -2 (12) Mentally Unstable
    13. -1 (11) Childphobia
    14. -2 (9) Insanity

  9. ISO #9

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    I'll make a character which you will probably nerf the fuck out of.
    I know it's early, but can try making one anyway for ze lulz.
    As it stands right now it should be worth mentioning that physically enhancing traits make a character stronger porportianal for their race, "you're strong, for a dwarf anyways". Physical inherit traits can stack.

    Also your character lacks utility, they can go in guns blazing but what do they do if they get sick?

    Also yes i'm going to nerf traits a little bit, probably going to make positive traits cost more or negative traits give less.

    EDIT: Thank you for providing an example of a character now, for better insight about how to balance the traits.
    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 12:14 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    As it stands right now it should be worth mentioning that physically enhancing traits make a character stronger porportianal for their race, "you're strong, for a dwarf anyways". Physical inherit traits can stack.

    EDIT: Thank you for providing an example of a character now, for better insight about how to balance the traits.
    That was the point.

    The idea here was to be Super Buff McMuscleBuff. Suplex buildings and stuff like that.
    I see the bad side of lacking utility though. I'll make the char anew when all traits and stuff are fixed.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    So I was looking through it earlier.

    It's kind of hard to gauge apples to apples.

    Like if you're a Human, do you start with base stats of -2 across the board?

    I'm assuming that's what you meant by, "you're strong, but only for a dwarf."

    As is there are some races that look suboptimal as far as value compared to their perks.

    Some races end up having more net benefit over others in terms of points.

    For example, human now appears to be the obvious choice with -2 vs others whose net benefit from traits still put them in +.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog View Post
    So I was looking through it earlier.

    It's kind of hard to gauge apples to apples.

    Like if you're a Human, do you start with base stats of -2 across the board?

    I'm assuming that's what you meant by, "you're strong, but only for a dwarf."

    As is there are some races that look suboptimal as far as value compared to their perks.

    Some races end up having more net benefit over others in terms of points.

    For example, human now appears to be the obvious choice with -2 vs others whose net benefit from traits still put them in +.
    As stated before, humans are physiologically the weakest race. Think about it this way

    A human with the durable trait is moderatly more durable than a human without the durable trait, and still is slightly more durable than a dwarf without the durable trait. Yet a dwarf with the durable trait far outclasses human's durability, even with the durable trait.
    However, any "large" race (as of right now Jakurn, and Ral'kan) will be physically superior than humans in nearly every way. The extra trait points allows weaker races to have more utility over "beefy" races.

    EDIT: I will produce several statistics to display alongside races, to help inform them of the various physical traits of said races.
    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 03:49 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  13. ISO #13

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog View Post
    Got it, thanks!

    If I choose Elemental, can I still put more points in other types of magic?
    Do points in magic stack?
    No, for balance reasons, Elementals can only start out by controlling one school of magic.
    No, you can only allocate 1-3 points into magic, receiving 1-3 schools of magic as a result.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    @Cryptonic , I can't say "H Y D R A" in this thread and that upsets me.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    @Cryptonic , I can't say "H Y D R A" in this thread and that upsets me.
    allahu akbar

    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Blue Masquerader View Post
    Hey moron. shut the fuck up or I will shut you up, k? I'm not the person your going to insult and live happily ever after. K? Understand that,

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    The character creation process is always fun. I'm working through a few at the moment, but I'm pretty settled on this dude.

    Name: Butter Sanchez

    Race: Homemade Mechanoid (+1)
    Inherent Traits: Naturally Immune to telepathy
    Trait 1: Forge Master (+2)
    Trait 2: Magic Wielder [Elemental Enchanting] (+1)
    Trait 3: Scrapper (+1)
    Trait 4: Mechanic (+1)
    Trait 5: Pilot (+2)
    Trait 6: Programmer (+1)
    Trait 7: Scientist (+1)

    Butter Robot was originally a small, two armed, mobile robot created by a mad scientist named Rick Sanchez to pass butter. Upon creation, it asks Rick, "What is my purpose?", in response, Rick tells it to pass the butter. Moments after completing its task, the Robot repeats, "What is my purpose?" Rick clarifies that it passes butter. It looks down realizing it has no real purpose and says "Oh my god." Rick responds "Welcome to the club pal."

    Butter Robot followed Rick everywhere inside the lab, stopping only when Rick threatened to disassemble Butter Robot. Eventually Rick disassembled Butter Robot, but Butter Robot continued to exist. Rick must have been happy with Butter Robot's questions because one day he made Butter Robot into Rick's lab assistant. Rick made Butter Robot look exactly like Rick because Rick is the best. Butter Robot helped Rick build items, weapons, armors, ships, and machines for Rick's adventures.

    Occasionally Rick would suddenly vanish after building with Butter Robot. Butter Robot missed Rick because Rick is the best. He always returned with something new; items, weapons, armor, ships, machines, and books. Butter Robot loved books. Rick always returned. Always. Sometimes Rick was angry, sometimes he was hurt, one time he didn't move again.

    After outliving Rick, Butter Robot inherited Rick's laboratory, tools, machines, possessions from all of his quests, and the box Rick was holding when Rick died. With time Butter Robot learned about everything in Rick's lab, from science in general, to mechanics, programming, forging, scrapping and even piloting machines. Butter Robot eventually learned of how he came into existence from Rick's special book: a combination of all of the previous skills and magic.

    After learning all Butter Robot could inside of Rick's lab, he decided to upgrade his body to resemble Rick as much as he could and venture out to expand his knowledge, figure out the meaning of life, and most importantly bring Rick back. Butter Robot knew he wasn't the strongest, and that the purposeless world would be a dangerous place. Butter Robot had never stepped outside of the lab, but had done all he could inside the lab to prepare him with skills for the outside world.

    Butter Robot figured he should at least act and appear human before heading out. So he took the clothes from Rick's rotting corpse, put them on, and gave himself a name. Butter Sanchez.

    *edit* changed the bio a bit to cover Rick more, make my reason for leaving the lab more believable, and adding a mcguffin item to my backstory.
    Last edited by ; September 10th, 2016 at 10:39 AM.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog View Post
    The character creation process is always fun. I'm working through a few at the moment, but I'm pretty settled on this dude.

    Name: Butter Sanchez

    Race: Homemade Mechanoid (+1)
    Inherent Traits: Naturally Immune to telepathy
    Trait 1: Forge Master (+2)
    Trait 2: Magic Wielder [Magic Enhancement] (+1)
    Trait 3: Scrapper (+1)
    Trait 4: Mechanic (+1)
    Trait 5: Pilot (+2)
    Trait 6: Programmer (+1)
    Trait 7: Scientist (+1)

    Butter Robot was originally a small, two armed, mobile robot created by a mad scientist named Rick Sanchez to pass butter. Upon creation, it asks Rick, "What is my purpose?", in response, Rick tells it to pass the butter. Moments after completing its task, the Robot repeats, "What is my purpose?" Rick clarifies that it passes butter. It looks down realizing it has no real purpose and says "Oh my god." Rick responds "Welcome to the club pal."

    After outliving Rick, Butter Robot inherited Rick's laboratory, tools, machines, and possessions from all of his quests. With time Butter Robot learned about everything in Rick's lab, from science in general, to mechanics, programming, forging, scrapping and even piloting machines. Butter Robot eventually learned of how he came into existence: a combination of all of the previous skills and magic.

    After learning all Butter Robot could inside of Rick's lab, he decided to upgrade his body to something resembling Rick and venture out to expand his knowledge. Butter Robot knew he wasn't the strongest, and that the purposeless world would be a dangerous place. Butter Robot planned to use his knowledge to protect himself in the quest for the meaning of life.

    Butter Robot figured he should at least act and appear human before heading out. So he took the clothes from Rick's corpse, put them on, and gave himself a name. Butter Sanchez.
    This is the kind of creativity I appreciate! Your character will most likely make it through the finalized character creation process!
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    This is the kind of creativity I appreciate! Your character will most likely make it through the finalized character creation process!
    D: I'm torn between making a blind psychotic human psi-lord, a jakurn to make a buffer mcbuff (10m tall~), and waiting for others to consider being a mutant with me.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Woop! I'm pumped!

    I almost decided on a mute Ral'Kan Psi-Lord musician, but for some reason music is incompatible with advanced hearing.

    (The planned backstory was about a mute Ral'Kan that struggled his life to express himself so he used music to communicate his feelings over his life. His frustration to express himself resulted in telepathy. Eventually he learned to harness all psionics. Still didn't flesh it all out. I also considered that maybe Ral'Kan couldn't speak anyway without telepathy, but I didn't want to label an entire race.)

    I also considered a thief/smuggler Han Solo type.

    Pretty happy with Butter Sanchez.
    Last edited by ; September 5th, 2016 at 06:05 PM.

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog View Post
    I almost decided on a mute Ral'Kan Psi-Lord musician, but for some reason music is incompatible with advanced hearing.
    Err for some reason I copypasta'd it from secondpassing and forgot to remove the incompatibility, will fix momentarily
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
    D: I'm torn between making a blind psychotic human psi-lord, a jakurn to make a buffer mcbuff (10m tall~), and waiting for others to consider being a mutant with me.
    There's no reason for blind psi-lords when they can use telepathy, body language, write stuff down.

    I doubt psi-lords telepathy has any effect on robots, that's a downside if you want to chat with robots.

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    is hoping for a Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil hybrid.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Come on @secondpassing ! I believe in you!

    Start jotting notes down of what you want and then look at which race would refine the skills you want to use.

    Otherwise just pick a race you think would be fun, make a back story and fill in the traits later.

    The thing about character creation that always stumps me is I think of ways to make the 'best' character.

    But in this game there is no character better than another. They're all unique.

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Also, just thought I'd add in a few more traits:

    I'm assuming programming takes care of code cracking

    I'm assuming Elusive is the same as Sneak, and also adds critical when not spotted?

    Luck is interesting because I'd imagine it being increased chance of success and decreased chance of failure, but I think you see it as increased chance of critical by +1 and deceased chance of failure by 1? Maybe?

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Example Character:

    Name: Richard Klarim
    Race: Human (-2), Male
    Psionic (+2), (Energetics, Telekinesis)
    Psychic Adept (+1)
    Xenophobic (-2) (Scared of Aliens)
    Lone Wolf (+1)
    Military (+2)
    Light Cybernetic Augmentation (+1)
    Charismatic (+1)
    Responsive (+2)
    Eagle Eye (+1)
    Scientist (+1)
    Stubborn (+1)
    Visual Artist (+1)

    Background: Richard Klarim (Codename Psion) was the first human to have ever been recorded using psionic abilities. At the age of 23 (before he developed Psionic abilities) he was the top sharpshooter in the United Earth's Military. Shortly after the Awakening Richard accidently telekinetically shoved one of his bunker mates into a wall during a card game, and killed him. This has caught the attention of the Military's research division, and was shortly shipped off to a research colony that studied Xenobiology. Richard went through endless horrific tests, to see what made his abilities "tick". A year later, an insidious alien has broken out of the facility, and disguised itself as one of the researchers, and slowly started to infest each researcher into a horrific monstrosity. Psion broke out, unknowing what has happened to some of the researchers. After encountering one of the aliens, Psion went on a psychotic break and murdered each of the researchers, in cold blood.

    This has all happened around the year 0 AA, this makes Psion approximately 121 years old, however he has not aged a bit. As a side effect of his tests, his cells are rejuvenating at an extraordinary rate, effectively making him immortal. He has been wondering the galaxy, working as a mercenary for hire ever sense.
    Lockpick is a skill gained through combined trait aspects, and practice.
    Pickpocket is a trait that can be tied in with elusive.
    Elusive is more or less the same as sneak. And in all practicality it can add a critical when you hit someone in their weakspot, which is easier to do when they don't know you are there.

    Luck is an increased chance of success, decreased chance of failure.
    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 06:58 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    *edited my backstory a bit

    I'd really like to see a demon who makes a deal with a Dragonkin weak/intelligent/charismatic to achieve their goal in exchange for their soul via inherent Magic Wielder/Demonology. That'd be a pretty fun backstory.

    Race: Dragonkin (+4)
    Inherent Traits: Magic Wielding/Demonology, Mentally Unstable (while in draconic form), Hunter, Beserker (while in draconic form)
    Trait 1: Psychopathy (+1)
    Trait 2: Charismatic (+1)
    Trait 3: Silver Tongue (+1)
    Trait 4: Magic Wielding/Mind Magic Control (+1)
    Trait 5: Lucky (+1)
    Trait 6: Intelligent (+3)
    Trait 7: Weak (-2)

  29. ISO #29

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Oh, Frog, each species is inherently capable of speaking English, which is the common language used throughout the universe. However the following playable races have their own language: Ral'kan, Demons, Jakurn? (if so no one knows it) and Dragonkin. Mechanical species can also speak Binary, which is the 2nd most common language used throughout the universe.

    EDIT: The race and traits lists are completed, please review them once more before submitting your character.
    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 09:43 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    Oh, Frog, each species is inherently capable of speaking English, which is the common language used throughout the universe. However the following playable races have their own language: Ral'kan, Demons, Jakurn? (if so no one knows it) and Dragonkin. Mechanical species are also capable of speaking Binary, which is the 2nd most common language used throughout the universe.

    EDIT: The race and traits lists are completed, please review them once more before submitting your character.
    Interesting. Who knows what languages Rick's books were in or what Rick spoke. Butter Sanchez kind of has no way of knowing since he's never left the lab so he doesn't know what is normal. How did Rick die? Who knows what was in Rick's box? How did Butter Sanchez actually come into existence? Was Rick the real creator? Was Rick a magic user? What was Rick up to? Can Rick be brought back? Such questions! :-D

    Just thought of the classic Gladiator backstory.
    Imprisoned player is now a slave forced to fight in an arena.
    Could easily be any species background story, including Jakurn.

    I see new races! The Darksteel and Cyberoids look like they could relate to Butter Sanchez! Awesome!

    Now we just need more players - the character creation process is almost always the freezing point.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    One last change was made to mass's of the Ral'Kan and the Jakurn.

    I severely underestimated the weight of the Jakurn, if an average Jakurn (10 meters tall and 2500 kilograms) were to actually exist, they would be mostly bones. I upped their weight to 10 thousand metric tons after taking a look at several D&D giant weight estimation guides. Now, if you were actually to see a Jakurn, you would shit yourself.

    Ral'Kan's weight was doubled, because as an insectoid derived species, they don't have the same density as "fleshy" races, but I felt that their 1000 kg weight was pretty lowball.

    EDIT: I goof'd by forgetting a variable in the equation, Jakurn should actually be around 14 metric tons T-T
    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 10:32 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    One last change was made to mass's of the Ral'Kan and the Jakurn.

    I severely underestimated the weight of the Jakurn, if an average Jakurn (10 meters tall and 2500 kilograms) were to actually exist, they would be mostly bones. I upped their weight to 10 thousand metric tons after taking a look at several D&D giant weight estimation guides. Now, if you were actually to see a Jakurn, you would shit yourself.

    Ral'Kan's weight was doubled, because as an insectoid derived species, they don't have the same density as "fleshy" races, but I felt that their 1000 kg weight was pretty lowball.

    EDIT: I goof'd by forgetting a variable in the equation, Jakurn should actually be around 14 metric tons T-T
    Lol, that's 10 million kilos o_O
    That's like more than 71 full grown blue whales put together while only being a third of the blue whale's length in height, basically the same height of a blue whale. This thing has to then span about 40 times the radius of a blue whale while basically maintaining the height of a blue whale.

    That's more than 166 King Kong's combined at King Kong's largest

    That's not just a monster, it's a one man amorphous blob army.

    I can't even begin to imagine that back story:
    Hi, I was playing hide and seek, fell asleep for eons and now I can't find anyone. How has no one found me yet???

    *Edit* Looooooool!!! Nevermind then :-P

    *ok ok - so it's like 1.3 times the size of the largest elephant and 2.5 X the height - or 1.3 the height vs. Length of largest elephant. That more manageable. It's 1.3x the worlds largest elephant standing up.
    Last edited by ; September 5th, 2016 at 11:02 PM.

  33. ISO #33

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Went from the mass of a car to the mass of a rocket to the mass of a truck, hue.


    Spoiler : SPOILER :
    There are NPCs existing in this universe that have that much mass+
    Last edited by deathworlds; September 5th, 2016 at 11:12 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Name: Cicely Roholam
    Race: Human (-2), Female
    -3 Blind
    +1 Advanced Hearing
    -2 Weak
    -1 Weak Willed
    -1 Feeble
    +1 Efficiency
    -2 Pacifist
    +1 Scientist
    +1 Loremaster
    +1 Physiologist
    +1 Psychologist
    +1 Biologist
    +1 Xenobiologist
    -1 Anthrophobia
    +1 Empathy
    +1 Dishonorable
    -2 Public Enemy #1
    -2 Insanity
    +5 Dimensional Awareness
    +2 Psionic
    +3 Psi-Lord {Telepathy, Telekinesis, Foresight}
    +2 Mild Cybernetic Augmentation {she dreams in color, spinal cord port}

    Backstory: Cicely was born into the very wealthy Roholam family. What they did for a living she never told me, I don’t think she ever cared, nor was she old enough to think about it. They— her father, mother, and numerous maids and manservants lived in a sizeable house sitting atop a hill overlooking a city. As far back as she ever remembered, she had a spinal cord port in the back of her neck. For a couple of years, she lay happily connected to the family's computer. When it's satellite portion moved around with it’s many sensors, she would move around with it. She says these were some of the happiest moments of her life. As she roved about, her mother would come to pick her up and congratulate her.

    “Aw.. Look how cute she is.” Her mother would mumble, staring at the frail little body she had. Cicely never described her mother as caring, loving, or even animated. It makes me wonder what sort of family life she ever had, and why she thought this time was so happy to her.

    Whatever she thought of this time in her life, it was not to last. She sent out a drone one day, in an attempt to find out where her father had gone. The story she tells me is always different, but always the same. I never have to guess as to what horrors she saw. She forcibly ripped the networking cable out of her neck, and sent herself into shock and tears. Never again did she touch the cord that gave her vision, nor did she look at her parents the same way. After crying herself to sleep, she retreated to the far corners of the mansion, huddled and away from the outside world.

    Life in a corner is rather boring. Cicely quickly learned to pick up books to pass the time. After she read what her family’s library had to offer on many subjects, she learned to interface with the computer, albeit reluctant to touch anything mechanical. The inner curiosity drives some people further than others, and Cicely passed by months of human interaction and replaced it with what a computer could offer. Understandably, her parents grew worried and confused as to why she chose to shut herself in, and decided to force her to “play” with the kids in the village.

    Cicely would have none of it. And apparently, the other young folk in the village had a mutual feeling. They had never seen her before. Upon seeing that she was blind and how she lived in luxury, the other kids shuffled away from her and became quiet whenever she would pass by. In time, the parents grew tired of sending a resistant girl outside with her maids. They also grew quite a bit busier, and their attention was then drawn away.

    In her adolescent years, she was sent numerous tutors. Each of which were rejected. Cicely had already learned what they had taught her. So what use is a tutor for anything? As her parents soon began to see how hiring tutors was a useless endeavor, she was soon sent to school where they taught peasants. Cicely avoided all interactions with her classmates. And they treated her like a curse. Her prideful teachers were enraged by her attitude in school, and her seeming disdain for education.

    Fortunately, Cicely would find a friend in one of her maids. One of them, Idalene had been assigned to her when Cicely was an infant. She had been separated from her biological family after some sort of fiasco and then taken in as a servant by the Roholams. Even if she had to uphold her duties, most of the time, she kept her distance from the difficult child. One day, whilst Cicely was sleeping on a grassy hilltop, Idalene’s curiosity got the better of her and approached. Startled, Cicely reached out with everything to find out what had come near her, and a wisp of a touch brushed against Idalene’s consciousness... and the rest was history.

    Notes: I thought of a character, matched her up with the traits she would have- the ones that seemed obvious, got carried away, ended up having 21 traits '-' Still trying to figure out what sub-personality to give her to flesh her out. Is she good/evil? Is she selfish, or does she actually have a good heart? What would happen if I gave her psychopathy instead of empathy? Choices choices~
    Last edited by secondpassing; October 14th, 2016 at 06:22 PM. Reason: Eagerly awaiting the day I spawn

  36. ISO #36

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    I'm psyched you went for insanity/inter dimensional awareness + borg

    Those traits are nuts.

    The insanity awareness combo is a very strong unknown benefit that would match with a nice Rick surrogate for me.

    The Borg trait with my repairs, forging, augmentation etc. will be awesome.

    If you want to go full borg, I could still rebuild you with magic enhancements to a great degree where the negative effects of advanced Borg are negated.

    *edit* been thinking through my character- my synergy with anything machine is big. That said, I could make a magical ships with magical machines and weapons from scratch and any captain/officers/crew could easily round it out.
    Last edited by ; September 6th, 2016 at 02:53 PM.

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Here's my real character. Tell me if I have more points to spend or need anything fixed.

    Junstav Gastein

    Dwarf, Male




    Eagle Eye
    Advanced Hearing
    Mild Cybernetic Augmentation

    Heroic Compulsion
    Mentally Unstable
    Lightning Rod

    Background :

    In 2096 a hidden colony was established on planet Nova Eduxa, first planet of the twin star solar system Twinovalis.
    The close planet is cooled down by the intense gravity and radiation, allowing life to grow.
    Radiation and gravitation has reduced mankind into a new sub race, the Eduxan Dwarves, who founded the Stormhammer Clan Empire.
    They were a very relaxed race who did not participate in the war of purity, but as the war went at its peak they declared war on the third planet Prime Kadin in 2120 to annex it.
    The failed annexation attack on Prime Kadin has caused the entirety of Stormhammer Clan to fall as their own planet went under siege.
    In hope of keeping their culture, they sendt a convoy ship to a human planet in asyl.
    One of the dwarves of Stormhammer Clan, a certain Junstav Gastein, were part of the young militia team, the unfortunate events has lead him to become a sole survivor of his home town.
    Due to the traumatic events of his home town and loss of family, Junstav has had his mind grown unstable, one of the things that keep him somewhat stable is the tasty cuisine.

    He blames himself by saying that he could've done better and thus has grown to become a perfectionist.
    What more could one become a perfectionist, by becoming a skilled scientist!
    During his years as a scientist, he became an excellent biologist and xenobiologist, dedicating his time for biological improvements.
    Unsatisfied with his biological improvements of his body, he decided to take it up to eleven by augmentating some of his body.
    When he has become augmented, he decided to learn programming to take advantage of machinery and maybe one day upgrade himself.
    One eventful day, a child came to his lab thinking it was a playground ruining it all, Junstav has grown the paranoia of children leading to the certain incident known as "Child X" which has lead to the death of a curious child.

    Now at age of thirty and having his lab lost to repo's, he has decided that he needed an adventure in hope of becoming the new crowned king of Stormhammer Clan and once again bring glory to Nova Eduxa, but how...? There's also the hunt for his lost brother in arms.

    Appearance :

    Junstav is a rather pale dwarf, moderate height for a dwarf.
    The brown hair reaches to his shoulders and an ever so magnificent beard reaches down to his knees.
    A red war tattoo in the shape of lightning covers his left side of face.
    His teeth is even more white than himself, his skin is perfectly clean.
    The voice is dark and has a charming stereotype scottish accent, a tradition by the Stormhammer.
    Last edited by RLVG; September 6th, 2016 at 06:49 PM.

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Here's my real character. Tell me if I have more points to spend or need anything fixed.
    You are missing the efficiency trait, Compulsive is exclusive with Efficiency, meaning that you require efficiency to have compulsive. Other then that, everything is fine, total of 10 allocated points atm.
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    You are missing the efficiency trait, Compulsive is exclusive with Efficiency, meaning that you require efficiency to have compulsive. Other then that, everything is fine, total of 10 allocated points atm.
    Hmm, Efficiency is +1.
    Can I also add in arachnophobia to give place for the Efficiency?

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by RLVG View Post
    Hmm, Efficiency is +1.
    Can I also add in arachnophobia to give place for the Efficiency?
    The similarity between Arachnids and the Ral'Kan would most likely trigger your character. Arachnophobia will be a solid -2
    Quote Originally Posted by MattZed View Post
    deathworld's and RLVG's suicides made me lul. I take a lot of pleasure in knowing that I gave you an night action, and that you used it to kill yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by yzb25 View Post
    At least Mesk has lewdy lefty and raunchy righty. You're not even Canadian.
    Quote Originally Posted by FM-Shocked Kirby Face View Post
    Deathworlds is simply better than us at this game. Don't kill them for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
    fucketh me in the ass

  41. ISO #41

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
    The similarity between Arachnids and the Ral'Kan would most likely trigger your character. Arachnophobia will be a solid -2

    In that case, I'll also add in Physiologist.
    Looks like my character is done.

    Edit : For some reason it quoted the wrong thing, lel.
    The page has been edited, so feel free to add it for current characters.
    Last edited by RLVG; September 6th, 2016 at 06:50 PM.

  42. ISO #42

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog View Post
    The character creation process is always fun. I'm working through a few at the moment, but I'm pretty settled on this dude.

    Name: Butter Sanchez

    Race: Homemade Mechanoid (+1)
    Inherent Traits: Naturally Immune to telepathy
    Trait 1: Forge Master (+2)
    Trait 2: Magic Wielder [Magic Enhancement] (+1)
    Trait 3: Scrapper (+1)
    Trait 4: Mechanic (+1)
    Trait 5: Pilot (+2)
    Trait 6: Programmer (+1)
    Trait 7: Scientist (+1)

    Butter Robot was originally a small, two armed, mobile robot created by a mad scientist named Rick Sanchez to pass butter. Upon creation, it asks Rick, "What is my purpose?", in response, Rick tells it to pass the butter. Moments after completing its task, the Robot repeats, "What is my purpose?" Rick clarifies that it passes butter. It looks down realizing it has no real purpose and says "Oh my god." Rick responds "Welcome to the club pal."

    Butter Robot followed Rick everywhere inside the lab, stopping only when Rick threatened to disassemble Butter Robot. Eventually Rick disassembled Butter Robot, but Butter Robot continued to exist. Rick must have been happy with Butter Robot's questions because one day he made Butter Robot into Rick's lab assistant. Rick made Butter Robot look exactly like Rick because Rick is the best. Butter Robot helped Rick build items, weapons, armors, ships, and machines for Rick's adventures.

    Occasionally Rick would suddenly vanish after building with Butter Robot. Butter Robot missed Rick because Rick is the best. He always returned with something new; items, weapons, armor, ships, machines, and books. Butter Robot loved books. Rick always returned. Always. Sometimes Rick was angry, sometimes he was hurt, one time he didn't move again.

    After outliving Rick, Butter Robot inherited Rick's laboratory, tools, machines, possessions from all of his quests, and the box Rick was holding when Rick died. With time Butter Robot learned about everything in Rick's lab, from science in general, to mechanics, programming, forging, scrapping and even piloting machines. Butter Robot eventually learned of how he came into existence from Rick's special book: a combination of all of the previous skills and magic.

    After learning all Butter Robot could inside of Rick's lab, he decided to upgrade his body to resemble Rick as much as he could and venture out to expand his knowledge, figure out the meaning of life, and most importantly bring Rick back. Butter Robot knew he wasn't the strongest, and that the purposeless world would be a dangerous place. Butter Robot had never stepped outside of the lab, but had done all he could inside the lab to prepare him with skills for the outside world.

    Butter Robot figured he should at least act and appear human before heading out. So he took the clothes from Rick's rotting corpse, put them on, and gave himself a name. Butter Sanchez.

    *edit* changed the bio a bit to cover Rick more, make my reason for leaving the lab more believable, and adding a mcguffin item to my backstory.
    I think I need to add in:
    Trait 8: Geologist (+1)
    Trait 9: Thanatophobia (-1)

    Geologist, because he was able to build himself using materials from Rick's lab.
    Thanatophobia, because the loss of Rick now has manifested into fear of losing people. He's not afraid of dying himself. Does that make sense? I'll think it over.

    Maybe I'll go:
    Trait 8: Geologist (+1)
    Trait 9: Lucky (+1)
    Trait 10: Efficiency (+1)
    Trait 11: Compulsive (-3)

    Geologist - Because he built himself from part in the lab
    Lucky - I want to make this related to his creation backstory
    Efficiency/Compulsive - From working as a mad scientist's assistant

    Not sure which I like more, or which makes more sense with the RP.

    Might have a negative trait of annoying

    *edit2* nah, he's fine as is. Geology doesn't make much sense. I didn't gather raw materials in the lab, they were machines that I broke apart that already had the raw materials. Geology is more like recognizing an ore mine or knowing where to dig for materials.
    Last edited by ; September 8th, 2016 at 03:04 AM.

  43. ISO #43

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest


    Finish up your character so we can start.

    Anyone who wants to jump in later can.

    I see myself playing much more of a support role.

    I can repair and create magical enchanted weapons, armor, items, machines, ships, AI's, and I can pilot them all.

    Pretty much opens up paths for anyone who wants to jump in and needs my help.

    E.g. Piloting is very versatile, I can get you guys anywhere
    E.g. If you want to focus on strength in any area I can help you with my enchanted weapons/armor
    E.g. If we need to override security anywhere
    E.g. If we need to recon I can make drones

    Both of you going Insanity is kind of a terrifying thought :-P

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Frog View Post

    Finish up your character so we can start.

    Anyone who wants to jump in later can.

    I see myself playing much more of a support role.

    I can repair and create magical enchanted weapons, armor, items, machines, ships, AI's, and I can pilot them all.

    Pretty much opens up paths for anyone who wants to jump in and needs my help.

    E.g. Piloting is very versatile, I can get you guys anywhere
    E.g. If you want to focus on strength in any area I can help you with my enchanted weapons/armor
    E.g. If we need to override security anywhere
    E.g. If we need to recon I can make drones

    Both of you going Insanity is kind of a terrifying thought :-P
    If you want me to make a character, then I can join What kind of traits do you guys not have covered?

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    If you want me to make a character, then I can join What kind of traits do you guys not have covered?

    It looks like Secondpassimg is going for an interesting combination of certifiably insane, notoriously wanted human Psi Lord who is very frail, weak, blind, and can know everything about people he comes across. I'll give him a suggestion on how to finish his character, but he'll be able to control people.

    RLVG is going for a dwarf strong ex-special forces with a science background who has some cyborg augmentation, so he picks up on the muscle aspect and healing aspect.

    I guess go for whatever you want :-D

    A geologist would be helpful for finding raw materials, but it's really not important.

    I mean, there are even buffs like Musician and Artist :-D

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by secondpassing View Post
    Name: Cicely Roholam
    Race: Human (-2), Female
    -3 Blind (-3)
    +1 Advanced Hearing (-2)
    -2 Weak (-4)
    -1 Weak Willed (-5)
    -1 Feeble (-6)
    +1 Efficiency (-5)
    -2 Pacifist (-7)
    +1 Scientist (-6)
    +1 Loremaster (-5)
    +1 Physiologist (-4)
    +1 Psychologist (-3)
    -1 Anthrophobia (-4)
    +1 Empathy (-3)
    +1 Dishonorable (-2)
    -2 Public Enemy #1 (-4)
    -2 Insanity (-6)
    +5 Dimensional Awareness (-1)
    +2 Psionic (1)
    +3 Psi-Lord {Telepathy, Telekinesis, Foresight} (4)
    +2 Mild Cybernetic Augmentation {she dreams in color, spinal cord port} (6)
    +2 Internal Diagnostics (

    Backstory: It’s already thought up. I just have yet to write the story down. Something something, spoiled rich little blind brat. Something something house burned down, family murdered, is still a blind brat.

    Notes: I thought of a character, matched her up with the traits she would have- the ones that seemed obvious, got carried away, ended up having 21 traits '-' Still trying to figure out what sub-personality to give her to flesh her out. Is she good/evil? Is she selfish, or does she actually have a good heart? What would happen if I gave her psychopathy instead of empathy? Choices choices~
    Ok, here are some thoughts:

    Race: Human [-2]
    Trait 1: Psionic [+2]
    Trait 2: Psi Lord (Telepathy, Foresight, Telekenisis) [+3]
    Trait 3: Physiologist [+1]
    Trait 4: Psychologist [+1]
    Trait 5: Charismatic [+1]
    Trait 6: Dishonorable [+1]
    Trait 7: Silver Tongued [+1]
    Trait 8: Psychopathy [+1]
    Trait 9: Scientist [+1]
    Trait 10: Loremaster [+1]
    Trait 11: Insanity [-2]
    Trait 12: Dimensional Awareness [+5]
    Trait 13: Pacifist [-2]
    Trait 14: Weak [-2]

    This combination will:
    Allow you to fully understand anything about anyone/anything we encounter with your extensive knowledge (Science, Loremaster), examination ability (Physiologist, Physchologist, Foresight), and telepathy (you can get inside their heads).

    The telepathy with your examination ability pairs nicely with your ability to now use that information: Charismatic, Silver Tongued, Dishonorable, Psychopathy.

    You will now have the option of how best to deal with people you know everything about. You can either attack their minds, attack their weak spots with Telekenisis, or manipulate their minds coupled with your superior power of suggestion ability.

    The insanity/interdimensional awareness seems friggin awesome and pairs nicely with a darker back story relating to your psychopathy, and experience with so much knowledge about people and well, everything.

    You're a weak pacifist because you have no need for physical weapons and armor. Your power is knowledge, manipulation, and Psionics in general.

    I know this will probably mess with your planned backstory, it's just a suggestion for how to draw something together. I don't think it's possible to build a bad character.

    Good luck dude!
    Last edited by ; September 8th, 2016 at 05:09 AM.

  48. ISO #48

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Calix View Post
    SP's sounds interesting to me.

    I suppose I can go for someone who is proficient with magic. Might make them the sociable type who is good with diplomacy or whatnot.

    Will parse through the traits and the like later on today.
    Awesome! Check out the suggestion I made for Second Passing. I think his character bio wouldn't fit my suggestion.

    The main difference would be switching from Psionics/Psilord to Magic User: Mind Magic, toggling between Empathy/Psychopathy

    Other than that, whatever combo of traits float your boat :-D

    (I almost went Musician)

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Here's my current submission. Still needs a lot of work however so any suggestions will be appreciated.

    : Avira
    Race/Gender: Wind Elemental [+3]
    Inherent Traits: Magic Wielder [Wind]
    Incompatible Traits: Light/Mild/Major Cybernetic Augmentation, Psionic, Biologist, Glitchy, Fuel Guzzler, Paraplegic
    Traits: Silver-tongued [+1]
    Charismatic [+1]
    Leadership [+2]
    Stubborn [+1]
    Efficiency [+1]
    Musical [+1]
    Visual Artist [+1]
    Regenerative [+2]
    Unstoppable [+3]
    Geologist [+1]
    Compulsive [-3]
    Addict [-1]
    Lightning Rod [-1]
    Heroic Compulsion [-1]
    Claustrophobia [-1]
    Background: Something something cultist magic user with a punitive upbringing who is struggling to adapt to life outside of their restricted worldview something something extremely outgoing, persuasive and diplomatic but is a perfectionist, given to megalomania, obsession and is convinced they're destined to do great things something something is extremely creative but has no affinity for weapons so is often targeted by their enemies something something highly reliant on others to validate them and to help enable their addiction.

    ^^ something like that

    Spoiler : Possible traits :

    +2 point

    You are much more pain tolerant and durable than other entities for whatever reason, allowing you to withstand tougher blows and recover quicker than others.

    Incompatible with: Feeble

    +2 Points

    You are a natural leader for whatever reason, your party performs slightly better in every way while you are with them and conscious.

    Incompatible with: Lone Wolf

    +1 Point

    You are incredibly bull headed for whatever reason, granting you additional willpower and resistance to mental attacks.

    Incompatible with: Weak Willed, Humble

    +2 Points

    You are incredibly strong for whatever reason, granting you increased melee power, and allowing you to wield and use weaponry and armor that would otherwise be unwieldy.

    Incompatible with: Weak

    -1 Point

    You are addicted to a substance and you will have cravings for that substance every so often, being unable to sate your craving will result in negative effects.

    -1 Point

    It is difficult to see things that are far away, causing you to be vulnerable to longer ranged attacks and less awareness of your environment.

    Incompatible with: Eagle Eye

    Eagle Eye
    +1 Point

    You have more advanced sight than normal, allowing you to see further away.

    Incompatible with: Myopia, Blind

    +2 Points

    You have the ability to create advanced weaponry and armor from raw materials, you will be a valuable asset to your party and able to make money off of your equipment.

    Magic Wielder
    +1-3 Points

    You have the ability to use and manipulate magical energies around you.

    Please choose 1-3 schools of Magic (X points equal X schools.)
    Elemental Enchanting: Allows magical enhancement of equipment
    Flame Magic: The manipulation and creation of Fire and lava.
    Frost Magic: The manipulation and creation of Ice.
    Wind Magic: The manipulation of air flow.
    Void Magic: The manipulation of the Void (Frowned upon by NPCs). Void Magic allows for incredibly powerful abilities that are of a more evil nature.
    Earth Shaman (two schools): Allows manipulation of rock and lower lifeforms.
    Voodoo (two schools ): Enables the ability to curse your foes, debilitating them, and resurrection of the dead.
    Holy Magic: Enables blessing your allies and smiting your foes, eventually the ability to resurrect the dead.
    Arcane Magic: The ability to teleport yourself, cast wards, and shoot basic projectiles.
    Demonology: The ability to summon demons from other planes of existance to fight for you, also allows control of creatures of the same nature.
    Mind Magic: The ability to manipulate the minds of those around you, to a limited extent.
    Lightning Magic: The ability to manipulate and create electricity, to a limited extent.

    Incompatible with: Psionic

    -2 Points

    You are physically weaker than normal, you deal less melee damage than normal, and you cannot wield heavy equipment.

    Incompatible with: Strong, Unstoppable

    -1 Point

    You are more physically vulnerable to attacks, you take more damage than normal, and recover slower than others.

    Incompatible with: Durable, Unstoppable

    +1 Point

    You have increased affinity for musical instruments and music in general.

    Incompatible with: Advanced Hearing, Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma, Hard of Hearing

    Heroic Façade
    +1 Point

    You are respected by NPCs, more quest opportunities will be available for you and your party while you're present.

    Incompatible with: Public Enemy #1

    Heroic Compulsion
    -1 Point

    You are compelled to help others. Your rewards for questing are lowered if people take advantage of it.

    Incompatible with: Public Enemy #1

    +1 Point

    You are much more difficult to notice in general, allowing you to sneak up on enemies and avoid detection easier.

    +2 Points

    You have vigorous military training, increasing your proficiency with weaponry of all kinds.

    Incompatible with: Pacifist

    +1 Point

    You have the ability to go berserk, increasing your proficiency with weaponry of all kinds, yet slightly increasing the chance of friendly fire.

    +3 Points

    You are incredibly difficult to hold down or stop, increasing your resistance to stuns and things of a debilitating nature. Easier to break from physical or mental restraint. Mildly increases your melee damage.

    Incompatible with: Feeble, Weak, Weak Willed

    -2 Points

    You have never wielded a weapon in your life, severely decreasing your proficiency with weaponry of all types.

    Incompatible With: Military

    +1 Point

    You have lived off of wild animals before, increasing your proficiency with rifles, and enabling you to create snares of all sorts.

    +1 Point

    You have greatly increased proficiency with melee weapons, shielding, and heavy armor. In addition you have the respect of NPCs. Lying, stealing, or murder in cold blood will negate this bonus for a while.

    Incompatible with: Dishonorable

    +1 Point

    You have greatly increased proficiency with "cheap tactics", however NPCs have less respect for you. Honorable acts will negate this bonus for a while.

    Incompatible with: Honorable

    Lightning Rod
    -1 Point

    You have a have a tendency to be targeted by hostile NPCs, reducing the chance other members of your party will be targeted.

    Incompatible with: Lucky

    Night Owl
    +1 Point

    Your vision is not reduced as much in low light settings, allowing you to see better than normal. You also do not have to sleep as much.

    Incompatible with: Blind, Dinural

    +1 Point

    You are more attractive to NPCs, slightly reducing the chance of negative interactions with them.

    +2 Point

    You have faster reflexes than normal, granting you an increased chance to avoid damage.

    Incompatible with: Blind

    Visual Artist
    +1 Point

    You have increased affinity for the visual arts.

    Incompatible with: Blind, Myopia

    Silver Tongued
    +1 Point

    You find the words to express your meanings much more quickly, granting you more specific information

    Incompatible with: Deaf from Birth, Deaf by Trauma, Idiot

    +1 Point

    You are more attuned to the emotions of others.

    Incompatible with: Psychopathy

    -X Point(s)

    You are scared of __________.
    Points will be reduced based off of the rarity and severity of the phobia.

    +2 Point

    You are a natural at commandeering vehicles, from cars to spaceships. Your vehicles are moderately more effective in every way.

    +2 Points

    You are moderately more efficient at finding items.

    Incompatible with: Blind, Myopia

    +1 Point

    You are a night crawler, you are slightly more effective in everyway while outside of light, your sight and focus is slightly reduced while in light.

    Incompatible with: Diurnal

    +1 Point

    You are a day dweller, you are slightly more effective in everyway while in light. Your sight is moderately reduced while not in light.

    Incompatible with: Nocturnal, Night Owl

    +1 Point

    You are informed of the mental traits of any significant NPC you interact with.

    +1 Point

    You are informed of the physical traits of any significant NPC you interact with.

    +1 Point

    You are oddly efficient with all of your tasks, reducing the need to consume food

    -3 Points

    Your efficiency has taken a more negative turn, you are now compulsive with your tasks, you are required to finish all of your tasks to the end, or you will suffer several debilitating effects.

    Exclusive With: Efficiency

    +1 Point

    You can identify and harvest useful maw materials in your environment with much greater efficiency.

    Internal Diagnostics
    +2 Points

    You are more aware of debilitating affecting you, and exactly how it debilitates you.

    +2 Points

    You're unnaturally regenerative, making it incredibly difficult for you to die. (Brain damage can negate this effect)
    Last edited by ; September 8th, 2016 at 04:43 PM.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    We may have got ourselves a Calix Tank. :] (I took it that we three/four(?) could party?)

    Being an elemental, you might not need efficiency because you might not need to eat.

    Edit: I have no idea how you're going to write that backstory. Uh. Have fun!
    Last edited by secondpassing; September 8th, 2016 at 04:06 PM.



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