Deathworlds' Universe Quest

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  1. ISO #11

    Re: Deathworlds' Universe Quest

    Name: Cicely Roholam
    Race: Human (-2), Female
    -3 Blind
    +1 Advanced Hearing
    -2 Weak
    -1 Weak Willed
    -1 Feeble
    +1 Efficiency
    -2 Pacifist
    +1 Scientist
    +1 Loremaster
    +1 Physiologist
    +1 Psychologist
    +1 Biologist
    +1 Xenobiologist
    -1 Anthrophobia
    +1 Empathy
    +1 Dishonorable
    -2 Public Enemy #1
    -2 Insanity
    +5 Dimensional Awareness
    +2 Psionic
    +3 Psi-Lord {Telepathy, Telekinesis, Foresight}
    +2 Mild Cybernetic Augmentation {she dreams in color, spinal cord port}

    Backstory: Cicely was born into the very wealthy Roholam family. What they did for a living she never told me, I don’t think she ever cared, nor was she old enough to think about it. They— her father, mother, and numerous maids and manservants lived in a sizeable house sitting atop a hill overlooking a city. As far back as she ever remembered, she had a spinal cord port in the back of her neck. For a couple of years, she lay happily connected to the family's computer. When it's satellite portion moved around with it’s many sensors, she would move around with it. She says these were some of the happiest moments of her life. As she roved about, her mother would come to pick her up and congratulate her.

    “Aw.. Look how cute she is.” Her mother would mumble, staring at the frail little body she had. Cicely never described her mother as caring, loving, or even animated. It makes me wonder what sort of family life she ever had, and why she thought this time was so happy to her.

    Whatever she thought of this time in her life, it was not to last. She sent out a drone one day, in an attempt to find out where her father had gone. The story she tells me is always different, but always the same. I never have to guess as to what horrors she saw. She forcibly ripped the networking cable out of her neck, and sent herself into shock and tears. Never again did she touch the cord that gave her vision, nor did she look at her parents the same way. After crying herself to sleep, she retreated to the far corners of the mansion, huddled and away from the outside world.

    Life in a corner is rather boring. Cicely quickly learned to pick up books to pass the time. After she read what her family’s library had to offer on many subjects, she learned to interface with the computer, albeit reluctant to touch anything mechanical. The inner curiosity drives some people further than others, and Cicely passed by months of human interaction and replaced it with what a computer could offer. Understandably, her parents grew worried and confused as to why she chose to shut herself in, and decided to force her to “play” with the kids in the village.

    Cicely would have none of it. And apparently, the other young folk in the village had a mutual feeling. They had never seen her before. Upon seeing that she was blind and how she lived in luxury, the other kids shuffled away from her and became quiet whenever she would pass by. In time, the parents grew tired of sending a resistant girl outside with her maids. They also grew quite a bit busier, and their attention was then drawn away.

    In her adolescent years, she was sent numerous tutors. Each of which were rejected. Cicely had already learned what they had taught her. So what use is a tutor for anything? As her parents soon began to see how hiring tutors was a useless endeavor, she was soon sent to school where they taught peasants. Cicely avoided all interactions with her classmates. And they treated her like a curse. Her prideful teachers were enraged by her attitude in school, and her seeming disdain for education.

    Fortunately, Cicely would find a friend in one of her maids. One of them, Idalene had been assigned to her when Cicely was an infant. She had been separated from her biological family after some sort of fiasco and then taken in as a servant by the Roholams. Even if she had to uphold her duties, most of the time, she kept her distance from the difficult child. One day, whilst Cicely was sleeping on a grassy hilltop, Idalene’s curiosity got the better of her and approached. Startled, Cicely reached out with everything to find out what had come near her, and a wisp of a touch brushed against Idalene’s consciousness... and the rest was history.

    Notes: I thought of a character, matched her up with the traits she would have- the ones that seemed obvious, got carried away, ended up having 21 traits '-' Still trying to figure out what sub-personality to give her to flesh her out. Is she good/evil? Is she selfish, or does she actually have a good heart? What would happen if I gave her psychopathy instead of empathy? Choices choices~
    Last edited by secondpassing; October 14th, 2016 at 06:22 PM. Reason: Eagerly awaiting the day I spawn



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