Tower of God - 6F

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  1. ISO #1

    Post Tower of God - 6F

    Welcome all! With crazy mafias going on among other things, I hope this was enough of a break. If you guys need more time, let me know and I can delay this longer. Though considering this isn't as involved as a test as some of the others, I don't think that's going to be an issue that much. Here's a recap of points (I put in the 500 I distributed, hope that's OK Frags.)

    Vantas 2300 (+50 from last time)
    Apache 1450
    _Q2 1200 (+50 from last time)
    Astrid 1050
    Grovylite 950
    Raven 950
    Cay 750
    Euphoria 600 (+50 from last time)
    Tonex 550 (+100 from last time)
    Numbertwo 500 (+100 from last time)
    AlphaStorm 450
    Glip 400 (+50 from last time)
    louiswill 250
    powerofdeath 250 (+50 from last time)
    NoctiZ 200
    42shadow42 200 (+50 from last time)
    Citrus 50

    ANYWAY, the floor. I got it approved by Frags today, and here we are!

    Tower of God - 6F: The Idealist Shot

    If any of you are familiar with 4P, then this may remind you heavily of the Scavenger Hunt challenge. Each person here will take a photo of something that captures an abstract concept. For example, if I say something "cool", then each and every one of you must take a picture that captures this idea. In this picture, you must have proof that you took it by either having yourself in the shot, or having a piece of paper or something else of the like stating your username here on the forums. This is to prevent any cheating. All submissions must be submitted to me, but can happen via any media possible that you can contact me in. Before the test ends I'll check Marriland, Skype, and here for submissions. Once you have sent a submission, I will send you a reply confirming your entry.

    Above is what will be considered the "Submission Phase". It should last somewhere around 48 hours. After the submission phase ends, I will go through these and decide what I think fits the concept the best. The Regular who submitted that picture will earn 200 TP and not participate in the rest of this phase of the challenge. In addition, I'll decide what picture fits the concept the least, whom I'll deduct 100TP and they'll not participate in the rest of this phase of the challenge either. I'll go over the next phase once this phase concludes itself. The time where I evaluate all the pictures will at maximum take 24 hours, but will most likely be shorter, and I'm allowed to end this phase at any time. This will be called the "Judgement Phase".

    The Submission and Judgement Phases will keep cycling until there is only 1 picture submitted, or no picture submitted. If there's one picture, the Regular who submitted it will get no TP and go onto the next phase. If there are no pictures due to inactivity, the inactive regulars will be deducted 200TP and automatically moved onto the next phase. Regarding Cay, since he is still a Regular, I will treat him as such, so he will be subject to these rules just as much as you all are.

    Unless there are any objections, the test will start on June 11th, 2014 at 5PM EDT. I'm not comfortable with operating Wolforama or whatever site everyone else uses here so I'll be manually writing out the times. If anyone needs me to convert the time here in the OP, I'll be more than happy to do so.

    Also, if you all would like, I could set up a practice round. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'll get up the point totals soon cause I know people like that for reference.

    These pictures are to be taken in real life (no screen shots!) so you WILL need something that can take pictures for this challenge. If this is an issue for any of you, please PM me immediately!
    Last edited by Vantas; June 11th, 2014 at 03:42 PM.

    Spoiler : Game History :
    [X] S-FM Reverse Mafia - Mason Leader [L]
    [X] FM XXI - Drug Dealer [L]
    [X] S-FM "Do you even lift?"- Tardy Tim [L]
    [X] S-FM Deaths Deadly Damned Detroit - Doctor [W]
    [X] S-FM Double Agents - Mafioso [W]
    [X] S-FM Corrupt - Doctor [-]



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