Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

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  1. ISO #1

    Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

    Day VII: Revenge at 6 am.

    The Militia were pleased after their last day. The Beast's body was already on the way to the Washington for analysis and they now had the Conduits on the run. They didn't even think twice about the cost in which they paid to lure the beast out.

    They threw a massive celebration in honor of their "accomplisment" which lasted the entire night... Plenty of time to strike

    See, they didn't know it at the time but we went over the town's survellience equipment after the event and noticed that one of Nicol Bolas' family members actually witnessed what happened to him. What FM Joseph Bertrand did to him... and no less FM Domri Rade who pulled the lever sending Nicol to the afterlife.

    When 6am rolled around they had all planned to go get some rest before the next trial... well... I think of them more as witch hunts. They all went to their cars still content in their victory.

    As they approached their cars, FM Joseph Bertrand turned to the crowd and spoke with the conviction of the tyrant he was:

    Spoiler : FM Bertrands Last Will :

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Joseph Bertrand
    depending on who else dies with me tonight...

    confirmed town
    (above in no particular order)
    -meshuval's priest friend(better be damn convinced he's the other priest.

    i think we have one more tpr if karn's scum. but no need to lynch karn. he'll be dead or have given a good reason on why he checked who he did today. there's no framer/consort worry.

    sarkhan vol SCREAMS cit to me

    really depends on whether neut killer is afk or not.
    -neutral killer
    -last green mafia if found(don't necessarily trust karn to give it out)
    -sandruu(i'm so convinced he's scum)

    xenagos might actually be the neutral killer....

    these lists are also good to have. cross out the confirmed town and nicol and ugin, and you get some interesting information
    Scum Lists as of yesterday
    scum lists

    2. Sandruu
    3. Ral Zarek
    4. Kiora Atua
    5. Teferi
    6. Ravi Sengir
    7. Ashiok
    8. Tessebik.

    2 ) Sandruu
    3 ) Ral Zarek
    4 ) Sarkhan
    5 ) Tessebik
    6 ) Ashiok
    8 ) Teferi

    FM Ashiok
    FM Kiora Atua
    FM Ral Zarek
    FM Sandruu
    FM Sarkhan Vol
    FM Sifa Grent
    FM Tessebik
    FM Ugin
    FM Xenagos

    FM Chandra Nalaar - clear
    FM Kiora Atua
    FM Ral Zarek
    FM Sandruu
    FM Sarkhan Vol
    FM Sifa Grent - clear
    FM Tefik
    FM Tessebik - green
    FM Xenagos

    1) Ugin
    2) Nicol
    3) Kiroa
    4) Sandruu
    5) Tessebik
    6) Ashiok
    7) Ral Zarek

    FM Ashiok
    FM Nicol Bolas
    FM Ral Zarek
    FM Sarkhan Vol
    FM Sifa Grent
    FM Tessebik
    FM Ugin
    FM Xenagos


    nicol bolas
    ashiok, ugin, sifa grent
    ral zarek, sarkhan vol, tessebi, xenagos

    kiora atua
    ral zarek

    Ral Zarek
    1. nicol
    2. sandruu
    3. ashiok
    4. tessebik
    5. ravi
    6. kiora
    7. Teferi
    8. Xenogos

    night actions

    Night 1
    meshuval role blocked
    masrath role blocked by vraska/green
    domri checks Glissa
    sandruu/ugin switched
    Karn checks vraska (scum)
    tamiyo killed by GREEN/cleaned by green
    bd killed by orange

    Night 2
    mesh role blocked
    masrath jailed
    Domri rbed
    Karn checks parcher
    tibalt attacked/healed
    parcher heals tibalt
    tibalt attacked by orange
    jace dies to dack
    parcher heals tibalt, no feedback
    venser killed by GREEN
    Sorin heals Domri

    night 3
    karn checks sifa
    sifa blocked
    domri blocked
    nicol gets feedback
    masrath checks tezzeret?
    Chandra Nalaar jailed by Koth
    dack was jailed too
    Sorin heals Domri
    garruk killed by green(no nix)

    night 4
    domri jailed by koth
    green attack domri
    orange attack tibalt
    karn checks elspeth
    ravi jailed by kidnapper
    Sorin heals Domri

    night 4-5
    masrath checks ravi + someone else

    night 5
    domri checks ravi
    karn checks tessebik

    Inspired by the words of his leader, FM Domri Rade joined the chorus and spoke:

    Spoiler : FM Domri Rade's Last Will :

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Domri Rade
    If you're reading this, then I'm dead. I had a very faint hope that the mafia teams wouldn't attack based on the fact that I could die from the jester grief suicide. Oh well. Either the jester grief got me or the mafia killed me or some combination. The neutral killer might have gotten me.

    FIND THE NEUTRAL KILLER! Masrath, find that bastard before he kills everyone. He could win this if he lives one more night. This coming day is crucial to find him. I think it's an arsonist based on the lack of kills (so far)

    After the neutral killer is lynched, kill off one mafia team before killing off the other one. KPN is no fucking joke. There isn't a lot of leeway to do this. If you do happen to destroy Cole's conduits first, lynch Cole/Ashiok last. The Vermaak can't kill him at night and that's going to be the day that you need every vote.

    I'm checking Karn this night. I want to know if Ashiok was pulling the town's chain or actually telling the truth.

    Because Koth was cleaned, I need to say that some will say that perhaps he was the kidnapper. Don't fucking believe them. If Koth was the kidnapper, the detainer would have stepped up and counter claimed before Koth reaped a ton of information from the town. I think you're current hypothesis of Xenagos being the kidnapper is sound.

    Don't fucking believe someone who claims detainer. I trust Koth's towniness.

    Don't fail me, town. You've got a chance. Use it.

    A grand cheer went across the crowd.

    They were going to stop this.

    Then they entered their cars... and just like that... their victory suddenly turned around as their cards exploded into a great ball of fire killing them instantly.

    Spoiler : Randomization :

    Keep in mind it's Jester chooses 1, 1 is random

    Vermaak saw this as an opportunity to act. Still undercover members of the unit started firing at other militia members.

    Having absolutely no idea what was going on, and having just lost their fearless leader, the Militia were caught dumbfounded and didn't know who to shoot.

    FM Ravi Sengir didn't share his allies' confusion. He saw who shot first. -- FM Xenegos.

    Ravi charged at Xenegos and instructed his allies to do the same. Xenegos knew he'd been outed and fired a shotgun blast right into Ravi's chest. Ravi was blown back against a wall but the other Militia members gunned down Xenegos without a second thought.

    Before Ravi bled to death, he managed to give one last message:

    Spoiler : Ravi Sengir's final words :

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ravi Sengir
    As you can see, I am the bodyguard. Not the veteran. If you're reading this, either scum saw through my lie and attacked me, or (hopefully) I sacrificed myself and got a kill on scum.

    Though at this point it should be pretty apparent to all of you, the reason I claimed veteran was two-fold:
    1- I knew Nicol was lying about his role because there was no room for another PR
    2- Claiming bodyguard would be a death sentence for me and make my role completely useless.

    So I had to claim a PR other than bodyguard. Looking at the list, the only one it made sense to claim was veteran (Nicol no doubt came to this same conclusion). I claimed a fake alert to make the claim more palatable, though I actually thought I might very well be lynched yesterday. My only hope was that Masrath checked me last night, realized I was actually a bodyguard, and would vouch for my lie, which thankfully he did. Thanks for playing along, buddy. Hopefully I take out a scum tonight and make the gambit worthwhile.

    If anyone was wondering why it took me so long to guard someone, it's because I didn't use my night action until night 5. Before then I decided I was more valuable alive and doing reads than I was dead. Now I think I've got a pretty accurate scum list, and we need kills more than ever, so I felt it was time to act. Though to be honest the only people I who died before Night 5 that I might have chosen to protect were Dack and Tibalt. Everyone else who was killed wouldn't have been worth it.

    If I really did kill a scum, then town is actually in a pretty good position right now, give or take an arsonist. Actually, this reminds me: It is totally possible that we still have one or more Revolutionist(s) in the game. They do count as Neutral killing. If they do exist, my bet is that either Tamiyo was one (and thus, they have already been eradicated), or there are 1-2 members alive who haven't recruited for shit. Just something to consider.

    Without further ado, here's my scum list:

    Ral Zarek (how the fuck is this guy still alive?)

    Most of them should be self-explanatory. I recommend lynching everyone on the list from top to bottom unless new information comes to light that clears one of them. I would definitely save Teferi/Xenagos for last since I expect the hosts to modkill Xenagos any time now (Seriously. He hasn't posted since day 1) and Teferi just replaced in, so this will allow for more time to read him (assuming he starts posting).

    In any case, it's been fun. Godspeed, my friends.

    With all that happened at the town house this morning, it took people hours to realize that FM Sarkhan Vol was missing. He was found dead in his home later that day... The power had been cut and he had been beaten savagely to death.... Nothing of note was found in his home.

    With so many original militia town house members dead the war between conduit and human was about to reach its final hour.

    Role List:

    Cole MacGrath [MacGrath]
    Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
    Nix [MacGrath]

    Conduit [Vermaak 88]
    Conduit [Vermaak 88]

    Random Killing Conduit

    Random Power Militia
    Random Power Militia
    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member
    Militia Member

    There are 4 more roles in the list than players due to 4 roles being cleaned


    FM Tamiyo(???)[Night I]: Corpse was too burned to make any form of identification. House trashed. [Conduit]
    FM Gideon Jura(Bus Driver)[Night I]: Frozen from the waist down and broken into pieces with a hammer. Shot twice in the chest. Bled to death. [Conduit]
    FM Glissa Sunseeker(Sasha (Reaper Leader))[Day 2]: Shot in the leg then burnt at the stake, melting into a non descript tar substance. [Lynch]
    FM Jace Beleren (Priest)[Night II]: Single bullet wound to the head. Died instantly. [Extremist]
    FM Venser (???)[Night II]: Electrocuted then melted to a pool of human components. [Conduit]
    FM Ajani Goldmane(Delsin Rowe)[Day III]: Killed by a Firing Squad. [Lynch]
    FM Nissa Revane (???)[Night III]: Vanished without a trace [Conduit]
    FM Garruk Wildspeaker(Militia Member)[Night III]: Beaten to a pulp with a blunt object then electrocuted [Conduit]
    FM Vraska(Lucy Kuo [MacGrath])[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Lynch]
    Town House Door(Door)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Storyline]
    FM Jaya Ballard(Militia Member)[Day IV]: Blown up by Rigged c4 [Modkill]
    FM Tibalt(Stripper)[Night IV]: Frozen to a wall, and blasted with multiple shotgun rounds [Conduit]
    FM Lilianna Vess(Militia Member)[Night IV]: Incinerated by The Beast Defending Cole MacGrath [Beast]
    FM Dack Fayden(Extremist)[Night IV]: Utterly Vaporized attempting to Kill the Beast with Conventional Weapons [Beast]
    FM Sorin Markov(Medic)[Day V]: Hung at the neck until dead by Joseph Bertrand [Lynch]
    FM Baltrice(Willbender)[Day V]: Hung at the neck until dead by Joseph Bertrand [Lynch]
    FM Parcher(Medic)[Night V]: Found dead in a warehouse, after what looks like extended interrogation. [Execution]
    FM Chandra Naalar(Priest)[Night V]: Found convulsing in an alleyway; died from internal wounds before medical help arrived. [Conduit]
    FM Koth(???)[Night V]: His entire house was blown up by a massive energy explosion and then the fragments were frozen, Militia operatives are still trying to thaw the ice to get to the pieces of destruction. [Conduit][Beast]
    FM Nicol Bolas(Law Abiding Citizen)[Day VI]: Hung at the neck until dead. [Lynch]
    Refurbished, Reinforced and Gold Plated Cosenza Town Gallows(Gallows)[Day VI]: Destroyed by the Beast [Storyline]
    FM Ugin(The Prime Beast)[Day VI]: Killed in human form by the RFI. [Lynch]
    FM Domri Rade(Cop)[Night VI]: Blown up by a Car Bomb [Law Abiding Citizen]
    FM Joseph Bertrand(Joseph Bertrand)[Night VI]: Blown up by a Car Bomb [Law Abiding Citizen]
    FM Xenegos(Janitor)[Night VI]: Killed in a Militia Dogfight [Duel]
    FM Ravi Sengir(Bodyguard)[Night VI]: Killed in a Militia Dogfight [Duel]
    FM Sarkhan Vol(Militia Member)[Night VI]: Beaten to death in his home. The power was out. [Conduit]

    Death Descriptions Added to Reduce Ambiguity. [Conduit] Can refer to Either Mafia Team

    Day will end at the following time: Day Ends


    6 votes to hammer.


    Last edited by Elixir; December 30th, 2013 at 06:15 AM.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

    Hmm, I was actually amused by how Ashiok tried to defend the Jester by unvoting him. But the events of the last night did not go well, hmm?

    4 town deaths in row... Hmm... No matter how I look at it, there is no way we can win now. Unless we provoke the Conduits into fightning each other. Should we lynch Ashiok, or more precisely, Cole MacGrath, thin out Vermaak, or try to find hidden Killing Conduit, hmm?

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

    ok guys

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ral Zarek
    i'd laugh if mas tricked us all and ravi is actually not vet but a different TPR^^
    i actually thought so before mas said he got vet result not just town
    that explains why this vet claim was so damn unplausible^^
    i wonder who was protected tonight
    mas probably
    glad he's still alive. good job guys

    so yea we gotta lynch vermaak tonight, just 2 left of them

  8. ISO #8

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  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

    Role List:

    Cole MacGrath - Ashiok?[MacGrath]
    Zeke Dunbar [MacGrath]
    Nix [MacGrath]
    Militia Member - Tessibik?

    Conduit [Vermaak 88]
    Conduit [Vermaak 88]

    Random Killing Conduit

    Investigator - Masrath
    Detainer - Koth
    Coroner - Elspeth?
    Random Power Militia - Venser Lookout
    Random Power Militia - Cop - Karn ~99%
    American Priest - Meshuvel
    Hidden Priest
    Militia Member

    There are 4 more roles in the list than players due to 4 roles being cleaned

    Unclaimed Players:
    Kiora Atua
    Ral Zarek
    Sifa Grent

    I think the choice today is between Sandruu and Tessibik

    This choice boils down to, is Elspeth town or green mafia. If Elspeth is green mafia then she lied about zeke being disguised and Cole's conduits actually have 4 members. If not then vermaak have two members and could be destroyed in two lynches.

    Elspeth's childish actions are too scummy to ignore and given that elixir isn't willing to modkill scum that don't talk in day chat we can't take the risk that she isn't mafia.

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Meshuvel View Post
    There is no way Tamiyo is vermaak. Kidnapper and Disguiser both acted and we haven't seen either in the GY.
    And Tamiyo can't be Killing Conduit because all Killing Conduits are night immune. Tamiyo also can't be nix because obvious reasons.

    The only conclusion is Tamiyo was town.

  32. ISO #32

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  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

    Re: Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

    i'd say sifa is the best lynch target for today
    he's either neutral killer or orange

    we don't even need to get the kidnapper because then just 1 vermaak is alive so there cant be 2 kills even if it is the kidnapper
    tomorrow we then get other vermaak, unless he kills nix then we lynch ashiok. both would remove one KPN as green cit can't kill if alone

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Day VII: Revenge at 6 am

    Quote Originally Posted by FM Ral Zarek View Post
    Investigator - masrath
    Coroner - elspeth?
    Random Power Militia ?? cleaned tamiyo?

    2 priests
    1 militia member

    neutral killing

    cole - ashiok
    green cit - tessebik


    -1 cleaned tamiyo

    unassigned scum players:
    Just to point out, Teferi can't be vermaak so he is either neut killer or green maf.

  50. ISO #50



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