Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
Whataboutism, that's all they got anymore.


There is no "conspiracy" about the russians, the Trump's welcomed Russian agents to Trump Tower because they had "dirt" on Hillary.

Quit guzzling Breitbart for once!

If you believe there was evidence of fraud, how come not a single lawsuit has been meaningfully ruled in Trumps favor? Oh! All of the courts are in on it too!
You could go a step further and point out that Trump pardoned an American serving time for treason for giving classified information to Russia..
Quote Originally Posted by Renegade View Post
OOO I don't know lots of people are saying their was fraud!!!!

Literally the EXACT SHIT Trump has said and it is fucking bullshit. Reject it.

Burden of proof is on YOU. None exists, so you resort to this BULLSHIT whataboutism.

Fuck off.
Take a breath.. Just point out videos like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yGnMEv-g4Y
Or pull up court transcripts where their lawyers have flat out said they are not claiming fraud. Theres many times its happened. No need to get all worked up about it.

Your anxiety is giving me anxiety