Just thought of some more ideas. Hopefully it inspires you with your roles if nothing else.

Deathworlds (Town/Mafia): You always knew when someone needed to be lynched, to the point where you were willing to die to see them go next. During the day, you may pm the host to use your ability, preventing anyone else from being lynched except you and your target. If you are lynched on the day your ability is used, your alignment will not be revealed to the town. The day cannot be skipped when your ability is used. Limited to 1 charge.

BananaCuchoo (Town): People were always intimidated by you. They would take every opportunity possible to get rid of you, and that was exactly how you wanted it. At night, swap yourself with one person. If your target dies at night, you will learn who visited them that night. One night between switches.

Frinckles (Town/Mafia): Whether they were scared of your potential as good or evil, it didn't matter to you. Never knowing if they could trust you or not only made things easier. At night, you can give someone a real or fake gun. If your target tries to shoot someone with a fake gun, they will die instantly. Limited to 1 charge.