Quote Originally Posted by Stealthbomber16 View Post
This is a fresh thought, stemming directly off of @yzb25 's post.

I don't understand the separate classification of anime compared to other TV programs. Anime is an art style and is a type of film. It's a separate type of cartoon.

It annoys me when someone asks me if I watch "anime". That's such a broad term. That's like asking someone if they watch movies. There are a lot of different types of anime, just as there are a lot of different types of movies. Anime has genres just as movies do or other TV series do. Even though by virtue of being a cartoon it doesn't have access to every single genre (imagine a documentary animated entirely in anime style, or reality TV), it's still just an art style. When someone says they only watch anime it irks me to no end. You're shutting out upwards of 50% of media because it's not japanese cartoons? I don't understand it.

But then again I don't enjoy the general art style, so who knows...
I never watched anime because... idk, the culture around it doesn't appeal to me. But does that mean anime in itself is inferior to other forms of fiction? Absolutely not. There could be very serious and deep cartoons, and there probably are, actually, given the amount of anime around.