Quote Originally Posted by Dimento View Post
I have played as SK before throughout the years and I do not always kill people each night. I have won many times through gaining the trust of the town and then at the end, backstabbing and winning. I do believe that it is strategy because I cannot be tracked, and if "Immune to detection" is on it would be even better and greatly improve the chances on winning, with all the triad unlucky it was sort of a risky gamble as well.
Thank you.
@Dimento , there's a difference between not killing people each night and not killing someone for 6 nights in a row when the Triad was folding over like a house of cards, lol. As previously stated, there are very legitimate reasons why you might want to vary up when you kill -- we are in complete agreement on this. We are not in agreement that this was one of those types of games though. In addition, with certain game settings like "immune to detection", might make it a very viable strategy, that option was not enabled in this game so this is a bit of a counterfactual.

We appreciate your interest in the game and the time you've spent explaining yourself in this appeal. We just ask that you be a bit more strategic and a bit less flippant next time because this particular game looked bad and we can understand how people might be upset by your play here.