S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles - Page 31

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  1. ISO #1501

  2. ISO #1502

  3. ISO #1503

  4. ISO #1504

  5. ISO #1505

  6. ISO #1506

    Re: S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles

    Whoa whoa you guys are actually trying to force a tie votes?

    Dirty dirty play.

    Well I'll be around near day end to force the lynch if possible, but consider that ironically Kusco or RLVG could unvote to force a tie if they were both mafia near day end. Lynch > no lynch, I stand by my RLVG read for now though.

  7. ISO #1507

  8. ISO #1508

  9. ISO #1509

  10. ISO #1510

  11. ISO #1511

  12. ISO #1512

  13. ISO #1513

  14. ISO #1514

  15. ISO #1515

  16. ISO #1516

    Re: S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles

    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Get that you're trying to make this day a no lynch?
    1. No thats not what I'm doing.
    2. If I left my vote here it wouldn't be a no lynch. *I asked when compared to a tie with SKIP DAY earlier*
    3. The reference i made when i voted him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  17. ISO #1517

  18. ISO #1518

  19. ISO #1519

  20. ISO #1520

  21. ISO #1521

  22. ISO #1522

    Re: S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles

    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    I like your new signature. It suits you. A lot.
    Thanks. I took professional advice from a guy I know. He was like "I'm going to use this".
    So now we match. I can let you have it for half off if you want.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  23. ISO #1523

  24. ISO #1524

  25. ISO #1525

  26. ISO #1526

  27. ISO #1527

  28. ISO #1528

  29. ISO #1529

  30. ISO #1530

  31. ISO #1531

  32. ISO #1532

  33. ISO #1533

    Re: S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    Get on all fours and lick my feet through my black pantyhose.
    Imagining a dude wearing it ain't nice. Yuno on the other hand..
    Quote Originally Posted by Efekannn02 View Post
    i scumreaded him because his posts were gay
    Quote Originally Posted by Magoroth View Post
    ah fuck.

  34. ISO #1534

  35. ISO #1535

  36. ISO #1536

  37. ISO #1537

  38. ISO #1538

  39. ISO #1539

  40. ISO #1540

    Re: S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles

    Powerofdeath: Okay! Time's up! Round 4 is over!

    Unfortunately, RLVG failed Round 4. He was eliminated. His role was Gallis. He left a word of advice before he is sent to chamber of shame.

    Spoiler : RLVG's Word of Advice :
    Why am I not surprised to be a Citizen?

    8 contestants may go to their room and rest for the next round! Some contestants have night actions. You must submit a night action 1 hour before Round 5. Dont forget there is a surprise for Round 3!
    Why do people keep forgetting there is a surprise for Round 3? Oh well.

    Night end in 24 hours!

    Shelly: To submit a night action, simply send Powerofdeath a private message stating your action. Have a safe night.

    Kusco (5): ika, RLVG, Citrus, Tonex, AppleyNO

    RLVG (4): Kusco, Blazer, NoctiZ, Banshis
    Last edited by powerofdeath; January 13th, 2014 at 04:09 PM.

  41. ISO #1541

  42. ISO #1542

    Re: S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles

    Powerofdeath: Good Morning contestants!! Welcome to Round 5! Day end in 48 hours!

    Blazer was eliminated last night. She starved to death. Her role was Werewolf

    Blazer left a word of advice.

    Spoiler : Blazer's word of advice :

    Citrus was eliminated last night. He was shot by the mafia. His role was Doctor

    Citrus left a word of advice.

    Spoiler : Citrus's word of advice :

    Fuck everything. Scumsided as fuck, we didn't even get the opportunity to lynch a mafia.

    N4 Tonex

    Off to rage in the gy

    Spoiler : past last will :

    Doctor here. If I flip otherwise I was suited.
    N1 Louis
    N2 Tonex
    N3 Ika

    Spoiler : Last Will N1 :

    Doctor here. If I flip anything else, town neutral or scum, I was suited last night and a Tailor exists.
    N1: Louiswill

    Some things I didn't want to say in public unless I was dead:

    It's very important EVERYONE write their roles in their last will in case of a Tailor. If someone's role flip contradicts their last will and they had the chance but did not claim they received a suit, I would recommend assuming they were non-town til proven otherwise (guilty til proven innocent). People should also claim feedback in their first post each day. Don't give space to scum to false claim/figure out if they should tell the truth or not. Scum may try to do this to give the impression there is a tailor when there is not, so it is important town makes sure they do it imo.

    N1 saving Louiswill in case mafia try to knock him out for claiming Caroler.

    Forcing Louiswill to claim was bad, because he's the best target for a Tailor who has no idea who to target n1. He could easily give Louis a mafia suit or a caroler suit depending on what he believes Louis is.

    My scumreads from D1: Tonex, Banshis
    Curiously, Banshis began posting stuff which I felt was less scum-telling after the votes were placed, but take it as you will.

    My townreads from D1: AppleyNO, Brenden

    I felt like Ika was anti-town D1, but not necessarily reading as scum. Higher chance that he received vigilante or citizen role card than anyone else in my opinion, but idk.

    1) Place roles in last will
    2) Feedback in first post in day.

    Spoiler : Last Will N2 :

    I am a doctor. If I flip anything other than a doctor, I was suited.
    N1 action: Louiswill
    N2 action: Tonex

    I'm almost certain there's some time of non-town KPN in this game. Since noone died I assumed Louiswill was attacked, and thus is unaligned with the mafia.

    I have deduced that Frog is almost definitely the vigilante/maniac. Do with that information what you will.

    Louiswill was either Caroler, or suited and not Caroler. If he is Caroler, Brendan lied. If he was suited, either Brendan lied (still) or there is 2 tailors/tailor+fabricator and Louis received the real suit. I think either way Brendan should be considered scum/neutral and should be shot at night to avoid the Zombie.

    Slight chance the Werewolf pinged me as sheriff and died with me, should he exist.

    I tried to WIFOM doctor protection on me really hard to ensure I would survive the night, but alas I did not. Decent chance the Vigil/Maniac hit me since the mafioso knows a doctor is in play if the mafioso also exists.

    @Louiswill I am giving you the benefit of the doubt right now, but I'm going to be incredibly peeved if you ended up legit game throwing, but I guess now I will find out.

    If I had to make a guess on reads + voting patterns:
    Brendan scum (neutral or mafia)
    Banshis scum -he's offering himself as tribute rather than contributing (neutral or mafia)
    AppleyNO scum (neutral or mafia)
    ThinkLiveLife scum (neutral of mafia)
    RLVG leaning scummy
    Kusco non-mafia (neutral or town)
    Frog Vigilante (or Maniac but he doesn't know either)
    NoctiZ leaning town
    Tonex caroler

    Ika unknown
    Blazer unknown

    Gambited sheriff on Louiswill due to no deaths n1
    Brendan is almost definitely scum
    Healed Tonex this night
    If I flip non-doctor I was suited

    Spoiler : Last Will N3 (most up to date) :

    Updated N3:
    I am a doctor. If I flip anything else, I was suited.

    N1 Louis N2 Tonex N3 Ika

    I’d advise reading my past last wills before reading the up to date section (both below).
    My miscalculation was that there had to be a mafioso in play at the beginning. Due to the lack of neutral kills I figured there had to be some type of non-town KPN, but it appears I *may* have been wrong.

    “Saving” Louis caused me to think he was not mafia, thus my gambit to move the lynch to Brendan (as I thought he was thus lying). I figured Tonex was not mafia too by the same logic, but there was no point in stating anything at that point. I realized later that the yakuza allowing for a potential Mafioso produced the utility of a doctor. I figured if I said anything at this point I would be killed that night, so I might as well WIFOM and try to protect whoever I think may be targeted.

    Anyways, Frog was for sure lying about being a doctor (or there are 2 doctors and this is a troll as fuck setup). He may have received a fabricated suit (or there is a second tailor). My money is on:
    Tailor, Fabricator, Yakuza (This clears Brendan if he did in fact receive a vigilante role card).
    I think it’s reasonable to believe Louswill was a neutral since he kinda gamethrew if he was town (but I’ll reserve judgement for endgame).

    Right now I think there’s:
    6 Town, 3 mafia, 1 neutral

    So plenty to make a lynch majority. Force everyone that hasn’t claimed to claim.

    Anyone who receives a “gun,” I would not trust it if I were you.

    If there’s only one cop I would wager it’s Ika. I am kinda doubting there’s two since we have ?1+ Caroler? And a ?Oracle?. There’s no way there’s that many investigative roles.

    Tl;dr: Frog was almost definitely mafia (slight chance neutral).

    Reads below ordered roughly most confident to least
    Scumread Banshis
    Townread NoctiZ
    Brendan is scummy but town pretty much has to have a KPN so if he survives the night he is likely vig
    Scumread AppleyNO (then he claimed at the end of the day and idk)
    Scumread Blazer (claimed he would return and did not, also in general I feel he was a good yakuza target)
    Slight leaning townread Ika + Kusco (but I’m generally wary of town leaders so idk)
    RLVG is a bit scummy but idk

    Vigilante really needs to start shooting, as mafia will be using their KPN now

    @Mafia there’s almost definitely an extreme survivor, so you may want to work with the sheriff to find them before it’s too late ;)

    If you read this far: Damn I’m impressed. I’m not sure if writing all my thoughts in a lw like this is useful, but I figured I’d try for this FM and see how it goes. Good luck all!

    Louiswill - Caroler
    ThinkLiveLife - Old Maid
    Frog - Tailor
    Brendan - Vigilante
    RLVG - Gallis
    Citrus- Doctor
    Blazer - Werewolf

    Alive players:

  43. ISO #1543

  44. ISO #1544

  45. ISO #1545

  46. ISO #1546

  47. ISO #1547

  48. ISO #1548

  49. ISO #1549

  50. ISO #1550

    Re: S-FM 124: Non-Standard Roles

    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Cooking dinner atm. Don't expect much from me until that's done.

    Blazer must have targeted someone who lied or someone who he thought was mafioso but was not.

    My guess is he targeted a liar, and not a mafia suspect.
    that i agree on. there are too many variables for me to calculate becasue of a tailor flip.

    the only certainty i have atm is apple and tonex are neutrals
    im still town
    citus was a doc

    im gonna be back later to figure stuff out



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