M-FM: Batman

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    M-FM: Batman

    M-FM: Batman

    Something something.

    Random Falcone Gangster
    Random Falcone Gangster
    Random Falcone Gangster
    Random Falcone Gangster
    Commissioner Gordon
    Harvey Dent
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Town
    Random Neutral

    Possible Random Falcone Gangster: Actress, Agent, Architect, Beguiler, Consigliere, Consort, Drug Dealer, Framer, Janitor, Mortician, Tailor.

    Possible Random Neutral: Amnesiac, Executioner, Jester, Student, Survivor, Witch.

    Possible Random Town: Architect, Bodyguard, Bulletproof, Citizen, Coroner, Detective, Doctor, Escort, Sheriff, Lookout, Mayor.

    Win Conditions:
    Mafia: Eliminate the (Joker or Riddler) and the Town and have at least one member alive.
    Joker: Eliminate (Riddler or the Falcone Gangsters) and the Town, and survive until the end.
    Riddler: Eliminate (Joker or the Falcone Gangsters) and the Town, and survive until the end.
    Town: Eliminate the Falcone Gangsters, Riddler, Joker, and Witches and have at least one member alive. Having all living opponents in Arkham Asylum also grants victory.
    Amnesiac: Remember a role and achieve their win condition.
    Executioner: Get your target lynched and survive until the end.
    Jester: Get lynched.
    Student: Achieve your Mentor's win condition.
    Survivor: Survive until the end.
    Two-Face: Survive until the end.
    Witch: Eliminate the Town and survive until the end.

    Special Mechanics:

    1. Before the end of night one, the Mafia must vote on who is made the Godfather. The Godfather will be granted full night and detection immunity.

    2. Riddler and Joker will both be given one power by the Mafia. The Mafia must choose which one gets detection immunity, and which one gets attack immunity.

    3. If Harvey Dent's auto-vest gets used, Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face.

    4. Instead of executing his targets, Batman may send his target to Arkham Asylum.

    5. Players in Arkham Asylum will be able to communicate with each other, but will not be able to post in day/night chats nor submit night actions.

    6. If Commissioner Gordon dies, all players in Arkham Asylum will be released back into the game.

    7. If Commissioner Gordon is dead, Batman cannot send his targets to Arkham Asylum.

    Game Mechanics
    1. Days are 48 hours long until there are 10 players remaining. Days will then be 24 hours.
    2. Nights will last 24 hours.
    3. Any Mafia member may be sent for the nightly kill.
    4. Auto-lynch occurs at 51% of the votes.
    5. Votes are done with the [VOTE]Name[/VOTE] tags.
    6. Detection immunity causes a player to appear as a Citizen who did not visit anybody.

    1. No out of game communication.
    2. No COM claiming.
    3. No COM hunting.
    4. You may not post URLs or lead other players to other sites or pages.
    5. You may not post pictures, videos, or any other media.

    Order of Operations:

    1. Batman detains.
    2. Night chats open.
    3. Beguiler
    4. Consort/Escort
    5. Witch
    6. Doctor/Bodyguard/Survivor
    7. Actress/Drug Dealer/Framer/Janitor
    8. All Kills
    9. Tailor
    10. Joker
    11. Agent/Consigliere/Mortician/Coroner/Detective/Sheriff/Lookout
    12. Amnesiac/Jester


    Action: Target one player at night, appearing as their role in the graveyard when you die.
    • If sent for the kill, the actress will not mimic its target.

    Action: Target one player at night, learning who they visited.
    The Agent may also decide to instead learn who visited their target.

    Action: Target two players during the day, giving them access to an anonymous night chat the follow night.
    • Can see night chat, but can't partake.
    • Players in chat are anonymous to the Architect, as well.

    Action: Target one player at night, redirecting all night actions on yourself towards your target.
    • Target does not know you hid behind them.
    • Limited to 3 uses.

    Action: Target one player at night, learning their exact role.

    Action: Target one player at night, roleblocking them.
    • Cannot be roleblocked.
    • Not informed of roleblock immunity.

    Drug Dealer
    Action: Target one player at night, giving them false feedback.
    • Possible drugs:
      • Attacked & Healed.
      • Doused.
      • Roleblocked.
      • Suit.
      • Witched.

    Action: Target one player at night, making them appear as another role of your choice to investigative roles.
    • May also frame target to appear as if they visited another target of your choosing to Detectives & Lookouts.

    Action: Target one player at night, hiding their role and lastwill if they die.
    • Limited to 3 uses.

    Action: Target one dead player at night, learning their true role and last will.

    Action: Target one player at night, giving them a suit. When they die, the role of their suit will be revealed instead.
    • Limited to 3 uses.
    • Target knows they received a suit, but not what type.

    Action: Target one player at night, dousing them in gasoline.
    The Joker may also choose to burn everyone doused instead of dousing.
    The Joker may also choose to burn at any time during the day by PMing the host.
    • Burning during the day will kill targets immediately (subject to host availability). Role is not revealed until end of the day.
    • Target is notified of dousing.
    • Targets burned at night will have their last will and role cleaned.
    • Burning does not pierce immunity.

    Action: PM the host any time during the night or the day, making a guess at someone's exact role.
    • If the Riddler guesses correctly, the player will immediately die (subject to host availability).
      • The player's role will not be revealed until the end of the current day or night cycle.
    • The Riddler may guess an infinite number of times during each cycle.
    • If the Riddler guesses incorrectly, the Riddler can not make any more guesses for the rest of the current day or night cycle.
    • If the Riddler guesses incorrectly 3 times, his identity will be revealed to the entire game at the end of the current day or night cycle.
    • The Riddler may still send in guesses after being revealed (All other notes still apply).
    • Cannot make guesses while detained or in Arkham Asylum.
    • Guesses do not piece immunity.

    Action: Target one dead player at night, taking their role and win condition.
    • Cannot become a killing role.

    Action: None.
    • Gains immunity upon success.
    • Becomes Jester upon failure.
      • If target gets sent to Arkham Asylum, you will become Jester.
      • If your target gets released from Arkham Asylum, you can win by achieving either Executioner or Jester win condition.

    Action: Target one player at night, giving them false feedback.
    • Possible drugs:
      • Attacked & Healed.
      • Doused.
      • Roleblocked.
      • Suit.
      • Witched.
    • Kills 1/4 of voters if lynched.

    Action: Target one player during day 1, making them your mentor.
    • Gains a permanent nightchat with Mentor.
    • Gains Mentor's Win Condition.
    • Does not replace Mentor.

    Action: Put on a vest at night, becoming immune to attacks.
    • Limited to 3 vests.

    Action: Reveal yourself during the day by PMing the host, confirming yourself as town and increasing your vote power.
    • Vote counts for 3.
    • Can be healed.
    • Immune to lynch the day you reveal.

    Action: Target one player at night, forcing them to visit a player of your choice.
    • Target is notified of Witching.
    • Cannot force self-visits.

    Action: Target two players during the day, giving them access to an anonymous night chat the follow night.
    • Does not see night chat.

    Action: Target one person during the day, detaining and interrogating them the following night.
    If Commissioner Gordan is alive, you may choose to send your target to Arkham Asylum.
    • Target has immunity to attacks while detained.
    • Target is removed from any night chats.
    • Target is roleblocked (perfect roleblock).
    • Batman may detain on lynch days.
    • You are immune to the Riddler.
    • You have one auto-vest.

    Action: Target one player at night, dying instead of them if they are attacked while attacking their attacker.
    • Cannot be healed in a fight.
    • Attack pierces immunity.
    • Repels dousing; not notified.

    Action: None.
    • You are immune to attacks.

    Action: None.

    Commissioner Gordan
    Action: None.
    • You have one auto-vest.
    • If detained by Batman, your role will be revealed to him.
    • Cannot be sent to Arkham Asylum.

    Action: Target one dead player at night, learning their true role and last will.

    Action: Target one player at night, learning who they targeted.
    • Does not bypass detection immunity.

    Action: Target one person at night, protecting them from all attacks.
    • Not notified of successful healing.

    Action: Target one player at night, roleblocking them.
    • Not notified of failed roleblock.

    Harvey Dent
    Action: Reveal yourself during the day by PMing the host, confirming yourself as town and increasing your vote power.
    • Vote counts for 3.
    • Can be healed.
    • Immune to Joker's day burn if revealed.
    • Immune to Riddler if revealed (counts as failed guess regardless).
    • Immune to lynch the day you reveal.

    Action: Target one player at night, learning who visited them.
    • Does not bypass detection immunity.

    Action: Target one player at night, learning seeing them as Town or Not Town.
    Last edited by Cryptonic; October 6th, 2014 at 05:28 AM.



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