What I think of all the mods and suckup players

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    What I think of all the mods and suckup players

    Skywarden: Ramsay Snow
    creedkingz: Roose Bolton
    RaptorBlaze: Randyll Tarly
    Landstander: Catelyn Stark
    CoPmugy: Kevan Lannister
    CortoMontez: Robb Stark
    Yayap: Tywin Lannister
    Ash: Joffrey Barratheon (because you're a little bitch)
    TimeTrx: Cersei Lannister
    Bunny: Arya Stark
    Cryptonic: Gendry
    oops_ur_dead: Beric Dondarrion
    Lysergic: Lancel Lannister
    tiloup: Tyrion Lannister
    Roflcopter: Lady Dustin
    Damus_Graves: Petyr Baelish
    FYRE: Lysa Arryn
    Bruno: Patchface
    Brandon: Bowen Marsh (since he's debating me now, I'll assign him the Lord Steward)
    Fatalis: Robert Arryn (I'm starting to run out, but you get the whiny Lord of the Vale)
    CmG: Osney Kettleblack
    MintberryCrunch: Axell Florent (Hodor is a simple man, you're too vocal for that assignment lol)
    Slaol: Dolorous Edd
    Chane: Samwell Tarly (for the tears you displayed in your response)

    And for the OP...Necroplant: Stannis Barratheon. I'd honestly most identify with him because Maester Cressen said about Stannis that "Nobody ever taught him how to laugh." I have qualities of most of the characters in the books, but Stannis is a unique personality. He rarely ever smiles, and doesn't ever drink. He's a man of honour, but takes it to extremes, and is offended by slights both real and imagined. Yep, I share a lot with him lol.


    Dark Revenant: Robert Barratheon! This one needs elaboration. Since development has pretty much stopped in Mafia, according to RaptorBlaze, I have accorded him the title of King Robert Barratheon, first of his name, lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm. If any of you knew what kind of a king he was, you'd know how relevant this is :P

    Hand of the King: ??? This one needs to be filled. Robert Barratheon's hand was Jon Arryn THEN Eddard Stark, because he needed someone to govern the realm while he got drunk and whored, but it seems Dark Revenant has no Hand that he assigns programming duties to, or does he?

    For the rest of you...if you want to know why I named you such, here is a useful website: https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Main_Page

    It tells you all you need to know about each of these characters. I have assigned them to personality types very carefully. For illustration purposes, Skywarden is a bit of a jerk and he would fit the profile of Ramsay Snow, a total sadistic psychopath since he would ban me forever if he were global mod. But creedkingz gets Roose Bolton (his father), because Roose Bolton, while a cruel and cunning man, also liked to have peace in the land and doesn't go on a post-deleting rampage ALL the time.
    Last edited by Necroplant; December 18th, 2012 at 06:10 PM.



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