I stumbled upon this poem thanks to people thinking they're wise and cultivated because they put poems everywhere. I don't even remember where I first found it lol. But here it is anyway, found it from the title: https://poetrying.wordpress.com/2010...y-robyn-sarah/

It very much seems to be about love relationships, but I think it can be extended to social relationships in general. It made me question the way people act towards eachother (or rather, it made this questioning more acute), always trying to avoid confrontation or disagreement to the point of diluting their messages or literally lying to people's face. I'm half including myself in "people" here, because while I try my best not to do that, sometimes it's hard to avoid and sometimes it just seems inappropriate and unavoidable (like at a funeral, for example). But here's my question: how much should we embrace this fakeness and how much should we reject it, and when/where? I think there's way too much of it in society, but rejecting it completely is probably unreasonable, so where's the line?