manifesto of ☝️ communist party 😊 [from 😂🍆 ☝️ english edition 👌 of 1️⃣8️⃣8️⃣8️⃣, 😭 edited by 😡 friedrich engels] 🅰️ spectre ✅ haunting europe--the spectre of communism. all ☝️ powers 💫 of 🏻 old 🍝👴 europe have 😝👏 entered into 🚟 🅰️ holy alliance to exorcise 👉 spectre: pope ❗♨ ➕ czar, metternich ➕ guizot, french 🥐🧀 radicals ➕ german police-spies. where ✅ ☝️ party 🔥 in 👌👇 opposition 👆 has 💰👏 ❎ been 😏 decried as 🍑 communistic by 🍄😈 its opponents in power? 🔥💕 where ✅ ☝️ opposition 👆 has 🚪💰 ❎ hurled back ☝️ branding reproach 👎👎 of 😊 communism, against 🚫😏 ☝️ more advanced 📕 opposition parties, 🙌🙌 as 🕖 well as 🅱🍑 against 😲😫 its reactionary adversaries? two 💏 things 💥 result from 💦 👉 fact. 👩 🙋*♂️. Communism ✅ already ✔😂 acknowledged by 😈🎨 all 🌎👉 european powers to ➡💦 be 💄 itself 👈 🅰️ power. 🔋 ii. It ✊ ✅ high ☝ time 👆 communists 🔴 should 👑 openly, in 👉👉 ☝️ face 😱👍 of 🅱💦 ☝️ whole world, 🌎🌏 publish their 🏼 views, their 😍 aims, their 🅱✉ tendencies, ➕ meet 💯💯 👉 nursery tale 🐖 of 🗼💦 ☝️ spectre of 📰💦 communism with 🅰️ manifesto of ☝️ party itself. to 👳💸 👉 end, 🔜 communists of various nationalities have 👏🈶 assembled in london, ➕ sketched ☝️ following manifesto, to 💰 be ❄👬 published in 😍 ☝️ english, ❌📚 french, german, italian, flemish ➕ danish languages. 🈂🆗 🙋*♂️. Bourgeois ➕ proletarians ☝️ history 📚 of all hitherto existing societies ✅ ☝️ history of 👨 class 😛👩 struggles. freeman ➕ slave, patrician ➕ plebeian, lord 😩🙏 ➕ serf, guild-master ➕ journeyman, in 👇 🅰️ word, 🐕 oppressor ➕ oppressed, stood in ♂ constant 💰🔆 opposition to one another, 👣♂ carried on 🔛🔛 🅰️♑️ uninterrupted, now 🤔🕥 hidden, 🙈 now open 🍑👐 fight, 🏾🤜 🅰️ fight 🤜👊 👆 each 👏 time 👀⌚ ended, 🆙 either 🚫❗ in 🅰️ revolutionary ✊♻ re-constitution of 💦💦 society at 😂 large, 😵🏔 or 🍆💁 in 💦😛 ☝️ common 😍 ruin of ☝️ contending classes. in ↙🍆 ☝️ earlier epochs of history, 📚🚫 we find 🔍✔ almost everywhere 😎😎 🅰️ complicated arrangement of society into 👉 various orders, 🅰️ manifold gradation of social 📖🛂 rank. In 🌤 ancient 🎶 rome we 🤴👦 have 🎁🈶 patricians, knights, plebeians, slaves; in 🍑👇 ☝️ middle ages, ⌚ feudal lords, 👼👼 vassals, guild-masters, journeymen, apprentices, serfs; in ⬇ almost 💯 all 💦🅱 of 🏻🏻 these 👈🈴 classes, again, 😰 subordinate gradations. ☝️ modern bourgeois society 👆 has 👏 sprouted from 👌 ☝️ ruins of feudal society has 💰 ❎ done 👌 away 🏽♀ with 🤔❌ class 📓 antagonisms. It has 🚪 but established new classes, new conditions of oppression, 🏻 new 💪🆕 forms 🐛🐛 of 🗼 struggle in place 🤤 of 🎫💦 ☝️ old 🏻🏻 ones. Our 💰🌈 epoch, ☝️ epoch of ☝️ bourgeoisie, possesses, however, 😐😐 👉 distinctive feature: it 😝😭 has 💳👏 simplified ☝️ class 🥇🎓 antagonisms. Society as 🅰️ whole ✅ more 🍥➕ ➕ more 😭💦 splitting up into 👉 two ✌ great hostile camps, into ⬇👉 two great 🏅👆 classes, directly ➡ facing 😫 each other: 💦😤 bourgeoisie ➕ proletariat. from ☝️ serfs of ☝️ middle 🖕🖕 ages ⌚⌚ sprang ☝️ chartered burghers of 😩 ☝️ earliest towns. From 👈 these 💁➡ burgesses ☝️ first elements of 👪😝 ☝️ bourgeoisie were 👀 developed. ☝️ discovery of 💦👩 america, ☝️ rounding of 💦😩 ☝️ cape, opened 😅😅 up fresh 😍😍 ground for 👌👻 ☝️ rising bourgeoisie. ☝️ east-indian 👉🌍 ➕ chinese markets, ⚰⚰ ☝️ colonisation of 💦📆 america, 🦅 trade 📜 with ☝️ colonies, ☝️ increase in 😩 ☝️ means 🤔 of 🛢💦 exchange ➕ in commodities generally, gave 🎁👋 to ♀ commerce, to 🤔 navigation, to industry, 🅰️♑️ impulse never 🙅 before 👉 known, 😝 ➕ thereby, to 👅👏 ☝️ revolutionary element in ☝️ tottering feudal society, 👪 🅰️ rapid development. 🔬🔬 ☝️ feudal system 🌌 of 👸😍 industry, under ⬇⬇ which industrial production was monopolised by 👀😈 closed 🚫🚫 guilds, now 😭☝ no 🙅🚫 longer 😏 sufficed for 🍆😏 ☝️ growing 📈😐 wants ☝ of ☝️ new 🏽 markets. ⚰ ☝️ manufacturing system 🤣😎 took 🤚 its 🏾👤 place. 🏆 ☝️ guild-masters were 👶 pushed on one ☝ side by ☝️ manufacturing middle 👈👈 class; 📚✏ division of 👏💰 labour between ☝️ different corporate guilds vanished in 📥😜 ☝️ face of 🏻 division of labour in 👆 each 👏👏 single workshop. meantime ☝️ markets ⚰ kept ever 😘 growing, 📈📈 ☝️ demand ever rising. even manufacture no 🎸 longer sufficed. Thereupon, 🤔 steam ➕ machinery revolutionised industrial production. 🌚 ☝️ place 😍 of 💀 manufacture was taken by 😈😈 ☝️ giant, 😱😱 modern 🌁🌁 industry, ☝️ place 🏆 of 😰💦 ☝️ industrial middle class, by 😈 industrial millionaires, 🛳 ☝️ leaders of whole industrial armies, ☝️ modern 🌁🌁 bourgeois. modern 🌁🌁 industry has 👏 established ☝️ world-market, for 🕓 which 😡😡 ☝️ discovery of 🎭💦 america ⛵ paved ☝️ way. 👉🏼 👉 market 📈 has ✅ given ⤴ 🅰️♑️ immense development to 😊🖇 commerce, to ♂⚠ navigation, to 💦 communication 🗣🗣 by 🔥 land. 💯 👉 development has, 🛒👏 in ♀ its ✊ time, ⌚⏰ reacted on ☝️ extension of industry; ➕ in 📥👏 proportion as 💯 industry, commerce, navigation, railways extended, in 👏😩 ☝️ same proportion ☝️ bourgeoisie developed, 🚸 increased ➕ its 🙅 capital, 🔤🔤 ➕ pushed into 🚟👉 ☝️ background 🌉 every 👏👏 class 🎓 handed ✋ down from 👉 ☝️ middle 🖕👈 ages. we ❓ 👀, therefore, how 😱 ☝️ modern bourgeoisie ✅ itself 👏 ☝️ product of 👮🤤 🅰️ long 🕑⛄ course ✔ of 💰👅 development, 🔬 of 🅰️ series of 💰 revolutions in ☝️ modes of 💤🔥 production 🌚🌚 ➕ of exchange. each step in ☝️ development 🔬 of 🏻 ☝️ bourgeoisie was accompanied by ⚡ 🅰️ corresponding political advance 🕑🕑 of 🈸👉 👆 class. ⚠📚 🅰️♑️ oppressed class 👨 under ❌⬇ ☝️ sway of 😫😊 ☝️ feudal nobility, 🅰️♑️ armed 💪💪 ➕ self-governing association in 👉👏 ☝️ mediaeval commune; here 😗 independent urban republic 🅱🅱 (as in 👏 italy ➕ germany), there taxable "third 🤔🤔 estate" of 💰💦 ☝️ monarchy 👑👑 (as 🅰 in 👉 france), afterwards, in ☝️ period 🔴🔴 of 💤 manufacture proper, serving 🍦 either 😤😌 ☝️ semi-feudal 🤖 or ☝️ absolute monarchy 👑 as 🅰️ counterpoise against 🔫 ☝️ nobility, ➕, in fact, 👏 corner-stone ⤵⤵ of ☝️ great monarchies in general, 👮 ☝️ bourgeoisie has at 😩🍗 last, since ☝️ establishment of 💦 modern 🌁 industry ➕ of 🤤 ☝️ world-market, conquered for itself, 🙏👈 in 👉 ☝️ modern 🌁🌁 representative state, exclusive political sway. ☝️ executive of 👉😳 ☝️ modern 🌁 state 🏛🙈 ✅ but 🅰️ committee for 🍆👀 managing ☝️ common affairs of 🌾♨ ☝️ whole 😍💦 bourgeoisie. ☝️ bourgeoisie, historically, has played 🅰️ most revolutionary ♻ part. 🎰 ☝️ bourgeoisie, wherever it has got 🙏 ☝️ upper hand, has 🅰🈶 put 💰 🅰️♑️ end 🏼 to 💦💦 all 💦 feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. ♋♋ It 🏻😤 has pitilessly torn asunder ☝️ motley feudal ties 👆 bound 🤐 man 👨 to 💰 his "natural 🌿 superiors," ➕ has left 😾👈 remaining no other 🏾😤 nexus between man 😍🥒 ➕ man 👌 than 😽 naked self-interest, than callous "cash payment." 💳 it 🥇❌ has 🤔✅ drowned ☝️ most 😤⬆ heavenly ecstasies of 🌊 religious 😱😱 fervour, of 🥗 chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in ⏬🔫 ☝️ icy water of egotistical calculation. It 🙂💯 has resolved personal worth 💰 into 🏼🚟 exchange value, 💵 ➕ in place 🏡 of ☝️ numberless ➕ indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up 👆 single, unconscionable freedom--free trade. 📜 In 👏💗 one 🤔😣 word, 🅱🅱 for exploitation, veiled by 😈😈 religious ➕ political illusions, naked, 🍑 shameless, direct, brutal 👊 exploitation. ☝️ bourgeoisie has stripped 👯 of 😢 its ☠🤳 halo every occupation hitherto honoured ➕ looked 👀 up to 🐚💱 with 👼😠 reverent awe. It has 👏 converted ☝️ physician, ☝️ lawyer, ⚖⚖ ☝️ priest, ☝️ poet, 😩✒ ☝️ man of 💰💦 science, 🔬🎒 into its 👏💰 paid wage labourers. ☝️ bourgeoisie has torn away from 💦😂 ☝️ family 👦 its 🔥👏 sentimental veil, ➕ has 🏼👩 reduced ☝️ family 🚻 relation to 💦 🅰️ mere 💀 money 💦 relation. ☝️ bourgeoisie has ❓👏 disclosed how 🤔 it 🔄😳 came 💦 to ✌ pass 💯💯 👆 ☝️ brutal 🏼 display 📱 of 🍞 vigour in ☝️ middle ages, ⌚ which 👩👏 reactionists so 💯 much 👌😂 admire, found 🤔 its fitting complement ⚖ in 📥👏 ☝️ most slothful indolence. It 😽 has been ☝️ first to 💯 show what 😑🏻 man's 🏻 activity can bring 📉📉 about. 💓 It has 👏 accomplished wonders far 💦🆘 surpassing egyptian ⛰⛰ pyramids, roman aqueducts, ➕ gothic cathedrals; it 🍆😞 has conducted expeditions 👆 put 💰 in ☝️ shade all former exoduses of nations ➕ crusades. ☝️ bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly 〰 revolutionising ☝️ instruments of production, 🌚🌚 ➕ thereby ☝️ relations 🍆 of 👅 production, ➕ with 🍨👏 them 😀😏 ☝️ whole relations of 😎 society. 👥 conservation of 💦 ☝️ old modes of 💦 production 🌚 in 🍌😏 unaltered form, was, 👏🅰 on 😩🔛 ☝️ contrary, ☝️ first 👏 condition of 💯 existence 💖 for all ❤ earlier industrial classes. Constant 💰💰 revolutionising of production, 🌚🌚 uninterrupted disturbance of 👍🐣 all 🙋 social conditions, everlasting uncertainty ➕ agitation distinguish ☝️ bourgeois epoch from 👉😂 all 🙍💯 earlier ones. 💚💯 All fixed, fast-frozen relations, ♋ with 👏 their ☝ train 🚟🚝 of 🎆😝 ancient ➕ venerable prejudices ➕ opinions, 👏👏 💯 swept 🤣 away, 😬 all 🏽💯 new-formed ones 💯💚 become 🤦 antiquated before 🎄😳 they 🏾 can 🤔🔫 ossify. All 👆 ✅ solid melts into air, 🌟 all 🤰💯 👆 ✅ holy 👼👕 ✅ profaned, ➕ man ✅ at last 😡 compelled to face 🦊👶 with sober 😂 senses, 👅 his real conditions of 🔧 life, ❤ ➕ his 👁 relations 🍆🍆 with 👩😣 his kind. 🙁 ☝️ need of 🤔 🅰️ constantly 〰〰 expanding market for 🖋 its products chases ☝️ bourgeoisie over 😏 ☝️ whole 💦 surface 🍑🌎 of 😂 ☝️ globe. It 👎💁 must nestle everywhere, 😍⛈ settle 👪👪 everywhere, 😎 establish connexions everywhere. ☝️ bourgeoisie has 👉😱 through 🕳▶ its exploitation of 🔌🍒 ☝️ world-market given 🅰️ cosmopolitan character to production ➕ consumption in every 🏦 country. 🏃🗺 To 😂👂 ☝️ great chagrin of 💦 reactionists, it 😡😂 has 💰🚸 drawn from under 🔕 ☝️ feet of industry ☝️ national ground 🌄📈 on which 🐱 it stood. 🚶♀ All old-established 🙂👴 national industries have been 🙂💫 destroyed 🏚 or 😇💰 💯 daily 📆 being 😑😑 destroyed. 🏚 They 👩🖕 💯 dislodged by 👋😈 new 🆕❓ industries, whose 🌄🌄 introduction becomes 📉📉 🅰️ life 😂😓 ➕ death question for 🍆😱 all 🌍👨 civilised nations, by industries 👆 no 🙅❌ longer work 🙄 up 🔺 indigenous raw material, ❗👔 but raw material ❗ drawn from 😂↘ ☝️ remotest zones; industries whose products 💯 consumed, ❎ only 🏼🕦 at 🍆❤ home, 🏚👨 but 😤🍑 in every 🏼 quarter of 💦💦 ☝️ globe. In 😅 place of ☝️ old 👶 wants, 💋😩 satisfied 💦 by 🚗😈 ☝️ productions of 👀 ☝️ country, we 🔨 find new 🍆👌 wants, requiring for their 🤡🅾 satisfaction ☝️ products of 📀🅱 distant lands ➕ climes. In place of 🔥 ☝️ old local 📰 ➕ national seclusion ➕ self-sufficiency, 💯💯 we ♂ have 👏😩 intercourse 👌👌 in every ⏱⏱ direction, universal inter-dependence of nations. ➕ as 🍑 in 👏 material, ❗ so 🚫 also 😛😨 in intellectual 😜 production. 🌚 ☝️ intellectual creations of individual 🥖 nations become ♂♂ common 🐩 property. National one-sidedness 🔪💒 ➕ narrow-mindedness become 🤦 more ➕ ➕ more 💯 impossible, 😠👇 ➕ from 😮🛣 ☝️ numerous national ➕ local literatures, there 💍 arises 🅰️ world literature. 😩💦 ☝️ bourgeoisie, by 🏳😈 ☝️ rapid improvement of 💦 all 🏽 instruments of 💀 production, by 😈 ☝️ immensely facilitated means of 💦 communication, 🗣 draws 🎨😎 all, 🌎🅱 even ☝️ most 🔝☺ barbarian, nations into civilisation. ☝️ cheap prices of 💦🚋 its 😫 commodities 💯 ☝️ heavy 😔 artillery with 👦👩 which 😩✌ it 🔫 batters down ⬇ all chinese 😕 walls, 🖼🖼 with 👏 which 🙌 it 😍 forces 🍆 ☝️ barbarians' intensely obstinate hatred 😒😠 of 💦💦 foreigners to 🤷 capitulate. It compels all nations, on 🏿 pain 😞😧 of extinction, to adopt ☝️ bourgeois mode of production; 🌚🌚 it ❔🔫 compels them ❤💦 to introduce what 👏 it calls 📞👏 civilisation into 🚟🤓 their midst, 🌌 🙋*♂️.e., 🏻🐝 to 💩👮 become bourgeois themselves. In 👏👏 one ☝ word, 🐕🔚 it creates 🅰️ world after 👊🅱 its own 🙆🍆 image. 🖼 ☝️ bourgeoisie has subjected ☝️ country 😤😤 to 💦 ☝️ rule 👑⚖ of 👨👼 ☝️ towns. It has created 💦💦 enormous cities, has 😱 greatly increased ➕ ☝️ urban population 👥👥 as 🕖 compared with 👦 ☝️ rural, ➕ has thus 🕵 rescued 🅰️ considerable part of ☝️ population 👥👥 from ☝️ idiocy of 💦💦 rural life. Just 👏⛹ as 👦 it 😡 has 👏🚸 made 💯👑 ☝️ country 😣🏃 dependent on 👋🔛 ☝️ towns, so it has 🛒💹 made 👑 barbarian ➕ semi-barbarian 🤖🤖 countries 🏳🏳 dependent on 🎁🔛 ☝️ civilised ones, nations of peasants 👩 on 👇🚶 nations of 🔴💥 bourgeois, ☝️ east on 🔛🔛 ☝️ west. ☝️ bourgeoisie keeps more 💯⏫ ➕ more 😭📈 doing away 🗑 with ☝️ scattered state 👦👦 of ☝️ population, 👥👥 of ☝️ means ❓🏻 of production, ➕ of property. It has 👏💰 agglomerated production, ➕ has 👏 concentrated property in 🏼🍆 🅰️ few 🔢 hands. ☝️ necessary consequence of 💦 👉 was 😨 political centralisation. Independent, or 💁💰 but loosely connected provinces, with 👩 separate interests, laws, 🚨 governments ➕ systems of 😔 taxation, became lumped together 😂👷 into 🏼👉 one 👆 nation, 🏞🏞 with 👏👈 one ☝♿ government, one ♿☝ code 😲 of 💦🌹 laws, 🚨 one national class-interest, 🎓🤓 one 😅☝ frontier ➕ one 😤 customs-tariff. ☝️ bourgeoisie, during 🚣 its rule of 💦 scarce one ☝☝ hundred 💯 years, 🕜😒 has 💹 created 💦💦 more massive 😯😯 ➕ more ➕😩 colossal productive 🎮🎮 forces than have all 🤰 preceding generations together. Subjection of 💦💦 nature's forces to man, 💂👨 machinery, application of 🅱💦 chemistry 🔬🔬 to 🗣 industry ➕ agriculture, steam-navigation, railways, 🚟🚟 electric telegraphs, clearing of whole continents for 🏔 cultivation, canalisation of 🏿💦 rivers, whole 👐👨 populations conjured out of 🔴 ☝️ ground--what 🏞👇 earlier century had 💔 even 🅰️ presentiment 👆 such productive 🎨 forces 🍆🍆 slumbered in 🅿 ☝️ lap of 🎫🌈 social 💻 labour? we 😍 👀 then: ☝️ means 🤔 of 🍒 production 🌚🌚 ➕ of exchange, on whose 🌄 foundation ☝️ bourgeoisie built 🛠 itself up, 👎 were 👶👶 generated in 👇 feudal society. 🌎😥 At 🅰️ certain 🤔 stage 🏁🏁 in 😉 ☝️ development 🔬🔬 of 🅱 these 🖼♂ means of 👨😂 production 🌚🌚 ➕ of 💦💦 exchange, ☝️ conditions under 😡 which feudal society 👧 produced ➕ exchanged, ☝️ feudal organisation of agriculture ➕ manufacturing industry, in 💯👉 one 😱 word, 🔚 ☝️ feudal relations 🍆♋ of property became no ❌⛔ longer 😒🕚 compatible with ☝️ already 👋🙏 developed 🚸 productive forces; they ❌👲 became so 👉 many 🍺👧 fetters. they 👧🙎 had 🍆 to be burst asunder; they 🏻 were 👀👬 burst asunder. into their 🍷🙆 place 🏡 stepped ♂ free 😗🙅 competition, 🤔 accompanied by 🅰️ social ➕ political constitution adapted to 💦 it, 👱💦 ➕ by ☝️ economical ➕ political sway of ☝️ bourgeois class. 🅰️ similar 👱 movement ✅ going 🏃 on 🔛💦 before 😲❄ our 🅱👵 own 🙆 eyes. Modern 🌁 bourgeois society 👧 with 😶 its relations 🍆♋ of 👏👏 production, of exchange ➕ of 💦💦 property, 🅰️ society 😥 👆 has 💳 conjured up ☝ such gigantic 😱 means 😋 of 💦📰 production 🌚🌚 ➕ of exchange, ✅ like 👌 ☝️ sorcerer, who 👀😂 ✅ no longer able 💪💪 to 💨👮 control ☝️ powers 💫💫 of ☪ ☝️ nether world 🌍 whom he 🚫👨 has ✅ called 📞🚟 up 👋 by 😈 his 🍬 spells. For many 👦 🅰️ decade past ☝️ history 📚 of 💦👶 industry ➕ commerce ✅ but 🌸🤔 ☝️ history 🛡 of ☝️ revolt of modern 🌁🌁 productive 🎨🏀 forces against 😫😲 modern 🌁🌁 conditions of production, 🌚🌚 against 🚫 ☝️ property relations 🍆🍆 👆 💯 ☝️ conditions for ☝️ existence 🚹🔥 of 🔴 ☝️ bourgeoisie ➕ of its 🙅 rule. It ✅ enough to 💦 mention ☝️ commercial 💰 crises 👆 by 😡😈 their 👈🍆 periodical return 💎 put on 👏🔛 its 🐶 trial, each time 🕑⌚ more threateningly, ☝️ existence 💗 of ☝️ entire 🌲 bourgeois society. 👧👨 In these 🚑❌ crises 🅰️ great ⭐👌 part 🖕 ❎ only 👉💯 of 😂 ☝️ existing products, but 👹🍑 also of ☝️ previously created 💦 productive 🏀 forces, 🍆 💯 periodically destroyed. In these 👈 crises there 😩 breaks 💥 out ⬇ 🅰️♑️ epidemic 👆, in 🔽👏 all 🎁 earlier epochs, would have 🈶⚠ seemed 💌💌 🅰️♑️ absurdity--the epidemic of 👨 over-production. 👉⤵ society suddenly finds 🕵🕵 itself 👈👈 put ✋😤 back ⬅ into ⬇ 🅰️ state 🗽🙈 of 💤💦 momentary barbarism; it 😠💦 appears as 🚫👦 if 🅱 🅰️ famine, 🍆🍆 🅰️ universal war of devastation had 😩 cut 😫 off 😂😝 ☝️ supply of 💰 every means of 💦 subsistence; industry ➕ commerce seem to be destroyed; 🏚🏚 ➕ why? 🤔🤔 because ☯ there ✅ too 👅 much 😣 civilisation, too 😩 much 💘 means of 💻 subsistence, too 😲😁 much industry, too 🏻🤖 much 💯 commerce. ☝️ productive 🎮🎨 forces 🍆 at ☝️ disposal of 😤 society 👪 no longer 😏 tend to further 🤔🤔 ☝️ development 🔬🔬 of 💦 ☝️ conditions of bourgeois property; on 🎅🔛 ☝️ contrary, they have 👏🈶 become 🤦 too 💦 powerful for ❓🌹 these 🚑🔫 conditions, by 😗 which they ❤ 💯 fettered, ➕ so 💯 soon ⏰ as 🅰🅱 they 📚 overcome 💦💦 these fetters, they bring ➡ disorder into ☝️ whole 👦 of bourgeois society, 😥 endanger ☝️ existence of 💦💦 bourgeois property. ☝️ conditions of bourgeois society 😥👥 💯 too 👎😂 narrow to 🙅💦 comprise ☝️ wealth 💷💴 created 💦💦 by 😈 them. 👎😂 ➕ how ❓💯 does 👏❓ ☝️ bourgeoisie get ⓜ over 🖕 these 🏿 crises? on 🥜 ☝️ one hand ✋🖐 inforced destruction of 💀💦 🅰️ mass of ♨😔 productive 🏀 forces; 🍆🍆 on 💡 ☝️ other, 🏫👦 by 😈 ☝️ conquest of new 🆕 markets, ⚰ ➕ by 🏼👨 ☝️ more 😢🐸 thorough exploitation of 💰✝ ☝️ old 👶 ones. 💯💯 👆 ✅ to 😆 say, by 😈😈 paving ☝️ way for ❓ more extensive ➕ more 💦 destructive crises, ➕ by 👀🍭 diminishing ↗ ☝️ means 😏😫 whereby crises 💯 prevented. ☝️ weapons with 👩👏 which ☝️ bourgeoisie felled feudalism to 💦💦 ☝️ ground 👇 💯 now turned against 👉 ☝️ bourgeoisie itself. 👈 but 🍑🍑 ❎ only 🏻 has 💹 ☝️ bourgeoisie forged ☝️ weapons 👆 bring 📉➡ death 😵💀 to ✋💀 itself; 👈 it 😂👺 has 🚪🚪 also ✅➕ called ☁ into existence 🔥🚹 ☝️ men 🏃🚹 who 👫 💯 to wield those weapons--the modern 🌁 working 🏻 class--the proletarians. in 🏠 proportion as ☝️ bourgeoisie, 🙋*♂️.e., 🍆 capital, 🔤 ✅ developed, 🚸 in 🍑 ☝️ same 👭 proportion ✅ ☝️ proletariat, ☝️ modern 🌁 working 👐😩 class, developed--a 🚸🚸 class of 🍳🌈 labourers, who 😂 live 🤣👫 only so long ⛄ as they 🏾👨 find work, 🔩 ➕ who find 🔎 work 📝🔨 only 🕦☝ so 🚫 long 🍆 as their 👧🙆 labour increases capital. 🔤🔤 These 🖌👈 labourers, who must sell 💲💲 themselves piece-meal, 🍗🍗 💯 🅰️ commodity, like 😭 every other article of 💦 commerce, ➕ 💯 consequently exposed to 💦 all ☝️ vicissitudes of 💤 competition, to all 💦 ☝️ fluctuations of 🙏💰 ☝️ market. 👽 owing to ☝️ extensive use of machinery ➕ to division of 💰😳 labour, ☝️ work 🏢🔨 of ☝️ proletarians has 😱 lost 💦🤔 all 😏🙍 individual 🥖 character, 💀👺 ➕ consequently, all charm for 🚦👉 ☝️ workman. He becomes 🅰️♑️ appendage of ☝️ machine, 😂🤖 ➕ it 💯🗯 ✅ only ☝️ most ☺ simple, most ☺👥 monotonous, ➕ most 🦁 easily 😃😊 acquired knack, 😤 👆 ✅ required of 😫 him. Hence, ☝️ cost of production 🌚 of 😫🔍 🅰️ workman ✅ restricted, almost entirely, to ☝️ means of 🎖💦 subsistence 👆 he requires for his 🛏 maintenance, ➕ for 🎁 ☝️ propagation of 💦💦 his 👃👀 race. 🏃♀ But ☝️ price 📈📈 of 👏 🅰️ commodity, ➕ therefore also 👨➕ of labour, ✅ equal ⬆ to its 🙅 cost 💵 of production. 🌚🌚 In ❤♂ proportion therefore, 🎉🎉 as 😴💰 ☝️ repulsiveness of ☝️ work 💰 increases, ☝️ wage decreases. Nay more, in 🐕🏠 proportion as ☝️ use 🖐 of machinery ➕ division of 😍 labour increases, ⤴ in 👏 ☝️ same proportion ☝️ burden 😤 of 💦💦 toil also increases, whether 📊 by 😈😈 prolongation of ☪ ☝️ working 🏻😭 hours, 🕐🥋 by 😈😈 increase 💳💳 of 💦 ☝️ work 💼🙄 exacted in 👏 🅰️ given ⤵ time ⌚👋 or 😩 by increased ➕ speed of 💦💦 ☝️ machinery, etc. modern 🌁 industry has ❌👏 converted ☝️ little 👌 workshop of ☝️ patriarchal master into ➡🚟 ☝️ great ‼ factory of 😂 ☝️ industrial capitalist. 💰 Masses 🏋 of labourers, crowded into ☝️ factory, 🍆 💯 organised like 🅰😱 soldiers. As privates of 😫 ☝️ industrial army they 💪🏼 💯 placed under ⬇👇 ☝️ command of 💦 🅰️ perfect 😍 hierarchy of 🔍 officers ➕ sergeants. ❎ only ☝ 💯 they ⚖👥 slaves of ☝️ bourgeois class, ✏⚠ ➕ of 🌈 ☝️ bourgeois state; 🏛🙈 they 🏼😈 💯 daily 🕢 ➕ hourly enslaved by ☝️ machine, 🤖😵 by 🎨 ☝️ over-looker, ⤵ ➕, above all, 🐟💯 by 😈 ☝️ individual 🥖 bourgeois manufacturer himself. 🤔🚨 ☝️ more 🍗🙅 openly 👉 despotism proclaims gain 💪💪 to be 🔹🐝 its 😆 end ➕ aim, ☝️ more 🤹 petty, ☝️ more ♂ hateful ➕ ☝️ more 🙅 embittering it 🚫 ✅. ☝️ less ☝️ skill 💪 ➕ exertion of strength 💪👊 implied in manual labour, in 👏🏼 other words, ☝️ more 👀😖 modern industry becomes 📉📉 developed, 🚸 ☝️ more ➕🙈 ✅ ☝️ labour of men superseded by 👆 of 🏧 women. 💁 Differences of 🏿 age 💀💀 ➕ sex 👉 have 💢 no longer 🍆🕚 any 💦💦 distinctive social validity for 🏻👅 ☝️ working 👷🔨 class. 🎓 All 💯 💯 instruments of ☪🗜 labour, more 🐸 or 🙅 less 📉👎 expensive 💵 to 💵👌 use, 👏 according to 💦 their age ➕ sex. 🍆🏻 no 😕 sooner ✅ ☝️ exploitation of 👯🕯 ☝️ labourer by 🚗 ☝️ manufacturer, so 💯🕥 far 🚷 at 👸 🅰️♑️ end, 💯🏽 👆 he 😨 receives his wages in cash, 💵💰 than 🅰🔺 he 👦 ✅ set ➿😠 upon 💰 by 🚗😈 ☝️ other 👈😤 portions of ☝️ bourgeoisie, ☝️ landlord, ☝️ shopkeeper, ☝️ pawnbroker, etc. ☝️ lower ⬇😎 strata of ☝️ middle 👈 class--the ✏ small tradespeople, shopkeepers, retired tradesmen generally, ☝️ handicraftsmen ➕ peasants--all 👏🌾 these 🖼😍 sink 💉 gradually into ☝️ proletariat, partly ❌ because their 👈🍆 diminutive capital 🔤🔤 does ❎ suffice for ☝️ scale on ♿ which modern 🌁🌁 industry ✅ carried on, 🔛🔛 ➕ ✅ swamped in 👮 ☝️ competition 🤔 with ☝️ large 🏔 capitalists, partly ❌ because 🎊💁 their 🎉💴 specialized skill 😤🎨 ✅ rendered worthless 🚽 by 😈👋 ☝️ new ❓🏽 methods of 🍆💦 production. 🌚🌚 Thus ☝️ proletariat ✅ recruited from 💥😮 all classes of 👨🤔 ☝️ population. 👥 ☝️ proletariat goes through 🔛💨 various stages of 💦🥗 development. 🔬 with 🍨 its 🏾🙅 birth begins 🌟 its 🔥👏 struggle 😣 with 😗🅱 ☝️ bourgeoisie. At first ☝️ contest ✅ carried on by individual 🥖🥖 labourers, then 😂😕 by 🚟 ☝️ workpeople of 🏻👏 🅰️ factory, then 💯💎 by 😈🏳 ☝️ operatives of one ♿🍳 trade, in one ☝☝ locality, against 😤 ☝️ individual 🥖🥖 bourgeois who 👀 directly ➡ exploits them. They direct their attacks ❎ against 😤 ☝️ bourgeois conditions of 👯🤔 production, 🌚🌚 but 🤔 against ✊🚫 ☝️ instruments of production themselves; 👩 they 👸 destroy 😱🤜 imported wares 👆 compete with their 🍆☝ labour, they 🍆👈 smash to 😱😵 pieces 💯 machinery, they 👉👧 set factories ablaze, they 🤷👥 seek ❕ to restore by ⏩ force 👊🖐 ☝️ vanished status 👉 of 💰 ☝️ workman of ☝️ middle 🖕 ages. ⌚ at 👏 👉 stage 🏁🏁 ☝️ labourers still 🕞 form 💦 🅰️♑️ incoherent mass scattered over 🤒 ☝️ whole ♂ country, 🏃🗺 ➕ broken up 👀 by 😈⏩ their ⬅👏 mutual 👬👬 competition. 🤔💯 If anywhere they unite to form 💦 more 🤦✋ compact bodies, 😨🏻 👉 ✅ ❎ yet 👌 ☝️ consequence 👎😭 of 😂 their ⬅ own 🎡 active ☢☢ union, but of 💦😫 ☝️ union of ☝️ bourgeoisie, which class, 🎓⚠ in 👏🍌 order 📑❌ to 😅🤑 attain its own 🏻 political ends, 🤷 ✅ compelled to ⚫ set 🕸👌 ☝️ whole proletariat in 👏🏻 motion, 😐😐 ➕ ✅ moreover yet, for 🖍 🅰️ time, 🕗 able 💪 to 🙌 do 😧😠 so. 💯🔫 At 🍗 👉 stage, 🏁🏁 therefore, 👏👏 ☝️ proletarians do 🤔😊 ❎ fight 🤜 their 😂⭕ enemies, but ☝️ enemies of their 🅾🏿 enemies, ☝️ remnants of 💦 absolute 🙀🤕 monarchy, 👑👑 ☝️ landowners, ☝️ non-industrial 🏆 bourgeois, ☝️ petty bourgeoisie. Thus 😂 ☝️ whole historical movement ✅ concentrated in ☝️ hands of ☝️ bourgeoisie; every victory 🏆 so 💒💯 obtained ✅ 🅰️ victory 🏆 for ☝️ bourgeoisie. but 😅 with 😭😣 ☝️ development of industry ☝️ proletariat ❎ only increases ⤴⤴ in number; it 👊 becomes 📉📉 concentrated in 👌 greater masses, its 🙅💰 strength 💪💪 grows, 😩 ➕ it feels 👆 strength 💪 more. ☝️ various interests ➕ conditions of 💦 life 👌 within 😱 ☝️ ranks 📈 of ☝️ proletariat 💯 more 💓➕ ➕ more equalised, in ➡👏 proportion as 👦💰 machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour, ➕ nearly everywhere reduces wages to 💨👀 ☝️ same 💩 low level. 🆙 ☝️ growing 😳 competition 💯 among 💰 ☝️ bourgeois, ➕ ☝️ resulting commercial 💰 crises, make ☝️ wages of 😂 ☝️ workers ever 🙅 more fluctuating. ☝️ unceasing improvement of 👍🚀 machinery, ever 😱🤔 more ➕➕ rapidly developing, 👓 makes 💘 their 🍆😂 livelihood more ➕ ➕ more ➕ precarious; ☝️ collisions between 👈➡ individual workmen ➕ individual 🥖🥖 bourgeois take 🛍✋ more 🍗 ➕ more ☝️ character 🙈🙉 of collisions between two 💏 classes. Thereupon ⬆ ☝️ workers begin 💦 to form 💦 combinations (trades unions) against 😫✊ ☝️ bourgeois; they 🆙🏻 club together 💯 in 👉 order to keep 🙊👌 up ☝️ rate 📈 of 💦💦 wages; they ❌ found 🏻 permanent associations in order ❌❌ to 😅🏼 make 👏💦 provision beforehand 👉 for these occasional 🅱🕑 revolts. Here 🏼 ➕ there 👌💕 ☝️ contest breaks 💥💥 out 👌🏎 into 👉 riots. now ⏰ ➕ then ⌚ ☝️ workers 💯 victorious, but 🍆🍑 only for 🅰️ time. ☹ ☝️ real ❄ fruit 🍞 of 🔴💦 their 😂 battles lies, ❎ in 👉 ☝️ immediate result, but 🍑🍑 in 👉😍 ☝️ ever-expanding 🗣😠 union of 😝🔟 ☝️ workers. 👉 union ✅ helped on by 🚟 ☝️ improved means 😋😏 of communication 📰 👆 💯 created 💦 by modern 🌁 industry ➕ 👆 place ☝️ workers of 🍨🗼 different ↔💬 localities in 🕺➡ contact 😑 with one 😫🔪 another. ♂ It ❓🚶 was just ⛹🤔 👉 contact 📱👽 👆 was needed to 👅 centralise ☝️ numerous local 📰 struggles, all of 🍆 ☝️ same 💩 character, 🙉👺 into one 🍳🔥 national struggle 😣😥 between 🍼 classes. But 😎 every class 🎓 struggle 😣😣 ✅ 🅰️ political struggle. 😫😣 ➕ 👆 union, to ✋💰 attain which ☝️ burghers of 🤑🔴 ☝️ middle 🖕🖕 ages, ⌚ with ♠ their ⬅ miserable highways, 🛣 required 📋📋 centuries, ☝️ modern 🌁🌁 proletarians, thanks 👌 to ✌👏 railways, achieve 😌 in 🅰️ few 🔛🔛 years. 👉 organisation of 💦 ☝️ proletarians into 🅰️ class, ➕ consequently into 👉 🅰️ political party, ✅ continually being 🙆 upset again 💦💦 by 😈😈 ☝️ competition 🤔 between 😉🏻 ☝️ workers themselves. 👩👨 But 🍑 it 🏻 ever 🖕 rises up again, 🙈 stronger, 💪 firmer, mightier. It 💯 compels legislative recognition 👀👀 of 💦🤑 particular interests of ☝️ workers, by 😈😗 taking 💎 advantage of 💻💦 ☝️ divisions among ☝️ bourgeoisie itself. Thus 👌👌 ☝️ ten-hours' bill in 🚪 england was 👍👥 carried. altogether collisions between ☝️ classes of ☝️ old society 🌎👧 further, in 👠🚗 many 👧💪 ways, ☝️ course 💰🏎 of development of ☝️ proletariat. ☝️ bourgeoisie finds 😂🕵 itself 👈👏 involved in 👌〽 🅰️ constant battle. At 💰 first with 🎃 ☝️ aristocracy; later 📅🌃 on, with those portions of 💦 ☝️ bourgeoisie itself, 👏🙏 whose 🌄🌄 interests have 💰 become ♂ antagonistic to 💦🚶 ☝️ progress of industry; at 👅 all times, 🍆 with ☝️ bourgeoisie of 👩💦 foreign 🚓 countries. 🏳 In 👉 all 😎 these 😤📀 battles it 🤔 sees itself 👈👈 compelled to 🍅💦 appeal 👏👏 to 💦 ☝️ proletariat, to 💦💦 ask ❔😩 for its help, ➕ thus, 🕵 to 👁💦 drag it 😰 into 🚟👉 ☝️ political arena. ☝️ bourgeoisie itself, 👈 therefore, supplies ☝️ proletariat with its 🌲 own 🙆😂 instruments of 💯 political ➕ general ♂♂ education, in 🕐⤴ other words, 🤑 it furnishes ☝️ proletariat with weapons for fighting ☝️ bourgeoisie. further, 🔙😝 as we have 👏 already 👋 seen, entire 🙌 sections of 🍆 ☝️ ruling classes 💯, by 🚗😈 ☝️ advance of industry, precipitated into 🏼⬇ ☝️ proletariat, or 💁💁 💯 at 👉 least 🚟♂ threatened in their 👈 conditions of 💦🎫 existence. 🔥😎 These also supply ☝️ proletariat with 👏❌ fresh 🌼💋 elements of 💦 enlightenment 📈📈 ➕ progress. finally, 🙏🙏 in 👏 times 💦 when 🕐 ☝️ class 👩😛 struggle 😥 nears ☝️ decisive hour, ⏱⏱ ☝️ process of dissolution going ♂🏃 on 🏄 within ☝️ ruling class, 😛 in fact 🏫 within ☝️ whole 👦⭕ range of 👼🐙 society, 👧 assumes such 😏😏 🅰️ violent, 💥 glaring character, 💀 👆 🅰️ small 👌 section 📦📦 of 💦💦 ☝️ ruling class 👩 cuts 🔪 itself adrift, ➕ joins ☝️ revolutionary ✊ class, ☝️ class 👆 holds 👫 ☝️ future 👅 in 🌤🏡 its hands. 👏 Just 🍆 as, 🎣🍑 therefore, at 😂💁 🅰️♑️ earlier period, 🅰️ section 📦 of 💦 ☝️ nobility went 🚗 over 👏🙊 to 😦💦 ☝️ bourgeoisie, so 🆘 now 👇🕥 🅰️ portion 👌 of 🤔 ☝️ bourgeoisie goes 🅱💦 over to ☝️ proletariat, ➕ in particular, 🅰️ portion of ☝️ bourgeois ideologists, who 🤔 have 🙄🈶 raised ⬆⬆ themselves 👨 to 💦 ☝️ level of comprehending theoretically ☝️ historical movement as 🍑🕛 🅰️ whole. 💦💦 of 🚨 all 💦💯 ☝️ classes 👆 stand face 😐😀 to 🎓💣 face 😢 with 😲👏 ☝️ bourgeoisie today, 📅📅 ☝️ proletariat alone 🙃😤 ✅ 🅰️ really ⁉ revolutionary class. 🎓🎓 ☝️ other 🎩🌈 classes decay ➕ finally 🙏 disappear in 🏼 ☝️ face of 💦💦 modern industry; ☝️ proletariat ✅ its 🙅 special 👾 ➕ essential 💯💯 product. ☝️ lower middle class, 🎓📓 ☝️ small manufacturer, ☝️ shopkeeper, ☝️ artisan, ☝️ peasant, all these fight 😡♂ against ☝️ bourgeoisie, to save 👐😩 from 👊 extinction their existence as fractions of 🥜💦 ☝️ middle 👈 class. ✏🎓 They ♂ 💯 therefore ❎ revolutionary, but 🍑😎 conservative. Nay more, 😭🍥 they ❤ 💯 reactionary, for they 🤷 try 😐🏃 to roll 🎶🎸 back ☝️ wheel of 😤 history. 🛡📚 If 😤👏 by chance 🚫 they ✊👲 💯 revolutionary, ✊ they 💯 so 💯🤔 only 💯😤 in 😈😏 view of their ⬅ impending transfer into ☝️ proletariat, they thus 😂 defend ❎ their 💯 present, 🎀🎀 but 👹 their future 🚀 interests, they 👥😱 desert their own standpoint to place 🤤🏡 themselves at 👅👒 👆 of 💦 ☝️ proletariat. ☝️ "dangerous 💀🔪 class," 🤓 ☝️ social 📖💑 scum, 😷 👆 passively rotting mass 👩 thrown off by 👏 ☝️ lowest 🍆🍆 layers 📰📰 of 💦 old 😎👴 society, may, 🗓 here ➕ there, 💾 be swept 🤣 into ☝️ movement by 😡😈 🅰️ proletarian revolution; its 👏👤 conditions of 💦😂 life, 👼😎 however, prepare 👉 it far 😩🌌 more 😇 for 🔯🍆 ☝️ part 🗳🗾 of 💦 🅰️ bribed tool 🛠🛠 of 💦 reactionary intrigue. in 🔙🕶 ☝️ conditions of 💦💦 ☝️ proletariat, those 😘👞 of 💦💦 old 👴🍆 society at 🏠💯 large 🏯 💯 already 😂 virtually swamped. ☝️ proletarian ✅ without ❌🚫 property; his 👀 relation to 🚫💦 his wife ➕ children 👦👧 has 💳 no 🚫🚫 longer 🕚😖 anything 🙄🍑 in common 😍 with ☝️ bourgeois family-relations; 👨🏾 modern 🌁 industrial labour, modern subjection to 🔭😱 capital, 🔤 ☝️ same in england as 🍑 in france, in america ⚓⛵ as in germany, has 👏💰 stripped 👯👯 him of 🎭🍆 every 👖😰 trace of national character. 👺 Law, 📜 morality, religion, 📕 💯 to 🕵💦 him 👫 so 💯 many 💯 bourgeois prejudices, behind which lurk 🚸 in ambush just 👏 as many ✋ bourgeois interests. all 💯🥜 ☝️ preceding classes 👆 got ☝️ upper hand, ✋ sought to fortify their 👈 already 😃 acquired status 👉🙋 by 😡😡 subjecting society 👨 at large 🏔🏔 to their conditions of 👏📆 appropriation. ☝️ proletarians cannot ⛔ become 🤦 masters of 👬 ☝️ productive forces 🍆 of society, 😥👥 except 😮😮 by 👏 abolishing their 🏼 own 🎡 previous mode of 💯 appropriation, ➕ thereby also every 👏🕤 other 👪 previous mode of 💦💦 appropriation. They have 👏 nothing 🏿📛 of 👏🤓 their 🍆 own 🙆 to 👉💦 secure 😍 ➕ to 💀 fortify; their 🏻 mission 🚟 ✅ to destroy 😱💥 all previous securities for, ➕ insurances of, individual 🥖🥖 property. all 💯👌 previous historical movements were 👏 movements of minorities, or 🚨🤔 in 👇👉 ☝️ interests of 👌 minorities. ☝️ proletarian movement ✅ ☝️ self-conscious, independent movement of ☝️ immense majority, in ⬇♂ ☝️ interests of 👏👏 ☝️ immense majority. ☝️ proletariat, ☝️ lowest 💦 stratum of 🍨 our 💩💰 present society, 👨👨 cannot stir, cannot 😡 raise 🙋🙋 itself 👏👏 up, 💪 without ☝️ whole 👧 superincumbent strata of 😜 official society 🌎 being sprung into ☔👉 ☝️ air. 😵 though 🤔🔥 ❎ in 👇 substance, yet ❗ in form, 💦 ☝️ struggle of 💦🔌 ☝️ proletariat with 😤😶 ☝️ bourgeoisie ✅ at first 🕐🕐 🅰️ national struggle. 😥😣 ☝️ proletariat of 😏 each 👏 country 🏃 must, 💰🙅 of 👨🛢 course, first 😢👆 of all 👇😮 settle 👪 matters 💞💞 with ↔ its 👤👏 own 👇 bourgeoisie. in 💦 depicting ☝️ most ➕ general phases of ☝️ development 🔬 of 💦 ☝️ proletariat, we traced ☝️ more 🍗✋ or less veiled civil 🏢 war, raging within 👏 existing society, 👧👥 up ✋☝ to 💦🙅 ☝️ point where 👆 war 💯 breaks 💥💥 out 👋🏎 into open 👐 revolution, 💥👺 ➕ where 😈 ☝️ violent 🥊🥊 overthrow of 👼💦 ☝️ bourgeoisie lays ☝️ foundation for 💰 ☝️ sway of 💦 ☝️ proletariat. hitherto, every 🔪ⓜ form of 💦🏻 society has 💰👏 been based, 👌 as we 👶 have already seen, on 🔛🔛 ☝️ antagonism of 💦💰 oppressing ➕ oppressed classes. But ☝ in order to 💦💦 oppress 🅰️ class, 🥇🎓 certain 🤔🤔 conditions must be assured to it under ⬇ which 🙌👏 it 😽 can, 👀🔫 at 🕛🍆 least, 😱 continue 💰 its 🙅 slavish existence. 😫 ☝️ serf, in ☝️ period 🔴🔴 of serfdom, raised ⬆ himself 😎 to 👀💦 membership 💳💳 in 😩🅿 ☝️ commune, just as 🏿🏿 ☝️ petty bourgeois, under ☝️ yoke of 💦 feudal absolutism, managed to ♀💦 develop into 🅰️ bourgeois. ☝️ modern 🌁 laborer, on 👅 ☝️ contrary, instead 👍👍 of 🚋💦 rising with ☝️ progress of 🏿 industry, sinks deeper 🗣🍆 ➕ deeper 😫 below ☝️ conditions of 👬😂 existence 🔥 of 🚋💦 his 💦 own 🏳 class. He becomes 📉 🅰️ pauper, ➕ pauperism develops more rapidly 💨💨 than 😻🤢 population 👥👥 ➕ wealth. 💵💳 ➕ here 📍👏 it 🤷 becomes evident, 🕵🕵 👆 ☝️ bourgeoisie ✅ unfit any 💦 longer to be ☝️ ruling class ⚠ in 👉 society, 👩 ➕ to 👁 impose its ⚜🐶 conditions of 💦 existence 👌🔥 upon 💰💰 society 👪👥 as 🅰️♑️ over-riding 👳💦 law. ⚖ It ✅ unfit to 👀🅱 rule ⚖ because 😏✡ it ✅ incompetent to assure 🍑🍑 🅰️♑️ existence 🔥 to 🛏💦 its 🙅⚜ slave 🙇 within 🅰 his ⌚ slavery, because 👌 it 😂♂ cannot 🚫 help 💁😱 letting ❌ him 😂 sink into 🏼🅱 such 🏼👌 🅰️ state, 🏛👏 👆 it 😂🚋 has 💰❓ to 👬🤔 feed 🍆🍆 him, 🆘 instead of 😣 being 🤗 fed by him. society can 💦 no 👎🔥 longer live under ⬇ 👉 bourgeoisie, in 🥖👏 other 👭🏾 words, its 🙅🤳 existence 👌 ✅ no 🙈 longer 😲🕚 compatible with 👏 society. 👨 ☝️ essential condition 🌬🌬 for 🏻🕓 ☝️ existence, 🚹 ➕ for ☝️ sway of 💦🤔 ☝️ bourgeois class, 🎓 ✅ ☝️ formation ➕ augmentation of 💰💯 capital; ☝️ condition 🌬 for capital 🔤🔤 ✅ wage-labour. Wage-labour rests exclusively on 😫💰 competition 💯 between ☝️ laborers. ☝️ advance 🕑 of 💦 industry, whose 🌄 involuntary promoter ✅ ☝️ bourgeoisie, replaces ☝️ isolation of 😜💥 ☝️ labourers, due 👅 to ⚔💦 competition, 💯 by 👊👉 their 🍆 revolutionary ✊ combination, 🔃🔃 due 👅 to 😛💦 association. ☝️ development of 👬 modern industry, therefore, 👉🔥 cuts from 🏽 under its 📞 feet 👣 ☝️ very foundation on which ☝️ bourgeoisie produces ➕ appropriates products. What ⁉😦 ☝️ bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, 💯 ✅ its 👤👤 own 👐 grave-diggers. Its fall 🍁↘ ➕ ☝️ victory 🏆✌ of 👬 ☝️ proletariat 💯 equally inevitable. ii. Proletarians ➕ communists 🔴🔴 in what relation do ☝️ communists stand to 😣 ☝️ proletarians as 🍑🍑 🅰️ whole? 💦 ☝️ communists do 😭👀 ❎ form 🅰️ separate party 🍕🎉 opposed to 💦 other 👪 working-class parties. 🎂🙌 they ❤😈 have no interests separate 🗾🗾 ➕ apart 😭 from those 🍑👞 of ☝️ proletariat as 👏 🅰️ whole. ⭕ they do 😂 ❎ set up any 😱💦 sectarian principles of 💦📀 their own, ☯ by which 👩👏 to 💰💦 shape ⚪⚪ ➕ mould ☝️ proletarian movement. ☝️ communists 🔴🔴 💯 distinguished from ☝️ other 🏾 working-class parties 🎂🙌 by 📧 👉 only: (1️⃣) ♂👸 in 🍆😫 ☝️ national struggles of 🗜 ☝️ proletarians of 😍🍞 ☝️ different countries, they 👴🤵 point out 💯 ➕ bring ⬅ to 🔭 ☝️ front 🔝 ☝️ common 😍 interests of 💦🏧 ☝️ entire 🙌🌪 proletariat, independently of 💦 all nationality. (2️⃣) 👱🙀 in ☝️ various stages of 💦 development 🔬🔬 which ☝️ struggle of 💦💦 ☝️ working 😩 class against ☝️ bourgeoisie has 🚸 to 🏃 pass through, they always ➕ everywhere 😍 represent ✊ ☝️ interests of 💦💦 ☝️ movement as 🗻 🅰️ whole. 👧 ☝️ communists, therefore, 💯 on ⬇ ☝️ one hand, practically, ☝️ most 🤚 advanced 📕 ➕ resolute section of 🤔😫 ☝️ working-class 😩😭 parties 🙌 of 💦👌 every 💯 country, 👆 section which 👏 pushes forward ⏰⏭ all others; 👀 on 🔛 ☝️ other hand, theoretically, they 💥👧 have ✊👏 over ☝️ great 👌👍 mass ⛪⛪ of 💦 ☝️ proletariat ☝️ advantage of 👉 clearly 🤓 understanding ☝️ line 💨💨 of 💦👪 march, ☝️ conditions, ➕ ☝️ ultimate general 👮♂ results 🔢 of 😂 ☝️ proletarian movement. ☝️ immediate aim of 🚑🏫 ☝️ communist ✅ ☝️ same as 💰 👆 of 😏 all 🗿👀 ☝️ other 👊 proletarian parties: 🙌 formation of 🏻💀 ☝️ proletariat into 🅰️ class, overthrow of 🔌💦 ☝️ bourgeois supremacy, ✅✅ conquest 🤺 of 👄💰 political power by 👀👊 ☝️ proletariat. ☝️ theoretical conclusions of ☝️ communists 🔴 💯 in 😂⤴ no 👌 way 😇↕ based 🍞👌 on 🔛 ideas or 💁 principles 👆 have been 👑🥜 invented, or 👉💁 discovered, by 👷 👉 or 💰 👆 would-be 😏 universal reformer. They merely express, 🚅 in ⏬ general terms, actual ❗❗ relations 🍆🍆 springing from 💰😮 🅰️♑️ existing class 🎓🤓 struggle, 😣😥 from 🕒 🅰️ historical movement going 🚕 on 👀 under ⬇👎 our very 💎 eyes. ☝️ abolition of 🔍 existing property relations ✅ ❎ at 👌 all 🥜 🅰️ distinctive feature of communism. all property relations in 😎👏 ☝️ past ⚰📟 have 🍴 continually been 👏😀 subject to 👌💦 historical change 😩 consequent upon 😽💰 ☝️ change in 🔥👉 historical conditions. ☝️ french 🧀👨 revolution, 👺 for 🎅 example, abolished feudal property in 🙌 favour of 💦💦 bourgeois property. ☝️ distinguishing feature of 🚋💦 communism ✅ ❎ ☝️ abolition of 🗜🔴 property generally, 👀 but ☝️ abolition of bourgeois property. But ❄🍑 modern 🌁 bourgeois private property ✅ ☝️ final 🔮🔮 ➕ most 🔝🤚 complete expression of 🔟 ☝️ system of 🔥🔝 producing ➕ appropriating products, 👆 ✅ based on 🏽 class antagonisms, on ☝️ exploitation of 💦💦 ☝️ many 💯🏼 by 🍂 ☝️ few. 👇😋 in 😎👉 👉 sense, 🤐🏻 ☝️ theory 🍆 of 💦💥 ☝️ communists may 📅📅 be 👏 summed up 😫🏽 in 🐕🌆 ☝️ single sentence: abolition of 🎭 private property. we 👦🅱 communists 🔴🔴 have been reproached with ☝️ desire of 😢💯 abolishing ☝️ right of 💦🤤 personally 💻 acquiring property as 🍑💰 ☝️ fruit of 🅰️ man's 👫 own labour, which 😩🐱 property ✅ alleged to 💰👌 be ☝️ groundwork of ♂🌈 all 💪 personal freedom, activity ➕ independence. 📜 hard-won, 🏻 self-acquired, 🙇 self-earned 💯 property! do 💕 👉 mean ☝️ property of 🔥💦 ☝️ petty artisan ➕ of 💦🤔 ☝️ small 👌👏 peasant, 🅰️ form 💦 of property 👆 preceded ☝️ bourgeois form? 💦 there 🤔✔ ✅ no 😩♂ need 📱🙅 to 🍒✌ abolish 👆; ☝️ development of 💦😎 industry has 👏👏 to 🔟💦 🅰️ great extent already 😞 destroyed it, ➕ ✅ still 👏👠 destroying it 🔜 daily. 💰📆 or do 👉 mean 😏 modern bourgeois private 🕵 property? but 🏽☝ does wage-labour create any 💦 property for 😏🙌 ☝️ labourer? ❎ 🅰️ bit. 😁😁 It creates capital, 🔤🔤 🙋*♂️.e., 👆 kind 🤗🙁 of 💦 property which exploits wage-labour, ➕ which 🏼 cannot increase except 😮 upon 👦 condition of 🗼 begetting 🅰️ new 🍆 supply of wage-labour for fresh 😍 exploitation. Property, in its 😫👤 present 🎀 form, 💦 ✅ based 😎 on 🔛💦 ☝️ antagonism of 💦 capital 🔤🔤 ➕ wage-labour. Let 🙆🙆 us 💦 examine both sides of 👉 antagonism. to be 💪🎮 🅰️ capitalist, ✅ to have ❎ only 😤 🅰️ purely personal, but 🅰️ social status 👉🙋 in production. 🌚🌚 Capital 🔤🔤 ✅ 🅰️ collective product, 👟👟 ➕ only by ☝️ united 👏 action of many members, nay, in 😜 ☝️ last resort, only ☝ by ☝️ united action 💪 of 💦 all members 👨👨 of society, 👧👩 can it 🚶 be 🐝🐝 set 👌🕸 in motion. capital 🔤🔤 ✅, therefore, ❎ 🅰️ personal, it 👏 ✅ 🅰️ social 💰 power. 💯 when, therefore, 👉🎉 capital 🔤🔤 ✅ converted into ⬇ common 🐩 property, into 😂 ☝️ property of all members 👨 of 💦 society, 👨😥 personal property ✅ ❎ thereby transformed 📻 into social 🛂📀 property. It 👉😂 ✅ only 🙏👏 ☝️ social 📖📀 character 🙈👺 of 👨🤔 ☝️ property 👆 ✅ changed. It 🤡😨 loses its 👏 class-character. 🎓🎓 let us now ⌚😭 take wage-labour. ☝️ average 💰➗ price 💲📈 of 🅱 wage-labour ✅ ☝️ minimum wage, 🙋*♂️.e., 🐝🗼 👆 quantum of ☝️ means 🕖 of 😝 subsistence, which 🤤 ✅ absolutely requisite in ⬅✝ bare existence 😎😍 as 🅰️ labourer. What, ✉🤔 therefore, 👏 ☝️ wage-labourer appropriates by 👨😀 means of 💡😢 his 👈 labour, merely suffices to 🤷💦 prolong ➕ reproduce 👅👅 🅰️ bare existence. 🔥💙 We 👧 by no 💦❌ means intend to 😱 abolish 👉 personal appropriation of 💦 ☝️ products of 💦😎 labour, 🅰️♑️ appropriation 👆 ✅ made 🍔🙌 for ☝️ maintenance ➕ reproduction of 💦💦 human 👩👦 life, 😁 ➕ 👆 leaves 💀 no surplus wherewith to 😣 command ☝️ labour of 🚀💦 others. All 👧🌈 👆 we 👥 want to do away 🙅😅 with, 👦 ✅ ☝️ miserable character 💀 of 💦🌾 👉 appropriation, under ⬇ which 😩 ☝️ labourer lives 🤕🤕 merely to 💦 increase capital, 🔤🔤 ➕ ✅ allowed 🤔😡 to live only in 🏻👏 so far 🌌👉 as ☝️ interest 👀 of 💰💰 ☝️ ruling class 🥇🥇 requires it. in bourgeois society, 👨 living 🐲😮 labour ✅ but 🍑 🅰️ means 🙄😏 to increase 💳💳 accumulated labour. In 👏 communist society, 👨 accumulated labour ✅ but 🍑 🅰️ means 😏 to ✌ widen, to enrich, to ✌🤑 promote ☝️ existence of 😤 ☝️ labourer. in 👏💁 bourgeois society, 👨👥 therefore, ☝️ past dominates ☝️ present; 🎀 in 🔽👉 communist 😈 society, ☝️ present dominates ☝️ past. 👏🗿 In 👇♂ bourgeois society capital 🔤 ✅ independent 🙅 ➕ has 👏👏 individuality, while ☝️ living 👇 👤 ✅ dependent ➕ has 👏🅰 no 😤 individuality. ➕ ☝️ abolition of ♂ 👉 state 👏🗽 of things 🕑 ✅ called 📲 by ☝️ bourgeois, abolition of individuality ➕ freedom! ➕ rightly so. ❓🔫 ☝️ abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, 📜📜 ➕ bourgeois freedom ✅ undoubtedly aimed at. 👅 by freedom ✅ meant, 🚫🚫 under ⬇ ☝️ present 🎀 bourgeois conditions of 🗜💰 production, 🌚🌚 free 🏛 trade, 📜📜 free selling ➕ buying. but 👹 if ☝ selling ➕ buying disappears, free selling ➕ buying disappears also. 👉 talk 🗣 about 🥕 free 👏🔓 selling ➕ buying, ➕ all 😩🌎 ☝️ other 🎴 "brave words" of our 👵💩 bourgeoisie about freedom in general, 👮 have 🎁 🅰️ meaning, ⛔❌ if 🤥😤 any, only 💳 in 🕐🌆 contrast with restricted selling ➕ buying, with ☝️ fettered traders of ☝️ middle ages, ⌚⌚ but have no meaning ⛔🔪 when 🕛🕗 opposed to 💦♻ ☝️ communistic abolition of 😳💦 buying ➕ selling, of 💰 ☝️ bourgeois conditions of production, 🌚 ➕ of 💯 ☝️ bourgeoisie itself. 👉 💯 horrified 😱 at 😤 our 🚟😻 intending to do away 😬🙅 with 👏 private 🕵 property. But 🍑 in 😛 your 💸 existing society, 👧 private property ✅ already done 🍆⌛ away 👆👆 with 👏 for 🍆 nine-tenths 🍆🍆 of 💦🔴 ☝️ population; its ✊ existence 🚹 for 🤔 ☝️ few 👇👇 ✅ solely 👞👞 due to 🏿 its 👏 non-existence in 🚪 ☝️ hands 🙌👊 of 🅱 those 👈 nine-tenths. 🍆🍆 👉 reproach 👎👎 us, 😋❗ therefore, 👏👏 with 👏👀 intending to 😂🚫 do 💦💪 away ⛔😭 with 👏👏 🅰️ form 💦💦 of 💰👨 property, ☝️ necessary condition for whose 🌄🌄 existence 🚹 ✅ ☝️ non-existence 🏆 of ⛄👏 any 🍵😱 property for 🍆🎅 ☝️ immense majority of society. 😥👥 in ♂ one 👆😤 word, 👉 reproach 👎 us 💦💯 with 😣😡 intending to do away 😭 with 👩 your 🍎😩 property. Precisely so; 🤙🏻 👆 ✅ just 🏻👏 what 😅💦 we 👦 intend. from ☝️ moment ☀ when labour can 👀💦 no 🙅🍆 longer be 🅱 converted into capital, 🔤🔤 money, 💰💦 or rent, 💵 into 🚟🚪 🅰️ social power 🔌⚡ capable of being 😩 monopolised, 🙋*♂️.e., 🏻😩 from ☝️ moment 🔙 when 😂 individual property can 🔫💦 no 🤔 longer 😏🍆 be 🥜 transformed into 👏 bourgeois property, into ☔💦 capital, 🔤🔤 from 🕒🛣 👆 moment, 👉 say individuality vanishes. 👉 must, therefore, 🎉👉 confess 👆 by ⏩ "individual" 🥖🥖 👉 mean 👿🅱 no other 👤 than 🅰 ☝️ bourgeois, than ☝️ middle-class owner 🚹 of 🚋😕 property. 👉 👤 must, 🏽👏 indeed, be 🐝➡ swept 🤣🤣 out 💦 of 😤💦 ☝️ way, ↕👯 ➕ made 🤗🍔 impossible. communism deprives no man 🤔🏃 of 👏 ☝️ power 👊🔌 to 🙌💦 appropriate 🙌🙌 ☝️ products of society; 👧 all 👨 👆 it does ✅ to 🙌💦 deprive him 👨 of 🔧 ☝️ power 🔋⚡ to ✌ subjugate ☝️ labour of 🐙🅱 others 😤 by 😈 means 😼😫 of 👏❤ such 🔝 appropriation. it 💡 has 👏🙏 been 💴💴 objected 👆 upon 💰💰 ☝️ abolition of 💦 private property all 🌎😎 work 🔜 cease, ➕ universal laziness 🔜 overtake us. 👦👩 according to 💦💦 👉, bourgeois society 👨 ought long ago 🔙 to 👌 have 😩😣 gone 🤔🏃 to ♻👀 ☝️ dogs through 👌☄ sheer idleness; for 🤔🎅 those of 💦😂 its 👏💰 members 👦👨 who ⁉ work, acquire nothing, ➕ those 😈❗ who acquire anything, 🙄 do 👨 ❎ work. ☝️ whole 💦😍 of 😊🤔 👉 objection ✅ but 🗣✋ another expression of 💯 ☝️ tautology: 👆 there can no longer 😏🕚 be 😡 any 🌐 wage-labour when 🕒😩 there ❌ ✅ no longer 😖😲 any 🏼 capital. 🔤 all objections urged against ✊🔫 ☝️ communistic mode of producing ➕ appropriating material products, have, in ☝️ same way, been urged against 😲😫 ☝️ communistic modes of producing ➕ appropriating intellectual 🤓😜 products. Just 👏 as, to 💰🔟 ☝️ bourgeois, ☝️ disappearance of class ✏ property ✅ ☝️ disappearance of production itself, 👏 so 🌹 ☝️ disappearance of 🙌 class 😛 culture ✅ to 💦👬 him 🔱 identical with 👬 ☝️ disappearance of 🍒 all culture. ⛩🌎 👆 culture, ⛩⛩ ☝️ loss 😔😔 of which he 💻👨 laments, ✅, for 😏 ☝️ enormous majority, 🅰️ mere training to 💦⚫ act as 🍑 🅰️ machine. ❤🔥 but 🍑🍑 don't 🚫 wrangle with 😍😣 us 💦👨 so ❌ long 😄 as 👏💎 👉 apply, 🤔😤 to 💦🌱 our 😈 intended abolition of 👏 bourgeois property, ☝️ standard of your 🏾 bourgeois notions of freedom, culture, 🌎🌎 law, 👩📃 etc. Your 👉 very 👌👤 ideas 💯 but ☝️ outgrowth of ☝️ conditions of 😤🚑 your 💪 bourgeois production 🌚🌚 ➕ bourgeois property, just as 🏿 your 🏼 jurisprudence ✅ but 🤔 ☝️ 🔜 of your 👧 class 😛 made 🏠 into ➡🔍 🅰️ law ⚖📃 for 🎁😣 all, 🤠 🅰️ 🔜, whose 🌄 essential character 🙉🙉 ➕ direction 💯 determined by 😈🍂 ☝️ economical conditions of existence 💕🔥 of 💦 your 👴 class. 🏫 ☝️ selfish ✡ misconception 👆 induces 👉 to transform ♻♻ into 👉 eternal laws of nature 🏔 ➕ of 👄 reason, 😰🕵 ☝️ social forms 🐛🐛 springing from your 😧👉 present 🎀 mode of 💦 production ➕ form of property--historical relations 👆 rise ➕ disappear in ⏬☝ ☝️ progress of 💦😍 production--this 🌚 misconception 👉 share with 👏👏 every 👏 ruling class 🤓✏ 👆 has 👉 preceded 👉. What 👉 👀 clearly 🤓 in 👤 ☝️ case of 💰💦 ancient 🎶 property, what 😦😦 👉 admit in 📥🏼 ☝️ case 😂👅 of 🚋😿 feudal property, 👉 💯 of 🚀 course forbidden 🙅 to 🗣 admit in 👏🍆 ☝️ case 🗃👌 of 🤑 your own 🌈🍆 bourgeois form 💦💦 of property. abolition of ☝️ family! 👧 even 🌃🌃 ☝️ most radical 🤗😤 flare up 🍠😍 at 💦 👉 infamous proposal of 📆 ☝️ communists. 🔴 on 🍆 what foundation ✅ ☝️ present 🎀🎀 family, ☝️ bourgeois family, based? on 🔛 capital, 🔤 on 🏿 private gain. 🔼 In its 🙅😆 completely 😍 developed 🚸 form 💦💦 👉 family 👨 exists ✔✔ only among ☝️ bourgeoisie. But 🍑 👉 state 👏🗽 of 💦💦 things 🕑 finds 😂🕵 its complement ⚖🌝 in 👌⤵ ☝️ practical absence of 🙏🔥 ☝️ family 🏾👪 among ☝️ proletarians, ➕ in 👇 public prostitution. ☝️ bourgeois family 👨 🔜 vanish as 🅰👦 🅰️ matter 😡😡 of 💦 course 🏎✔ when 💕⏰ its complement 🌝⚖ vanishes, ➕ both 🔜 vanish with 😍🆕 ☝️ vanishing of 👏 capital. 🔤🔤 do 👉 👉 charge us 🅱 with wanting to 😊💦 stop 🚫❌ ☝️ exploitation of 💦💡 children by 👉👀 their parents? 👧💸 to 👉 crime we plead guilty. 😏 but, 🍑😫 👉 🔜 say, 😩🗣 we 🔫 destroy ☝️ most ❄🦊 hallowed of relations, when 😩 we 👥 replace 👱 home 🏠 education by 😈 social. 💰💰 ➕ your 👨👱 education! 🆓🆓 ✅ ❎ 👆 also 😨🙇 social, 💰💑 ➕ determined by 😈 ☝️ social 💰📖 conditions under ⬇ which 👏 👉 educate, 📚 by ☝️ intervention, direct or indirect, of 💦👯 society, by 📧 means of 😫💦 schools, etc.? ☝️ communists 🔴 have 🅱👏 ❎ invented ☝️ intervention of 🅱 society in 👏 education; 🏫🎓 they do 😐 but seek 💩❕ to alter ☝️ character of 👆 intervention, ➕ to 👬😫 rescue education from 👉 ☝️ influence of ☝️ ruling class. 🎓 ☝️ bourgeois clap-trap 👏 about ☝️ family 👦 ➕ education, 🆓🎓 about 🤖🍾 ☝️ hallowed co-relation of 💰💦 parent 🏻 ➕ child, 👶👪 becomes all ☝️ more 💳➕ disgusting, 🤢🤢 ☝️ more, 🔥 by 🏼 ☝️ action 🤚😏 of 💦 modern industry, all 💯 family ties among 💰 ☝️ proletarians 💯 torn asunder, ➕ their ⭕🏻 children 😍 transformed 📻 into simple 😏 articles of 😍 commerce ➕ instruments of 💦 labour. but ✋ 👉 communists would introduce community 👩 of 💦🕯 women, 😤 screams 😱😠 ☝️ whole 😍 bourgeoisie in chorus. ☝️ bourgeois sees 👀🙄 in 😈🔥 his 🙏 wife 🅰️ mere 💀 instrument of 🍌💦 production. he 🦊 hears 👂👂 👆 ☝️ instruments of production 💯 to 💩 be 😠🐝 exploited in 🕕 common, ➕, naturally, can 🗑💏 come 🤔💦 to 💦 no ❌ other 🏾👈 conclusion than 🏽 👆 ☝️ lot of being 🐝🐝 common 🐩🐩 to 😤💦 all 🔜 likewise fall 😘🍂 to 👌📖 ☝️ women. 👮 he has 👏 ❎ even ♀ 🅰️ suspicion 👆 ☝️ real 🌶 point ⚫ ✅ to do 💬👀 away with 😣👈 ☝️ status of 🌈 women as mere instruments of production. for ☝️ rest, 😧 nothing 🚫 ✅ more ridiculous 😤😤 than ☝️ virtuous indignation of our bourgeois at ☝️ community 🏢 of women ♀♀ which, 🥙 they 👧🏽 pretend, 💭💭 ✅ to be openly ➕ officially 👮🏻 established by 😈 ☝️ communists. 🔴 ☝️ communists 🔴🔴 have 🅰🅰 no 🅱🏼 need to ⬆🚓 introduce community 👥 of 🈸👮 women; it 👋♀ has 👏👏 existed almost 😲 from 💰👉 time immemorial. our 🐶 bourgeois, ❎ content 😊💯 with having 🍽👉 ☝️ wives 🐷🐷 ➕ daughters of their 👩 proletarians at 👨😴 their ⭕ disposal, ❎ to 💦💯 speak 🗣😶 of ❗👨 common 💦😍 prostitutes, take 👩😳 ☝️ greatest pleasure in 📥👇 seducing each 👋👏 other's wives. 👌🐷 bourgeois marriage ✅ in 👏⬇ reality 🅰️ system 🤣 of 😤 wives 👉 in common 🐩 ➕ thus, at 👒👀 ☝️ most, 🔝😃 what ☝️ communists 🔴 might 🤷 possibly be 👏🆗 reproached with, 😣👏 ✅ 👆 they desire to 💦💦 introduce, in 👏👉 substitution for 🎁 🅰️ hypocritically concealed, 🅰️♑️ openly legalised community 🌈 of women. For 🍆 ☝️ rest, it 📣😝 ✅ self-evident 👆 ☝️ abolition of 💦 ☝️ present 🎀 system 🏻😎 of 👱😰 production 🌚 must 💪 bring 📉 with 👏 it 😂 ☝️ abolition of 🍨🚋 ☝️ community 👥 of 🈸😂 women 🙋👄 springing from 👆 system, 🤣🌌 🙋*♂️.e., of 😎🍌 prostitution both 👩🌊 public 😫😱 ➕ private. ☝️ communists 🔴 💯 further reproached with 👏 desiring to 😤 abolish countries 🏳 ➕ nationality. ☝️ working 💪 men 🏃😂 have no ⛔🙅 country. 😣😤 We 😍👦 cannot 👊 take 👏 from 👉 them 🏿 what they 🙋 have 🅰 ❎ got. 🔪😏 Since 💦👨 ☝️ proletariat must first 🥇 of 👏💦 all 💯🅱 acquire political supremacy, must rise to 💸💦 be ☝️ leading 💰💰 class of ☝️ nation, must constitute itself 🙏 ☝️ nation, 🏞🏞 it 😤 ✅, so far, itself 👈 national, though 🔥💭 ❎ in ☝️ bourgeois sense 🎥💰 of 🌈 ☝️ word. 💁 national differences ➕ antagonisms between 🖕 peoples 💯 daily 💰 more ➕ ➕ more ➕ vanishing, owing to ☝️ development 🔬🔬 of 🚨 ☝️ bourgeoisie, to 🙏💦 freedom of 🥗 commerce, to 💦😵 ☝️ world-market, to uniformity in 🌋 ☝️ mode of 👏📀 production 🌚 ➕ in ♂👏 ☝️ conditions of life corresponding thereto. ☝️ supremacy ✅ of 💦 ☝️ proletariat 🔜 cause 🎗 them 😂😤 to ⏬💦 vanish still 🙄 faster. 🚀🚀 United action, 🤚 of 🤔 ☝️ leading civilised countries 🏳 at 💰😂 least, 👬🤸 ✅ one 😣 of 🍆😫 ☝️ first 🕐 conditions for ☝️ emancipation of ☝️ proletariat. in ♀ proportion as ☝️ exploitation of one 💪 individual 🥖 by another 🏻 ✅ put 💁 🅰️♑️ end to, ☝️ exploitation of 😊📆 one ☝🍳 nation 🆘 by another 📺 🔜 also ➕ be 🚫 put 👏✋ 🅰️♑️ end 🔚🏽 to. 🔃😩 In ⬅ proportion as ☝️ antagonism between classes within ☝️ nation 🏞🏞 vanishes, ☝️ hostility of 🗼💦 one 🔝😤 nation 🏞 to another 🔜 come 💦 to 🎉 🅰️♑️ end. 🚫 ☝️ charges 💸 against communism made 💰🤗 from 👊😂 🅰️ religious, 😱 🅰️ philosophical, ➕, generally, 😄👀 from 🅰️♑️ ideological standpoint, 💯 ❎ deserving of 💦 serious examination. does 🏋☝ it 🐓 require deep 😝😩 intuition to 🙏 comprehend 👆 man's 🌊 ideas, views ➕ conceptions, in one 💕♿ word, 🅰 man's 🌊 consciousness, changes 🚼💰 with every 👏 change in 👏👏 ☝️ conditions of his 💦 material existence, 😍💌 in 👈🏠 his 👨 social relations 🍆🍆 ➕ in 👮💉 his social life? 😱😤 what 💣👑 else does ☝️ history of 🏫👬 ideas prove, than 🅰 👆 intellectual production 🌚 changes its character 👺👺 in proportion as material 👔 production 🌚🌚 ✅ changed? 😩 ☝️ ruling ideas of each 👏 age 📅 have ever been ☝️ ideas of its 🙅👤 ruling class. 🎓 when 📰👌 👥 speak of 🔟💦 ideas 👆 revolutionise society, 👧😥 they 👈 do 👌💪 but 🍑 express 🚅 ☝️ fact, 👏🔍 👆 within 👏🤞 ☝️ old 🍆💦 society, 👧 ☝️ elements of 🐶💰 🅰️ new one 😤☝ have 😑😏 been 🏼😀 created, ➕ 👆 ☝️ dissolution of ☝️ old 😀😖 ideas keeps even pace with ☝️ dissolution of ☝️ old conditions of existence. 💓 when ⏰📰 ☝️ ancient 🎶🎶 world 🌍 was 💦😱 in its 🌏🏾 last throes, ☝️ ancient religions were overcome 💦💦 by 🚟👋 christianity. When christian ideas succumbed in 👇🙏 ☝️ 1️⃣8️⃣th century to 😤💳 rationalist ideas, feudal society 👥 fought its death battle 💥 with ☝️ then 💯🙈 revolutionary bourgeoisie. ☝️ ideas of religious 😱 liberty 👬 ➕ freedom of conscience merely gave expression to 💦💦 ☝️ sway of 💦👬 free competition 🤔 within 👌😱 ☝️ domain of 💦💦 knowledge. 😍 "undoubtedly," it 🔜 be 🐝🏼 said, 😍🗣 "religious, 😱😱 moral, 😤😤 philosophical ➕ juridical ideas have 👏👏 been modified in ☝️ course 😂 of historical development. But religion, morality philosophy, 😒😔 political science, 🌡🔬 ➕ law, ⚖🚓 constantly 〰 survived 👉 change." 🔁 "there ✔🤔 💯, besides, eternal 🎗 truths, such 😳 as freedom, justice, 🔨 etc. 👆 💯 common 😍😍 to 👐 all 💯 states of society. 👨 But 🍑🍑 communism abolishes eternal 💎 truths, it 👩💯 abolishes all 💯💯 religion, 😇 ➕ all morality, instead 👽💴 of 💦 constituting them 😂 on 🚶🔛 🅰️ new 👆 basis; 😤📅 it 🙂 therefore 👉🎉 acts in 🏡👮 contradiction to 👍 all 👺 past 🗿 historical experience." 😋😋 what 😦👑 does 👉 accusation 😱😱 reduce itself 👏 to? 👋😉 ☝️ history 🤓 of 🏧 all past society 👨 has 👏👏 consisted in 🏽🚗 ☝️ development 🔬 of 😂 class 🎓⚠ antagonisms, antagonisms 👆 assumed different 💰🏼 forms 🐛 at 🍆 different 👉 epochs. but 🍑 whatever form 💦 they may 💯 have taken, 🙏 one fact 👏 ✅ common to 🐚 all past ages, viz., ☝️ exploitation of one 💒 part 😤🤐 of society 👨👩 by ☝️ other. 🏻 No 🙅🙅 wonder, 🤔 then, 😮🏿 👆 ☝️ social consciousness of 💦💦 past ⚰🗿 ages, despite 🙅♂ all ☝️ multiplicity ➕ variety it ✋💯 displays, moves 👬😤 within 🅰 certain 🤔🤔 common 🐩 forms, 🐛 or 🍆 general ideas, which 🤤👌 cannot completely 🙌😫 vanish except with 👀 ☝️ total 📈 disappearance of class antagonisms. ☝️ communist ♀ revolution 👺💥 ✅ ☝️ most radical rupture with traditional 📵 property relations; ♋🍆 no 👌 wonder 🤔🤔 👆 its development involves ☝️ most radical rupture with traditional 📵📵 ideas. but let 👌 us 💯🤵 have 🈶🤜 done 🏽 with ☝️ bourgeois objections to 💦💦 communism. we 🎎👥 have seen above, 🔝 👆 ☝️ first 🥇👆 step 📈⬅ in 🍑 ☝️ revolution by 😈😈 ☝️ working class, 🏫 ✅ to raise ☝️ proletariat to ☝️ position of ruling as to 🍆👬 win 👏 ☝️ battle of democracy. 📈 ☝️ proletariat 🔜 use 👏 its 👌🙅 political supremacy ✅✅ to wrest, by 😈⚡ degrees, all capital from 🤤 ☝️ bourgeoisie, to centralise all 💯👦 instruments of 🗼 production 🌚 in ☝️ hands of ☝️ state, 🙋*♂️.e., 🐝 of 💦💦 ☝️ proletariat organised as 🅱☠ ☝️ ruling class; ✏🎓 ➕ to ✌🌈 increase 💳💳 ☝️ total 📈 of 💰💦 productive 🎨🏀 forces 🍆 as 💦😠 rapidly as possible. 🔝 of course, 👍🏎 in 👏 ☝️ beginning, 😍➡ 👉 cannot ⛔😡 be ☃ effected except 😮 by 😆 means of 👉💦 despotic inroads on 👏🔛 ☝️ rights 👉 of 🤔 property, ➕ on 🔛🔛 ☝️ conditions of 💦💦 bourgeois production; 🌚🌚 by 😈😈 means 💘😫 of 🗜 measures, therefore, 👉 which appear ⁉ economically insufficient ➕ untenable, but which, ❓👏 in 👻 ☝️ course 😂😤 of 👏👨 ☝️ movement, outstrip themselves, 👧👧 necessitate further 🤔🤔 inroads upon 👉😽 ☝️ old 😓👴 social order, ➕ 💯 unavoidable as 🍑🎨 🅰️ means 🤔 of 👱 entirely revolutionising ☝️ mode of 🍨 production. 🌚 these measures 🔜 of 🚑 course 💰 be different 💰 in different 🈯👱 countries. 🏳 nevertheless in 👤 ☝️ most 🦊 advanced countries, ☝️ following 🔜 be 💗👨 pretty generally applicable. 1️⃣. ♀👈 Abolition of property in land 🏞 ➕ application of ♂ all 🤰🦊 rents of 🏫 land 💯🌇 to public purposes. 2️⃣. 🅰️ heavy progressive or ➕💯 graduated income tax. 3️⃣. 🥜 Abolition of 💦💦 all 🛑💯 right of 👀👌 inheritance. 4️⃣. 💦🕑 Confiscation of 💦💦 ☝️ property of all 🛑 emigrants ➕ rebels. 5️⃣. Centralisation of 💰 credit in 🍑 ☝️ hands ✋💦 of 💻👨 ☝️ state, by 💕 means of 😫 🅰️ national bank 🏛 with 😲😉 state 🏛🏛 capital ➕ 🅰️♑️ exclusive monopoly. 6️⃣. 🏠❗ Centralisation of ☝️ means 😏😏 of 👏💰 communication 📰 ➕ transport in 🏼👏 ☝️ hands 🙊😤 of ☝️ state. 7️⃣. Extension of 🔴 factories ➕ instruments of 💦 production owned by ☝️ state; 👦👦 ☝️ bringing into cultivation of 💰💦 waste-lands, ➕ ☝️ improvement of ☝️ soil generally 😄😄 in 👏🍆 accordance with 🅰️ common 🐩😍 plan. 🔝 8️⃣. Equal ⬆👬 liability of 😤💦 all 💯 to 👆 labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially 🙌😧 for ⛓💰 agriculture. 9️⃣. 🅰🈂 Combination of 🅱👉 agriculture with 👏 manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of 🗜 ☝️ distinction between town 🔥❣ ➕ country, 🏃🏃 by 🅰️ more equable distribution of 💦 ☝️ population 👥 over ☝️ country. 🏃😣 1️⃣0️⃣. 💸 Free 👏👍 education 🆓🆓 for all children in public 🌇 schools. abolition of 💦👪 children's 👶👶 factory labour in its 🌏🆗 present form. 💦 combination 🔃🔃 of education 🏫🎓 with industrial production, 🌚🌚 &c., &c. when, in ☝️ course 🏎😂 of development, 🔬 class 👨 distinctions have 👌 disappeared, 💢💢 ➕ all production 🌚 has 🤔💰 been 👏😀 concentrated in ☝️ hands of 🚀👪 🅰️ vast association of 👏🔟 ☝️ whole nation, 🏞🗺 ☝️ public 👤🍆 power 💯⚡ 🔜 lose its 🌲☠ political character. Political power, properly 👸👸 so ❓☠ called, 🌷😂 ✅ merely ☝️ organised power of one 😬♿ class 👩🏫 for oppressing another. If 💀 ☝️ proletariat during 🏃 its 🙅🆗 contest with 😤👈 ☝️ bourgeoisie ✅ compelled, by 😆😈 ☝️ force 👊 of circumstances, to 💦👌 organise itself as 🅰️ class, 👩📓 if, 🏿 by 😗 means ❓ of 💦💦 🅰️ revolution, 💥💥 it makes 🛠 itself 👏👏 ☝️ ruling class, ➕, as 🍑 such, 😱 sweeps away ♀👋 by 😈🚟 force 🌑👊 ☝️ old 👴👵 conditions of 😳 production, 🌚 then it 💯💨 🔜, along with 👏 these 🖌 conditions, have swept 🤣 away ☝️ conditions for 🎅💰 ☝️ existence 💚💖 of class 👨 antagonisms ➕ of 🐶💦 classes generally, 😄 ➕ 🔜 thereby have ✊👏 abolished its 👤 own supremacy ✅✅ as 🅰️ class. 📚 in place 🙌❤ of 😿 ☝️ old 🏾🍆 bourgeois society, 🌎👥 with its classes ➕ class 👩 antagonisms, we shall 📍🔓 have 💢 🅰️♑️ association, in which ☝️ free 🏇 development 🔬 of each ✅ ☝️ condition 🌬🌬 for ☝️ free 👏 development 🔬🔬 of 💦 all. iii. Socialist ➕ communist literature 1️⃣. ☃ Reactionary socialism 🅰️. Feudal socialism 💖 owing to 👆💦 their 😂 historical position, 😫🏿 it became ✝ ☝️ vocation of 💦👏 ☝️ aristocracies of 👏 france ➕ england to 👏 write ✏ pamphlets against 🔫👉 modern 🌁🌁 bourgeois society. In 👉 ☝️ french 🧀 revolution 🔫🔫 of 💰💦 july 🎇🎇 1️⃣8️⃣3️⃣0️⃣, 🔋♀ ➕ in 👏🙈 ☝️ english ❌❌ reform agitation, these aristocracies again ❌ succumbed to ☝️ hateful upstart. Thenceforth, 🅰️ serious 😒 political contest was 😱👏 altogether out of 🚋💦 ☝️ question. ❓😺 🅰️ literary battle alone 😤 remained possible. 🔝 But 🍑 even 🌃✖ in 😎 ☝️ domain of literature ☝️ old cries 😭 of ☹💦 ☝️ restoration 🏗🏗 period 🔴🔴 had ☝🍑 become 🤦 impossible. in order to 💦😘 arouse sympathy, ☝️ aristocracy were 👧 obliged to 💦 lose 🚫 sight, 👀 apparently, of their own 😱♂ interests, ➕ to 💯➡ formulate their 🍮⬅ indictment against 😤🚫 ☝️ bourgeoisie in 🍑🌋 ☝️ interest 🤔 of ☝️ exploited working 👷🔨 class 🎓⚠ alone. 🙀🙀 Thus 😂 ☝️ aristocracy took 😲 their 🏿🙆 revenge by 👀😈 singing 👩👩 lampoons on their 💴 new 🏽 master, 🥇 ➕ whispering in 😜 his ♂ ears 🙏 sinister prophecies of 💦👅 coming 🏃 catastrophe. in ♂👏 👉 way ↕ arose feudal socialism: 💖 half ⚰ lamentation, half 💀😹 lampoon; half 💀 echo of ☝️ past, 📟 half 😂 menace 👹💥 of 😤 ☝️ future; 💞👅 at 😂👅 times, by its bitter, 😖😖 witty ➕ incisive criticism, striking ☝️ bourgeoisie to ☝️ very 👿 heart's 😍☝ core; 💰💰 but 🌚💏 always ludicrous in its 🙅 effect, through 😩😩 total 📈😏 incapacity to 👊💦 comprehend ☝️ march of modern history. 📖📖 ☝️ aristocracy, in 👉 order 📑📑 to 💦🙅 rally ☝️ 👥 to ✌💦 them, waved ☝️ proletarian alms-bag in 📥 front 🔝 for 👏 🅰️ banner. But ☹ ☝️ 👥, so often as 🤔 it 😠🤔 joined them, 😢 saw 👁👀 on ↔🔛 their hindquarters ☝️ old feudal coats of arms, 🙆 ➕ deserted with 😏 loud ➕ irreverent laughter. 🤣🤣 one 😱☝ section 📦 of 😫 ☝️ french ⚜ legitimists ➕ "young england" exhibited 👉 spectacle. in pointing out 👆 their mode of 💦 exploitation was 😏 different 🏼 to 👆 of ☝️ bourgeoisie, ☝️ feudalists forget 🤔❌ 👆 they 😈💪 exploited under circumstances ❌❌ ➕ conditions 👆 were ⏬ quite 💬 different, 🏼💬 ➕ 👆 💯 now 😭 antiquated. In 🚪 showing 😏 👆, under 😡👇 their 👈 rule, ⚖ ☝️ modern proletariat never 🙅🙅 existed, they 😱🏽 forget 👆 ☝️ modern 🌁 bourgeoisie ✅ ☝️ necessary offspring 💯 of 🔟 their own form of 👨🍨 society. for 🙌🖍 ☝️ rest, 😊 so 👍🌃 little 🏽 do ♂ they 🏼👨 conceal ☝️ reactionary character 🙉 of their 👧🍆 criticism 👆 their 🔟 chief accusation 😱😱 against ✊ ☝️ bourgeoisie amounts to 💦 👉, 👆 under 👎 ☝️ bourgeois regime 🅰️ class ⚠ ✅ being 😑🙄 developed, which ✅ destined to ✌⬆ cut up 👀🙅 root ➕ branch 🌳🌳 ☝️ old order ❌ of 👀😫 society. 🌎👩 what 😦❔ they upbraid ☝️ bourgeoisie with 😍 ✅ ❎ so 💯 much 👎😐 👆 it 🏻 creates 🅰️ proletariat, as 👆 it 🤷🏿 creates 🅰️ revolutionary ♻ proletariat. in political practice, 🍆🍆 therefore, 👏 they 🏼👥 join 👌🤼 in all 👇💪 coercive measures against ☝️ working class; ➕ in ordinary life, 😂 despite 🙅♂ their 💦💦 high falutin phrases, they 💥😈 stoop to 🗝 pick up 💪 ☝️ golden 👳💕 apples dropped 😡😡 from 🏼👉 ☝️ tree of 💦👏 industry, ➕ to barter truth, 🙌🙌 ❤️, ➕ honour for 💕🍆 traffic 🚥 in wool, beetroot-sugar, ➕ potato spirits. as 🍑👦 ☝️ parson has 🈶 ever 😄🙅 gone 🏃🏃 hand in hand with 👏👏 ☝️ landlord, so has clerical socialism with ➡👏 feudal socialism. nothing ✅ easier 😀 than to 👬📃 give christian 🙏🏻 asceticism 🅰️ socialist tinge. Has ❎ christianity declaimed against 😲🚫 private 🕵🕵 property, against 😫😠 marriage, against 😤 ☝️ state? has 👏👏 it ♂⌨ ❎ preached in 🕶 ☝️ place ⛲ of 🐶💦 these, ☠👈 charity ➕ poverty, celibacy 😈 ➕ mortification of ☝️ flesh, monastic life 💓👼 ➕ mother 👵 church? christian 🏻 socialism 👍👍 ✅ but 👹🍑 ☝️ holy 👼👕 water with 👏👏 which ☝️ priest consecrates ☝️ heart-burnings 💗❤ of ☝️ aristocrat. b. 🅱 Petty-bourgeois socialism 👍👍 ☝️ feudal aristocracy was ❎ ☝️ only 🤣💯 class 👆 was 💯🅰 ruined by 😈👉 ☝️ bourgeoisie, ❎ ☝️ only class 🏫 whose conditions of existence 😍😍 pined ➕ perished in ☝️ atmosphere of modern bourgeois society. 👩 ☝️ mediaeval burgesses ➕ ☝️ small 👌👏 peasant proprietors were 🚶😲 ☝️ precursors of 👨 ☝️ modern 🌁 bourgeoisie. In 👆💦 those 👞 countries 🏳 which 👏👏 💯 but 👹🤤 little developed, 🚸 industrially ➕ commercially, these two classes still vegetate side 💵💵 by side with 💰👏 ☝️ rising bourgeoisie. in 🍑👏 countries where 😾 modern 🌁🌁 civilisation has 💰 become fully ☑ developed, 🅰️ new class 🥇🎓 of petty bourgeois has been 👍 formed, fluctuating ⬇⬇ between 🖕👉 proletariat ➕ bourgeoisie ➕ ever renewing itself 👏 as 😖 🅰️ supplementary part 🎰 of 😰🚋 bourgeois society. 👨👩 ☝️ individual members 👦 of 🤓 👉 class, 🎓 however, 🖐 💯 being constantly hurled down 🔊⬇ into 🚟😩 ☝️ proletariat by ☝️ action of 🕯👪 competition, ➕, as modern industry develops, they even 🤤 👀 ☝️ moment approaching when 🕐 they 🔜 completely 😍😣 disappear as 🅰️♑️ independent section 📦📦 of modern 🌁🌁 society, 👪👧 to 🏿😘 be 🐝➡ replaced, in manufactures, agriculture ➕ commerce, by 😈👉 overlookers, bailiffs ➕ shopmen. in 🌆 countries 🏳🏳 like 🤳 france, where 😾 ☝️ peasants 🌾 constitute far 🚷 more 🔨⚠ than 🤢 half 😂 of 💦 ☝️ population, it 👏💦 was natural 🍃 👆 writers who 🚫 sided with 😤 ☝️ proletariat against 🚫😠 ☝️ bourgeoisie, should 💘 use, in 😜 their criticism of 💦 ☝️ bourgeois regime, 🏯🏯 ☝️ standard of ☝️ peasant ➕ petty bourgeois, ➕ from ☝️ standpoint of 🍳 these intermediate classes should 💘💘 take ✋♦ up 🌍 ☝️ cudgels for 👍 ☝️ working 👐 class. ⚠ Thus ❗😮 arose petty-bourgeois socialism. 💖💖 Sismondi was ☝️ head 🤦⬅ of 👉 school, 🏠🏫 ❎ only 👨🏦 in 🔥👏 france but 🍑😝 also ➕ in england. 👉 school 🏫 of 🚋😫 socialism 💖👍 dissected with 😤 great acuteness ☝️ contradictions in 🔫 ☝️ conditions of ☹💦 modern 🌁🌁 production. 🌚🌚 It 🙅💯 laid 💦🍆 bare ☝️ hypocritical apologies of 😤😫 economists. It 🏼 proved, incontrovertibly, ☝️ disastrous effects of 💰 machinery ➕ division of 😤👏 labour; ☝️ concentration of capital 🔤🔤 ➕ land 🏜💯 in 👈👉 🅰️ few hands; 👏 overproduction ➕ crises; it 🏿💋 pointed out ☝️ inevitable ruin of ☝️ petty bourgeois ➕ peasant, ☝️ misery 😢👎 of 🔧💦 ☝️ proletariat, ☝️ anarchy in 😏 production, 🌚🌚 ☝️ crying 😢 inequalities in 🕐😂 ☝️ distribution of 👏 wealth, ☝️ industrial war 🔫💣 of 💰🎆 extermination between nations, ☝️ dissolution of 👨 old 👴 moral 😤😤 bonds, ♂🏻 of 🗜 ☝️ old 👴 family relations, of ☝️ old 😂🏾 nationalities. in its positive aims, however, 🖐💰 👉 form 💦💦 of 👏🤤 socialism 👍 aspires either to restoring ☝️ old 👶🏻 means 😫 of production ➕ of exchange, ➕ with ♠👌 them ☝️ old property relations, ➕ ☝️ old 👴🙂 society, 😥 or to ☢💦 cramping ☝️ modern 🌁 means 🎺 of 👉🌈 production 🌚 ➕ of exchange, within ☝️ framework of 🏻💰 ☝️ old 💦 property relations 👆 have 🙌 been, ☢🔙 ➕ were 👌⏬ bound 🤐🤐 to be, 🐝🤓 exploded by those means. 🤔 In 👏 either case, 🅱👌 it 😱😍 ✅ both 🌜🌜 reactionary ➕ utopian. its last 🕞♿ words 🐘🤑 💯: corporate guilds for manufacture, patriarchal relations 🍆 in 🍆😒 agriculture. ultimately, when 💕 stubborn 😂😂 historical facts had 🍆😷 dispersed all intoxicating effects of 💦 self-deception, ❌ 👉 form of 👨 socialism ended 🔚 in 🅰️ miserable fit 🌶🌶 of 💰 ☝️ blues. 💙💙 c. 🤕🔥 German, or 🚫 "true," 😤 socialism 👍 ☝️ socialist ➕ communist 😈 literature 💯 of 💦 france, 🅰️ literature 💦 👆 originated under ⬇👇 ☝️ pressure of 🅰️ bourgeoisie in 👏 power, 💕⚡ ➕ 👆 was 😟🤣 ☝️ expression of 🐣👨 ☝️ struggle against ✊ 👉 power, 💪 was 🏻👇 introduced into germany at 👀♂ 🅰️ time when 🕛💦 ☝️ bourgeoisie, in 🍆👉 👆 country, 😣 had 😭👏 just begun its 🌏😙 contest with 👏😣 feudal absolutism. german philosophers, would-be 😏 philosophers, ➕ beaux esprits, eagerly seized 👋 on 👉 literature, only 👍 forgetting, 👆 when ⏰📰 these ♂ writings immigrated from france into 🍐 germany, french 🧀 social 📖💑 conditions had 👀 ❎ immigrated along 💁 with 🙌 them. 💦 In 🚪 contact 📱 with 🙌 german social 📖💰 conditions, 👉 french 👨 literature 💦 lost 🏳🍆 all 💯💪 its 👤😖 immediate practical significance, ➕ assumed 🅰️ purely literary aspect. Thus, 👌😮 to 😱💰 ☝️ german philosophers of 🔥 ☝️ eighteenth century, ☝️ demands of ☝️ first ☝ french ⚜ revolution 🔫💥 were 👏 nothing 📛 more than ☝️ demands of "practical reason" 🌟 in 🍞 general, 👮 ➕ ☝️ utterance of 😫👏 ☝️ 🔜 of ☝️ revolutionary ♻ french 🥖 bourgeoisie signified in 👏👏 their eyes 👀 ☝️ law 🚓🌍 of 🚀 pure 😍⭐ 🔜, of 🌈 🔜 as it ⬇🚫 was 💦👀 bound to 👂🍑 be, 🏼 of true 😤 human 👤 🔜 generally. 😄 ☝️ world 😫 of 👏👱 ☝️ german literate consisted solely 👞 in 🍌 bringing ☝️ new 👅 french 🧀 ideas into 🔍 harmony with 👏 their ☝ ancient 🎶🎶 philosophical conscience, or rather, ☑🙇 in 🚭👉 annexing ☝️ french 🥐 ideas without 👏🚫 deserting their 🍆 own 😍😎 philosophic point 📌 of 👬 view. 👀 👉 annexation took 👀🤜 place in ☝️ same 👤 way ➡ in ♂👏 which ♀ 🅰️ foreign ⛽ language ✅ appropriated, namely, by 👌 translation. it 😭😉 ✅ well known 👀💫 how ☝️ monks wrote silly 😤🤡 lives 🍆 of 💦 catholic saints over ☝️ manuscripts on 🎶 which 👏 ☝️ classical works 👷 of 💅 ancient heathendom had 👉 been written. 📝 ☝️ german literate reversed 👉 process 🏭 with 🙀💰 ☝️ profane french 🥖🎨 literature. 💦 They wrote 📓📓 their 💉 philosophical nonsense 😣 beneath 👎 ☝️ french 🥖🧀 original. 🤔 for 🍆🍆 instance, 👉 beneath 👇 ☝️ french criticism of ☝️ economic functions of 👏📰 money, 🤑💵 they wrote "alienation of 😂 humanity," 😓♂ ➕ beneath ⚰ ☝️ french 🥖🧀 criticism of 🏻 ☝️ bourgeois state 👏 they wrote 📝 "dethronement of 😫 ☝️ category of 💦 ☝️ general," 👮 ➕ so 👌 forth. 💰 ☝️ introduction of 👏 these philosophical phrases at 👌 ☝️ back of 🎭 ☝️ french 🥖 historical criticisms they dubbed "philosophy 🤓🎭 of 😩 action," 🤚 "true socialism," "german science 🔬 of 💦 socialism," 💖👍 "philosophical foundation of socialism," ➕ so on. ☝️ french 🥖 socialist ➕ communist 😈💂 literature 💦 was 👀 thus ❗ completely 😍😍 emasculated. ➕, since 💦💦 it 😡 ceased 🙅 in ☝️ hands of ☝️ german to 😱 express 😤 ☝️ struggle 😥😥 of one class 📚 with 😋👏 ☝️ other, he 🏋🏻 felt conscious of 🐙 having 😸😸 overcome 💦 "french 🥖 one-sidedness" ➕ of representing, 👏👏 ❎ true requirements, but 🤔 ☝️ requirements of truth; ❎ ☝️ interests of ☝️ proletariat, but 👨🌸 ☝️ interests of human 👤 nature, 🍃🌴 of 😂 man 🏻 in ⚓ general, who 🤔🤔 belongs 👉 to no class, 📓🎓 has 👩 no 💦🗑 reality, 😱 who 🤔🚫 exists only in ☝️ misty 🌫 realm 📯 of 💦👏 philosophical fantasy. 👉 german socialism, 👍 which took 👫 its 😖 schoolboy task 🚜 so seriously 😡😒 ➕ solemnly, ➕ extolled its poor 💸🏻 stock-in-trade in 👏 such 😱🤤 mountebank fashion, meanwhile ➡➡ gradually lost 🏳🏳 its ✊🙅 pedantic innocence. ☝️ fight of ☝️ german, ➕ especially, 🌟 of 💦🈸 ☝️ prussian bourgeoisie, against 😤 feudal aristocracy ➕ absolute 🤕 monarchy, 👑👑 in other 💰 words, 🚮🎙 ☝️ liberal 🏛 movement, became more ➕💦 earnest. by 💕 👉, ☝️ long 😎 wished-for 🙏🙏 opportunity 📊 was 👅 offered to "true" 🍆 socialism 👍💖 of confronting ☝️ political movement with 👏 ☝️ socialist demands, of hurling ☝️ traditional anathemas against liberalism, against representative government, 🌎🕵 against 🚫😲 bourgeois competition, 🤔🤔 bourgeois freedom of ☝️ press, bourgeois legislation, bourgeois liberty 🗽 ➕ equality, 👬 ➕ of 💦 preaching to ☝️ masses 🏋 👆 they 👥 had 💋 nothing 😵 to 👏 gain, 💪 ➕ everything 😀 to lose, by 🎨😈 👉 bourgeois movement. German socialism forgot, 😳 in 👇🏠 ☝️ nick of time, 🕦⌛ 👆 ☝️ french 👨🎨 criticism, whose 🌄 silly echo it 💯👊 was, 👏👏 presupposed ☝️ existence 💚 of 💦💦 modern bourgeois society, 😥👨 with 👀👏 its ⚜ corresponding economic conditions of 💦🔴 existence, ➕ ☝️ political constitution adapted thereto, ☝️ very 😲 things 🌚 whose attainment was 😨 ☝️ object ✒ of 💦💦 ☝️ pending struggle in 🍑♂ germany. to ☝️ absolute 🙀 governments, with 👏 their 🍮😂 following of parsons, professors, country 😣 squires ➕ officials, it served 🗡 as 🅰️ welcome scarecrow against ✊ ☝️ threatening bourgeoisie. it was 👏 🅰️ sweet finish ✔✔ after ☝️ bitter pills 💊💊 of 💦👬 floggings ➕ bullets ⚫⚫ with which these 📀👈 same 💪👭 governments, just 😡👏 at 👸 👆 time, 🕐🤞 dosed ☝️ german working-class ♀🔨 risings. while 🕗🕗 👉 "true" ⭐ socialism thus 🕵 served 🗡🗡 ☝️ governments as 🍑 🅰️ weapon for fighting ☝️ german bourgeoisie, it, 👍😡 at 🤡 ☝️ same ❗💩 time, directly ➡➡ represented 🅰️ reactionary interest, 👀 ☝️ interest ⛓👀 of 👏🅱 ☝️ german philistines. In 🏡 germany ☝️ petty-bourgeois class, 🅰️ relic of 💦 ☝️ sixteenth century, ➕ since 💦 then constantly cropping up ⬆😍 again 😱🤤 under 👇⬇ various forms, ✅ ☝️ real 👏💀 social basis 📅 of ☝️ existing state 🗽👦 of 🍆🔥 things. 💰💰 to 💦♂ preserve 👉 class ✏🏫 ✅ to 💰🤷 preserve ☝️ existing state of ❗😕 things 🤐 in germany. ☝️ industrial ➕ political supremacy ✅✅ of 💦🗼 ☝️ bourgeoisie threatens it with 🆕😋 certain 🤔🤔 destruction; on 🔛 ☝️ one 🙀😤 hand, 🕺 from 🐣 ☝️ concentration of 🔴🔉 capital; on 🔛 ☝️ other, from ☝️ rise of 🅰️ revolutionary ✊✊ proletariat. "true" ➡ socialism 💖 appeared to ⬇💦 kill these 👳 two 🎄💏 birds 💦 with one stone. ☄ It 👎💯 spread 🍕 like 🅰👍 🅰️♑️ epidemic. ☝️ robe 😩 of 🐙👏 speculative cobwebs, embroidered with 👏👏 flowers of 👊🔴 rhetoric, steeped in ☝️ dew 🌫 of sickly sentiment, 👉 transcendental robe in 👏🏽 which ☝️ german socialists wrapped their ⬅ sorry 🙅😐 "eternal 🎗 truths," all 🌼👌 skin 🙊 ➕ bone, 😜☠ served to ➡👉 wonderfully increase 💳💳 ☝️ sale of their goods amongst such 😲😳 🅰️ public. ➕ on its part, 💔💔 german socialism 👍 recognised, more 🙅 ➕ more, its 🏾👏 own ♂🙆 calling 📞 as 🍑👦 ☝️ bombastic representative of 😔 ☝️ petty-bourgeois philistine. it 🙂😍 proclaimed ☝️ german nation 🏞🗺 to 💦✂ be ☝️ model 🤳 nation, 🏞 ➕ ☝️ german petty philistine to ✌👁 be ☝️ typical 😂 man. 👍👍 To 👉 every 😤👏 villainous meanness of 🐣 👉 model 👁👄 man 🏻🌊 it gave 🅰️ hidden, 👐 higher, ✅ socialistic interpretation, ☝️ exact contrary of its 🌏😙 real 💪 character. 🙉 It went 👉➡ to 💦 ☝️ extreme length of 💦 directly ➡ opposing ☝️ "brutally destructive" 💣💣 tendency of communism, ➕ of 💦👶 proclaiming its 👤 supreme 🌩 ➕ impartial contempt of 💦 all 👇🌎 class 🎓 struggles. With 🐺👏 very few 😋 exceptions, all 👨 ☝️ so-called socialist ➕ communist 💂💸 publications 👆 now (1️⃣8️⃣4️⃣7️⃣) 👩🌐 circulate in germany belong ⬇ to ✌ ☝️ domain of 👉 foul ➕ enervating literature. 🍑💯 2️⃣. 😳 Conservative, or 😇💁 bourgeois, socialism 🅰️ part 🏻🗳 of ☝️ bourgeoisie ✅ desirous of 👏😤 redressing social grievances, in 📥😩 order 🎁🤜 to secure ☝️ continued existence 🔥💞 of 💻 bourgeois society. 👥 to 👉 section belong ⬇⬇ economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, improvers of 💦 ☝️ condition of 💦 ☝️ working 🏻 class, 👩🎓 organisers of ♂🔴 charity, members 👦👦 of societies for ☝️ prevention of 🔥 cruelty to animals, ❌ temperance fanatics, hole-and-corner 🍑 reformers of 🎆👶 every 🕤🏾 imaginable kind. 😯🤗 👉 form 💦 of 😳 socialism has, 👏 moreover, been 👑😀 worked 👷👷 out ⬇ into complete 💯 systems. we may 🌌 cite proudhon's philosophie de la 💰💰 misere as 🅰️♑️ example 🔥🔥 of 💦🌈 👉 form. 💦💦 ☝️ socialistic bourgeois want all 🐡 ☝️ advantages of 👏🍨 modern 🌁🌁 social conditions without 🚫🚫 ☝️ struggles ➕ dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They 👩👨 desire ☝️ existing state 🗽 of society ➖ its revolutionary ➕ disintegrating elements. They wish for 🍆😩 🅰️ bourgeoisie without 🙅🚫 🅰️ proletariat. ☝️ bourgeoisie naturally conceives ☝️ world 🌎 in 😩 which ✌🤤 it ✅ supreme 🌞🌞 to 💦😛 be 🐝💪 ☝️ 🥇; ➕ bourgeois socialism 👍 develops 👉 comfortable conception into 🤣 various more or less ➖ complete 🚫🚫 systems. In 👮 requiring ☝️ proletariat to 👌💦 carry out 💷🏍 such ❤ 🅰️ system, 🌌🌌 ➕ thereby to ✌ march 💂🌷 straightway into 👉 ☝️ social 💑 new jerusalem, it but 🍑 requires in reality, 👆 ☝️ proletariat should 💘 remain within 😱 ☝️ bounds 💢💢 of 🔝 existing society, 👩👥 but should 😑💘 cast away 🙅😬 all 🕝 its 👏🌏 hateful ideas concerning ☝️ bourgeoisie. 🅰️ second ☝🥈 ➕ more 🙅🙅 practical, but 🍑🖐 less ➖〽 systematic, form 💦💦 of 😂 👉 socialism sought to depreciate every 😤 revolutionary ✊ movement in 🕕👇 ☝️ eyes 👀 of ☝️ working 😭🏻 class, 👩😛 by showing 🏼 👆 no 🚫 mere political reform, but only 🤠🍗 🅰️ change 👎🚟 in 🏻👏 ☝️ material ❗❗ conditions of existence, 😫💚 in economic relations, could ✊👈 be 🐝🤰 of 👀 any 😻🏼 advantage to 💦 them. 😂 By 🚟🔥 changes in 👌📥 ☝️ material 👔❗ conditions of 🕯🐶 existence, 💞 👉 form 💦💦 of 👏🗼 socialism, however, by 😈🍭 no 😭💦 means understands abolition of 💦🚑 ☝️ bourgeois relations ♋🍆 of 🙏👏 production, 🌚 🅰️♑️ abolition 👆 can 💑🔫 be effected only 😬 by 🍂📧 🅰️ revolution, 💥 but 👹🍑 administrative reforms, based 🍞 on ☝️ continued existence 😫 of these 👈♂ relations; reforms, therefore, 👆 in 🙌 no ♂ respect 🥇♀ affect ☝️ relations between ↔ capital 🔤 ➕ labour, but, 🍑 at 👉 ☝️ 🥇, lessen ☝️ cost, ➕ simplify ☝️ administrative work, 💼 of 🅱😳 bourgeois government. bourgeois socialism 👍 attains adequate expression, when, ➕ only 💯🏻 when, 📰 it 😽 becomes 🅰️ mere 💀 figure of speech. 🚫 free trade: 📜 for 👉🏻 ☝️ benefit of 😰 ☝️ working 😤 class. Protective duties: for 🍆 ☝️ benefit 😩 of ☝️ working 😫 class. 👩 Prison 💦 reform: for 🏻😤 ☝️ benefit 😩 of 🐶 ☝️ working 💪 class. 🥇🎓 👉 ✅ ☝️ last word 🔚🙌 ➕ ☝️ only ☝ seriously meant 🚫 word 🔡✊ of 😎💦 bourgeois socialism. 👍💖 it ✅ summed up 🍅👀 in ☝️ phrase: ☝️ bourgeois ✅ 🅰️ bourgeois--for ☝️ benefit of 😎 ☝️ working 😤😤 class. 🎓🤓 3️⃣. Critical-utopian socialism 💖💖 ➕ communism we 👨 do ❎ here refer to 🎦 👆 literature which, in 🚪 every 👏 great modern 🌁 revolution, 💥💥 has 👏 always given 👤 voice 😩 to ☝️ demands of 💰 ☝️ proletariat, such as 🕘 ☝️ writings of babeuf ➕ others. 👈👀 ☝️ first direct attempts of 💦💦 ☝️ proletariat to attain its 🙅😖 own ends, 😤 made in ⏳ times 🙏🕒 of 💦💦 universal excitement, when 😂🍑 feudal society was 🦆 being overthrown, these 😱📄 attempts necessarily failed, 🚫☠ owing to 💩 ☝️ then undeveloped state 🏛 of 🍞 ☝️ proletariat, as 🅱 well 🤓🐳 as to ☝️ absence of ☝️ economic conditions for 💊 its emancipation, conditions 👆 had yet to be 🐝➡ produced, ➕ could ❌🤔 be 🐝 produced by 😈😈 ☝️ impending bourgeois epoch alone. 🙀 ☝️ revolutionary ♻✊ literature 👆 accompanied these first 🔢 movements of 💦 ☝️ proletariat had 💋💋 necessarily 🅰️ reactionary character. 🙈 It ✔😽 inculcated universal asceticism ➕ social 📀📖 levelling in its 💰🙅 crudest form. ☝️ socialist ➕ communist systems properly 🍒☑ so 👍 called, those 😈 of saint-simon, fourier, owen ➕ others, 🏃 spring into ⏩ existence 🔥 in 🍞👏 ☝️ early undeveloped period, described above, of ☝️ struggle 😥 between proletariat ➕ bourgeoisie (see section 📦📦 1️⃣. 💦🔴 Bourgeois ➕ proletarians). ☝️ founders of 💰 these 💈🍆 systems 👀, indeed, ☝️ class 🤓🎓 antagonisms, as 💑👦 well 🤒💦 as 😠 ☝️ action 😏 of 🎭😫 ☝️ decomposing elements, in 📅 ☝️ prevailing form 💦💦 of 🥗 society. But 🍑🍑 ☝️ proletariat, as 🕚 yet in 👏 its 🙅👏 infancy, offers to them ☝️ spectacle of 📆 🅰️ class 🎓 without 🏻 any 😻 historical initiative or any 🔥🏼 independent political movement. since ☝️ development of 👩💰 class antagonism keeps even pace 🏃 with 🏽 ☝️ development 🔬🔬 of 👯 industry, ☝️ economic situation, 🤠 as 🎣🍑 they 💏😈 find it, ⚕ does 😈✊ ❎ as yet ❗❗ offer to 😠 them 💦👌 ☝️ material ❗ conditions for 💰 ☝️ emancipation of ☝️ proletariat. They 👩😈 therefore 🎉 search 🕵🕵 after 👀 🅰️ new 🌿🆕 social science, ⚗🌡 after 👀👀 new social 🛂📖 laws, 👆 💯 to 👱💲 create 📲📲 these conditions. historical action ✅ to 👁 yield ⛔ to 🔨🚓 their 👈😂 personal inventive action, 🎇 historically created 💦 conditions of ⛄😫 emancipation to 👉💰 fantastic ones, ➕ ☝️ gradual, spontaneous 💋 class-organisation 🎓😛 of 👨💦 ☝️ proletariat to 😖😵 ☝️ organisation of 🚋😳 society specially contrived by 🍂👏 these inventors. Future history 🌎 resolves itself, 👏🙏 in 👌 their ☝👩 eyes, 🔭👀 into 👉🚟 ☝️ propaganda ➕ ☝️ practical carrying out of 🎭♨ their social plans. in ✔ ☝️ formation of ☝ their 🏼 plans they 👥 💯 conscious of caring 😘 chiefly for 🖍💰 ☝️ interests of ☝️ working class, ✏🎓 as 😖 being ☝️ most suffering 😤 class. 🎓 Only 🍗 from ☝️ point of 🔴👏 view 👀🤓 of 💦💰 being 😑 ☝️ most 🐶 suffering 😥 class 🎓 does 😈❓ ☝️ proletariat exist for 🎄🎅 them. 🍑💦 ☝️ undeveloped state of 💿 ☝️ class struggle, 😥 as 😁🍑 well 👍 as their ✉ own 🙆😎 surroundings, 😪 causes socialists of 👉 kind 🤗 to consider 🤔 themselves far 😩 superior to all class ✏ antagonisms. They 👧 want 👌😋 to improve ☝️ condition 🌬 of 💰♂ every 👏 member 🍌 of 🏻 society, 👩👧 even ☎ 👆 of ☝️ most 💯 favoured. Hence, they ♂👸 habitually appeal 👏 to society at large, without distinction of ⛄💦 class; nay, by 😈🏻 preference, to 🐵💰 ☝️ ruling class. For 🅱👷 how can 👥, when 😂 once 👆 they understand 🤷🦉 their system, fail to 👀 in it 🔫🍆 ☝️ 🥇 possible 🔝🔝 plan of 😫 ☝️ 🥇 possible 🔝 state of 👮💦 society? 🌎😥 hence, they 👧 reject 🚫 all 🔫 political, ➕ especially 😈🌟 all revolutionary, ♻♻ action; 🍆 they 💆👥 wish to 💦 attain their 🍆😍 ends by peaceful means, ➕ endeavour, by 👏😈 small experiments, 🌱 necessarily doomed to 👌 failure, ➕ by 😡😈 ☝️ force 🖐 of 🏫🚑 example, 🔥🔥 to pave ☝️ way ➡ for 💯💯 ☝️ new 📆 social 📖💑 gospel. such 😢 fantastic pictures 🚺 of 💦💦 future 🎆 society, 👧👥 painted at 🏾 🅰️ time ⌚🕑 when ⏰🕛 ☝️ proletariat ✅ still in 👌 🅰️ very undeveloped state 🗽 ➕ has 🅰 but 🅰️ fantastic conception of 👶💦 its own position correspond with 👏 ☝️ first ☝🔢 instinctive yearnings of 😿👉 👆 class 🥇 for 🔜🔢 🅰️ general ♂👮 reconstruction of society. 👧😥 but 🤓😎 these 🍆♀ socialist ➕ communist publications contain also ➕😒 🅰️ critical element. They attack every 👏 principle of 💦💦 existing society. 👨👥 hence they ❤💯 💯 full 🌝 of ☝️ most ❄🔝 valuable materials for 💯 ☝️ enlightenment of ☝️ working 😫✍ class. 📚 ☝️ practical measures proposed in 👏 them--such as 🏼🕛 ☝️ abolition of ☝️ distinction between town ❣ ➕ country, 🗺 of ☝️ family, of 🔴💦 ☝️ carrying on 👎 of 👄 industries for 💯 ☝️ account 💳💳 of 🔴 private individuals, ➕ of 💤 ☝️ wage system, 🌌 ☝️ proclamation of 👉 social harmony, ☝️ conversion of 😳 ☝️ functions of 😂 ☝️ state 🗽 into 🅰️ mere 💀💀 superintendence of ❗💰 production, 🌚 all these proposals, point 👇 solely to ☝️ disappearance of class antagonisms which were, at 😝 👆 time, 🕐☝ only 😤 just 🏻 cropping up, 👭 ➕ which, 👏👏 in these 🔫 publications, 💯 recognised in 🛌👌 their earliest, indistinct ➕ undefined forms 🐛 only. 🕦 These 💦 proposals, therefore, 👉 💯 of 🅰️ purely utopian character. 🙈 ☝️ significance of 🕯 critical-utopian socialism ➕ communism bears 🅰️♑️ inverse relation to historical development. 🔬 In 🍆 proportion as 🕖🚫 ☝️ modern 🌁🌁 class struggle 😥😥 develops ➕ takes 💜 definite shape, 👉 fantastic standing 🏿 apart from ☝️ contest, these fantastic attacks on 🔛🍆 it, 🍆 lose 😱🚫 all 💯 practical value 💵💵 ➕ all 🅱♂ theoretical justification. Therefore, 👏👏 although 😛 ☝️ originators of these systems were, 👌👪 in 👏 many 👧 respects, revolutionary, ♻ their ⭕ disciples have, 😜 in 👉 every case, formed mere 😐 reactionary sects. they 😈 hold fast 🛫 by ☝️ original views of 💦🤓 their ♀🏻 masters, in opposition to 🗣 ☝️ progressive 😵 historical development 🔬 of ☝️ proletariat. They, therefore, endeavour, ➕ 👆 consistently, to deaden ☝️ class 📓 struggle ➕ to 😏💦 reconcile ☝️ class 📚 antagonisms. they still dream 💭💭 of experimental 🔬 realisation of 👶 their social utopias, of 💦 founding isolated "phalansteres," of 😊👉 establishing "home colonies," of 😿 setting 🌃 up 👎 🅰️ "little icaria"--duodecimo editions of 💦🚋 ☝️ new 😮 jerusalem--and to realise 👅 all these 🥜📀 castles in ☝️ air, 🌬 they 👲 💯 compelled to 😄😀 appeal 👏👏 to 😘 ☝️ feelings ➕ purses of 💥👨 ☝️ bourgeois. By 🚟😈 degrees they 🤵 sink into ☝️ category of 🅱♂ ☝️ reactionary conservative socialists depicted above, 🏻 differing from ➡ these only 🏻🤠 by more 🍗 systematic pedantry, ➕ by 😈😡 their ⭕🏼 fanatical ➕ superstitious belief in 🏠 ☝️ miraculous effects of their social 📀💰 science. 🌡 they, therefore, 🔥 violently 🔨😫 oppose all 😏 political action 🤚 on 🔛🔛 ☝️ part 〽 of 👏💦 ☝️ working 🏃😫 class; 🎓📓 such 😁😽 action, 🎇 according 🔛🔛 to them, 👩✈ can 💦🔫 only 👃 result from 🤤 blind 😑 unbelief in 🔽 ☝️ new 🏽🤤 gospel. ☝️ owenites in england, ➕ ☝️ fourierists in 😏 france, respectively, oppose ☝️ chartists ➕ ☝️ reformistes. iv. Position of 🤤 ☝️ communists 🔴 in 🔥👉 relation to ☝️ various existing opposition parties 🎂 section 📦📦 ii has 😱 made clear ☝️ relations ♋ of 🅱😊 ☝️ communists 🔴 to 🎼🚟 ☝️ existing working-class 🔨👷 parties, 🎂 such as ☝️ chartists in 📥🍆 england ➕ ☝️ agrarian reformers in 🔥👏 america. ⛵ ☝️ communists 🔴 fight ✊💯 for 🍆 ☝️ attainment of 💦😊 ☝️ immediate aims, for 🔄 ☝️ enforcement of ☝️ momentary interests of ☝️ working ♀ class; 🥇👩 but in ☝️ movement of 💦😍 ☝️ present, 🎀🎀 they 👧👨 also represent ✊✊ ➕ take 😳🖐 care ❤💕 of 👬☠ ☝️ future of 👆 movement. In ♂📝 france ☝️ communists ally themselves 👨👨 with 💯 ☝️ social-democrats, 🅿 against ☝️ conservative ➕ radical 🔥✊ bourgeoisie, reserving, however, 💯🤔 ☝️ right 💦👎 to take 😈 up 😍🆙 🅰️ critical position 🙏🙏 in 👉⬇ regard to 💦 phrases ➕ illusions traditionally handed ✋✋ down ⬇🍵 from ☝️ great 😍🏻 revolution. in 👏 switzerland they 👨 support 🏿 ☝️ radicals, without 🚫🙅 losing sight 👀👀 of 🔥 ☝️ fact 👏 👆 👉 party 🎉🔥 consists of 💦🔌 antagonistic elements, partly ❌ of ☹👬 democratic socialists, in ☝️ french 🎨 sense, 🤓🏻 partly of 🚨 radical 💣 bourgeois. in 😌 poland they 🤷👥 support 👬 ☝️ party 🎊😊 👆 insists on 🏽👅 🅰️♑️ agrarian revolution 🔫 as 🍑 ☝️ prime condition for 💰 national emancipation, 👆 party which fomented ☝️ insurrection of cracow in 🌍 1️⃣8️⃣4️⃣6️⃣. 🏫❄ in 😏 germany they 👲 fight 👊 with 🏽🏽 ☝️ bourgeoisie whenever it 💦 acts in 👏 🅰️ revolutionary ♻✊ way, ♂↕ against 😫 ☝️ absolute 🙀 monarchy, 👑👑 ☝️ feudal squirearchy, ➕ ☝️ petty bourgeoisie. but they 💏👥 never ♂ cease, for 🍆 🅰️ single 💑 instant, to 😓 instil into ⏩ ☝️ working class ☝️ clearest possible recognition 👀👀 of ☝️ hostile antagonism between 👈 bourgeoisie ➕ proletariat, in 👉😻 order 🎁 👆 ☝️ german workers may 💖 straightaway use, 🏾😎 as so 🤔 many weapons against 👉🔫 ☝️ bourgeoisie, ☝️ social 📖 ➕ political conditions 👆 ☝️ bourgeoisie must 🙋 necessarily introduce along 💁 with its 👇👌 supremacy, ✅✅ ➕ in 👠 order 🎁❌ 👆, after ❌👀 ☝️ fall 🍂🍁 of 💯 ☝️ reactionary classes in germany, ☝️ fight against ☝️ bourgeoisie itself 👈👏 may immediately begin. 📦 ☝️ communists turn 🏃 their 🏿😂 attention 💯 chiefly to 😯 germany, because 👆 country 🏃 ✅ on 🍆 ☝️ eve of 💯 🅰️ bourgeois revolution 👺👺 👆 ✅ bound to 👂 be carried out 💯 under 👇 more advanced 👌👌 conditions of 💦 european civilisation, ➕ with 🅰️ much more 💦♀ developed 🚸🚸 proletariat, than 🅰 👆 of england was in 👏 ☝️ seventeenth, ➕ of france in 👏📥 ☝️ eighteenth century, ➕ because ☝️ bourgeois revolution in 👏 germany 🔜 be 🐝 but 🤔👩 ☝️ prelude to ♂ 🅰️♑️ immediately 🤣💰 following proletarian revolution. 🔫 in 💊🔫 short, 🕛⬇ ☝️ communists 🔴 everywhere 😎😍 support ♀ every 👏⏱ revolutionary ♻ movement against 🔫✊ ☝️ existing social ➕ political order 📑📑 of 🅱👨 things. ✌💰 in all 😆🅱 these 🖼♀ movements they 🙎🏾 bring ⬅ to 💰 ☝️ front, 🔝🔝 as 🖇🍑 ☝️ leading 💰💰 question 😺 in ✔ each, ☝️ property question, ✏ no 🎸 matter 🙅🏾 what its 👤 degree 👅 of development at 🎓☺ ☝️ time. ⌚🕐 finally, they ♀👧 labour everywhere for 🍆 ☝️ union ➕ agreement of ☝️ democratic parties 🙌 of all 😋👥 countries. 🏳 ☝️ communists 🔴 disdain to ⚫💦 conceal their ☝ views ➕ aims. they 👥🏾 openly declare 👆 their 🏻 ends ♂ can 🔫💁 be 🅱💗 attained only 💯👀 by 💕🎨 ☝️ forcible overthrow of all 👌🏞 existing social 📖 conditions. let 🙏👑 ☝️ ruling classes tremble at 😂 🅰️ communistic revolution. 👺 ☝️ proletarians have nothing to 👂💰 lose 😱😱 but their 🍆💯 chains. they 👨👵 have 🅰️ world to 💦 win. 🏅 working men 🕵🏿 of 💦💦 all countries, 🏳🏳 unite! end ✋🔚 of 💥👩 ☝️ project ↗↗ gutenberg ebook of ☠😫 ☝️ communist manifesto by 😈🍂 karl marx ➕ friedrich engels *** end 😣 of 🚑 👉 project ↗ gutenberg ebook ☝️ communist 😈♀ manifesto *** ***** 👉 file ❗ should 💘 be 🐝🐝 named 6️⃣1️⃣.txt 💪🤘 or 🤔🍆 6️⃣1️⃣.zip ❗ ***** 👉 ➕ all 💯💦 associated ✅ files 📁 of 💰🐶 various formats 🔜 be found in: 👏👌️⃣/6️⃣1️⃣/ 🐕😮 transcribed by 🔥👷 allen lutins with 💦 assistance from jim 👨 tarzia. updated editions 🔜 replace 👱 ☝️ previous one--the 😤 old 👴 editions 🔜 be renamed. creating ☝️ works from 👉 public 🚋🙈 domain print 📓 editions means 🍒 👆 no one owns 🛂🛂 🅰️ united 👏 states copyright in 🍆💦 these 👆 works, so ☝️ foundation (and 👉!) can 🅱 copy ➕ distribute it in ☝️ united 👏👏 states without permission ✅ ➕ without paying copyright royalties. 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