Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

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  1. ISO #1

    reserved Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Panchira, Panty Shots, Flipped Skirts, and Fan Service are an illustration/media representation well used in much old and new mainstream anime, manga, and art.

    Some more linked details on what panchira is at and

    Both a large number of well-known family friendly and more adult anime make use of this tact. While a very small and exhaustible list of shows with such content, some series can be found here: (some series may obviously be more ecchi in nature)

    With other's opinions on the matter, do you think this style of media should be considered pornographic?
    Last edited by Apocist; December 23rd, 2020 at 09:44 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Yeah the fact that there's an entire category for people who specifically want to find shows with panty shots really does sell the point that it's not erotic or pornographic. Everyone knows that panty shots are admirable works of art and add immense value to the plot of an anime cartoon.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Also please note that anime's such as famous Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball series, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and No Game No Life would need to be considered for containing this item.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    theres an entire pornographic subcategory 'upskirts'

    tired of you arguing these semantics
    Yes, yes. There's a pornographic subcategory probably for anything conceivable. Ankles, Armpits, Feet, Smelling, ASMR, Types of clothing, ect.

    So Apo doesn't believe there is much go on that line of thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperJack View Post
    Look what you have caused. Seems like everyone who posted is now confused about their own gender and are venting their frustration into opinions.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Apocist View Post
    Also please note that anime's such as famous Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball series, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and No Game No Life would need to be considered for containing this item.

    Yes, yes. There's a pornographic subcategory probably for anything conceivable. Ankles, Armpits, Feet, Smelling, ASMR, Types of clothing, ect.

    So Apo doesn't believe there is much go on that line of thought.
    u realize everything u listed is inherently fetishist, which is sexual derivative right?

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    It's only pornographic if you make it be.

    The actual line is drawn between what is ok for children to see and what isn't.

    In Western movies and shows - there's ratings that showcase suitability for certain audiences based on content.

    But the discussion here is about Anime. It doesn't have such ratings (to my knowledge).
    Honestly, I think it'd be best if we didn't try to reinvent the wheel and just go by the guidelines by which the western shows get their ratings.

    The official rating rules have no mention of underwear. But I'd guess it PG.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    It's only pornographic if you make it be.

    The actual line is drawn between what is ok for children to see and what isn't.

    In Western movies and shows - there's ratings that showcase suitability for certain audiences based on content.

    But the discussion here is about Anime. It doesn't have such ratings (to my knowledge).
    Honestly, I think it'd be best if we didn't try to reinvent the wheel and just go by the guidelines by which the western shows get their ratings.

    The official rating rules have no mention of underwear. But I'd guess it PG.
    lmk the last childrens show youve seen on nickolodeon or some shit where the 12 year old protaganist has a scene where its filmed looking up her skirt at her panties.

    yall are pedophiles

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    I can see "upskirt" shots not being predominantly sexual and used in a manner to show the character getting embarrassed similar to how someone gets dacked (pants pulled down in public). It's an incredibly fine line though and even the most purest intentions of making it only an embarrassing moment, not a sexual one, will probably always be questioned due to the nature of how upskirt shots happen.

    I feel as though the context that triggered this discussion is important. The character clearly has had a massive dick/fat pussy bulge drawn so from my pov there is no question what is going on there... it was created for sexual purposes.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by rumox View Post
    I can see "upskirt" shots not being predominantly sexual and used in a manner to show the character getting embarrassed similar to how someone gets dacked (pants pulled down in public). It's an incredibly fine line though and even the most purest intentions of making it only an embarrassing moment, not a sexual one, will probably always be questioned due to the nature of how upskirt shots happen.

    I feel as though the context that triggered this discussion is important. The character clearly has had a massive dick/fat pussy bulge drawn so from my pov there is no question what is going on there... it was created for sexual purposes.
    exactly what ive said from the get go. the sexualization

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    its a humanoid. a sexualized humanoid. a sexualized humanoid made to look young, ambiguously so.

    its not a warship

    its not an 800 yr old dragon

    its a drawing of a little girl. a sexualized little girl. and thats why i think people like apocist are sick on a level that requires therapy. im being genuine - not malicious or insulting. i genuinely believe people into this shit require therapy.

  15. ISO #15

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    its a humanoid. a sexualized humanoid. a sexualized humanoid made to look young, ambiguously so.

    its not a warship

    its not an 800 yr old dragon

    its a drawing of a little girl. a sexualized little girl. and thats why i think people like apocist are sick on a level that requires therapy. im being genuine - not malicious or insulting. i genuinely believe people into this shit require therapy.
    I wanted to make a post stating that it's not that simple due to: 1) cultural differences - this is a Japanese show and they have vastly different opinions on these subjects ; 2) claim that, from evolution viewpoint, "post puberty" equals "adult".

    But I didn't watch that pic yet.

    Lol, that girl is literally like between 4-7 years old. This topic is weird man. Idk how can you guys look at that pic and think "sexual".

    But from what @rumox said, I feel like I'm looking at the wrong pic now.

    I'm not seeing the
    massive dick/fat pussy bulge drawn so from my pov
    that you guys see.

    Honestly, if you weirdos would had never said so - I'd never in a million years thought that this img could be sexual.

  16. ISO #16

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    I wanted to make a post stating that it's not that simple due to: 1) cultural differences - this is a Japanese show and they have vastly different opinions on these subjects ; 2) claim that, from evolution viewpoint, "post puberty" equals "adult".

    But I didn't watch that pic yet.

    Lol, that girl is literally like between 4-7 years old. This topic is weird man. Idk how can you guys look at that pic and think "sexual".

    But from what @rumox said, I feel like I'm looking at the wrong pic now.

    I'm not seeing the

    that you guys see.

    Honestly, if you weirdos would had never said so - I'd never in a million years thought that this img could be sexual.
    thats not the particular image being discussed

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    Honestly I really didn’t need to ever learn the term panchira and I hate that I now do
    i think thats how normal people react to this shit. truly mindblowing to see the mental gymnastics behind the justification

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Ah yes, the "your honour I thought she was 20 how could I have known she was actually 15" defence.

    The perfect counterpart to "this drawing of a baby being railed by a giant dick isn't actually pedophilic because the baby is actually the personification of the Roman Empire thus it's technically 1000 years old".

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    The perfect counterpart to "this drawing of a baby being railed by a giant dick isn't actually pedophilic because the baby is actually the personification of the Roman Empire thus it's technically 1000 years old".
    I would want to know the source that inspired this not at all confusing example.

    I think we can all appreciate how constructive and important this whole discussion is as it's very relatable to all of us, but if someone could just close this thread yeah that'd be great I wouldn't mind personally.

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    Statutory rape is pedophilia. Someone knowingly hitting on a minor regardless of how "adult" they look is pedo as FUCK. The normal human response to that is absolute disgust, if you have any other reaction to it then you genuinely need therapy.
    Just curious where you personally draw the line between "it's disgusting" and "it's normal".

    Because your post gave the impression that for you, 17 years and 360 days old = disgusting, while 18 years old = nothing of the sort.

    Me personally, even 22 year olds look more like girls than woman.

    Age of consent is nothing biological, just lawful. Technically muscles and inner organs don't stop growing till 22, not 18.

    If the animal kingdom is of indication, then "post puberty" equals "adult" as far as nature and evolution is concerned.
    You though, for you it's just 1 day below the age of consent equals disgusting. That sounds disingenuous if that's where you "draw the line".
    Maybe it's also different depending on the country? In one country it's 1 day below 18 that's disgusting while in another it's one day below 21? Sounds reasonable.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Just curious where you personally draw the line between "it's disgusting" and "it's normal".

    Because your post gave the impression that for you, 17 years and 360 days old = disgusting, while 18 years old = nothing of the sort.

    Me personally, even 22 year olds look more like girls than woman.

    Age of consent is nothing biological, just lawful. Technically muscles and inner organs don't stop growing till 22, not 18.

    If the animal kingdom is of indication, then "post puberty" equals "adult" as far as nature and evolution is concerned.
    You though, for you it's just 1 day below the age of consent equals disgusting. That sounds disingenuous if that's where you "draw the line".
    Maybe it's also different depending on the country? In one country it's 1 day below 18 that's disgusting while in another it's one day below 21? Sounds reasonable.
    Depends on the age of both parties. Really, it's a matter of "I know it when I see it". A 17 year old with a 18 or 19 year old? Not that bad. A 16 year old with a 25 year old? Pretty fucking disgusting (and that's considering that age of consent is 16 where I'm from, so it isn't even a matter of legality).

    My last statement was definitely too far reaching. But the idea that the degree to which someone is a pedo is dependant on the physical appearance of the victim is straight up pedo apologism.

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Uhhh my guy pedophiles are sexually attracted to physical characteristics much like most humans
    Da fuq u on about
    Pedophiles are attracted to CHILDREN. If you remain physically attracted to a child when you know they are a child, regardless of what they look like, you are a pedophile (taking age gap into consideration).

    I'm willing to bet that 24 year old boyfriend of your classmate had no friends his own age. If I knew someone at 24 who was dating a 16 year old I would legitimately knock their fucking teeth out.

    This isn't hard to understand. It is not a normal human response to be even strictly physically attracted to a child no matter how big their tits or ass are. If anyone has those tendencies, they need to go to a psych.

  31. ISO #31

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    I don’t necessarily agree. When I was 18 I went to a friend’s coming of age party and there was this really attractive, tall, blonde girl there. I was convinced she was 20+ but turns out she’s actually 16 (found out a bit later, accidentally). If its just sex I can easily see someone who’s 24 going for that girl. Now if we’re talking abouy an actual relationship I do agree thats a little odd to say the least. There is definitely a power dynamic in play in such a relationship and its probably hard not to become abusive.

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    When I was in high school a girl who was 16 at the time cheated on her boyfriend with someone who was 24
    My classmate girls > your classmate girls.
    We had one who got pregnant at 15 and the child's father was 25.
    Then another who got pregnant at 18 and the child's father was 16 who's family came to the hospital on the day of the birth, after the birth, to call her a whore. When previously doing stuff like borrowing money that they never gave back.
    It sucks to be some women.
    Also, I know a guy who pays child support to 11 different mother's.

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

  37. ISO #37

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    lmk the last childrens show youve seen on nickolodeon or some shit where the 12 year old protaganist has a scene where its filmed looking up her skirt at her panties.

    yall are pedophiles
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  38. ISO #38

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Aaaanyway the answer is yes. People don't exactly look at panty shots like they're art. Bri'ish people don't look at what you posted and go "hmm yes delightful let me get more tea and crumpets".
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  39. ISO #39

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    So since I had to learn about “panchira” in this thread I’ll link what I was unlucky to learn about last year:

    While I think the first two are icky, pedo is a whole nuther level because there isn’t a time you’re supposed to be attracted to people that young.

    How did I learn this shit? Cuz someone who I called a pedo was super offended cuz he’s just into teens not children...
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  40. ISO #40

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    I don’t necessarily agree. When I was 18 I went to a friend’s coming of age party and there was this really attractive, tall, blonde girl there. I was convinced she was 20+ but turns out she’s actually 16 (found out a bit later, accidentally). If its just sex I can easily see someone who’s 24 going for that girl. Now if we’re talking abouy an actual relationship I do agree thats a little odd to say the least. There is definitely a power dynamic in play in such a relationship and its probably hard not to become abusive.
    So someone who is 24 fucks a 16 year old is acceptable however if they are looking for a relationship that is where it starts to become a little odd to you?

    I don't think words can describe how much of a loser a 24 year old person is to even want to hang around a 16 year old, let alone fuck one. Also being mistaken of someone's age isn't equatable to actually knowing their young age and still wanting to fuck them. I said this last time we were talking about pedophiles and unless you are kinda retarded, your opinion will 100% change regarding this as you get older. You are 20 years old yourself or something like that, you don't have the perspective of being the age or older than the age of someone being the perpetrator.

  41. ISO #41

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

  45. ISO #45

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    I think its acceptable, yes. Its just sex. Lol
    Sometimes there are moments where you shouldn’t say anything. This is one of those times.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mesk514 View Post
    1-I really and truly believe @Unknown1234 is town. He stuck by me when I needed him
    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrlander View Post
    Wow, this game was really easy. I just had to talk dumb shit to survive some days more. :P
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    If sheriff cleared you honestly I would take him out of my town core and put him as scum.

  46. ISO #46

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Idk what leg the people claiming its pedophilia or that there has to be something wrong with a 24 yr old to fuck a 16 yr old are standing on, it isnt from like any standpoint abnormal or even illegal. Ephebophilia which is the PREFERENCE (not mere attraction) to mid-late teens (15-19) isnt even classified as a mental disorder and most experts dont see it as a pathology/paraphilia unless it significantly interferes with one’s day to day life. And in many countries 15-16 is the legal age of consent. Lol

  47. ISO #47

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Idk what leg the people claiming its pedophilia or that there has to be something wrong with a 24 yr old to fuck a 16 yr old are standing on, it isnt from like any standpoint abnormal or even illegal. Ephebophilia which is the PREFERENCE (not mere attraction) to mid-late teens (15-19) isnt even classified as a mental disorder and most experts dont see it as a pathology/paraphilia unless it significantly interferes with one’s day to day life. And in many countries 15-16 is the legal age of consent. Lol
    please just stop

  48. ISO #48

  49. ISO #49

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    This thread has derailed so hard - less than half of posts are on the OG topic, with many attempts of stopping possible discussions dead in their tracks altogether. (though mostly off topic discussions)

    I must say I feel a disappointment that the "Series Discussions" subforum failed at it's purpose.
    No matter how weird the original topic was, I think it would had been better if we kept this subforums integrity intact by respecting the OP wishes in having a serious discussion about the topic. Or say nothing at all.
    Every rule of this subforum got broken here in this thread and that feels like a loss because I really liked the idea of having a place where you can ask for serious discussions.

    I think it's better if:
    1) if we have nothing to say on the OG topic then we say nothing at all.
    2) those who wish to talk pedophilia or whatever - open a separate thread.
    3) mods give out infractions, including to me for derailing.

  50. ISO #50

    Re: Should Panchira (Panty Shots) be considered porn?

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    This thread has derailed so hard - less than half of posts are on the OG topic, with many attempts of stopping possible discussions dead in their tracks altogether. (though mostly off topic discussions)

    I must say I feel a disappointment that the "Series Discussions" subforum failed at it's purpose.
    No matter how weird the original topic was, I think it would had been better if we kept this subforums integrity intact by respecting the OP wishes in having a serious discussion about the topic. Or say nothing at all.
    Every rule of this subforum got broken here in this thread and that feels like a loss because I really liked the idea of having a place where you can ask for serious discussions.

    I think it's better if:
    1) if we have nothing to say on the OG topic then we say nothing at all.
    2) those who wish to talk pedophilia or whatever - open a separate thread.
    3) mods give out infractions, including to me for derailing.
    will you leave the website latvia is a poor eastern bloc country with nothing of relevance to ever leave its borders



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