Selective Racism - Page 3

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  1. ISO #101

  2. ISO #102

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
    Weren't you really proud earlier about being the first person in history to figure out that economic conservatism isn't the same as social conservatism? Now you yourself are conflating economic conservatism and social conservatism (and leftism in turn)?

    I've literally never heard of a single person even talking about Engels' social views let alone using them as an example. Please think once before you speak.
    I mean I'm fairly certain that Frost was using conservative as a blanket term, similar to how it's often used. And I was replying to that. It doesn't change the fact it's wrong to say racism is a uniquely conservative position. Friedrich Engels' social views are a very solid counter-example because he's one of the main founders of Marxism. I think the words should be 'traditional', not conservative, for the record, simply because conservative is such a murky term. What's so conservative about lack of government intervention? The history of mankind is marked by PROFOUND top-level economic control anyways. It is a 'conservative' position but only because the term 'conservative' is shit and mostly used as a synonym for 'right wing'.

  3. ISO #103

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by rumox View Post
    People will have opinions on what is relevant to them rather than things that are not. If I use the word boong and note how most likely nobody here calls me out, I'm not going to assume you guys are being selective with your fight against racism.
    Sure that people will have opinions, the problem is that shit like this often goes much deeper than merely 'forgetting' about one wrong or another. In the UK I had people IGNORE my dad (we went there on a visit couple of years back) and refuse to shake his hand for literally no fucking reason. If that had happened to a, well, Pakistani person (the UK has a problem with Pakis, not with blacks, IIRC), people would've been up in arms lmao. That's not to say about immigration and views of Eastern Europeans in Britain (views with which I agree to a certain degree, BTW).

    It just seems to me that people hear about 'anti-black racism' on TV and how all these evil white people oppressed them or whatnot and then point out racism against blacks (especially from other white people) wherever they see it even if the racism is fictional, just to feel better about themselves. I'm actually really curious how many of these people who are 'fighting to end racism' have ever helped a downtrodden black person when it was inconvenient to them - and I'm not talking about giving someone a pen at an exam.

    Given that I don't see the same level of care levelled at other downtrodden groups, and given that people seem perfectly happy with racism against other groups, I can only assume that they don't actually genuinely care about black people and are only in on it to make themselves feel like Good Samaritans - and if they can do it by making other people look bad, then all the better!

  4. ISO #104

  5. ISO #105

    Re: Selective Racism

    It just seems to me that people hear about 'anti-black racism' on TV and how all these evil white people oppressed them or whatnot and then point out racism against blacks (especially from other white people) wherever they see it even if the racism is fictional, just to feel better about themselves.
    Ngl this just sounds like you are getting your information from a weaponized news outlet, or some YouTube channel designed to frame this as the reality to sow dissent amongst the people.

  6. ISO #106

    Re: Selective Racism

    I mean, I can't help your perception, so, I'm sorry to hear that but that's not the case. I actually haven't watched YT for anything other than music/movie snippets in a few months now; I take my cues from what I observe here, and what I observe here is people getting called out as racist for making points that, arguably, have nothing to do with racism and simply for using ONE word - the n word. There is no special word for E.E's (maybe commie ) that would get people to have the same visceral and irrational reaction to the point of calling a complete stranger a racist without prior cause on the Internet.

    I'm sure there's some genuinely good-natured people who actually do believe that acting in accordance with this belief that whites oppressed blacks and that now racism must be called out at all cost/people must be mindful of how they act; they've been done a great disservice IMO because they're mixed in with all the bad apples who care not for black people but simply for themselves. I actually think there's some people of this type on this very forum...
    Last edited by Oberon; November 1st, 2020 at 04:05 AM. Reason: I can't type

  7. ISO #107

  8. ISO #108

    Re: Selective Racism

    Rumox I think a word is completely irrelevant if you don't put context into it. Saying that word doesn't make one a racist if the word is not used with 'foul' intent. I don't actually think I've ever used the word as a slur for black people, and I'm not exaggerating lmao.

  9. ISO #109

  10. ISO #110

  11. ISO #111

    Re: Selective Racism

    I went and checked and you're right, nobody actually called me a racist there in that thread although some people implied I was racist in this thread and someone even explicitly stated it. Maybe I'm just reacting with my own bias here but I really do feel like there is a lot of samaritanism (?) going on that's driving the responses people have to anything that can be perceived as racist, and at the same time I see this as tying in with my observation that many people seem willing to lay personal attacks at others' character just for disagreeing with them. I figure that if you can believe that racism must be stopped at all costs and if you have, shall we say, a heightened sensitivity that causes you to regard things as racist even when they aren't, it's not that big a jump to make to attack racists so they stop spreading racism or something.

  12. ISO #112

    Re: Selective Racism

    OKAY. I think I understand everything now.... in chronological order...

    You made the Terry Davis thread which contained this in the OP,

    Every night at 8PM I go out in my batmobile and I look for glow in the dark CIA n****rs. I run them all down and pray for their souls that they may repent and reach the gates of Heaven. With every n****r I run over God grants me more of his divine intellect for I serve His will. Every dead n****r brings the Temple of God closer to completion, thus carry I forward with my noble quest to rid the world of the CIA.
    Remember that I am the smartest programmer that has ever lived, and that I was given divine intellect to build the Temple of God on Earth.
    Aamirus moderated this thread and gave you an infraction for General Belligerence. You created a thread in Answer Hall regarding this infraction and Aamirus responded with

    without any context you've just posted about killing niggers for fun? That type of thing is obviously not acceptable, almost anywhere on the internet.
    General consensus seemed like everyone in the thread agreed that you should have clarified you were taking some personal liberty in quoting Terry Davis who is a racist mentally ill man.

    Then you make your thread in Answer Hall (Thread is literally called "Awfully fucking selective about applying the rules, aren’t we?") claiming staff are being selective in their moderation where you point out Bruno's shit posts not being moderated. Voss posts in this thread saying,

    where is this thread? i'll moderate it.
    Oh, and punish it of course. I hate being hypocritical to a fault.
    Why the fuck isn't this called out in our site rules. I won't punish Bruno, (just like I didn't punish you), but will be making changes to the site rules to stop this loophole.
    You in response say,

    Fair enough. Didnt read your post. No harm done I guess.
    THEN you make the "is it okay to say nigger here" thread, where you are baiting a moderation action against you to prove there is a selective approach to moderation towards you individually. This is where I thought this all started originally, but no there was an entire backlog of stuff to go over to see where you are coming from. And now here we are in the latest thread of this saga.

    To summarize,

    You make a racist shitpost that gets moderated. You then get upset Bruno got away with saying nigger when you didn't get away with it. Voss says he will update the rules to stop this all together, but for now wont punish bruno or you (not sure what he is referencing in regards to you). You then go on to make a the "is it okay to say nigger here?" thread immediately after this discussion with voss, we all know how that thread went. And now here we are in this thread talking about selective racism where people here only care about black racism.

  13. ISO #113

  14. ISO #114

    Re: Selective Racism

    Thats almost correct apart from the timing of the shitpost - it was made before Voss made that reply and before I made the post in the answer hall.

    As for the stuff about Terry Davis, tbh you are free to interpret that as you wish but I don’t put it in the same category as the other posts as it containing the words n**ger (censored btw) was sort of besides the point of the thread.

  15. ISO #115

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    Being outwardly racist is definitely a conservative trait.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    It doesn't change the fact it's wrong to say racism is a uniquely conservative position.
    No one's said that racism is a uniquely conservative position. I think you misinterpreted FrostByte's words here.

    FM XVII: Bonney Jewelry (Journalist)
    FM XVIII: Kalou (Savage Godfather)
    FM XX: Joseph Bertrand (Marshall)
    FM XXI: USA (Escort)
    FM XV: Whiskey (Whore)

  16. ISO #116

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Voss View Post
    No one's said that racism is a uniquely conservative position. I think you misinterpreted FrostByte's words here.
    I was literally gonna respond with this.

    "Outwardly racist" is definitely a conservative thing. Underhandedly racist is a liberal thing.

    Trump refusing to denounce white supremacy over and over and over is outwardly racist.

    Biden saying poor kids deserve the same opportunities as white kids is a scumslip that shows he's underhandedly racist (at least in my opinion, as an example)

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    In the UK I had people IGNORE my dad (we went there on a visit couple of years back) and refuse to shake his hand for literally no fucking reason.
    annnnd here's the victim complex I talked about

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    It just seems to me that people hear about 'anti-black racism' on TV and how all these evil white people oppressed them or whatnot and then point out racism against blacks (especially from other white people) wherever they see it even if the racism is fictional, just to feel better about themselves.
    That's called virtue signaling. It happens occasionally, but it's more often used an accusation by conservatives to discredit even obvious and concrete acts of racism.

    Jim Crow didn't end that long ago in the US. The people currently making laws in the US were either alive during Jim Crow or raised by people who popularly supported Jim Crow. That fact alone illustrates how racism is definitely alive and real in the US. People don't just change overnight or do a 100% 180 from one generation to the next.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    I'm actually really curious how many of these people who are 'fighting to end racism' have ever helped a downtrodden black person when it was inconvenient to them - and I'm not talking about giving someone a pen at an exam.

    Given that I don't see the same level of care levelled at other downtrodden groups, and given that people seem perfectly happy with racism against other groups, I can only assume that they don't actually genuinely care about black people and are only in on it to make themselves feel like Good Samaritans - and if they can do it by making other people look bad, then all the better!
    How would you see it? The news doesn't cover good shit. Only bad. There are plenty of people who dedicate their lives to stopping racism and prejudice of all kinds. Writing everyone off as virtue signaling is intellectually and morally weak. It's an excuse to continue being racist. "If everyone else is doing it, it must not be that bad."
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  17. ISO #117

  18. ISO #118

    Re: Selective Racism

    For the record, using the word nigger doesn't automatically make you a racist, but you don't get to cry about being called a racist when you use it.
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  19. ISO #119

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump View Post
    FAKE NEWS!!!

    Except Abraham Lincoln, nobody's done more for black community than Donald Trump!


    stand back and stand down, boys

    the doublespeak is amazing.

    Trump has done shit for black people, he keeps making that claim and being as vague about it as possible.
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  20. ISO #120

    Re: Selective Racism

    @Donald J. Trump and I fucking dare you to bring up unemployment
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  21. ISO #121

    Re: Selective Racism

    People like Failure Frostbyte is the reason why I will always protect pre-existing conditions! We will always protect the mentally handicapped!

    And I also support farmers, big league! This is why I passed the farm bill, so that farmers around the United States can continue to grow vegetables like Failure Frostbyte!

  22. ISO #122

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump View Post
    People like Failure Frostbyte is the reason why I will always protect pre-existing conditions! We will always protect the mentally handicapped!

    And I also support farmers, big league! This is why I passed the farm bill, so that farmers around the United States can continue to grow vegetables like Failure Frostbyte!
    But we were talking about the blacks?

    Do you really have dementia?
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  23. ISO #123

  24. ISO #124

  25. ISO #125

  26. ISO #126

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump View Post
    I guess I do because I don't remember asking you for your opinion, bean.
    and still no concrete answer about what you've done for the blacks

    scum makes vague claims with nothing to back them up when they're trying to seem town

    -vote Donald J. Trump
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  27. ISO #127

    Re: Selective Racism

    wait I mean don't vote for trump lmfao
    FMX: fm Kevinpowers - Citizen (WIN)
    Quote Originally Posted by Helz View Post
    I will go ahead and fuck this cat
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Heavy Handed View Post
    yeah I'm not gonna sit around here analyzing the fucking particle fluctuations in the quantum foam or whatever the fuck trying to find shit on D1

  28. ISO #128

  29. ISO #129

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald J. Trump View Post
    While I love my fair share of walls, even I know how useless it is to reason with one!
    ignoring the real issues so u can go on a quest of self preservation. fuck u donald j trump im not voting for baron in 2032 now

  30. ISO #130

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    @Oberon go fuck yourself for whining about me in answerhall, faggot. i made a nice lil thread 4 u to tongue punch my fartbox. pathetic pussy. nobody wanted to shake ur dads hand cuz hes a dirty ass toilet cleaner from a shithole eastern bloc country. whine baby bitch

  31. ISO #131

  32. ISO #132

  33. ISO #133

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by FrostByte View Post
    I was literally gonna respond with this.

    "Outwardly racist" is definitely a conservative thing. Underhandedly racist is a liberal thing.

    Trump refusing to denounce white supremacy over and over and over is outwardly racist.

    Biden saying poor kids deserve the same opportunities as white kids is a scumslip that shows he's underhandedly racist (at least in my opinion, as an example)

    annnnd here's the victim complex I talked about

    That's called virtue signaling. It happens occasionally, but it's more often used an accusation by conservatives to discredit even obvious and concrete acts of racism.

    Jim Crow didn't end that long ago in the US. The people currently making laws in the US were either alive during Jim Crow or raised by people who popularly supported Jim Crow. That fact alone illustrates how racism is definitely alive and real in the US. People don't just change overnight or do a 100% 180 from one generation to the next.

    How would you see it? The news doesn't cover good shit. Only bad. There are plenty of people who dedicate their lives to stopping racism and prejudice of all kinds. Writing everyone off as virtue signaling is intellectually and morally weak. It's an excuse to continue being racist. "If everyone else is doing it, it must not be that bad."
    'Victim complex'
    Why do you liberal types always have to resort to ad hominems? What do you stand to gain from them?
    Also I don't agree with that standpoint. Read what leftist figures like Bernard Shaw or Stalin thought about different nationalities and you'll see they were definitely not underhandedly racist but rather full on racist. I can literally quote snippets of Lyndon B. Johnson saying 'we'll have those n****rs eating out of our hands' in private. You actually cannot frame this as a merely political issue (as I think you are doing) without implying that Conservatives either don't care or like racism, because, otherwise, why would conservative leaders be outwardly racist when liberals need to hide their racism? People of all colors and opinions can be racist or not racist. I'm sure there are some wonderful non-racist people voting for Trump just as I'm sure there are some wonderful non-racist people voting for Biden.

    'Trump refusing to denounce white supremacy over and over'
    He's denounced it repeatedly though :P and if you look at his history prior to running for president in 2016, I mean, he pretty much left a political party a while back (I think it was the reform party, in 2000) over one of the other candidates in the party being racist. I think the real reason people claim Trump is a racist, where it stems from, because I think Trump misspeaking (which, I mean, it's fucking Donald Trump here, he's not Einstein) did not start this 'Trump is racist trend', is because of his comments about building the wall and him not wanting China et al. to benefit from American hard work more than America gets in return; I mean... I don't think that makes him a racist; it's perfectly reasonable to put your own country ahead of all other countries. That's what countries are for - for defending their own citizens.

    'It happens occasionally'
    Sure it happens occasionally but it happens a lot more often than people are wont to admit: someone out on my street literally put up a cardboard sign in their window that says 'Silence = Violence #BlackLivesMatter' which I find all kinds of hilarious because blacks in America don't have anything to do with blacks in the Netherlands anyways; they don't even have the same history or anything or even anything like that and the NL is a remarkably tolerant country... although so is the US and that's still happening there.

    Also the point I was making was about this website, so don't make it about 'all people'. Don't change the subject. In mafia people who change the subject get lynched or vig'd.

    'Racism is definitely alive'
    Probably although right now it's most likely individual racism and nothing anywhere near as systemic as Democrats claim it to be. I actually find the Democratic Party (not democratic voters) whining about racism when their party supported Jim Crow to be all kinds of hilarious, and I don't believe one bit that the people in that party genuinely care about black people. All they care about is getting votes at all costs.

    'News doesn't cover good shit'
    Very true. Media can give you a distorted image of what's happening in the world and I do suspect a lot of this image is fabricated. At the same time however I have personal experience with this kind of virtue signalling and while I am somewhat confident that MOST people don't do it, the minority that do are clearly very vocal and typically drown out the people who genuinely care about helping others. As for the rest of your comments, again I did not write off everyone as 'virtue signalling' (you can literally read the post you quoted to see that for yourself), and, I won't bother replying to your pointless personal attacks as I'm not interested in appealing to emotion.
    Last edited by Oberon; November 1st, 2020 at 06:08 PM.

  34. ISO #134

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by theoneceko View Post
    @Oberon some advice for u bud.

    1. saying random slurs doesn't help
    2. u won't change any1 by arguing on this forum
    3. none of this matters anyway

    just trying to help ^^
    I mean you're definitely right but I just can't help myself ^^ I don't really enjoy doing this but wth

  35. ISO #135

  36. ISO #136

    Re: Selective Racism

    I kinda agree with Ceko. Can we just all take a politics break to cool down a bit (says the guy who's definetly gonna post a political thread once we have the results of the American election)?

    Because looking at this thread, you have made a very bad name for yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  37. ISO #137

    Re: Selective Racism

    And the worst part is that you don't deserve that bad name lol
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lawyer View Post
    Besides your lamp and your refridgerators, do you find anyone else suspicious?
    Quote Originally Posted by oliverz144 View Post
    it looks like many, e.g. MM and lag, suffered under the influence of paopan. However there is a victim: frinckles. He left the path of rationality and fully dived into the parallel reality of baby shark, king shark, and soviet union pizzas.
    Spoiler : The meaning of life :

  38. ISO #138

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    I kinda agree with Ceko. Can we just all take a politics break to cool down a bit (says the guy who's definetly gonna post a political thread once we have the results of the American election)?

    Because looking at this thread, you have made a very bad name for yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshmallow Marshall View Post
    And the worst part is that you don't deserve that bad name lol
    i don't think it's about this thread at all. A few people became convinced he was racist based on posts in threads from months ago. So it's natural when he makes a new thread about getting called out for racism that those same people will have a field day. Basically each new thread by mag/ganelon/oberon suffers from confirmation bias against everyone else, who just see it as more confirmation of the opinion they already have. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy that he just walks right into
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  39. ISO #139

    Re: Selective Racism

    additionally, he made it clear previously that he feels black people are genetically stupider, which seems to be clear racism, am i wrong? He is free to believe whatever he wants but i don't see a way to combine "not racist" with "believes people of a certain skin color are stupider"

    i think also claimed more violent? so yea. Even if he believes he is right about those things (and hell, even if they were true), it's still a pretty clear position, is it not?
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  40. ISO #140

    Re: Selective Racism

    First of all, it is not a ‘feeling’ as you put it. Second of all, when you want to accuse me of racism, say it to my face like a man, don’t hide behind words and blatantly misrepresent my views as ‘feelings’. Don’t be a coward.

    Thirdly, I am also part of a group that is ‘dumber’ as you put it on average so I find your accusations baseless. Fourth, it is very important not to forget that it is impossible to guess IQ from any characteristic not related to education/life outcome in any non random setting. The black dude workinf at NASA has more in common and is just as smart as the whie, Asian, Mexican, Navajo dude working there than with a black or a white dude working in a factory, and people will only screw themselves over by judging people by their colour instead of whats inside. What most nazis and racists are loathe to admit is that hilariously enough the Jewish dude they know who lives down the street is probably smarter than them - and assuming we went full on with this eugenics thing (for the sake or argument), there would be many black dudes far smarter than them and they would hilarious end up as the ‘lower caste’ or whatever. This is why racism is stupid from a purely utilitarian perspective. The betrer argument is that people are people, no matter how smart they are, and shohld be treated equally. Thats the moral thing to do, and it transcends any other utilitarian reason. Morality should always trump everything else.

  41. ISO #141

    Re: Selective Racism

    I’m not here to argue with you. I understand from your perspective that you feel you are peddling facts. I stopped posting in these threads months ago. I only wanted to highlight why you were getting the responses you were getting from others (and the topic of this thread seems to be “why am I getting these overly negative responses?”
    Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Jar Jar the wise?

  42. ISO #142

  43. ISO #143

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by aamirus View Post
    I’m not here to argue with you. I understand from your perspective that you feel you are peddling facts. I stopped posting in these threads months ago. I only wanted to highlight why you were getting the responses you were getting from others (and the topic of this thread seems to be “why am I getting these overly negative responses?”
    Please don’t say I’m racist then thanks?

  44. ISO #144

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Please don’t say I’m racist then thanks?
    I mean when you do stuff like what Ami has brought up and stuff like what's in this image, what are people supposed to think?

    Just tell me what you are expecting with actions like this? Kudos to you for expressing your free speech but why are you so perplexed when you're labeled racist?

    Methinks you know exactly what you're doing. Get over your victim complex, and stop saying racist shit if you don't want to be called racist.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  45. ISO #145

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Please don’t say I’m racist then thanks?
    Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe me and banana are the only two people to have called you racist so far?
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  46. ISO #146

    Re: Selective Racism

    Well, seeing as you had to hijack this discussion and turn it personal (why do leftists always do that), and seeing as I was dumb enough to go along with it, my only choice now is to get away from it all. However, firstly I find your claims baseless as that is not actually racist any more than the kid yelling ‘cocksucker’ all the time is a homophobe. Arguably not the best response but I reject the notion that it points to racism.

    As far as my initial discussion that was so rudely veered off course wenr, I think this attempt to derail the argument and paint me as a racist proves my point even further. Its quite sad people will paint things as racist when they either have no idea what they’re talking about, but it is what it is. No skin off my back.

  47. ISO #147

    Re: Selective Racism

    Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
    Well, seeing as you had to hijack this discussion and turn it personal (why do leftists always do that), and seeing as I was dumb enough to go along with it, my only choice now is to get away from it all. However, firstly I find your claims baseless as that is not actually racist any more than the kid yelling ‘cocksucker’ all the time is a homophobe. Arguably not the best response but I reject the notion that it points to racism.

    As far as my initial discussion that was so rudely veered off course wenr, I think this attempt to derail the argument and paint me as a racist proves my point even further. Its quite sad people will paint things as racist when they either have no idea what they’re talking about, but it is what it is. No skin off my back.
    Says racist shit

    "Stop painting me as racist!"

    Only you hold the paintbrush here dude.
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaCucho

  48. ISO #148

    Re: Selective Racism

    I just don't understand the appeal of saying things just because you aren't supposed to say them. You've done this before- you got warned on a different site for using the word retarded, then you proceeded to say "that's retarded" and went out of your way to say the word "retarded" multiple times and got banned. That's textbook belligerence, isn't it? Breaking the rules just because you don't like the rules or just because you're told not to?

    It's so obtuse for me because that's not ever something I would do. If someone asked me not to use the word retarded I would apologize and try not to use it around them. Same for autistic or anything else.

    Side note: saying your race has below average intelligence does not help your case in any way shape or form especially now that you've done it twice.
    Quote Originally Posted by S-FM Unfunny View Post
    How dare you send me another box of cereal
    Quote Originally Posted by ChannelMiner View Post
    Anyways I shot Brad due to my morbid fear of zombies.

  49. ISO #149

    Re: Selective Racism

    I’m not interested tbh @Stealthbomber. This discussion was never meant to be about me; I’ve got personal things going on right now and I have zero interest in feeding into people’s personal biases or whining about by whom and when I was called a racist. If anyone is actually interested in talking about my concerns then I’ll respond. Until then, I suggest people learn how to actually properly debate without assuming the other person is an evil bastard who is automatically wrong, and without resorting to ad hominems. And if you can’t, maybe these kinds of discussions aren’t for you (yet).

  50. ISO #150

    Re: Selective Racism

    Stealth I got myself banned from that particular website because they modkilled blink with the explicit claim that he had been toxic, where other people had also been toxic and imo blinks toxicity wasnt even that bad, and others didn’t. That and abstracting away the matter of the word ‘retarded’ being banned in the first place although thats yet another topic that would fill 3 pages so I’m just going to drop it there.



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