I've had my dog, Timmy, since I was 16 (12 years).
He is a mix between a Black Lab and an Irish Wolf.
He is my best friend and has helped me though difficult parts of my life and also been there for the best parts of my life.

I know it will eventually happen, but now it feels closer than ever.
He has Arthritis, the beginning of gum disease and a heart murmur. As well with being covered in fatty lumps.

Recently, we have noticed a new lump growing in his mouth. At a faster rate than normal.

So. We have been given a choice, of either paying for it all to be treated (In the thousand of £) and risk an operation which could go wrong due to his age, heart problems and it being in an area prone to infections. As well as the chance of discovering that its something worse.

Or, we do nothing. And watch this lump grow slowly, eventually stopping him from eating or getting infected.

There is no right choice, its horrible. And what makes me feel worse is that we've made a decision effectively deciding that he will die. (We choice the option to not operate and just enjoy what time we have left)

He isn't in pain yet or suffering and is still happy.
But I'm in a bit of a mess because I've accepted his death to come.