Quote Originally Posted by oops_ur_dead View Post
There is absolutely no context that would excuse federal agents beating anyone, medic or protester, with a stick repeatedly and shoving them while they're retreating.
There are plenty of context where that would be the correct reaction, how else do you uphold law and order when the destruction of it is at your doorstep?

From the article you linked:

Durkee said he and Guest were called by protesters to help treat the man, and, as officers attempting to clear the area of demonstrators came towards them, the two volunteer medics signaled they intended to stay and treat the man laying on a sidewalk.
This is in every way a direct dismissal of an order by the Marshals to leave the area. Under threat of force, arrest or what have you -- why would they not comply? I find it bizarre that their own testimonials in that article don't even detail why they felt the inclination to stay but rather focused on the result.

And here, a definition of Authoritarian:

favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.
They were given a choice (even ignoring the chaos and around them) and did not do it. This is not a war and these are not enemy combatants. These are protesters both peaceful and violent but above all, they are American citizens. I find this hardly more authoritarian than a cop asking you for identification, failure to comply and subsequent arrest. But perhaps it seems that way because of the need for Federal troops while the city burns.

One more point of context of force. Here's a 1:48 video showing something that might provoke Federal troops to assail you. It was taken in the same city, Portland about five nights after the incident described in this thread. Notice the peaceful grafitti above as well. AND TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME DO NOT WATCH WITH HEADPHONES.


Are the two incidents the same? Absolutely not. But they do share many similarities and so I'd argue why anyone in that situation would do anything opposite of compliance. Unless they really were under the impression that Portland has some sort of insurrection occurring and that they're in a war, Medics protected by the Geneva Convention.

This actually seems to be the case here, which is quite interesting: https://youtu.be/vxmST0yOKoM?t=47