For future wars here is a battle strategy for us.

In a pony thread here in the pony party sub-forum everypony needs to label themselves as either an attacker or defender.

Attackers will constantly create posts attacking the communists/people we are warring with (like why communism is bad, etc.), they do not defend their posts or the ponies, all they do is constantly create posts attacking the communists/people we are warring with.

Defenders will defend the attackers posts or defend the ponies when the communists/people we are warring with make a statement against the ponies, or against an attackers point. Such as an attacker makes a post, communist/person we are warring with attacks it calling them a ponyfag, so the defender defends the attackers statement, letting the attacker spend more time making new attacks instead of worrying about defending their own. Defenders can even be split into two sections, one a defender who defends a ponies posts, and one a defender who defends the ponies in general when a communist/person we are warring with makes a lone statement.

What this strategy does, it keeps everypony defended, but it lets the attacks on communists stream in constantly. Each pony will pick one or the other as their niche. Basically every post will be defended, and the attacks will constantly be coming in since the attackers won't have to worry about defending their own posts just continuesly attacking.