Welcome, welcome to Dagaen-Madge-Primrose-etc.-etc.'s Award Show for guys who have nothing better to do!

No need for introductions, let's just begin!

Town MVP: 42shadow42/Striker!

While Peeta was looking really good in the endgame, he gave Cato a Sheriff item which was quite huge. He also was little bit too silent. Gale was a great Town Leader most of the time, but he also had too many hiccups. I think Striker's play was the most consistent (well, crazy as well!). His crazy gambit drew Rue into the spotlight and his Detective result helped us lynch Foxface. In the meantime he managed to fool half of the Town and wasted half of the Day, but hey, nobody's perfect!

Scum MVP: Orpz/Cato!

Obviously. For the most of the time he was completely off the radar and did great job passing as Townie.

MVP: Orpz/Cato!

His play was almost spotless, even if Town managed to lynch Katniss I'm sure he would still win this game for scum. I will be really surprised if he won't be nominated as MVP by Host himself.

-vote Cato

But hey, we have some more to give!

Town LVP: Brenden/Clove.

Ended the game with 22 posts and almost all of them were one-liners or naked votes. He was killed without putting any fight. Too bad man, I bet you can better!

Ruby Dynamite Award for the Best Action: Orpz/Cato for shattering his own weapon!

This action was nice by itself, but it also created gamebreaking changes. By shattering himself Cato made sure that Boy would have reason to target Rue. And in the result he got himself a Sheriff weapon! This denied Town great investigative power and created a lot of confusion in the late game.

Onyx Cat Award for the Unluckiest Player: Azuriae/Katniss for drafting VT...twice!

Getting Vanilla two times in a row, being targeted since d2, having real-life emergencies...Azuriae sure had this tough, but he still managed to play this out. Big respect!

Golden Starfish Award for the Most Entertaining Player: Kusco/Nautilus!

I wish I could give Nautilus some better award, but he was killed too quickly. If he lived longer I think he could be MVP. For now I'm going to reward him as a guy who made me laugh the most while also being surprisingly active player!

u dsrve dat see slug!

Diamond Magnifying Glass Award for the Best Scumhunter: Titus/Gale!

Although she was a bit lost and annoyed quite a few people in the end her readings were the most accurate of all. Too bad she was too impatient to wait and think in the end...

Silver Rack Award for the Most Tortured Player: Gerik/Rue!

Pressured since Day 2 she was the center of attention for a looong time. I don't want to do the math, but I think he has a decent chance of being the most voted player as well!

Emerald Drunken Fist Award for the Most Random Player: louiswill/Thresh!

He confused the shit out of me in this late game, I don't think I'm the only one!

Wooden Labirynth Award for the Most Clueless Player: Titus/Gale!

Yes, she can be Best Scumhunter, but she also managed to completely misread the setup few times. I remember I've facepalmed when she argued that everyone was Vanilla, because graveyard said so^^

Special Gemini Award for Playing on Multiple Accounts: Dagaen/Primadge!

There aren't many things in FMs as rememberable as getting modkilled at random! I liked this twist, made this game way more fun for me! It affected Town quite a bit since one extra Townie would be helpful in the late game, but shit happens! Anyway, I've made this award for myself because I think I've deserved it, especially after replacing none other but Clementine , person who made my Days a living hell!

Special Platinum Troll Award for the Greatest Chaos Making: Glip/Cain!

I have no idea how the hell he managed to do it, but sudden double block on n4 made everyone confused! Some thought that Boy is lying, some thought that one of VT claimers are lying.. And the culprit was sleeping in the graveyard for the entire time. Amazing!

Special Crystal Globe Award for the Best Prediction: Gerik/Rue!

For this post in the scum-chat:

"I'd advise against it. I happen to know that Clementine specifically looks for people with avatars like that and finds them scummy. And I do believe she is in this game (she usually signs for fms/mfms) and she is not with us, so if she's in the game she must be town. Just something to consider."

And exactly this argument was made by Clementine when she started to attack me!

Special Golden Shang Tsung Award for Ending the Game with Style: Azuriae/Katniss.

I've enjoyed this gif, really nice way of ending things.

Special Pink Rubber Duck Award for the Most Awkward Moment: Gerik/Rue and Orpz/Cato for the Forced Small Talk in the Neighbour Chat!

That sure had to be interesting!

Special Plastic Mona Lisa Award for Caring About Flavor: Apache/Boy with the Bad Leg.

For changing avatars reflecting his mental state during the game. When I was doing the analysis I really enjoyed the fact that Boy is now a Ghost!

Special Fluffy Teddy Bear Award for the Player with No Award: Banshis/Peeta

I think he deserves award, but I'm not sure for what:P

Special Golden Chuck Norris Award for Awesome Hosting: Poriomania & Citrus!

Thank you for this awesome game! It had some hiccups, but any game is bound to have it! Setup was interesting, game was more-or-less balanced, RP was made in quite timely fashion... Too bad we had so many lurkers! Anyway it was a really amazing experience, GG and thank you!

And that's it for now, see you next year!