Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
In any event one major problem I always face is that people always seem to be so unwilling to listen. I admit I am not always the most convincing orator or the best at explaining my viewpoints but I really do feel like a lot of the time I'm talking to a wall and every time I try harder I just get hit in the head - harder.
I want you to know that I like you, but you should recognize that within this thread you have a chunk of your peers telling you that you do not listen. That when they spend time to say real things to you they feel you just regurgitate information back at them with little substance.
You are talking to a wall because its not a conversation you are having. I have the same problem sometimes but when I do I try to hit softer instead of harder. I try to understand why I am not getting through to them because I know if someone just hits me harder I want to make the fight bloody but turning destructive criticism into constructive criticism is what matters. Establish common ground and make an effort.

Quote Originally Posted by Oberon View Post
This is probably also a moral problem on my end because as SB16 pointed out, I am kind of an arrogant ass, however, at the same time, I would not be so gleeful if I were met with actual normal responses instead of either baseless assertions (God, they're so common nowadays) or downright personal attacks. I put the two in the same category because they're both just as detrimental to having an actual dialogue as opposed to both parties just projecting their own biases in verbal form at one another.
I do not think you are immoral and I do not think you are arrogant. If you were immoral you wouldn't stand for things you believe in and arrogance speaks to personal pride while you take pride in the things you believe in. I think you should take more time to consider why you believe the things you believe in but you hit a lot on the head between baseless assertions and projecting bias.

Even if your not great at making a connection people always respect effort and thats one of the huge criticisms of your communication.