Quote Originally Posted by Unknown1234 View Post
I don't see anything in rumox's post that would make you suggest you're being attacked. If you are going to attempt to have a civil conversation at least don't cry that you're being attacked when someone makes a valid argument against you.

Nobody spends their time doing this unless they want to make the game better. Try seeing it from someone else's point of view instead of getting upset that others aren't agreeing with you.
I dont see why the f he has to bring up any of my reports? why Me again please explain why Me and why the hell he brought up Old reports again?

What does this have to do with rulebreakers should get banned quicker, and watchlist should be shorter, 1x = 1x banlist for 1day or so and the player who is breaking the rules can come explaining himself.

This is about every reporter in this entire community captain Rumox, not just me.