Quote Originally Posted by deathworlds View Post
Hmmmm Nihilism.

If we accept the axiom that the universe has no inherent meaning, then well what's the point?
I'd say it's to enjoy the time you have left. Everything will end, we (as a civilization, species, and concept) will die out, if our current models are correct the universe will die from heat death. We will die, and everything we leave behind will be "deleted", gone, irrelevant.
That shit sucks, but we can't exactly change that, so we just kinda have to accept it, or figure out some sort of coping mechanism to deal with that revelation, like religion or the idea of afterlife or reincarnation or somethin' of that ilk.
Here's what motivates me, the oppertunity to experience the universe while I have the time to do so. We only get one life, might as well try to make the most of it
I never said the opposite. I just find it relaxing and soothing when I'm mad because X (and I can't change it because it's something too big for me, etc.) and then I think that X doesn't matter in the great scheme of things.