GUIDE: Colored names - Page 3

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  1. ISO #101

  2. ISO #102

  3. ISO #103

    Re: Colored names tool

    Quote Originally Posted by Sen View Post

    To keep something out, simply keep it outside of the color/c tags.
    ie; -Girl <c val="ff0000">♥ </c>.txt
    Yeah it is simple to just edit the code afterward, just confused as to why your app color everything white from the get-go.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sen View Post
    About entering the hex value. That can be done. I'll see if I implement it.

    Didn't have time to work on this last night. I'll do it in a couple of hours.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sen View Post
    Ok. Just updated it with a different spectrum which should cover the missing colors.
    Character counter added as well.

    I may add the option to type in the hex value later. Don't feel like doing more modifications tonight.

    Wiki User: Deantwo

    the SC2Mafia Wiki is my playground!
    Spoiler : FM History :

    FM18: Bushwalter (Drug Dealer)

  4. ISO #104

    Re: Colored names tool

    Found the tool helpful. I'm flirting with the max characters however. The only feature I would request would have it prelimit the gradients to match 255 characters. Instead of cutting characters down to match the gradient, cut the gradient to match the characters. At either rate, i found 11 colors was the maximum. So I'm suggesting take whatever phrase, and merge 2-3 characters to the same color on the gradient.

    Thus I was able to make this
    -<c val="2c2400">Sl</c><c val="3f350e">ow</c><c val="52461d">ly</c> <c val="65582c">Mi</c><c val="78693b">ch</c><c val="8b7a4a">ae</c><c val="9f8c59">l</c> <c val="b29d68">Ja</c><c val="c5ae77">ck</c><c val="d8c086">so</c><c val="ebd195">n</c>

  5. ISO #105

  6. ISO #106

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    I require a "Tyrion Lannister" ( with red and gold perhaps)

    first to provide will be showered with gold.
    G: 15 | W: 13 | MVP: 2
    S-FM Casino: Town (WIN) S-FM BSDL:Detective (WIN)S-FM PCS: Subject X (Arsonist) (WIN/MVP) S-FM Mani: Citizen (WIN) FM-XV Rebel/Haunter (WIN) S-FM Prelude: doctor (WIN/MVP) S-FM HotD: (town/loss) S-FM L&D: Lookout (WIN) S-FM BL: Framer (WIN) M-FM XIII Vigilante/Subject XVI (WIN/MVRIP) S-FM SE: Mafioso: (WIN) S-FM Flashmob 1: Doctor (Win) Fmob 2: SK (Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda) S-FM BT: Sheriff (WIN) S-FM Websites: Citizen (WIN)

  7. ISO #107

  8. ISO #108

    Color Codes for role names and name slots.

    1 B4141E
    2 0042FF
    3 1CA7EA
    4 6900A1
    5 EBE129
    6 FE8A0E
    7 168000
    8 CCA6FC
    9 A633BF
    10 525494
    11 168962
    12 753F06
    13 96FF91
    14 464646
    15 E55BB0

    -<c val="00FF00">Town </c><c val="00CCFF">Random</c>

    -<c val="33CC33">Citizen</c>

    -<c val="00FF44">Mason</c>

    -<c val="22FF77">Mason Leader</c>

    -<c val="44FF44">Mayor</c>

    -<c val="23EF32">Marshall</c>

    -<c val="66CC33">Crier</c>

    -<c val="55CC11">Bus Driver</c>

    -<c val="66AA00">Spy</c>

    -<c val="00DD55">Coroner</c>

    -<c val="66CC00">Jailor</c>

    -<c val="88CC00">Vigilante</c>

    -<c val="AAFF55">Veteran</c>

    -<c val="00CC66">Bodyguard</c>

    -<c val="00FF66">Investigator</c>

    -<c val="44FF00">Lookout</c>

    -<c val="00FF44">Detective</c>

    -<c val="00FF00">Doctor</c>

    -<c val="00FF00">Sheriff</c>

    -<c val="00FF00">Escort</c>

    -<c val="01FF10">Stump</c>

    -<c val="FF0000">Mafia </c><c val="00CCFF">Random</c>

    <c val="FF4488">Godfather</c>

    -<c val="FF5533">Consigliere</c>

    -<c val="FF3333">Janitor</c>

    -<c val="FF2244">Agent</c>

    -<c val="AA3333">Kidnapper</c>

    -<c val="DD6644">Disguiser</c>

    -<c val="FF0000">Consort</c>

    -<c val="BB3355">Beguiler</c>

    -<c val="CC0000">Mafioso</c>

    -<c val="DD6600">Framer</c>

    -<c val="DD0000">Blackmailer</c>

    -<c val="3366FF">Triad </c><c val="00CCFF">Random</c>

    -<c val="6969BB">Deceiver</c>

    -<c val="697AFF">Vanguard</c>

    -<c val="4A62AA">Interrogator</c>

    -<c val="6295DD">Informant</c>

    -<c val="2C58DD">Silencer</c>

    -<c val="5B84FF">Incense Master</c>

    -<c val="2C95DD">Forger</c>

    -<c val="5B99FF">Administrator</c>

    -<c val="3366FF">Liason</c>

    -<c val="9F8EFF">Dragon Head</c>

    -<c val="2851CC">Enforcer</c>

    -<c val="AAAAAA">Neutral </c><c val="00CCFF">Random</c>

    -<c val="BBCC88>Auditor</c>

    -<c val="6622CC">Witch</c>

    -<c val="BB44AA">Cultist</c>

    -<c val="FCA8FC">Jester</c>

    -<c val="AA55FF">Witch Doctor</c>

    -<c val="AACCFF">Executioner</c>

    -<c val="66FFCC">Amnesiac</c>

    -<c val="FFFF00">Survivor</c>

    -<c val="BB4455">Mass Murderer</c>

    -<c val="FFAA00">Arsonist</c>

    -<c val="FF00CC">Serial Killer </c>

    -<c val="FFFFFF">Any </c><c val="00CCFF">Random</c>
    Last edited by Hollercaust; January 25th, 2014 at 05:42 AM.

  9. ISO #109

    Re: Color Codes for role names and name slots.

    request sticky for convenient uses.
    When we talked about pubs, we are talking about us.
    When they talked about pubs, they exclude themselves.
    They say only bad players want to modify citizens, and they do not satisfy bad players.
    Are we bad players? We include bad players, but that is just a part of us.
    ---They put veteran, mayor, allowed jester to visit for nothing, and they regretted and say those things are brainless.

  10. ISO #110

  11. ISO #111

  12. ISO #112

  13. ISO #113

  14. ISO #114

  15. ISO #115

    Bada bing!

    [COLOR=#00FF00]Town [/COLOR][color=#00CCFF]Random[/COLOR]



    [COLOR=#22FF77]Mason Leader[/COLOR]




    [COLOR=#55CC11]Bus Driver[/COLOR]














    [COLOR=#FF0000]Mafia [/COLOR][color=#00CCFF]Random[/COLOR]












    [COLOR=#3366FF]Triad [/COLOR][color=#00CCFF]Random[/COLOR]






    [COLOR=#5B84FF]Incense Master[/COLOR]




    [COLOR=#9F8EFF]Dragon Head[/COLOR]


    [COLOR=#AAAAAA]Neutral [/COLOR][color=#00CCFF]Random[/COLOR]





    [COLOR=#AA55FF]Witch Doctor[/COLOR]




    [COLOR=#BB4455]Mass Murderer[/COLOR]


    [COLOR=#FF00CC]Serial Killer[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#FFFFFF]Any [/COLOR][color=#00CCFF]Random[/COLOR]
    Last edited by Hollercaust; January 25th, 2014 at 05:41 AM.

  16. ISO #116

  17. ISO #117

  18. ISO #118

  19. ISO #119

  20. ISO #120

  21. ISO #121

  22. ISO #122

  23. ISO #123

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    I recently began playing again and created a color gradient generator (with names).
    You can copy the spreadsheet from here (Requires a Google Account to make a copy)

    Input name in A2
    Input starting colours in B2 to D2
    Input ending colours in B3 to D3

    A6 is the name with the color gradient ranging from the first colour to the second colour (First letter is in the first colour, last letter in the second, for example: Serial Killer)
    A8 is the name with the color gradient ranging from the first colour to the second and then to the first again (So the second colour is in the center and the first colour is at the beginning and at the end, for example: Arsonist)

    Names shamelessly taken from the first post, I hope it's ok for you

    (Magic happens in columns F to N, if someone is interested, just change the font color to black)

    If someone finds a bug, tell me please.

  24. ISO #124

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    here is some, what is the HTML code for colors on the website ?
    this one has 11 colors. wich is maximum. i mean 12 colors was 2 letters away.... why could u not make this code a bit smaller inside mafia. i mean in css all you need to type is #6000a0 + message like 6000a0Hello. and here it takes soo long time to make a color name with this code and the code makes u not avalible to use more than 11 colors.
    Last edited by MasterNinja; August 3rd, 2014 at 01:39 AM.

  25. ISO #125

  26. ISO #126

  27. ISO #127

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    Am I missing something? What 11 and 12 colors?

    The necrotrolling is strong here.
    This statement is false. Or.. Is it..? Actually, I think it is the following statement that is false. Also, the preceding statement is true. u wot m8?

    If you aren't mindqf'd enough yet, go and try to solve THIS.

  28. ISO #128

  29. ISO #129

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    11 what? Characters or what?

    Lol... Idk if I'm being stupid here.. you just said it's 255. Each of red, green and blue can have a value between 0 and 255. That's 255^3 possible colors, no?

    Idk 11 what you're talking about man.
    This statement is false. Or.. Is it..? Actually, I think it is the following statement that is false. Also, the preceding statement is true. u wot m8?

    If you aren't mindqf'd enough yet, go and try to solve THIS.

  30. ISO #130

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritFryer View Post
    11 what? Characters or what?

    Lol... Idk if I'm being stupid here.. you just said it's 255. Each of red, green and blue can have a value between 0 and 255. That's 255^3 possible colors, no?

    Idk 11 what you're talking about man.
    Each letter of his name is a different color.
    Quote Originally Posted by Elixir View Post
    You should be priviledged to experience bestmas.

    "waah the screen is shaking, waah my delicate eyes".

    Fuck sake.

  31. ISO #131

  32. ISO #132

  33. ISO #133

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    It’s full of bugs!

    -doesn’t work for names of length 1
    -it’s inefficient if the colours are too close (if I choose 1,0,0 and 0,0,0 I get -<c val="010000">M</c><c val="000000">Y</c><c val="000000">N</c><c val="000000">A</c><c val="000000">M</c><c val="000000">E</c>)
    -also it’s not evenly distributed
    -also you don’t really need all those </c>’s, do you?

  34. ISO #134

  35. ISO #135

  36. ISO #136

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    Quote Originally Posted by Shifty View Post
    Isn't the "j" & "a" in "Ninja" the same color? They look very much alike.
    the point is that the longest lenght for the comment is 255 letters (i think, didn't re read the thread) and that 11 colors is the maximum amount of colors. (since it makes ur message too long to add 12 colors with 1 letter each) if you have 2 of same colors when its not after eachother you input the color 2 times like here

    red D blue a green w red n = 4 colors. (doesn't matter if someone is equal aslong they dont have 2 letters aftere eachother with the same text. like this
    red Da blue w green n

  37. ISO #137

  38. ISO #138

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    Here is an AutoHotkey script that can make your life a little easier in terms of making a colored name.
    Get AutoHotkey, create new script, and copy this. Run it and then uou simply choose the 2 colors you want and press "F5" - it will type the color code for you.
    Note: it's double color code, for example: <c val="000000-ffffff">name</c>

    Spoiler : AutoHotkey Script, F5 Hotkey :

    SetKeyDelay, 0

    ;Set starting default value, Just a random colour

    ;Create Color GUI
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y10 w40 h20 +Right, Red
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y30 w40 h20 +Right, Green
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y50 w40 h20 +Right, Blue
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y70 w40 h20 +Right, Red
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y90 w40 h20 +Right, Green
    Gui, Add, Text, x0 y110 w40 h20 +Right, Blue
    Gui, Add, Slider, x40 y10 w190 h20 AltSubmit +NoTicks +Range0-255 vsR gSliderSub, %Rval%
    Gui, Add, Slider, x40 y30 w190 h20 AltSubmit +NoTicks +Range0-255 vsG gSliderSub, %Gval%
    Gui, Add, Slider, x40 y50 w190 h20 AltSubmit +NoTicks +Range0-255 vsB gSliderSub, %Bval%
    Gui, Add, Slider, x40 y70 w190 h20 AltSubmit +NoTicks +Range0-255 vsR1 gSliderSub, %R1val%
    Gui, Add, Slider, x40 y90 w190 h20 AltSubmit +NoTicks +Range0-255 vsG1 gSliderSub, %G1val%
    Gui, Add, Slider, x40 y110 w190 h20 AltSubmit +NoTicks +Range0-255 vsB1 gSliderSub, %B1val%
    Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y10 w45 h20 gEditSub veR +Limit3 +Number, %Rval%
    Gui, Add, UpDown, Range0-255 vuR gUpDownSub, %Rval%
    Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y30 w45 h20 gEditSub veG +Limit3 +Number, %Gval%
    Gui, Add, UpDown, Range0-255 vuG gUpDownSub, %Gval%
    Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y50 w45 h20 gEditSub veB +Limit3 +Number, %Bval%
    Gui, Add, UpDown, Range0-255 vuB gUpDownSub, %Bval%
    Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y70 w45 h20 gEditSub veR1 +Limit3 +Number, %R1val%
    Gui, Add, UpDown, Range0-255 vuR1 gUpDownSub, %R1val%
    Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y90 w45 h20 gEditSub veG1 +Limit3 +Number, %G1val%
    Gui, Add, UpDown, Range0-255 vuG1 gUpDownSub, %G1val%
    Gui, Add, Edit, x230 y110 w45 h20 gEditSub veB1 +Limit3 +Number, %B1val%
    Gui, Add, UpDown, Range0-255 vuB1 gUpDownSub, %B1val%
    Gui, Add, Progress, x285 y10 w60 h60 +Border Background%RGBval% vpC
    Gui, Add, Progress, x285 y75 w60 h60 +Border Background%R1G1B1val% vpC1
    Gui, Show, w351 h140, Simple Color Dialog

    ;Get Values
    ;Set preview
    gosub set
    ;Make Everything else aware

    ;Get Values
    ;Set preview
    gosub set
    ;Make Everything else aware

    ;Get Values
    ;Set preview
    gosub set
    ;Make Everything else aware

    ;Convert values to Hex
    ;Apply colour to preview

    ;Function to convert Decimal RGB to Hexadecimal RBG, Note: '0' (zero) padding is unnecessary
    RGB(r, g, b) {
    ;Shift Numbers
    var:=(r << 16) + (g << 8) + b
    ;Save current A_FormatInteger
    OldFormat := A_FormatInteger
    ;Set Hex A_FormatInteger mode
    SetFormat, Integer, Hex
    ;Force decimal number to Hex number
    var += 0
    ;set original A_FormatInteger mode
    SetFormat, Integer, %OldFormat%
    return var

    send -<c val="%Rval%,%Gval%,%Bval%-%R1val%,%G1val%,%B1val%">

    99% of it is googled things put together. So idk about the comments.
    Last edited by OzyWho; February 25th, 2018 at 06:58 AM. Reason: fix

  39. ISO #139

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names

    Quote Originally Posted by OzyWho View Post
    Can someone help me fix that macro? For example: 12,40,55-176,229,12 shows up as C2837-B0E50C.
    <c val="12,40,55-176,229,1"> Works, while <c val="C2837-B0E50C">shows up as pure white.
    I googled like 90% of that macro, so i dont have the brains to fix it
    I know that C2837 should be 0C2837.
    C2827 IS pure white, less, than 6 symbols in hex code = white.
    But i tried 0C2837, same effect, report to blizzard, don't worry.
    [SIGPIC]Why you hold cursor on my signature picture?[/SIGPIC] A very annoying SC2Mafia player.

  40. ISO #140

    Re: Colored names explained, and a lot of names



    Spoiler : Random Basic Color Macro :
    setkeydelay 0
    Random, Qval, 0, 255
    Random, Wval, 0, 255
    Random, Eval, 0, 255
    Random, Rval, 0, 255
    Random, Tval, 0, 255
    Random, Yval, 0, 255
    send -<c val="%Qval%,%Wval%,%Eval%-%Rval%,%Tval%,%Yval%">Random Color
    send {enter}



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