The Final Stretch

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  1. ISO #1

    The Final Stretch

    Derp Brotherhood. Derp witch. 3 1/2 derp teammates. Fun stuff.

    Who to give a gun to? Who to shoot? Those are the questions.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: The Final Stretch


    -If we think only Klaus will die, I give a gun to Gaunt.
    -If we think only Gaunt or I will die, I give a gun to Klaus.
    -If we think two of us die, I give a gun to Wicket (he can use it in combination with jailing/executing someone).

  3. ISO #3

    Re: The Final Stretch

    I wish we had all actually planned for a scenario where Paul/Wicket died like I suggested. Everything had been going as I had planned until Roger retardedly revealed that he didn't have the gunsmith gun. Also, Gaunt, what the fuck was that during day chat? Why didn't you just fucking summarize our entire night chat.

  4. ISO #4

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Tebow or Leia should be the town we shoot on the off chance Mkoll isn't the gunsmith. I don't know whether or not we should shoot Luke.

  5. ISO #5

    Re: The Final Stretch

    It makes me sad that Wicket was also derp enough to jail/execute Mkoll when we could have just shot her. I mean at least use it on someone that might have had a gun. Sadly no one listens to reason.

  6. ISO #6

    Re: The Final Stretch

    I am freakin' APPALLED at that day chat. Why the hell did not even just one of you, but BOTH of you reveal? Honestly, it's like you WANTED to suicide.

    I knew the Brotherhood wouldn't join us in our lynch. My goal was for them to possibly think Klaus was a Devourer/Puppet and not the Ventriloquist, which is why I revealed. It was a viable gambit because I could also communicate with the witch (if she is still alive) or whatever neutral was left.

    If Vader really is the Ghost, then that explains why Biggs kept egging on the Devourer (which was stupid because why would the Devourer kill VADER if BIGGS was the one doing the egging). If he really is Ghost, that was the worst possible Ghost play I've EVER seen.

    Law, why did you reveal? I just...I couldn't understand. And then GAUNT giving everyone our night chat and decisions. NEITHER of you suggested you would do this last night and I was utterly floored and baffled. Honestly.

    Admittedly, if Beru wasn't modkilled we would have won the game today. But then again, we gained 3 townie kills and a suicide throughout the course of the game as well. With 2 KPN and a Devourer working for us we couldn't even gain majority. That, and the town utterly failed by not trying to find the Devourer as of day 4. They deserve to lose simply from that mistake, but you two couldn't have fumbled that day chat even further if you tried.

    We simply MUST shoot Leia tonight. Even if it's just for peace of mind so I can say she died. The Brotherhood won't shoot her.

    If the Brotherhood shoots one of us, they are completely stupid and nearly game-throwing if town gets the majority.

    We should probably shoot Tarkin as well as Leia to ensure we kill another townie. The Doctor (if there even is one) will think Leia is getting devoured tonight and will not waste a heal on her, nor Tarkin. In fact, the Doctor (if there is one) would heal Mkoll.

    Hopefully, the BoS shoots Jabba or Tebow, like I asked.

    If the town really does have a gunsmith (no evidence to support this yet since we've only seen the two guns Larkin gave to Leia get fired), then we're dead tonight. As in, we lose. Not even joking.

  7. ISO #7

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Quote Originally Posted by Klaus View Post
    Law, why did you reveal? I just...I couldn't understand. And then GAUNT giving everyone our night chat and decisions. NEITHER of you suggested you would do this last night and I was utterly floored and baffled. Honestly.
    It was a gambit that Gaunt and Roger ruined. While your plan with Paul had been a good one, Paul was dead, and we hadn't planned out what we would do if that happened (like I had suggested). The Brotherhood obviously was gunning for Wicket since they killed Paul, so I knew it was inevitable that he would be lynched if something wasn't done. We needed Wicket's KPN in order to win, and since I knew neither Gaunt nor Roger would realize the seriousness of the situation yet alone do anything about it and since you had stated you wouldn't be on until later during the day I had to do something.

    I was attempting to portray a citizen pretending he was mafia in order to draw out scum. I was hoping I would start getting voted in order to take the pressure off Wicket. After I got pressured enough I would have role claimed citizen, stated the people that voted me were likely Enclave trying to cause a mislynch, and that everyone voting Mkoll was obviously the rest of the scum. It didn't matter whether or not people believed me. If I got lynched after I flipped citizen it would have lent more legitimacy to my claim. Obviously it didn't work that way. People assumed I was a puppet (I should have seen that coming) and started voting Monica. That worked out beautifully though, since Roger was by far the least valuable scum player (other than the Brotherhood, but the chances of them being lynched were 0%). I would have eventually revealed that everything I had done was a gambit, but then Roger and eventually Gaunt started to talk to me like I was their teammate which obviously completely fucked everything I was trying to accomplish. I then tried to pretend that Roger had been holding the gunsmith gun, but he completely fucked that gambit as well when he told the town he didn't have it (don't say people would have assumed it was WIFOM by the way, any half-intelligent player would have realized that there was nothing for us to gain by lying about him not having the gun). After Roger fucked over that second gambit I just started insulting everyone that talked in order to try and get people to stack night kills on me, which I also think backfired because I will probably live through tonight. The icing on the cake though was when Gaunt basically revealed our entire night chat. I wanted to explain to him right then and there how fucking stupid he was but then people would start over-analyzing my decisions and would realize what I had been doing the entire day. I wanted people to look at my actions at surface level, which is about the only thing I think went right during the entire day.

    Anyways, who should I give a gun too? I don't think we should shoot Leia, simply because she may be healed. Rawne would be a great target (on the off chance that she actually is Brotherhood), and maybe Tebow. By the way, Vader is not ghost. There isn't room for any more neutrals, because Roger was legitimately witched (unless he's even derpier than I thought and PMed Luna a different target).

    Also, it is not a definite thing that we have lost it town has two guns. If the Brotherhood attacks town and the town hits you and Gaunt with both pistol shots it is still anyone's game.

  8. ISO #8

    Re: The Final Stretch

    If we were to give Wicket the gun, we should tell him that he can use it in conjunction with his execution. We could do that by leaving a death note on our kill saying:

    I almost wonder if there's too much. You can use both.
    If you think that is too obvious and would lead the town to lynch Wicket then we could just not say anything and hope he would figure it out on his own. I don't hold much faith in him though since he is jailing the fucking alleged gunsmith.

  9. ISO #9

    Re: The Final Stretch

    I'm thinking it might be best to give you the gun Klaus. Leia directed kills on to Wicket and Han, while Jabba said he would be shooting Gaunt (he doesn't WIFOM, unless he has been pretending to be inexperienced). No one has said they are going to shoot you. The only real threat is the Brotherhood, but if they do end up shooting us the game is over anyways.

  10. ISO #10

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Giving the gun to Klaus is best, either of us can kill without the gun but he needs to be the last one alive to kill if he doesn't have it.

    Sorry about what happened, after the whole hammering bullshit I thought it was blatently obvious I was enclave anyways so I was just like fuck it. Also pissed off that the gambit backfired, we would have this in the bag if beru didn't get freelynched, fucking asshole. My opinion on kills is Leia and Jabba or Mkoll but Klaus has the final verdict.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaunt View Post
    Giving the gun to Klaus is best, either of us can kill without the gun but he needs to be the last one alive to kill if he doesn't have it.

    Sorry about what happened, after the whole hammering bullshit I thought it was blatently obvious I was enclave anyways so I was just like fuck it. Also pissed off that the gambit backfired, we would have this in the bag if beru didn't get freelynched, fucking asshole. My opinion on kills is Leia and Jabba or Mkoll but Klaus has the final verdict.

    Roger was the one that fucked things up the most. If my gambit was a horse Roger was the one that beat it until it was nearly dead and you were the one that put a bullet in its head while it lay their dying.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Alright, I'll take the gun. Giving the gun to Wicket only really helps Wicket and not us. If we die, he's fucked anyway.

    If the Brotherhood shoots us tonight, I am going to facepalm so hard and give whoever decided to shoot us LVP. Because, really. Town has the majority right now and, if Vader really is Ghost and is siding with town, then its 9v5 or 8v6 for town right now.

    I think we should shoot Leia for sure. She is unlikely to be healed because I said I would devour her (even if they don't think I'm Devourer, which they don't, they might think I'm signalling to the Devourer to get her anyway). The Brotherhood won't risk a bullet on her if they think she's devoured. She's a safe target.

    Secondly, I think Tarkin is an easy kill. BoS won't shoot him when they could shoot Jabba or Mkoll (it's going to suck if they shoot at Mkoll though, since it will have no effect. Another reason he should've devoured Leia ), or Rawne. Brady is a safe target for them too.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: The Final Stretch

    I don't believe Luke is Godfather, btw, simply because it would just be cruel of Luna to give one mafia team a Kidnapper, Fabricator, AND an immune at night role when our roles were all pretty much blah.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: The Final Stretch

    I think Leia and Rawne should be our kill targets then. Do we all agree?

  15. ISO #15

    Re: The Final Stretch


  16. ISO #16

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Quote Originally Posted by Law View Post
    I think Leia and Rawne should be our kill targets then. Do we all agree?
    I'm glad my views on Tarkin are just overlooked completely. Mind at least telling me why?

  17. ISO #17

    Re: The Final Stretch

    =Klaus: Shoot Leia
    Gaunt: Shoot Rawne
    Law: Give gun to Klaus

  18. ISO #18

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Quote Originally Posted by Klaus View Post
    I'm glad my views on Tarkin are just overlooked completely. Mind at least telling me why?
    Well you said "or Rawne" right after you posted your thoughts on him so I assumed you were fine with killing either one. I am fine with either on dying at least. As you said both are unlikely to be protected or shot by Brotherhood. I just think Rawne has managed to slip under the radar a bit better.

  19. ISO #19

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Also, Tarkin already claimed spy, and I believe his claim. Killing Rawne gets rid of an unknown.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: The Final Stretch

    Quote Originally Posted by Law View Post
    Well you said "or Rawne" right after you posted your thoughts on him so I assumed you were fine with killing either one.
    Never mind, I misread what you posted. I would prefer to kill Rawne but if you feel strongly about killing Tarkin then do that. You are the one assigning the night actions.



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