M-FM Blazer's Experiment

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  1. ISO #1

    M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Theme: My own experiment >:3

    I have taken a handful of people to partake in an experiment of mine. Many different subjects will be tested under my supervision. The lab rats....errr I mean "patients" have all unwillingfully enrolled to undergo treatment from a new and exciting formula I have concocted! Sadly the experiment goes horribly wrong and the patients begin to mutate! Well...not sadly...it was all part of the plan, I'm not that fail ^^ All of the patients have been exposed to an experimental virus due to an accidental gas leak in my laboratory! I wonder if the formula is contagious.....I guess it is....well it's a shame all of the patients are locked up in the west wing of my laboratory with the Limiters! Oh the Limiters...they certainly will spice things up.

    Infecting someone means converting them.
    Devouring someone means that you will steal their night ability.

    Roles 20

    The Infected (Test Subjects)
    Alpha Infected
    Omega Infected

    The Survivors (Placebo Subjects)

    The Unaccounted-For Variables

    The Limiters

    Special Mechanics
    Omega will devour the person and obtain the corrupted version of their role.
    Physician & The Unaccounted-For Vairables are unable to be devoured. Will get a failed notification.
    Infecting will not take effect the night of being bitten. It will instead take effect the night AFTER.
    Target IS notified that they were bitten. (The night they were bitten)
    Physician can NOT detect the infection while someone is undergoing mutation.
    Doctor CAN prevent infection if the target is healed after being bitten (same night) or when they are suppose to mutate the night after.
    If the Doctor visits an infected person that is NOT the Alpha or the Omega, he will sanitize (kill) the infected person.
    If the Doctor visits the Omega, he will receive no feedback.
    Citizens share a night chat as well.
    An Infected Citizen will remain in night chat.
    When an Unaccounted-For Variable is infected, it will retain it's night ability.
    Limiters will NOT kill each other. When one Limiter visits another, they will gain a night chat. IMMUNE to infection.

    Role Mechanics

    Possible Roles
    Jailor, Physician, Vigilante, Bodyguard, Detective, Bus Driver, Lookout, Doctor, Enchantress, Citizen
    Jailor, Physician, Vigilante, Bodyguard, Detective, Bus Driver, Lookout, Doctor, Enchantress, Citizen
    Psycho, Loner, Cannibal, Executioner, Student
    Serial Killer, Arsonist, Electro Maniac, Spree Killer

    Role Options
    Alpha Infected: Infect (bite) 1 person each night.
    Omega Infected: Devour 1 person and corrupt their role. A corpse will NOT be left behind. (Subjects will be notified of the kill) Invulnerable at night. Will succeed Alpha Infected. Will drop any ability attained and be able to infect people. Will retain night invulnerability.
    Sadist: Manipulate 1 person each night. Target is notified of manipulation.
    Infected: Talk with other infected at night. Does NOT replace the Alpha Infected or Omega Infected.
    Physician (Sheriff): Detect to see if someone is infected or suspicious of being involved with the experiment.
    Doctor: Heal infections/attacks.
    Citizen: Have a night chat with other citizens.
    Jailor: Jail someone at night. Has 2 executions. Jailing provides immunity to killing, but not infection. May not jail after a lynch.
    Vigiliante: Has 4 shots. CAN shoot night 1.
    Bodyguard: Die in the place of your target and kill the attacker. Does NOT prevent infection.
    Detective: See who your target has visited every night.
    Bus Driver: Switch 2 people at night. Target is notified.
    Lookout: See who visited your target that night.
    Enchantress: Repel and Lure someone each night.
    Psycho: Visit someone each night. Has night invulnerability. Will eliminate 3 players if total number of players is 15+ will eliminate 2 if 14-. (Targets are NOT notified of being visited)
    Loner: Has 1 vest.
    Cannibal: Eat a corpse and steal it's role. Role IS revealed to town.
    Executioner: Target is always town. Has night immunity and immune to infection.
    Student: Picks mentor night 1. Will succeed the mentor if he dies. IMMUNE to devouring.
    Serial Killer: Kill 1 person each night. Pierces invulnerability.
    Arsonist: Douse 1 person each night or kill all previously doused. Target is notified of dousing. Ignition will ignite ALL doused players. Ignition pierces invulnerability but NOT healing.
    Explosives Expert (Electro Maniac): Charge 1 person each night. Charging does NOT pierce immunity OR healing. Healing will not negate a charge. Target is not notified of charge.
    Spree Killer: Visit 1 person each night. Kill everyone at the target's house. (Requires a 1 night cool down after a successful attack)

    Order Of Night Actions
    Detective (begins investigation)
    Lookout (stalks target)
    Role Blocking
    Bus Driver
    Serial Killer
    Explosives Expert
    Spree Killer
    Cannibal (Can not be tracked.)
    Ignition (Can not be tracked.)

    Win Conditions
    The Infected (Test Subjects): Infect a majority of the subjects participating in the experiment.
    The Survivors (Placebo Subjects): Kill the infected.
    The Limiters: Kill off the infection and all other participants in the experiment.
    Psycho: Get lynched.
    Loner: Survive.
    Cannibal: Survive/ take the win conditions of target.
    Executioner: Live to see your target lynched. Will become a Psycho if target is killed at night.
    Student: Live to see your mentor win, OR take up the mantle and achieve victory for your mentor.

    You must use the vote tags to have your vote counted. I will be going by the system generated by the site.
    Please do NOT edit your posts.
    PM me your night actions, last wills, and death notes at least an hour before the night/day cycle ends. If you do NOT meet this requirement I am under no obligation to include the action.
    You may post anything on the day chat (within reason).
    Voting will be done by a majority count.
    When a player is hammered, the day will end.
    Night chat: Under development.
    Days/Nights will last 24-48 hours. (Subject to change.)
    DO NOT post information from your night chat in the day chat.
    Omega Infected and Limiters can leave death notes.
    Last edited by Blazer; November 6th, 2012 at 11:30 AM. Reason: New Rules
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  2. ISO #2

  3. ISO #3

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by RookRanger View Post
    I am Alpha and Omega
    the beginning and the end.
    I will give unto him
    that is athirst of
    the fountain
    of water of life
    Revelations 2:16
    You must spread reputation before giving it to RR the bad ass again.
    Last edited by Blazer; July 13th, 2012 at 08:39 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  4. ISO #4

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

  7. ISO #7

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    so when you are infected would id be gamethrowing to announce it to get healed... what team would you be on at that point?
    Spoiler : FM History :
    S-FM: Dust's Cop Insanity-Sheriff-LoseMFMVIII-Consigliere-Win"Aspiring Newcomer"M-FMIX-Vigilante-Win S-FM MexianStandoffII-Bandit-Win-"MVPStopTheBomb!-Citizen-Win Army Men S-FM-Mason Leader-Lose WitchCrisis&Kybukakke-Citizen-[COLOR="#FF0000"]Lose[/COLOR

  8. ISO #8

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by SirBlayzalot View Post
    so when you are infected would id be gamethrowing to announce it to get healed... what team would you be on at that point?
    Nope. It would not. Of course I had thought of changing the rules to where you are unhealable the night you mutate. Still debating.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Cannibal sounds fun, but I have a feeling he will get lynched day 1 if his role is revealed to town.
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  11. ISO #11

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Duzero View Post
    Cannibal sounds fun, but I have a feeling he will get lynched day 1 if his role is revealed to town.
    How would they know who the cannibal is though?

    He can also get town roles. BTW

    And he eats dead corpses. So Night 1 there's nothing to eat.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  12. ISO #12

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    How would they know who the cannibal is though?

    He can also get town roles. BTW

    And he eats dead corpses. So Night 1 there's nothing to eat.
    You changed the info now, good. Previously it just said "role is revealed to town" so I misunderstood
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  13. ISO #13

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Duzero View Post
    You changed the info now, good. Previously it just said "role is revealed to town" so I misunderstood
    Lol yeah....I changed the name and forgot the settings so there was a clear misunderstanding
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  14. ISO #14

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by ajkei View Post
    But i dont understand how this gaem works
    Does devouring kill people?
    Are serial killer guy and cult leader guy on the same team?
    Will the account passwords be the role of the owner of the account again?
    lol, for blazer: https://strongpasswordgenerator.com/
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  17. ISO #17

  18. ISO #18

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    Lol stfu guys.

    Yes yes no
    Tough love <3
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  19. ISO #19

  20. ISO #20

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    Get the whip
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  21. ISO #21

  22. ISO #22

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatalis View Post
    Where have I heard this before..
    Your parent's bedroom?
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  23. ISO #23

  24. ISO #24

  25. ISO #25

  26. ISO #26

  27. ISO #27

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    *Generic Trolly Comment*
    Spoiler : FM History :
    S-FM: Dust's Cop Insanity-Sheriff-LoseMFMVIII-Consigliere-Win"Aspiring Newcomer"M-FMIX-Vigilante-Win S-FM MexianStandoffII-Bandit-Win-"MVPStopTheBomb!-Citizen-Win Army Men S-FM-Mason Leader-Lose WitchCrisis&Kybukakke-Citizen-[COLOR="#FF0000"]Lose[/COLOR

  28. ISO #28

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    Get the whip
    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    No trolling in my thread please. This is serious.
    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazer View Post
    I'm serious, get the whip...and the chains..

    Ok enough trolling now.
    Ok let's not troll anymore

    Spoiler : Goremansir <3 :
    Quote Originally Posted by Goremansir View Post
    In a fit of rage (who would insult his voice of an angel? (And by angel, we mean a drunk, fat, middle-aged cop)) ... Duzero stripped out of his uniform, leapt onto CmG and started eating his face. CmG started to protest...

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

  33. ISO #33

  34. ISO #34

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Please add a section for all the Q&A, so it's easy to look up (the use of non standard mechanics and wording will require all players to read the questions in order to play)

    Do ALL infected share a night chat or just the alpha and omega?

    Doctor: Prevent infection. If already infected, the physician will become infected.
    Physician or doctor becomes infected?

    Physician does not appear on the order of operations.

    Does an infected doctor become a corrupted doctor?

    If both a corrupted doctor and the alpha exist, does that give the cult 2 conversions per night? If 2 corrupted doctors and alpha... 3 conversions?

    Omega will devour the person and obtain the corrupted version of their role.
    Omega Infected: Devour 1 person and corrupt their role.
    The omega infected corruption is not clear to me. The target dies but he "receives a corrupted version of their role?" Please explain.

    Lookout and Detective don't see any visitations because everyone goes before them?

    Escort is completely unaffected by bus drives and witching?

    What's to stop everyone from banding against the physician for a joint victory?
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  35. ISO #35

  36. ISO #36

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    I think that with 3 starting cult members and 2 neutral killers, potentially having double conversions seems like a bit much.

    I'd recommend removing the corrupt doctor mechanic and allowing the Omega to replace the Alpha when Alpha dies (losing his corrupted ability in the process). This way you prevent the cult from being knocked out of the game too quickly and the same time you prevent them from getting a little too much power.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  37. ISO #37

  38. ISO #38

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Change Log:

    Set Unaccounted for Variables to 2 players.
    Set Placebo Subjects to 13 players.
    Reversed night immunity for Limiters.
    Added Limiter night chat mechanic.
    Added executioner and student to possible benigns.
    Made Omega succeed Alpha.
    Increased Vigilante's shots to 4. Confirmed the role.

    Current Ratio: 3 Cult 13 Town 2 Benign Neutrals 2 Killing Neutrals
    Quote Originally Posted by Kusco View Post
    Dirty fucking swiss neutral

  39. ISO #39

  40. ISO #40

  41. ISO #41

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Anyway.. Amnesia MFM is over, so: Approved.
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  42. ISO #42

  43. ISO #43

  44. ISO #44

    Re: M-FM Blazer's Experiment

    Cause you lost your changes. A picture says a thousand words!
    [FMVI: Angel FMVIII: Gunsmith FMIX: Peasant FMX: Blacksmith
    MFM-I: Serial Killer MFM-II: Citizen MFM-III: Detective MFM-IV: Godfather/Witch MFM-V: Emperor MFM-VI:Host
    SFM-I: Spy SFM-II: Bandit SFM-III: Host SFM-VI: Skeleton Knight
    Awards: MFM-IV MVP SFM-VI MVP]

  45. ISO #45

  46. ISO #46

  47. ISO #47

  48. ISO #48



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