Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

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  1. ISO #1

    Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    There have been requests for a compilation of the radio broadcasts from Day 0, so there is an easier way to read the Day 0 rp and the music.

    Good morning, America! This is DJ Roxy taking over from DJ K-Billy on Twisted Heart 102.6. That was The Partridge Family's "Doesn't Somebody Want to be Wanted?", followed by Edison Lighthouse's "Love Grows where my Rosemary Goes" as K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 70's weekend just keeps on... truckin'.

    I see most of our lovely town is still asleep. It is Friday the 13th, forecast for today is sunny skies and cool breezes, and taking inspiration from my colleague K-Billy here's another super sound that just never gets old.

    Last edited by Forum Mafia GM; June 23rd, 2012 at 04:21 PM.

  2. ISO #2

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    I hope you all enjoyed that. It is 8.34am and I will be with you guys alllll daaayyyyy llooooonnnnggggggg!

    In sports news, England win their group in the Euro 2012 with a win over the Ukraine while Sweden are the cause of a 2-0 upset against France. Tiger Woods continued his run of bad luck in the U.S. Open, and in the NFL we have just learnt that Percy Harvin has requested to be traded away from the Minnesota Vikings.

    More news later in the day. This is DJ Roxy, on Twisted Heart 102.6.

  3. ISO #3

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Roxy in the hizazz.

    Make way for our newsflash at the top of the hour, all the latest buzz brought to you only on Twisted Heart FM.

    In entertainment news, Jersey Shore star 'Snooki' hosted an online poll last night trying to determine what she should call her new son. 5% of voters opted for Lorenzo, 3% voted for Jionni Jr., and 92% of voters opted for I Really Don't Give A Shit.

    In local news, a new firm has taken up residence here in our delightful town. They say, and I quote, "We are excited to have started our new business here, and we will be sending out roles as the day progresses". Roxy has no idea what they're talking about, but game on!

    I also received a... bizarre message earlier, probably nothing, but it put me in the mood for some futuristic tunes. Set your lightbikes to stunning folks!

  4. ISO #4

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Twisted Heart 102.6 is proud to present their first


    Entering the competition is simple!

    You have 20 minutes to compose a poem. The poem can be about anything you want. The poem CAN'T CONTAIN any letters which appear in your name. It can be as long or as short as you want.

    I am the foxy Roxy and I will be judging which of the poems is my favourite!

    The prize? The winner will receive a role PM immediately!

    To enter, write your poem all in italics and in YELLOW. Only one submission per person. The game ends at 30 minutes past the hour!

  5. ISO #5

  6. ISO #6

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Here at 102.6, the Twist, we like creativity.

    There were some brave submissions. Larkin and Luke flew close to the sun, but both had to correct their submissions because their first entry broke the rules.

    There were also many other entries that forgot about the restrictions. Two of these were very good and should be published, it's a shame they're not eligible to win.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anon
    Why I am silent, silent about too long,
    what is obvious and in simulations
    was practiced, as at the end of survivor
    We are footnotes at best.

    It is alleged that on the first strike,
    of the subjugated by trolls
    organized and directed rejoicing
    could wipe out people of SC2 Mafia,
    because in the sphere of construction
    a bomb is suspected.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anon
    There once was a man named Lionel,
    And his tale is quite the comical.
    He put up a fight,
    But try as he might,
    His failure was quite astronomical.

  7. ISO #7

  8. ISO #8

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    We have a great show for you today, everyone! DJ Roxy, the fox that rox, is here to bring you more news and choons!

    On a serious note, three U.S. Marines were killed this morning by a roadside car bomb. Local militant leaders in Afghanistan have appealed to stop the fighting, but U.S. Military drone strikes in the region have soured the negotiations.

    One individual in our fair town has been seen running around in her underwear screaming something about aliens. Yes, Mrs. Parish is up to her tricks again, but you gotta admire her agility at 83 years old.

    We are now breaking live to our sister radio station in the next county for more news.

    Rox ouuutttt.

  9. ISO #9

  10. ISO #10

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Thanks for staying tuned to Twisted Heart, the only radio station that's had a restraining order taken out against it!

    There were some great responses to our giveaway music bonanza. We'll probably blast out some of those great tunes throughout the day, but now for our winning song.

    It was a difficult choice, but DJ Roxxy likes a bit of electronica once in a while. Time to put on your shades and just chill on a hill somewhere as we play our next track, Loud Pipes.

  11. ISO #11

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    DJ Roxy in the house, ready to Rox your sox!

    Guess what dudes, Twisted Heart just got exclusive coverage of the Eurovision song contest 2012! I know, pretty radical right? We'll be bringing you coverage of that event later in the day.

    In the meantime, more local news. The large firm that has moved into town has informed me that some VIP visitors will be arriving, and hopes our little town will make them very welcome. No worries there, the Twist will always be around to help the new kids in town!

    In more world news, the Russian President has apparently had to step down after allegations of corruption. This is after months of criticism surrounding his handling of the situation in Afghanistan. I think I can speak for the rest of the world when I say, I hope this doesn't affect their entry into the Eurovision song contest.

    This next song was submitted into our last contest and it's become quite a hit around the station, we hope you like it too.

  12. ISO #12

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Hey, the word on the street is that some cat called Andrew Ryan be recruitin' for some project. Don't know is these heebie-jeebies be connected to the new company in town, ya hear me dog?

    But if homie be workin' on a utopia, I can get behind that. This world's gone crayzee. Riots in Poland and the Ukraine, probably just some footie hooligans, 'nuff said but makes ya think eh?

    Everyone should just mind their manners. Rox out.

  13. ISO #13

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... the results are in!

    I have received a list from an anonymous source detailing the winners of our newest competition! A points system was in place and we can now reap the benefits.

    Beru 20
    Chewbacca 20
    Chandler 15
    Boba 13
    Larkin 5
    Monica 5
    Yoda 5
    Greedo -2
    Han -4
    Wedge -5
    Eddy -8
    Mkoll -20
    Bragg -25
    Steve -40

    As the results clearly show, Beru and Chewbacca are the winners! Since Beru has already won a competition, Chewbacca will be the recipient of his role card IMMEDIATELY!

    Twisted Heart FM is also saddened to hear the news that Steve is a pleb.

  14. ISO #14

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    DJ Roxy, playing tunes and giving you the news all day long.

    Twisted Heart 102.6 has forced me to interrupt the current music to bring you details of our new competition. I'd stick it to the man, but the man gives me my money!

    All of our listeners are eligible to enter. Phone/PM in and submit a single number - it can be as high or low as you want. Whoever submits the lowest number (minimum number: 1, must be a positive integer) wins! The catch? It has to be the lowest unique number. If someone else submits your number, you lose! You have 15 minutes, until the clock says 30 minutes past the hour.

    The winner of this contest will receive a pretty funky role pm. Speaking of funky things, here's Lisztomania - a particular favourite of mine.

  15. ISO #15

  16. ISO #16

  17. ISO #17

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    We have some breaking local news, folks, sorry to spoil the music!

    It appears a body has been found in a cabin near the lake. Police have not revealed the cause of death, but eye-witness reports say that the victim was a young teen girl. Twisted Heart does not know if the police have any suspects, but lock your doors at night kids.

    This is DJ Roxy, signing off for now. I leave you in the capable hands of my Twisted Heart 102.6 colleague, and hope this song will take your mind off of this grisly murder. You stay classy, now.

  18. ISO #18

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Hello again folks, Roxy is back! Time for another shift with the Foxx, fo' shizzle!

    But first, some sad news. Another girl was discovered dead near the lake, and police have officially opened an investigation on a serial killer I have just dubbed the 'Lakeside Butcher'. Progress on the case may be faster, but it seems the police department is also having to investigate rumours of disturbed graves and mysterious figures around the church yard. The vicar is apparently convinced he heard some kind of moaning at the time, could this be linked to the Lakeside Butcher or is something else afoot?

    In other news, your one and only DJ Roxy will be leaving Twisted Heart 102.6 at the end of the day. The new firm in town was impressed with my coverage and I received a job offer to go and broadcast for their in-house system! I'll miss all of you listeners out there but the gig sounds pretty sweet. The woman I spoke to on the phone did sound slightly off though, kept muttering something about... testing?

    The important thing is that, since this is my last day, I hope you'll all join me in one final partayyy!

  19. ISO #19

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Thankfully I will still be around to bring you exclusive coverage of the Eurovision song contest on my final day! What a wonderful way to celebrate the great times I've had with my Twisted Heart colleagues.

    In local news, the company in the hills has asked me to remind their employees that tomorrow is Bring Your Daughter To Work Day! I'm sure it will be a day for the young ones to remember.

    The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has authorized the British 23rd Air Battalion to cancel their involvement in the NATO exercises and immediately head over to St. George's Island, which sources tell us is in danger of a Communist takeover from local guerrillas. The British Foreign Secretary has made a press statement easing fears of military conflict, and confirming that the move was part of a planned goodwill visit. The government of East Yemen, who has reportedly been supporting the guerrillas, has refused to comment. The White House has inquired whether any more reinforcements of goodwill will be necessary.

    On a lighter note, a Lighthouse Keeper was thrilled this morning when the Atlantic Ocean was returned safely following a failed hostage negotiation. The fish that had taken up residence in his lighthouse have now returned to the sea.

  20. ISO #20

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Twisted Heart 102.6, your source of good news, good music and good times!

    DJ Roxy still on the air, bringing sunshine into your life and spinning those discs. My station owner has asked me to thank all of our listeners that have sent in questions - we hope to answer them as quickly as possible and clear up any issues you folks might be having.

    Wait... what? Oh my god, what the hell is that I hear?


    The rules are simple; I will pose a question to all of our listeners, and you must call in (PM) with your advice as if you were our resident Agony Aunt! The most helpful and comical piece of advice wins; you will receive a reputation point on your main account at the end of the game and your role will be given to you INSTANTLY!

    Submissions must be entered within the next hour - you have until 5.30pm GMT (work it out for yourself!)

  21. ISO #21

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    DJ Roxy is being told off by her manager, because she didn't ask a question. She has been temporarily demoted to Pleb status.

    The question is this:

    Dear Agony Aunt,

    My boyfriend likes scream Fus Ro Dah! when I climax in bed. I have attempted to fulfil his other needs but this particular fetish is starting to disturb the cats. What should I do?

    You have 1 hour (6.30pm GMT) to submit your answer! Call in, maybe?

  22. ISO #22

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    DJ Roxy here, about to cut live to Azerbaijan, where Russia is about to perform in the Eurovision song contest!

    Rumours of an unfolding coup d'etat in Russia after the power vacuum left behind by the previous President aside, I think we can learn a few things from these grannies. Life should be a party... a party for everybody!

    Another victim of the Lakeside Butcher has been found. It appears that large claw marks were discovered on the cabin wall near where she was killed, as if something had gouged them out by scraping something along the wall.

    We go to Azerbaijan in 3... 2... 1...

  23. ISO #23

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Ben has won our latest competition!

    We had some surprisingly disturbing entries. Ben's submission won because it offered some simply 'stellar' advice... until it got disturbing again at the end.

    Quote Originally Posted by Agony Aunt Ben
    Well missy, one thing you should try is to choose another theme to roleplay in. You could for example pretend to be Leia and Han Solo doing your workouts in a Star Destroyer. When your boy toy has to assume a different role then he can't be the Dragonborn at the same time. To bring him in the mood, it is advisable to change the scenery and pick a different location for your love nest. A good alternative is of course the bathtub. Assuming that your cats don't normally go into the bathroom this should immediately create some distance between yourself and your adorable little kitties.
    Quote Originally Posted by Agony Aunt Ben

    If all else fails, kill the cats and get yourself a dog instead.

    We skipped over some of the Eurovision songs - who knew they would be so terrible? - and we now cut live back to Azerbaijan, where Loreen from Sweden is about to take the stage!

  24. ISO #24

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    It seems my new employers are looking for volunteers to help them with some sort of scheme? Testing? This DJ doesn't know, just a shoutout for the big-wigs!

    It turns out those riots in Poland and the Ukraine weren't started by soccer fans, but provoked by some kind of extremists? Twisted Heart doesn't know the details, but we have heard that East Yemen have scheduled new military practices to be carried out on near their western border. Boy, those guys do like to train!

    Police have made no further progress on the Lakeside Butcher case, though they have now released a statement confirming that the disturbed graves and shuffling in the graveyard is nothing more than a rumour. Teams of government agents in Hazmat suits have arrived to confirm this rumour. One of them brought doughnuts to the station and re-assured me there was nothing to worry about!

    In honour of this rumour not being true, here's a song by Does It Offend You, Yeah?

    Nothing to worry about...

  25. ISO #25

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Argentine workers have landed upon the Falkland Islands at Port Stanley.

    The British Government have ordered their seventh fleet to set sale for the islands immediately, while Argentinian fighters seek to intercept the flotilla. Experts say that the Argentine breach of treaty may have been capitalizing on the British Air Regiment being deployed to St. George's Island, other experts say it may be down to pressure from the Spanish government after England refused to give Spain any points in the Eurovision song contest.

    In similar news, Loreen from Sweden has won the Eurovision song contest! Protesters in Russia believe this was down to the voting bloc between the Scandinavian countries. Norway and Denmark have responded with accusations against the voting bloc between the ex-USSR states. Violence flared up in Azerbaijan over this situation. Germany and Italy have attributed the outbreak of aggression to Azerbaijan and Israel, on the basis that they aren't European countries yet competed in the Eurovision song contest anyway. A tank regiment of the IDF has been mobilized in response.

    I don't know about you, folks, but sometimes I wish I could just fly away from all this nonsense. One caller apparently had the same idea, and has requested a song which I think you might just like.

    This is the Twist 102.6.

  26. ISO #26

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    Concerned listeners are wondering when my last shift finally ends.

    Today has been an emotional day for me, and I can confirm that in just a couple of hours time, I will be off the air.

    If you can't bear to be without your dear Foxy Roxy, don't worry, a reminder that I'll be close by! The facility up in the hills has agreed to take me on immediately, and if you want to hear me on their radio network you can volunteer for some kind of trials they're performing.

    But D-Rox will, indeed, only be here for a couple of hours taking your calls.

    The police have approached me and are asking that, if anyone has a possible lead on the Lakeside Butcher case, to please call it in to their hotline.

  27. ISO #27

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    >>>> Note: From this moment on, the FM Game Master account changed its avatar from the Aperture Science disc to the Protect and Survive logo - Protect and Survive was a very harrowing series of public information videos in Britain, and a rather inspiring anti-war film was created called 'When the Wind Blows' which takes a look at an old retired couple who follow the information in these videos, I recommend it. <<<<

    Ladies and Gentlemen...

    As of three minutes ago, the United States is officially at war.

    U.S. Forces have been scrambled to assist the United Kingdom, who have just entered into a conflict with Argentina.

    It has also been confirmed that various administrations in Eastern Europe have supported the communist coup d'etat in Russia. These regimes have also supported the Argentine effort, and in response Germany and France have both declared the intent to aid the British-American alliance.

    Confidential sources tell us that an elite commando unit comprised of both S.A.S. and Tier 1 operatives are behind enemy lines in the Ural Mountains, on a mission of vital importance.

    I have been instructed to play you a series of videos.

    Twisted Heart 102.6 has no further information for you at this time.

  28. ISO #28

  29. ISO #29

  30. ISO #30

  31. ISO #31

  32. ISO #32

    Re: Day 0 - Twisted Heart 102.6

    The following messages were supplied with the themed role cards.

    “This way, everybody! There are caves in the mountain we can hide in!”

    Roxy and the rest of the Twisted Heart crew were already off, sprinting for the shelter offered by the hills just East of the Town.Panicking, with armageddon closing in fast and the bombs already in the sky, you ran towards the mountain caves.

    You didn't pay much attention to your surroundings. Workers with hi-visibility jackets and clip-boards ferried groups of people to and fro in an organised fashion, and soon you found yourself with a group of other refugees fleeing through large steel doors into your new home.

    As the giant hatch rolled back into place, the sound of the sirens cut out abruptly. In the dank, dark underbelly of the cave you waited. Breathless, covered in grime, sweating profusely along with the other panicked mob, the reality of the situation began to sink in. Breathing heavily, the man next to you spoke.

    “God... is this really happening? Is this really the end of-”

    “Sshhh, what's that sound?”

    The slimy rock tunnel of the cave stretched on and curved. You could hear a noise further inside, and you crept forward to investigate. The tunnel began to open up and the rock surface soon gave way to cold metal. As you stepped onto an irongrille, you began to make out what the noise was.

    “... broadcasting from a secure room in the installation, folks. I don't have my normal records on me but I just found an album I think you're really going to love. This is DJ Roxy, formerly of Twisted Heart 102.6, signing off.”

    >>> Note: This video was set to autoplay and was hidden. <<<


    War. War never changes.

    It is the year 2021. You have been sheltering in one of several underground 'vaults'. Built by a company called 'Vault-Tec', you were spared the horrors of nuclear devastation when you fled underground... or were you?

    Your vault has been in radio contact with some of the other vaults in the region. Recently you replied to a transmission sent by a faction calling themselves the 'New California Republic'. All of the vaults in the region have agreed to ally themselves with the NCR for their protection. In return, the NCR have agreed to send a sizeable force of troops to garrison the Vault-Tec installation and escort the vault survivors to safety.

    The NCR then shared intelligence they received that possible spies were hidden in the vaults. Strike Forces sent by the Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel have infiltrated the community with orders to wipe out the survivors of the town, in a bid to secure the Vault-Tec installation for themselves.

    Armies of the NCR, Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel are on their way to claim the Vault-Tec installation. You must try to eradicate the traitors in your midst before they can wipe everyone out and pave the way for invasion.

    Radio contact with the other vaults was sabotaged last night. You must now survive the last few days underground with no contact with the outside world. Good luck.


    War. War never changes.

    It is the year 2021. You have been sheltering in one of several underground 'vaults'. Built by a company called 'Vault-Tec', you were spared the horrors of nuclear devastation when you fled underground... or were you?

    You are a member of the Enclave. You had a notion of what Vault-Tec were up to and were on a surveillance mission of the Vault-Tec facility when the attack came. Through use of a private radio you have been able to stay in contact with your comrades in the other vaults and, when the Enclave was formed by your colleagues in the wasteland, they wasted no time in contacting you.

    You have received word that an artifact of great significance is hidden within the Vault-Tec installation, inaccessible while the vaults remained closed. Due to limited resources and with no idea when the vaults would open, the Enclave could not maintain a standing force to guard the facility.

    Very recently an automated message was broadcast within the vaults. It announced the imminent opening of the vault doors. You relayed this information to your faction. In response, you were informed that you were being turned into a 'Strike Force'. Your mission; to wipe out the vault survivors and secure the installation, and await reinforcements.

    Unfortunately the New California Republic have contacted the vault survivors and informed them of your plans. The NCR are on their way to reinforce the facility, and you have heard that the Brotherhood of Steel have also mobilised a Strike Force to take the installation. You have managed to sabotage radio communications between the vaults to prevent the town from co-ordinating a counter-attack, but you now have to fight your way out of the vault and hope you can survive on the surface...

    Brotherhood of Steel:

    War. War never changes.

    It is the year 2021. You have been sheltering in one of several underground 'vaults'. Built by a company called 'Vault-Tec', you were spared the horrors of nuclear devastation when you fled underground... or were you?

    You are a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. You had a notion of what Vault-Tec were up to and were on a surveillance mission of the Vault-Tec facility when the attack came. Through use of a private radio you have been able to stay in contact with your comrades in the other vaults and, when the Brotherhood of Steel was formed by your colleagues in the wasteland, they wasted no time in contacting you.

    You have received word that an artifact of great significance is hidden within the Vault-Tec installation, inaccessible while the vaults remained closed. Due to limited resources and with no idea when the vaults would open, the Brotherhood of Steel could not maintain a standing force to guard the facility.

    Very recently an automated message was broadcast within the vaults. It announced the imminent opening of the vault doors. You relayed this information to your faction. In response, you were informed that you were being turned into a 'Strike Force'. Your mission; to wipe out the vault survivors and secure the installation, and await reinforcements.

    Unfortunately the New California Republic have contacted the vault survivors and informed them of your plans. The NCR are on their way to reinforce the facility, and you have heard that the Enclave have also mobilised a Strike Force to take the installation. You have managed to sabotage radio communications between the vaults to prevent the town from co-ordinating a counter-attack, but you now have to fight your way out of the vault and hope you can survive on the surface...

    Wastelanders (All Neutrals):

    War. War never changes.

    It is the year 2021. You have been sheltering in one of several underground 'vaults'. Built by a company called 'Vault-Tec', you were spared the horrors of nuclear devastation when you fled underground... or were you?

    Your vault has been in radio contact with some of the other vaults in the region. Recently you replied to a transmission sent by a faction calling themselves the 'New California Republic'. All of the vaults in the region have agreed to ally themselves with the NCR in return for their protection. In return, the NCR have agreed to send a sizeable force of troops to garrison the Vault-Tec installation and escort the vault survivors to safety.

    The NCR then shared intelligence they received that possible spies were hidden in the vaults. Strike Forces sent by the Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel have infiltrated the community with orders to wipe out the survivors of the town, in a bid to secure the Vault-Tec installation for themselves.

    Armies of the NCR, Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel are on their way to claim the Vault-Tec installation. You, however, don't really care.

    You have decided not to ally yourself with any particular faction, at least not yet. You have prepared yourself for a nomadic lifestyle, and in anticipation of the vault doors opening you have already pegged yourself as a 'Wastelander'. You have your own sinister motives that drive you.

    Radio contact with the other vaults was sabotaged last night. You must now survive the last few days underground with no contact with the outside world. Good luck.



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